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Everything posted by bopsterjazz

  1. What's up with Will and Grace? I don't get drum and bass. The future freaks me out I'm on fire and now I think I'm ready to bust a move Check it out I'm rockin steady to the beat in my head it goes Oh Oh Oh Oh I know that she's the only one I'd rather waste our time together cuz we can get down!
  2. My friend--I'm crossplaying!!!! apparently yesterday was summerween which means you dress up like an anime character and she always dresses up like a guy.
  3. haha we're trying to make it longer but it's kind of failing.
  4. aww! that's so sweet! ykyamfw you finish a test and you flip it over to a blank page and start working on a mikachu. (it failed, I can't even draw a pikachu, how am I supossed to draw a Mika themed one?)
  5. Yep, I haven't even heard it in the commercial....though I might not be paying enough attention...I don't even remember seeing a commercial...is there even a movie? *runs away to find out* Ok yes there is but, neither are getting that much attention.
  6. Oh would you tell me that you're alright Yes everything is alright Why won't you tell me that you're alright Yes everything is alright I'm sick of the things I do when I'm nervous Like cleaning the oven or checking my tires Or counting the number of tiles in the ceiling HEAD FOR THE HILLS THE KITCHEN'S ON FIRE! I used to rely on tough medication, I guess I still do that from time to time but I'm getting better at fighting the future Some day you'll be fine Yes I feel just fine.
  7. My friend: I'm not lookin up Mika until you look up Kerli!! A week later, they still haven't looked him up and I looked up Kerli a while ago. I just can't wait till they understand what I say when I go: Love love him! They are all: You already said love, you don't have to say it again.
  8. Sing songy. I woke up singing the lyrics to a song I haven't heard in a year, and I've only heard it once.
  9. My friends waving their arms while twisting one hand: We're Mermaids! Later... Me: Billie Jean is not my lover Sean: She's just a girl who can't read my poker face Kiera: Mumumuma!
  10. YKYAMFW your teacher gives you an assignment to write about anything you want and all you're thinkin' is "MIKA!" and your friends shake their heads saying, "Fangirl..."
  11. Super-de-duper! I have no homework for the next month in my AP English class and get to a multi-genre about Mika!!
  12. the left side wants a summer home, but knows we can't afford it.
  13. I feel like screaming at the clouds to stop snowing! It's almost May, it's not supposed to be snowing. It's not even real snow, it's like styrofoam balls! I should be wearing shorts for crying out loud! Plus I'm in love with the word failsauce, and yes, it would taste amazing on a burger.
  14. Yeah, you never know who you're giving your pin number to.
  15. That's smart! I impulse buy too much but I always make sure I've got the money, just in case. You're thinking is awesome!
  16. tired and forgetful. I forgot to study my lines, I just hope they do cast B!
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