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Everything posted by RayaBadran

  1. I actually disagree When an artist shows different type of music they can do, it shows variety. Having the same style over and over gets him boring. Not to you and me because we like that type. But the music industry, and the audience in general. Even in this album, it is very Mika. It's actually almost wrong to say what is Mika"ish" or not... My point of view
  2. woa... My favorites at the moment are Stardust and Underwater. Like... ONE AND A HALF WEEK LEFT!
  3. Look what I found in front of my gym... I already did a translation for the whole thing and I don't have a scanner to scan this off , but but I thought it would be cool to you to see how it looks like... Whoever is Canadian, I guess that it's available It's a very popular gay magazine called "Fugues" so whatever gay market or random place, it's may be sold or given for free depending on where you get it.
  4. Welcome to MFC, hope you have a blast
  5. Damn, I deleted my post without knowing , and yes, I often try to call there to get approval about my family, I spoke to 'em on Sunday and I always get some news of them, thank you dearest xxx
  6. MIKA I LOVE YOU!!!! I'm always thinking about my family too that's half lebanese and syrian, and the fact that he cares about it touches me so much. I WANT HIM TO GO SINCE FOREVER! I wish I could tell Mika how much I support him as I live the same thing.
  7. Fell in love with this one. Literally!!!! I love Step with Me too! Got me way too excited for that album
  8. He tells us... Knowing him by his music He's here, in his t-shirt, light pants, his hair a little shaggy. He looks like every young person of his age. Although, he reminds us that he can stroll the streets and no one will recognize him, even in the cities where he gave concerts, even crossing his fans. He's astonished. He has fun. That's why he needs the stage. Not a calm child, neither a terrible child, Mika hadn't lived his childhood on the edge, but ON the edge. This edge that is cultivating today in his music, in his texts, in his interpretations. He claims his innocence that, according to him, has no age, but a lucid innocence "with a devilish wink" like he's pleased to say. Your french is excellent. Is this the result of your studies at the Lycée Français (french school) of London? Not at all. Before arriving in London, my family lived in Paris for 8 years and that's where I learnt french. I almost lost it at the Lycée Français. Nobody noticed that I was dyslexic. The teachers were totally intolerant. My mom got me out of school after only several months. And as I loved music, I took courses there but here too, I realized that I will never be a professional classical musician. It's the same thing later when I entered the Royal College of Music. I realized quickly that I will never be a big classical singer. But in parallel, I worked on my own compositions. My friends from the Royal College of Music knew about it, but not the teachers (laugh), they would have kicked my out. And then, when I recorded my first CD with my first contract in a record label, I went meeting my teachers to tell them. They weren't surprised. They knew that the academic background wasn't my thing . If your music is influenced by contemporary music, you bring yourself a personal note? If the music, the lyrics, everything actually is not marked by my footprints, I think it's bad. Not necessarily bad, but a little wrong, or even rubbish sometimes (laughs). I can only create when it's from my own universe. If not, my piano plays wrong. It's weird, the melodies and the words almost come together. With music, it's the same. I can't explain it otherwise. We often tell you that your universe is childish, do you have fun? Yes, of course I have fun, but I think my universe is a mix of innocence and absurdity. If we pay attention to what I say, it's not that much innocent. There are actually several levels of interpretations in my songs that reaches too alot of teenagers, adults, or people that are fifty years old and over... Do you need the stage? I have a strange relationship with the stage. I absolutely need it, that's sure. That's a contact with the tremendous crowd. But when I get out, nobody recognizes me. I remember once, after I gave the show where I took a drink, in a cafe near the stadium. There was some people that have just seen the show, and that were talking about it. But nobody recognized me! (laughs) It's good, but at the same time it's weird. It's like when I'm in the kitchen and I find myself washing the dishes. Then I stop and I tell myself, an hour ago, I was on stage Bercy in front of 32 thousand spectators. It's rue that my physicality can not be expressed on stage, or when I'm home alone (Laughs). And since I don't make the tabloids nobody recognizes me out of the stage. But beware, it's not difficult to live like that (laughs) but it's just weird. And your coming-out, wasn't one, because everyone doubted about it? I hate the term "coming-out of the closet", it's a negative sentence to me. That means that you're afraid, that you need courage. But you have to listen to my songs to know it. I spoke about a love story between two men. It's not about a question "say it, or don't say it" it's simply an evolution. But the more confident you are, the more comfortable you are and the more you have joy in your life. I never pretended this, and this evolution has led me to say it out naturally. But this is just an extension of myself. And I don't think that it will change something for my public. But at the same time, you can only be worried about what is happening in other countries where homosexuality is banned for religious reasons. But when you have confidence in yourself, you must do it in your own terms, with love and joy. A TV interview is ahead. The creator of Big Girls (You Are Beautiful), Relax, Take it Easy swapped the T-shirt for a shirt just as naturally as he answered the questions. Simplicity, no superstar effects, just a guy who wants to continue to explore the universe and its dualities, as he calls them, as he wants to be recognized and be anonymous at the same time, like working and having fun, to celebrate like the title of one of the songs from his latest album: The Origin of Love. Anyone who has tried everything when he was a teenager before taking off, does not match to his single in French "Elle Me Dit" where a mother asks her son: Why are you wasting your life? There you go, the interview was tough to read too, because there wasn't even structured sentences in FRENCH! hahaha
  9. Thank you for the interview!! Very interesting, I love how he explains the whole concept of the album and his concerts! However... If someone counts the number of times Mika says "quite" in this interview, I give him a popsicle. Looking forward to it
  10. Thanks for the link... I'm definitly with you Marilyn: PLEASE PUT CELEBRATE ON instead of this thing!
  11. Pleasure :aah:

    Edit: It's my pleasure****

  12. Heyaa, I was part of that crazy thang too ! Hope to see you soon in Montreal!
  13. I love it! The "Mika" above his head written with the golden thing is so whoaa!
  14. Yes! Is it on Itunes yet? When is it supposed to be released on Itunes? And... I hope this is not the actual cover of the album . Aww no concert performances Thanks for the update though
  15. I used to find Anne-Marie Withenshaw so annoying but I guess she seems cool, thank you for posting, great interview!
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