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Everything posted by DerMoment1608

  1. I share your thoughts in a lot of points, Nina Can I ask what the name of your favorite local singer is?
  2. Si :D E mi piace ricevere una risposta in italiano :original: Dormi bene anche tu :huglove:

  3. I saw your editing after posting my answer. Now it's even more clear ;) Rest well after you long day :)

  4. Thanks for explaining I just thought I didn't see something because of two posts regarding the tweet (I don't like the pompous word choice they are using, either, by the way )
  5. What is the problem with the tweet? And I mean this as a real question, not in a "defend Mika" way. What is wrong with doing a spot for the inscribing campaign and sharing it on his twitter if you are a judge?
  6. Hello Emeline Welcome at MFC, have fun here
  7. I think he just shared the spot together with some official text. It seems to be copied text of the inscribing campaign the shared video is part of, the tweets and texts are all like that.
  8. Ha, a singer I know This article doesn't seem to be very reliable. But if it's true I would welcome Nina Zilli instead of Simona and Morgan again
  9. So still hope for the Real Radio interview Thanks for posting, Deb
  10. If you still need it, here is the performance: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ztndto Password for unzipping is "Underwater".
  11. It was in the Metronews interview: C’est-à-dire ? C'est une sorte d'anarchie joyeuse. J'aime l'idée d'être un enfant terrible. En fait j'adore l'absurde, j'en vois partout, dans la vie de tous les jours. A ce titre je suis obsédé par l'écrivain Dario Fo. Pour moi, c'est un héros. Je le vois la semaine prochaine pour travailler sur quelque chose. Je ne peux rien dire pour l'instant... Cet homme, c'est "l'archétype" de l'enfant terrible. Engagé, mais super drôle en même temps.
  12. I thought it for the first seconds, too But he wore something in more light colours (and a hat?) there. Edit: Ah, Maggie already posted it
  13. Thanks Marta Shame Elio is out. And I have read that Morgan said he doesn't want to do it again. I hope he changes his mind last minute like last year. I liked him as judge/coach last season and I think Michele would not have won without him. Probably the two judges I rather wanted to see again will be out and the one judge I could live without will be there again For Marco: I fairly like him as a singer, but I didn't thought he would be a good judge, he didn't seem to be able to express his thoughts well.
  14. I think here is where our perceptions differ. I don't think he is doing his judge work only/mainly because he wants to maintain his living standard. I don't have the feeling he is doing something he doesn't want to do just to get money. There are so many reasons imho, like the ones Marta mentioned, with earning a nice pile of cash while doing it one of them (and of course no unwelcome one ). But who knows, we aren't in his head.
  15. I think nobody has anything against the interview itself. I'm just worried that a real interview he agreed with was merged with photos and informations he didn't agree with, like Alireine wrote. If that won't be the case in the magazine, than everything is okay. (And what I tried to say when I said it seems like other interviews, was only that it seems he didn't reveal much more in the parts that were quotes than in other interviews, not that they copied)
  16. Thanks for your impressions, Alireine and Camille How was the mixing of EMD in the hall, seemed like something was wrong with it in the recording.
  17. It was much more complicated than with TV because of Sky being a pay TV channel. At the beginning the show was broadcast on Cielo (a free channel) as well, and we had free clips on the sky site we could watch while posting them here because the country restrictions didn't work that way. But when the live shows began it was only broadcast on the Sky channel and the clips on the website where protected for Sky users. We found a site that uploaded the show, mostly 2 days later, but it wasn't as easy as with TV. **** Does somebody know when we'll get to know the other judges?
  18. Rose, I totally understand you point and these are the sites I don't like about him doing these shows. On the other hand there are other sites why I'm okay with him doing it. Marta has written them very nicely in the Italian thread. I hope it's okay if I quote something Italian in the international section now. And in the end it was his free decision to do these shows, nobody forced him to do so. When he put everything together he decided he wants to do it. And respecting his decision for me is above everything, what he wants to do is more important for me than what I want him to do. And he seems to like doing it, I don't get the impression he does something he don't want to do while watching him there. Mika goes his path in life and I go my path in life. And if our paths have a lot of points of contact, than it's great. And his music, his concerts and how he is as a person have points of contact so strong, nobody else does even come near to it (aside from a band some years ago). And yes, even doing these shows has some points of contact for me, I like his reactions and opinions he gives there and how he works with the contestants, and I'm glad to see he remains Mika there (before everything started I was very worried about that). (And on a personal level which concerns only me are also some positive points of XF which have nothing to do with Mika himself, like discovering the Italian language and one of the contestants, Michele). Although the strongest points of contact are of course his songs and him singing life. But as long as I see I will get that as well, even if I have to wait for it, and I see him working on his album for example and I know it will be there one day, I don't think our paths will divide too much. Putting everything together, the positive sites I get from him are still much much much more than the sites I don't like and even the judge work is a grey thing for me, not a black one. There are much worse things he could have decided to do. And even if our paths would separate one day I would be okay with it, I would never want him to go a path which I would like more if it's not the path he decided to be the one he wants to go. Furthermore, even if he wouldn't have done these shows it's not said we really would have gotten an earlier album or a tour around the world. Or him getting more popular again. If you compare to the full glass you also have to compare with the empty glass. We know that he had problems before he made his decision in Nepal. Who knows where he would have been without these shows... And I thinks it's better seeing him being able to do what he wants to do because of France and Italy than not having anything at all. Yes, maybe he should have started from the scratch again. Maybe that would have worked out. But we don't know it. Could have, could have not. And he did choose to take this way. I really hope my thoughts came across the right way. As these points have been misunderstood sometimes in earlier discussions I clearly write it out here: I don't want to imply that anybody who is personally disappointed doesn't respect his decision or don't want to see him happy or that anybody should stop being fan because he doesn't like his decision. And this is of course only how I feel about it, doesn't mean I think others should feel like it.
  19. They only write that he granted the interview, and so far it doesn't seem to be more answers than in other interviews like Vanity Fair, but there isn't a statement that he granted paparazzi fotos. It's a difference talking about his bf in general or giving names and/or revealing pictures about the person. If he would wanted to reveal it with photos in this interview I don't think he would choose one where he is coughing and with Mrs. P in the background or one just walking looking grumpy. Well, now it's to late anyway. But I won't feel comfortable with these photos if we won't get to know he was okay with them.
  20. I think this interview is no accident, but the pics. If he would have wanted to disclose his BF officially there would have been other pics. And the name itself isn't quoted by him, its only in the text. At the moment it seems more like someone put 1 and 1 together. Someday something like that had to happen, especially now as he is more known and therefore recognized. They can't meet only in closed rooms. But that doesn't make it right, he clearly said that he doesn't wanted his BF "in the public eye". And that should be respected by paps as long as he doesn't reveal his BF on his/their own terms. At least in an ideal world, we know that paps don't give a damn about it. And I know that I'm hypocritical in writing this, I've seen the pics, too. Personally I think he shouldn't have made such a secret and that it made their life harder than easier. But it's their life and their relationship and therefore their decision.
  21. Thank you very much for the translation and especially for the explanations, Marta So the Street Clerks are the studio band there now?
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