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Everything posted by Iridaceae

  1. Has anyone else got a problem with voting too? It doesn't count my votes if I click on the + thing.
  2. stressed, mainly because of school and very tired
  3. Thanks for posting! Lovely pics. Wish I could read Italian:(, I can understand some sentences though.
  4. Yeah! Here's an article about it: http://www.bbc.co.uk/6music/news/20090901_horrors_albarn.shtml.
  5. It's so amazing you've got the guts to go to the UK on your own. I'm sure you'll have an amazing time there (and if you're going to visit Mika gigs there's absolutely no doubt about that). Have a safe flight and I hope you'll keep us updated!
  6. The Gorillaz collaborated with The Horrors. Can't wait to hear it:wub2:
  7. Yeah, and with them we will be wiped out in no time too (not enough pollination, so not enough food production + growing human population). Anyway, to cheer us all up: lime pie! And for the ones who like sweet: pancakes
  8. I'm baaaack And I still have to wait 20 mins to vote again.
  9. Het is de latijnse/botanische naam voor Iris (mijn naam). Ik zit niet zo vaak op the dutch thread dus ik kan me wel voorstellen dat je dacht dat ik niet nederlands ben. Ik heb weer eens tussenuren dus ik dacht dat ik hier maar even kon gaan rondhangen ipv huiswerk maken:teehee:
  10. I'm voting too:wink2: But I've got to leave in 10 mins. We now need only 13 votes to pass frankdicopoulos.
  11. 20 more votes to go and he's up 1 place! http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter
  12. MIKA is in his second week on nr 26 with We Are Golden in the dutch top 50.
  13. Thank you very much!

  14. I'm from 30-08-1992 so I just turned 17
  15. Hi and welcome! Leuk dat je ook nederlands bent. Er zijn hier heel veel nederlanders, als je tijd hebt moet eens in the Dutch Thread kijken.
  16. I want him to pass Pete Wentz, can't stand the guy. We're at 5577 votes now.
  17. I think you're right! Anyway, I'm a bit late, but I love the song. And the very, very beautiful lyrics.
  18. I love the hair as well, I've always loved the 60's style. Her hairstyle is quite similar to the singer of ipso facto: click.
  19. I think Zero, but it's almost tied with Heads Will Roll.
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