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Everything posted by flyingkites

  1. Agreed. I think some people may even find their sexual orientation as the most important factor when it comes to their identity and views on themselves. I don't think there's anything wrong with that either nor is it a lesser part of one's identity than nationality, for example.
  2. I think Mika's been doing these: He's well buff these days.
  3. :lmfao: I have to admit, I prefer the non-existent version of Bob, like the one in my signature.
  4. Ironically enough my best friend smacked it just days after I got it pierced. The left tragus has been by far the most difficult piercing to heal but it's doing well now and I love it to bits. In other news, I have had to retire my labret piercing. My heart weeps.
  5. Holly! :huglove:


    It's so good to have you back! I've been thinking about you a lot while you were gone and was hoping everything was alright. I'm sorry you've been having a difficult time in your life - if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to please, feel free to message me. :huglove:


    - Eli -

  6. Your mum rocks! When I got TBWKTM my mum was visiting me and I had Rain playing in the background. I had just gotten the album and I paid next to nothing for it so I was really excited. Me: Guess how much I paid for this record! My mum: Hopefully not much! ... I guess it's safe to say my mum will not be joining yours.
  7. I'm so happy about this video! It's actually made me like the song a lot more than I initially did. I haven't been crazy about Celebrate because I feel like I've heard it a million times before but I hoped that seeing the video would help me change my mind. Last night before I went to bed I had an irrational fear that there would be a scene of Mika raising two fingers at the point where he sings "I remember those two letters" - I'm so glad they didn't do that!
  8. That was adorable! I can't believe they managed to make it sound so detailed. Although when he said he wanted to give electronic music "a more organic sound" I didn't think this was going to be his approach.
  9. Ei herranjumala noita Rumban kommentteja. "Uutinen sukupuolisesta suuntautuneisuudesta osui ällistyttävästi levynjulkaisun alle"? Noh, pitäisi kai olla tyytyväinen että Mikasta uutisoidaan täälläkin, mutta mulla on alkanut kyllä mennä maku tuohon julkaisuun ihan totaalisesti. Kerrankin päiviteltiin Lana del Reyn huulia kokonaisen aukeaman verran ("uuh ne ovat aivan valtavan ihanat mutta ovatko ne aidot?" oli artikkelin sisältö pähkinänkuoressa) ja samassa numerossa pääkirjoitus käsitteli sitä, kuinka del Reyn indie-uskottavuus katosi täysin kun Born to Die'ta alettiin tuutata joka kanavalla. Poikaystävä nyt kuitenkin sattuu tilaamaan tuota roskaa, täytyykin muistaa tarkistaa että onko tulevassa numerossa muita mainintoja.
  10. I talked about this on the gay thread once. It's ridiculous how, even inside their own community, some people feel the need to judge others and question their sincerity. LGBT people are a minority and to me, the ideal situation would be that they could all support each other instead of wondering whether someone is actually gay or bi. Best comeback ever! You're right, there is a need to prove people wrong when it comes to bisexuality. Some just don't seem to understand that there's a lot more than sex when it comes to being attracted to someone - romantic feelings are involved too.
  11. Good point. I actually have a somewhat similar experience with my mother: she doesn't think there's anything wrong with being gay but to her, bisexuality is somehow a bad thing. I don't want to repeat her exact words as I found them very offending but she basically finds bisexuals sex-crazed. Needless to say I silently shook my head and couldn't help but think "if only you knew about your daughter".
  12. I agree with Yuna - it's great that you can discuss these things so openly with your children. You really are a great mum.
  13. Oh my god... That is incredibly sad. I cannot understand how someone else's, possibly a total stranger's, personal life could bother someone so much. Hate crimes like this are extremely tragic and a manifestation of what the human nature is capable of at its worst.
  14. Wow, I did not know about your prime minister, that's fantastic! I'm sorry to hear about the attack. What happened to him? Is he okay now? You're absolutely right, it doesn't matter what country we live in, there will always be the group of intolerant people. Although Finns in general are fairly tolerant there are people here who are extremely conservative, even to the point where they think men should not have long hair. And like many other countries, we have gay pride parades too and it saddens me to say that some of these parades have gotten attacked.
  15. Yes they're absolutely stunning. The church in Jönköping had such pretty windows too, too bad all the pictures I took in that church are so blurry. Gosh I miss Sweden, I hope I can visit Stockholm soon again.
  16. Oh that is a lot more impressive than my finding! Maybe you could have one of your living room walls constructed like that.
  17. You mean something like this? Oh I remember you from the piercing thread - welcome!
  18. Oh dear! :lmfao: At least it didn't rip off or anything, that would've been painful for sure! Although when people smack your piercings it hurts like hell. :aah: A few days after I got my left tragus done I went to a club with my mates and one of them hit my ear when she hugged me - I had a bruise around the piercing the next day... :aah:

  19. I love that song! I remember when Pretty Odd came out, my boyfriend told me he hated it because to him the Beatles references were too obvious and one of my friends was like "Oh I like the band now that they're not so damn emo anymore". I think my boyfriend lives by the same rule your dad does - he pretty much hates all of the music I listen to, including Mika and Panic. We do have some common favourites but there's not very many of them.
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