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Everything posted by Outablancas

  1. Love the pictures! He and Yasmine looks amazing Thank you for posting, by the way:blush-anim-cl:
  2. Hello! I changed my settings now, could you try again? :)

  3. Ankščiau girdėjau, kad išleis pavasarį (na, kad iki liepos tai tikrai ), o dabar, jeigu net nežino ar bus vasarą... Amžina diskusija čia dėl šito, nemanau, kad kas nors tiksliai žino kaip čia bus, bet svarbu, kad kada nors išleis Ajaj, baltas pavydas dėl koncerto, vis dar žiauriai gailiuos, kad nėjau Kai pamačiau po kiek kartų žmonės čia Miką gyvai matė... Vau.
  4. Tikėkimės Nepasakyčiau, kad aš esu labai aktyvi, porą postų į dieną parašau, nors prisijungiu keletą kartų per dieną Ahh, aš irgi negaliu sulaukt! Man pavasaris toli, o ką kalbėt apie vasarą O dabar tai bandau sugalvot ką nors konkursui per Mikos puslapį facebooke, kol kas nesėkmingai
  5. Apmirus šita tema šiek tiek, nepastebėjau, kad lietuvių būtų be proto daug... Na ką gi, kaip sekas? :3
  6. So something related to Mika happened when I was chatting with my friend on Facebook. We were talking about some things, and she said that she loves me, I answered that I love myself too and after few seconds added that I'm just joking. Then she told me that she doesn't think that I'm a true Mika fan. I asked her why, and then she said: "because if you are, you have to love yourself" and she sent me a link to We Are Golden video. She doesn't like Mika, and her message made me really happy (I don't know, I just thought that I'll share it :rolls_eyes:)
  7. I was watching "Valkyrie" on TV today, I really like this movie, but my sister wanted to go to sleep so I didn't finished it, although the ending is my favourite. Oh well.
  8. Lovelovelove "Torches"! Been listening to it for the past few months, it's awesome. I like a lot of songs from it, but I'm not obsessed with this band or something, I couldn't even tell member's names if somebody would ask me Anyways, my favourites are "Helena Beat", "Pumped Up Kicks", "Waste", "Miss You" and "Warant" ("Miss You" is my absolute favourite song of them, hehe)
  9. I was singing Blue Eyes today, and my mom asked me what I'm singing, so I just answered that it's Mika's song, and I can play it for her, then I turned on my computer and we were listening to it, when this happened: mom: Micky (yes, she calls him like that ) is married or not? me: What, no mom: So you still have a chance then? me: ..................... Then I started to laugh and she left my room. (She didn't finished to listen to the song,lol)
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