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Everything posted by Emika

  1. Yeah part of it was for you. All but the Germany bit. Hope you recover from your fever and had a good friday night.

  2. I have a black dot in both of my eyes that is not supposed to be there. It is really noticable in my right eye, but not so noticable in my left eye.
  3. My employer has screwed up my money AGAIN! Seeing if I can borrow money off parents but will ask tomorrow. Don't want to be in trouble.
  4. Getting 18 out of 20 in a German vocab test of vocab I have never seen before because I was off school for a week with swine flu. Made me soooooo happy.
  5. I am really wary whether to buy 3 tickets to Hammersmith now because of all these problems. If I buy them, my Dad and sister have said they will let me have their points but there is no point if I will be called a cheater by the moderators.
  6. Thanks. I'm better now luckily. It wasn't too bad, just didn't eat properly for a week.

    Hope all is good in Germany.

  7. Well, I got diagnosed with swine flu this morning so I feel rubbish.

  8. You should do a daily blog. It will help others with their experiences being bullied. Don't worry is the best advice I can give. I was bullied really badly too. (Physical and Verbal abuse) Being scared was the worst thing because up until September when I started my A levels, I had no self confidence or anything. When I started my drama course, I was failing badly because I have adapted to not looking people in the eye and taking on a venomous attitude to everything, but now, I pass with flying colours because I spoke to a councillor about it and have shaken off that attitude. If you start a blog, it is like talking to the computer rather than a person which could help you greatly. I think it is a really good idea.
  9. I have actually thought of a good...ish idea! Buy tickets like usual, without the points, but if they have been brought through sandbag, they should have a little stamp or something on the ticket(s) and at the doors of the venue, to be given a strip of paper or card or something with the number(s) on it and voila, you get your points. That way people wont be buying tickets for the points because it's pointless.
  10. I agree with you here. When I first saw the magic numbers, I went completely crazy and brought a t-shirt for no reason. For people who don't have a lot of money to spend, it is really patronising that people who are mega rich have a better chance of getting the big prizes. At one point, I was 19th but now I can't really be bothered because i'm a student and know I wont win the big prizes so i'm 91st. With the tickets, I buy 2 because my Dad likes Mika too, so he comes with me, but we work together on the numbers to get as high as we can so I get his points too. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Like with Hammersmith coming up, my little sister is coming too, but she said I can have her numbers as well as mine and my Dads, so if they say i'm cheating, i'm not! I have proof that i'm not as bad as others because I have had 10,000 points through gigs (2 to Sadlers wells and 2 to Munich) and maybe 7,500 for Hammersmith if I can go.
  11. Blue eyes, i'm in love with your sig!
  12. thats so sweet! He's like alittle kid on acid!
  13. Getting the largest part in drama. Happy! Even though i'm a dude in it, but I don't care.
  14. Very tired and ill. Very bored of A-levels. Very annoyed with the wait until I next see Mika.
  15. Well, i'm not a big girl (size 6-8) but my Mum is a size 16 and a huge Mika fan so she can't get a female top, only a mens but she doesn't bother, so i'm totally with you on this case.
  16. I wish I lived anywhere but Ampthill. You wont know where it is and it's a long story so if you want to know, google it.
  17. If I can go to Hammersmith, I don't need any accomodation. Just turn up, gig, Maybe meet Mika then train home because I live about a 2 hour train journey away from London, so yeah. Plus side of living in Ampthill - close to Flitwick with a train station where my Mum picks me up.
  18. It is ridiculous that it only goes up to size 12-14! I'm a size 6-8 but I wanted to get my Mum the I see you top and she is size 16. I'm annoyed I can only get a top for me, not for my mum too.
  19. I use Visa Electron and that is not supposed to work for tickets (for people in the UK) but it does for me.
  20. Np. I'm fine thanks and how are you?

  21. Today, having a creative breakthrough on how i'll draw Lady Jane for the yearbook made me happy AND discovering what my parents are getting me for xmas because they wanted to know what I want. (Getting the newest digital camera, new expensive horse and the iPhone as far as I know of)
  22. Hello.

    Can I just ask if you have seen that I have signed up for art and poetry?

    Just making sure because if you haven't, you know now and I spent hours doing my art so far.

  23. Waiting to get paid! The second my wages go into my bank account I WILL buy tickets. Unfortunately, I get paid on Friday (6th November) so I must wait and hope all the tickets wont be sold.
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