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Everything posted by Sweetieval

  1. Hi ! Honnestly, I can not recognize Mika's voice at all in the first verse Even on a tunnel or in his bathroom ! Especially when he says "someone Else" or "myself", it sounds much more loader than Mika's usual voice ! Sorry to keep talking about that
  2. Salut Anaïs et bienvenue sur le MFC Perso je me suis inscrite sur ce site et sur le MWS avant mon 2ème concert de Mika pour rencontrer des fans car j'y allais seule et je suis très contente : j'ai fait de très belles rencontres !
  3. You're welcome I took me a long time but I'm at work in front of my computer and it is not so busy tonight...
  4. OK, let's try a translation... Forgive me for the mistakes... Voilà I hope you will understand everything !
  5. Salut ! Bienvenue à toi sur le MFC et donc on se rencontrera le 12, nous sommes en fosse. N'hésite pas à venir vers nous, tu verras, on est sympas les gens du nord (de la France) J'espère qu'on finira par trouver une date pour ce resto mais je vais rebosser à 80 % à partir du 1er octobre, ce sera encore plus difficile ! Nous on ne fait que le concert du 12, on adore Mika mais nos maris beaucoup moins Je pense prendre ma voiture... D'ailleurs mon homme m'a dit qu'il était super content d'échapper à Mika à New York le 15 Bienvenue à toi aussi sur le MFC. Un concert de Mika et tu es contaminée par la Mikaïne, c'est logique
  6. The little mellody at the beginning of the song reminds me "Toy boy" I like this one very much too, it is so relaxing And I recognize the "Bob Marley" style also (just a little bit)
  7. This first verse sounds really strange to me, maybe you're right but I don't find it is so "electronical"... ?
  8. Wow I love it And i have just discovered the demo version thanks to your links and I love it more :wub2: It's AWESOME !
  9. I like this song very much in french, it is so poetic Apart from the "météo cruelle" which sounds quite ridiculous in french I think Mika's beautiful voice is obvious in that french version because I think Ida's voice was better than Mika's on the duet... (after what I saw in the gigs in Compiègne and Liège), I have never heard the english version on a CD...
  10. I've been loving this song from the first listening but tell me, who is singing the first verse ? I'm pretty sure it is not Mika but I can't find any information in the booklet ?
  11. Hi Kanni ! Hope to see you again in Roubaix, we are going there with Macboll.


  12. OH thank you very much for those links I've listened to the official samplers on YT and I can say that I like the new songs I need to listen again to see which ones I prefer but I love 'TOOL' and 'Love you when I'm drunk' And I need to switch on my computer to listen to the italian songs, I can't ear them on my Ipad...
  13. Salut ! C'est bien calme par ici... mais contente de voir que des "anciennes" ont retrouvé la trace du MFC Je suis dégoutée, j'ai offert un voyage à New York à mon homme pour ses 40 ans : du 11 au 15 octobre :shocked: Donc, il nous sera impossible d'assister au concert car on doit être à l'aéroport à 21h00 ! Et nos billets ne sont pas modifiables, je suis verte Mais bon, je me rassure en me disant qu'on verra Mika à Roubaix et à Paris (heureusement !) Voilà, sinon tout va bien dans le nord de la France, nous avons passé de bonnes vacances et sommes en pleine forme pour la rentrée.... Ah oui, j'ai pré commandé le nouvel album, vivement le 17.09 ! BIZ
  14. :shocked::shocked:OMG I will be in NY from October 11th till 15th and I've got to be at the airport at 21:00 pm.... I can't amend my plane ticket.... I am sooooooo disappointed
  15. Enjoy yourselves people It is just a shame that the gig is quite near from home but I've got to go to a wedding again
  16. Hi BiaIchihara !

    Thanks for writing ! My brother's wedding was very good, we had a great time with great weather and good food... I have not regrets for having missed Mika's gig...

    For the next tour, I am going to Roubaix (1 hour driving from home) and to the first one in Paris...


    What about you ? Any gig maybe ?

  17. Wow, it looks like you had the night of your life Thanks for your nice report ! Glad that you could meet him, but as you wrote he's more handsome real life, was it your first gig ? When I saw him before is gig in Brighton, he wasn't shaved, he just looked "normal" without his make up, that was odd
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