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Everything posted by virgi

  1. I was actually thinking about this the other day: people who haven't seen him performing live with an orchestra yet, you're not ready, you just can't imagine how powerful it is. I still remember almost 5 years after all standing ovations the audience did spontaneously in Florence, just wow
  2. INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/p/CO4w25xBhUh/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Longer backstage clip (Revelation Tour): https://t.co/3wP5dAaAfM?amp=1
  3. Thank you Deb! I wonder if there will be their usual Under 28 discount as well. Do you know if those who are younger than 28 and want an "MFC ticket" can pay 10€ as it should be on the general sale or do they have to pay full price?
  4. Oh okay, in fact I wondered if it had already happened when they recorded yesterday’s interview at Passage des Arts (on the 11th Jan), so maybe it hadn’t yet...
  5. It should be a 25min long interview or something like that https://www.france.tv/france-5/passage-des-arts/
  6. Gauthier Brunner shared several photos! 1) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJmyjgQJhEt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 2) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJobAfgJv45/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 3) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJob_tBpAz8/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  7. If I remember well he said once that his father can speak Italian too and also that he lived in Rome, so I guess Italian could be one of the six languages
  8. RAI Ufficio Stampa "Conversazione con Mika a Settestorie di Monica Maggioni su Rai1" "Il protagonista della conversazione di Settestorie, in onda lunedì 21 dicembre alle 23.20 su Rai1, sarà la star internazionale Mika, che si è raccontato a Monica Maggioni durante una suggestiva passeggiata tra le vie di Firenze, da piazza della Repubblica fino a Ponte Vecchio. Dal difficile periodo della scuola e gli abusi subiti, fino alla toccante riflessione sulla malattia di sua madre, la sua lunga e intima intervista aprirà la puntata." "The protagonist of Settestorie's conversation, which will air Monday Dec 21st at 11:30pm on Rai1, will be the international star Mika, who told his story to Monica Maggioni during a suggestive walk through the streets of Florence, from Piazza della Repubblica to Ponte Vecchio. From his difficult times at school and the abuses he suffered, to a touching reflection about his mother's illness, so his long and intimate interview will open the episode." https://www.rai.it/ufficiostampa/assets/template/us-articolo.html?ssiPath=/articoli/2020/12/La-popstar-Mika-si-racconta-a-Settestorie-di-Monica-Maggioni-su-Rai1-204bf119-e02a-4890-a495-d98b4783fbc6-ssi.html
  9. They revealed what songs Mika's going to sing solo tonight! 5 songs! Don't know if you want spoilers or not, but here's the link: https://xfactor.sky.it/info/anticipazioni-finale-x-factor-2020
  10. They didn't explain this new process clearly but I suppose that she will compete against the one with the second least plays and, knowing from the previous years how a "ballottaggio" works, I think the judges will decide who win. The one who wins continue the competition during the evening, whereas the other one has to leave immediately. (And at the end of the evening there will probably be another ballottaggio with the two least voted based on their new performances) When they vote 2:2, a new flash voting section is opened and it’s up to the audience.
  11. Yes, each pre-recorded episode (so until the 22nd of October) is broadcasted on a free channel (TV8) the day after the broadcasting on Sky, on Friday (so for example, the first episode this Thursday will be broadcasted on TV8 on Friday the 18th). But then unfortunately the live episodes won't be rebroadcasted on the free tv, only on Sky.
  12. Yes it's an article on today's newspaper LaRepubblica, more exactly in its insert "Il Venerdì di Repubblica". I haven't read it yet though.
  13. Translation of Mika’s part on @Subtitling Team IG Stories! 🇬🇧 https://instagram.com/stories/mfc_subs_team/2370433527480817178?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=5kayph9ma9sr 🇫🇷 https://instagram.com/stories/mfc_subs_team/2370433534762061803?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=hbe6q1lb86qk
  14. Vanity Fair Italia - 7 Aug 2020 Interview with XF judges https://www.vanityfair.it/show/tv/2020/08/07/x-factor-2020-giudici-intervista-emma-marrone-mika-manuel-agnelli-hell-raton-tv «È la prima volta che noi giudici ci frequentiamo anche fuori dal programma. Usciamo, andiamo a cena e visitiamo mostre. È come se fossimo il cast di una sit-com» rivela Mika con il consueto entusiasmo. MIKA: «Torno a X Factor con la stessa anima, ma con più esperienza» Sono passati 4 anni dall’ultima volta che si è seduto dietro al bancone di X Factor, eppure per Mika sembra passata una settimana: «In questi anni ho fatto tante cose: tv, ho ripreso con i tour, ho trovato il mio linguaggio. Sono dovuto andare via per crescere e ora torno qui con la stessa anima e un po’ più di esperienza di prima». La parola d’ordine per Mika, dopotutto, rimane una: leggerezza. «Solo così riesci a essere cosciente del meccanismo, ma anche a dimenticarlo totalmente: è questo mix di leggerezza e prendere le cose sul serio il segreto di uno show di questo tipo». I colleghi li conosceva poco – Hell Raton non lo aveva mai incrociato, con Manuel Agnelli aveva parlato 5 minuti nel dietro le quinte una volta sola, ed Emma l’aveva intervistata nel suo show, «anche se all’inizio della sua carriera, poco dopo Amici, si era presentata alla presentazione del mio album in maniera molto candida. Ritrovarci seduti insieme oggi è molto bello» -, ma tra loro è subito scattata un’energia particolare: «È bello avere la mattina le stesse energie che abbiamo a cena la sera prima». Insieme alla gioia di aver trovato alle selezioni meno «karaoke» e cover in linea con lo spirito del cantante in gara, Mika, nonostante abbia partecipato come giudice a 3 edizioni e non abbia mai portato a casa il titolo, alla vittoria non pensa: «Io vinco sempre nel mio cuore, chi se ne frega del resto. Se perdo, perdo con grazia e aplomb: faccio un big splash anche perdendo».
  15. The Subtitling Team is working on it! Almost finished! ☺️
  16. During XF they do change their clothes even during the auditions, the production has always mixed together different pre-recorded episodes with different clothes (https://youtu.be/hO8DxkyzHsQ for example you can see several outfits in this summary of last year's first episode of auditions) I saw an IG story of the XF account a few days ago and Manuelito was dressed differently than the 2 first days, so I think they all changed their clothes but we didn't get any pic yet.
  17. He's name is Manuel Agnelli, so yes, they're both called Manuel but they rather call the younger one "Manuelito". Manuel Agnelli didn't have any social account and it seems yesterday night they had fun creating him a new Ig account called "The colleagues of Manuel Agnelli" lol 🤣
  18. If we manage to organize something in order to celebrate it all together would be awesome !!
  19. And another one: TG2 Week-End del 08/02/2020 http://www.tg2.rai.it/dl/tg2/rubriche/PublishingBlock-ddc23123-938d-49ec-99c3-7f49498ed285.html IMG_8524.MP4 IMG_8525.MP4
  20. A short backstage clip in this Italian program (“Blob”) tonight: https://www.raiplay.it/video/2020/02/blob-44ef94a1-5c60-4090-ae19-15ba3db58f9a.html FullSizeRender.mov
  21. I'd say that the left version would be enough, I think it's clear 👍 So looking forward to this huge FA, I can't even imagine how beautiful it'll look like! Hope everyone will follow the instructions and take part in it!!
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