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Mariana F.

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Everything posted by Mariana F.

  1. awwwww Melachi!!! mi face was like . she was so little in the first photo :fangurl:.. Now waiting for videos reports and more pics
  2. but take your time for the report..., every detail please:blush-anim-cl:
  3. hola! recien lei tu sig... Mika uso el brazalete que vos le diste! suertuda :fangurl:

  4. hi girls! I was off this last week because the holidays and when I'm back I saw Mika tweeted but what's about this new house??? when did he said that, where? in an interview? please someone can give me the link
  5. :thumb_yello:I don't think he kiss her because I re-played and re-played the video
  6. Hi girls here you can vote for Mika too http://www.mtvla.com/listas/votable/mejor-world-stage-2010/
  7. Hi nice to meet you? how are you?

  8. jaja gracias :D hay veces qe quisiera tener mas anhos..... ok te aviso si necesito una opinion, un consejo, una ayuda, o algo :) gracias :)

  9. hola :D bienvenida al MFC sos de Argentina? estamos cerca entonces yo soy de Paraguay

  10. awww!! so sweet! thanks for think about MFC
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