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  1. Coucou Audrey! Contente de te voir ici aussi
  2. Lille is my town and first time I saw Mika was at Zenith in Lille in october 2007!!! so this show was very important for me I was there with Philippe and a lot od Mika-friends. The show was incredible here are my pics et after the gig
  3. Thanks a lot for the translation This story is revolting and makes me sad but I'm very touched by Mika's reaction, brave and full of humanity! Thanks to people like him, the mentalities evolve little by little
  4. Bonjour tout le monde Merci Muriel pour les infos Nous rentrons avec Philippe de nos vacances à Taormina et nous n'avons pas pu beaucoup nous connecter là-bas. Nous avons eu la chance d'assister au concert de Mika dans le magnifique théâtre antique j'ai posté nos photos dans le topic du concert mais en voici un petit aperçu je vois que vous êtes plusieurs à aller en Belgique vendredi Nous hésitons encore car ce n'est pas très loin de chez nous...
  5. We juste come back home (Philippe and I) after a wonderful holidays week in Taormina First, I want to say a big "thank you" to the italian fans for their very nice welcome!!! it was great to spend the day with you and the other fans!!! As we were a little far from the stage, our pics are not very good. As everybody say, the gig was magic, the acoustic of the beautiful theater is just magic!!! The set list was perfect (even if I would like to hear more new songs... )
  6. Thank you very much for all the pics, videos and reports!!!
  7. Thank you Eriko! can't wait to read the interview!
  8. It was really amazing!!! Mika was in a good mood, he made a lot of jokes and his voice was back!! Here are my pics
  9. from this tweet, Mika will be on the cover of the "Fémina" at the end of the week https://twitter.com/LagarderePub/status/603591492993687552
  10. Thank you Eva No payment card "So Music" for me. I'm gonna take my chances with Virgin Radio but I'm not optimistic...
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