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Everything posted by Greyceli

  1. both of mika's dvds our wedding photo (framed) three cameras my computer henna and a million other things
  2. here's one: I really hate it when people tell me that mika is gay . I talk about Mika a lot more than anything else and sometimes people get sick of it and just spit a "okay get over it he's a fag" at me. it really gets to me. Even though Mika has never admitted to being gay, he's never denied it either and that just makes him seem more suspicious. ill love him for ever no matter what he decides to tell us or what he doesn't. If he ever says he is gay, I'll still love and respect him just the same even though 90% of all my hopes and dreams would be crushed. anyway that's it, i hate the ignorance people have towards his sexuality : (
  3. his legs look just like his arms and they're so ****ing cute
  4. i've had a few minor obsessions in the past like waffles but my only real obsession until now has been Mika, obv.
  5. i've had a few minor obsessions in the past like waffles but my only real obsession until now has been Mika, obv.
  6. woowww i thought i was the only one! anyone else fro Miami?
  7. I didn't doubt Mika's new music for a second. I was a little scared before hearing the new songs because I was so used to and in love with his first album that I had no idea what to expect for these new songs. They blew me away, I still get goosebumps. Even after hearing them about 19 times each. I knew Mika wouldn't let us down
  8. GUYS!!!!!! follow this twitter for live info! http://twitter.com/NonoFmbm http://twitter.com/NonoFmbm http://twitter.com/NonoFmbm http://twitter.com/NonoFmbm
  9. lets take a flight to L.A today :'(

  10. Im in school with my eyes watering up because the show is only a day away and im in the other side of the country. to everyone that is going: PLEASE PLEASE take TONS of videos and pictures please!!! especially videos have fun. and tell mika greyceli penniman loves him more than anything. <3
  11. oh man really? i still loved him just as much back then. :)

  12. hey papi, since you're BFFs with Mika now you can convince him to play in your hometown MIAMI :)

  13. no i couldn't it was fathers day. i still haven't forgiven myself :(

    i live by doral too. like by costco

  14. Me neither! It kinda sucks because since he doesn't have many fans down here its pretty rare for him to come.. what area do you live in?

  15. hahah miami too!

  16. hahaha i looked up every ice cream shop in l.a. but i live in the complete opposite side of the states so i really don't know much about it. my week is ruined by the way
  17. no no i speak english, but what i said in french was that i dont speak french but i understand some
  18. je ne parle pas francais mais je comprende parce-que je parle espagnol parfait aide-moi s'il-tu plaît!
  19. what a coincidence! i had a dream last nighttt . well my dream was that he was playing a show in a band and he came around to sign some autographs and he finally came to me and i KISSED HIM ! in the lips i kissed mika on the lips, it was crazy another dream i had a while ago was that i was in a concert he was having and i was all the way at the front, evrything went great until it was over and he left backstage. i was crying uncontrollably and that's all i remmember. okay last dream (this was a really long time ago), mika came to my school to play a small show . all i remmember was freaking out when someone told me he was coming. i even felt the butterflies and tears in real life thanks for this thread
  20. i live way down south : )

  21. You don't have to read my whole story if you don't want to, but this was the day I met Joel Mchale. Hes my second favorite person, Mika is first of course . i cried like a baby Yesterday (jan 24 09) was the last day of the south beach comedy festival; Joel McHale was playing two shows that night. I could n' t get tickets because they were too expensive, soldout, ect. , so I (and Claudia) went down to Lincoln four hours earlier than his 8 o' clock function, hoping to meet Joel or something. I made huge posters yesterday, one reading: "WE LOVE YOU JOEL MCHALE" and the other one with The Soup logo painted on it. We went to the theater' s backstage entrance, which is ironically open to the public? and spoke to a nice man that didn’t even know who Joel McHale was or when he was coming, nobody knew. They suggested we wait outside until he comes so we waited right outside the backstage door. Event usually the owner lady of the Lincoln theater came out and very, very nicely told us we had no chance of seeing Joel just standing there . . She also said she didn’t think we'd get to meet him at all. At this point I start to (obviously) cry and she feels terribly sorry for me so bring s us some paper to write him letters and promises that she will make sure he gets them. I could barely write as I cry/ laugh / shake but we manage to get those written and also leave the giant WE LOVE YOU JOEL MCHALE poster for him to have. After I’ve lost about 64% of the hope I had of meeting him, we waited in Starbucks, which was right next to the theater and we could see anyone going in from the back doors, and walked around for hours until we got picked up. My mom could tell how sad I was > so she let us stay longer with my aunt and her boyfriend who lives down there. we went back to Lincoln for like the sixth hour and asked the man in the booth if there were any extra tickets for the show. He handed us two tickets without thinking it twice and one of us asks how much it costs and in a very loud whisper he said " Theeeey' re FREEE ". My stomach has now dropped to my feet and i can' t believe what just happened but the man took our tickets back, said he could n' t give those away, and told us to wait around or come back later. We got the 10: 30 tickets for free without asking any quest ions and just ran inside. We got the last two seats all the way at the top but I didn’t care AT ALL because I was so happy. The show went really well and Joel made jokes that nobody under stood because none of those fancy adult s watched the soup so none of them knew what he was talking about (except for me and any other person who went that actually knew who he was). Okay after the show and some intense mom- to- Claudia texts we went downstairs to see the shirt s they were selling. You had to buy a shirt to get it signed and I was first in line but didn’t have any money for a shirt so I just waited around real nervous for him to come. After a LONG time with my aunt outside waiting for us JOEL FINAL LY CAME. He is SO much taller in person than he seems! I can' t even cry of how surreal every thing is at this point. My hands were shaking and I was laughing for no reason. I stare d at him the entire time believing it was real and he wasn’t on TV. And then it was my turn to take a picture! The first thing I told him was that I've been waiting for him since 4p.m, it was 1 in the morning then, and he's like "Wow that' s a long time", I didn’t really hear but I took a picture and asked to hug him and he said "Yes that’s perfect I smell!" or BUT I hugged him because I just had to and I was laughing a lot and almost crying. My aunt sneaked in from the door where she was watching us and insisted that Claudia take a picture with him, too so we went back to him and waited a while for other people to finish. Finally, Claudia took a picture alone and then we both took one with him. Joel recognized me and said " didn’t we already take one? Yea? Okay come one another one”, he thanked us both and then it was over. I waited for Joel McHale for 9 hours and it was all one hundred percent worth it.
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