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Everything posted by petra_ale

  1. I SO want this And I read somewhere yesterday evening that it's going to be sold with the German version of Rolling Stone, along with an interview with him... I have no idea what is it that he wants to do by choosing to release his cd this way EDIT: this is where I found out http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/17386/122641 actually there are more newspapers, not just Rolling Stone... but still, it's so very limited...
  2. I have just watched it and had the feeling that the tribute was really heartfelt. I almost cried with him when Man In The Mirror started... nobody can deny the way this man changed the world through his music. And also, though it's a bit off-topic, I wish people would stop teasing Chris Brown for beating Rihanna... it's been a year and a half since this happened and it's really no big deal considering how many people beat each other everyday without the whole world finding out about it
  3. The sun is up and though the temperatures show a kinda chilly weather I feel as if I'm melting in t-shirt and shorts... And a guy I know by sight has just added me on yahoo and I have no idea where he took my address from
  4. Omg, I don't know if I remember ever reading reports longer than THESE! will cook myself some food and have a glass of water and just sit here and read everything I love that you guys put so much detail into it and the excitement is really contagious I'm so happy for you all!!
  5. I guess you were all something like this, right? (when in the queue, as you said) Sounds awesome I'm glad you all had a good time! At least the gig turned out good if not the football game
  6. Fetele, scuze ca n-am prea putut fi in zona zilele astea... mi s-au tot dat chestii de facut pe acasa si ieri am fost plecata toata ziua... now I'm here to stay (sper ) In privinta ideilor de mesaje pt banner, nu stiu... toate sunt asa faine Dupa parerea mea merge bine cel cu Golden Albert, dar si asta ultimul care a fost propus (We are not what you think we are, we are MFC) Parca imi place mai mult primul dar avem timp sa ne hotaram On another note, am vazut in sfarsit de cateva ori a 2a reclama cap-coada si mi-am dat seama ca felul in care au taiat melodia ca sa mearga cu reclama a fost one big epic failure voi ati observat ce discontinua e acolo in reclama? am zis ca nici nu ma mai uit
  7. Just found out Prince got a Lifetime Achievement Award at the BET Awards last night! Veteran funk-rocker Prince was given a lifetime achievement award at the show, which was hosted by comedian, actress and rapper Queen Latifah. Prince watched in the audience as Stevie Wonder paid tribute in a video, and onstage Janelle Monae gave an energetic rendition of his "Let's Go Crazy" while disco diva Patti Labelle pumped out a rousing "Purple Rain." Wearing white trousers and turtleneck, Prince took the stage, thanked the crowd and said, "I do believe the future is in good hands, I've seen so much talent here tonight. "I was pretty wild in my younger days and you don't have to do what I do," he said, with a smile. "You don't have to make any of the mistakes that I made. The future is in your hands." I'm so happy, he really deserved it
  8. Love it how people stood up to follow the gig on Twitter and I went to sleep... but I'm way up at hours like this when I think everyone on this planet is sleeping Seems like people were on fire! can't wait to hear straight from them how it was!
  9. Si eu cred ca imi iau de acolo, dar asta pt ca nu am vazut sa se vanda aici o sa mai caut totusi... ah si btw, afisul concertului n-a ajuns aici, tocmai am fost intr-un minitur al orasului dar ar trebui sa apara soon
  10. a, eu ma refeream la omologat in sensul ca sa fie acceptat
  11. Subsemnata, detinatoare a bannerului oficial (care momentan numai a banner nu arata), va omologa mesajul daca toti participantii se vor dovedi de acord cu acesta. (ma simt de parca Stefan cel Mare pazeste tot ce scriu )
  12. Holy crap! But I was still not getting enough of the first one... those dogs are adorable, and the guy too Oh well commercial hunting again today must see it... Yeah enough off topic already, sorry
  13. I didn't know, well... MFC is quite big And where's the flag right now?
  14. Wow ce a inflorit threadul I have one more idea regarding the banner, what if we keep a certain place on it for us to sign ourselves and maybe get Mika&Co. to sign it somehow as well?
  15. Pai, let MFC have its own Romanian banner then! macar avem o idee in privinta culorilor pe care le vom folosi...
  16. Pleci fix in aceeasi perioada in care pleaca o colega de-a mea doar ca ea merge la mare Pai ma gandeam sa-l facem la mare... atata doar ca nu stiu daca sa punem MFC in banner, pt ca noi o sa fim in minoritate fata de multi altii care vin si poate nu-s logati aici. Sau sa facem unul doar pentru noi? I have nooo idea...
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjB8bewD1V8 this I haven't watched it in a while...
  18. When I get older, I will be stronger... and then I only remember the melody It's that official World Cup song, Wavin' Flag by K'naan
  19. So, dudettes, there's one more month left and the boy's coming to us... Are we going to do anything special for this gig or not? I saw that Bianca withdrew from the banner thingy and Vanessa said she will be busy with other things too... BUT if we have something in sight, we should start brainstorming and move fast 'cause time flies. Personally, as it's Mika's first visit here in Romania and this doesn't happen quite every day, I think we should do at least the banner and I'll be glad to help with about anything to do it (at the moment I can tell you I have a piece of white linen which is 200/80 cm, I'm not quite sure if this size is okay). Then, after the concert someone could take it home and we can use it again at another concert (yes, maybe I'm optimistic, but I don't think this will be his last visit here, it's the first just now ) or well, if he really doesn't come back, it will be a great souvenir Now the thing is, I have no idea what we could write on it, nor do I know if we should mention MFC in it because I reckon that there are many fans in our country (and not only) who are coming but aren't registered here. So, if you want a banner, try and come with some ideas of how you want it to be and let's do it together.
  20. I feel like a compilation of these: (particularly the banana looks like me the most right now)
  21. him and Lena? wow, odd I didn't like the way he sang Fairytale in the Eurovision opening but I still listen to Fairytales casually... on Wikipedia it's also written that he released a new album on June 14th, which he obviously didn't but I'm waiting for it! It's called "No Boundaries" according to Wiki
  22. Pretty down... Aerosmith are doing Bucharest today and I've been listening to them like... all my life, and... would've LOVED to go, but my town is just not that well placed and all the important gigs are always hundreds of kms away... I will already do a 15-hour course by train to see Mika this July
  23. sa stii ca 1Music da in ultima vreme foarte des Kick Ass! (si la VH1 tot KA circula acum) ultima data am vazut chiar ieri... la fel si cu reclama, cel putin eu o prind in prostie in schimb n-am mai vazut niciunul din celelalte clipuri ale lui demult... si o sa le trimit cei de la EuropaFM o sugestie soon... pt ca devin deja plictisitori cu tot cu Happy Ending-ul lor dat dimineata la 7 sau la 12 N-am auzit dar o sa merg sa vad
  24. I am so speechless seeing all the videos and what you Korean guys did for this concert, the Happy Ending video is in my bookmarks now and it just makes me feel so good when I watch it! Mika's reaction is just... Fantastic, this is the word!
  25. dar ai vazut si partea a 2a a reclamei? am ramas dumbstruck (a 2a oara) cand am vazut ca are si o continuare sa nu mai zic ce m-am entuziasmat cand am vazut ca se umfla literele alea din "minute"... pt o clipa am crezut ca o sa se umfle in "mika" si aseara la 1 eu inca ma plimbam intre posturi, s-au terminat si meciurile si dadeam sa inchid televizorul cand PUF, BIOTG pe MTV e bine de stiut ca Mika este bagat la televizor in special noaptea
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