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Everything posted by flyingkites

  1. I haven't had a Mika dream in ages but I've had two MFC dreams in two nights! I can't remember much of the first one but it was something about me hanging out with Kat and Dee, we were very close friends and I guess we were watching Mika's videos on YouTube or something because we fangurled together. The atmosphere of that dream was just lovely. The other one I had last night and it was so bizarre. I was trying to find the missing pieces to this little toy car I had received from a friend of mine. It was missing the driver and this steering device - to keep the car and the driver safe you had to balance the device perfectly, otherwise the car would crash. I was trying to find the missing pieces because my driver and car had crashed and dropped into a lake. All of a sudden comes Christine with this huge, bright green toad. She was trying to help the toad to find the missing pieces of my toy car because she wanted the toad to have it. She was being really nice to the toad too, the thing had massive self-esteem issues. Before I woke up she took the toad to this room where my brother was writing a horror story about Justin Bieber, the toad was freaking out and jumping all over the room and Christine tried to calm it down.
  2. Aww I'm so sorry to hear you're so stressed out! :sad: I really hope you manage to squeeze in some time for relaxing too, it's so important.

    I'm alright, thanks! I've been watching the videos from Mika's gig in Tallinn and they're absolutely killing me... I wish I could've been there! :crybaby:

  3. Right, of course! We wouldn't want to see you spend the weekend there.
  4. Have fun today guys! I wish I could be there with you.
  5. If I ever get to see Mika somewhere on your side of the puddle we definitely need to go to the same gig :naughty:

    Aah that sounds so stressful! But seriously, you need some rest too. Take a few weeks for yourself, relax and then start working on those school things again. :hug:

  6. Give 'em hell girl! By the way, I love how you said you've "never walked through France" with poo on your head. It sounds like some very strange marathon. Now excuse me while I leave this thread to die of laughter.
  7. When it gets hard, just remember: "I am beautiful, no matter what they say. Words can't bring me down." You know we love you, even with all that poo over your beautiful hair.
  8. Don't worry, I'll be fine, sooner or later. And thank you dear :huglove:

    You're shy?! :shocked: I would've never guessed that! I feel like so many MFCers I've talked to say they're shy in real life. I'm really happy for you, you get to see Mika twice this summer! Take lots of pictures for us (especially pictures of Bob). :das:

  9. Well to be honest I haven't been feeling well lately, I've been struggling with my depression again... So maybe it's for the best that I don't go, I really don't need any additional stress at the moment.

    Oh please do, and please ask him to come here SOON, not just Mikasoon. :naughty:

    So which gigs are you attending? I'm sure you'll be fine with your English! Don't be shy about it, no one will think your stupid because you're not! :hug: I still can't believe you've learned it all by yourself and so quickly!

    I'm okay, my holidays started in the beginning of June but I'm still struggling to get a few assignments finished... I have time until the end of July but I hope I get them done soon, they're stressing me out so much. :aah: I've just been so tired I haven't gotten them done.

  10. Yeah, traveling is really expensive here too. :huh: It sucks!

    Aww... :blush-anim-cl: You're too sweet! :huglove: You still have exams?! :shocked: When will your holidays start?

  11. Yeah... :tears: It's nothing major, there's plenty of reasons but the main thing is that I don't have the money after all and both my mates cancelled, they can't come with me. :sad: I guess I'll just have to wait until he comes to Helsinki again.

    How have you been dear? :huglove:

  12. Oh no! I really hope you can get things sorted out and you get the tickets soon! I know what you mean about everything going wrong with this gig, that's kind of what happened to me too... Everything was fine until a couple weeks ago, after that it all went downhill.
  13. Thank god! I can't stand that competition, seeing Mika there would kill me.
  14. Oh that's so cool! You should be proud of it, it looks ace! :das:

    I'm not that optimistic about Mika coming to Finland, he's only been here once so far and that was 2 years ago... I guess I'll have to wait to find out.

    Aww... :sad: Is there no way you could travel somewhere to see him if he came to your side of the Atlantic? I feel bad for the fans who live there, he tours so much in Europe.

  15. It would fit the theme well wouldn't it? Dee threw in a nice thought though - maybe he's going for a gangster look, something like Johnny Depp in Public Enemies. So until I see how it all turns out I'm going to ignore the Samsung outfit and imagine Mika in nice suits.
  16. About a minute later she took out the bowl and carried it to the table, spooning the soup into her mouth while Eli and Mar looked at her with disgust. Before they could say anything they were interrupted by a knock on the kitchen door.


    ‘Come in…?’ Eli raised an eyebrow.


    The door creaked open and a short Lebanese man walked in. He was carrying a dead chicken in a plastic bag and smiling widely.


    ‘And who might you be?’ Mar asked.


    The man introduced himself as Amir but he didn’t explain who he had made his way into the house. He had a thick Middle-Eastern accent and when he laughed his belly shook rhythmically. He was like a creepy Santa Claus, bringing dead animals to bad children. Suddenly his laughter stopped and his face distorted into a seedy grin.


    ‘So, girls, who likes chicken?’"

  17. So here it is... This is Mair's edit by the way. :naughty:


    "Mar, Hiba and Eli were sitting in the kitchen, wondering what the rest of the gang was up to.


    ‘I’m hungry!’ said Hiba.

    ‘I don’t think there’s much to eat here. We need to go shopping.’ Eli mused.

    ‘But I’m hungry now!’


    Hiba stood up and walked up to the fridge, opening the door and scanning through its contents. She took out a red plastic bottle and opened the cap.


    ‘ Is that… ketchup?’ Mar looked puzzled.

    ‘Yes! I love ketchup! It’s really nutritious, too!’ Hiba smiled, opening the cupboard.

    ‘Umm, Hiba, I don’t think it is.’

    ‘Yes Mar, it is. And you can make tomato soup by adding some water to it and heating it.’


    Hiba took out a small bowl from the kitchen cupboard and poured some ketchup in to it, adding water from the tap. She then opened to door of the microwave oven and pushed the buttons."

  18. Aww it's such a shame when good bands don't come to your country isn't it. :sad: I was supposed to go to Estonia to see Mika too but it got cancelled for me... :tears: I really hope he comes to Finland soon!

    Well Justice and Slayer were the biggest bands we saw, there was also some smaller Finnish bands who we saw performing but not really anyone worth mentioning. :naughty:

    THAT'S INCREDIBLE! :shocked: Ooohh I love it! How big is it? Where are you going to put it? At first I thought it was a graffiti but it looks more like something you can hang by the wall right? :teehee:

  19. Nahce! That's one of my favourite books and films too, actually.
  20. Well well well, I see you girls have been busy here while I've been gone! Never in my life had I heard about this competition but I'd love to see Bob win.
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