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Loo last won the day on November 30 2018

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    Stay unique!

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    France S-O
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    Psychology, sociology, nature, traditions, culture, music, DIY....

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  1. Small finds of the day:

    :sneaky2:    :lmfao:



    And cuty!





    and a little reading:






    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dominika


      what this interview is about? :teehee:

    3. Loo


      Translation: (thanks Anne!)



      In the middle of recording his new album , The Voice judge answers 26 questions and makes a drawing .


      A. Who would you like to look like?

      I would love to say James Dean , but it seems beauty only brings sorrows and problems. But I wouldn't mind looking like Alain Delon in "Plein soleil".


      B. Who do you look like?

      Right now, I just woke up, so I look like a boy out if a cabbage. a head like a cauliflower, but much bigger.


      C. Who will you look like in ten years?

      I've used an iphone ap to make me look older and it seems I'll look like one of the characters of "Planet of the Apes". I would like to look like Pierce Brosnan,but I'm afraid that would be a bit far fetched.


      D. Where would you like to be now?

      In Lebanon or in Greece. Somewhere high, watching the sea, with a town not too far.


      E.What makes you beautiful?

      Laughing. That makes you beautiful even if you're ugly and dirty.


      F. What is your motto?

      The louder the music , the better. Never mind if you become deaf, but that's a drug. Anyway I have to play it louder and louder so I can hear. It's a vicious circle.


      G. What do you excel at?

      Light campfires and make words rime with the skills of a dyslexic.


      I. What is your favorite swear word?

      Pauciloquent: that's someone who expresses with very few words. I find that funny.


      J.What do you do to relax.

      Leave the town as much a possible. Cook tomato sauce.


      K. What's on your nightstand?

      Water (at least four bottles), mint bubble gums, bad books that make me fall asleep, pencils, pens and a sketchbook, my old iphone will all my music which I don't want to abandon to this filthy "cloud"


      L. What do you believe in?

      I believe in the passing of time. That's always something very reliable and very useful. It's needed to fix things and to soothe the pain.


      M. Which song, film or book changed your life?

      Mississipi Goddam by Nina Simone. She taught me that the saddest songs could yet be wonderful and filled with hope. That's the perfect definition of a good song.


      N. What flaw can you forgive yourself for having?

      Being anxious, prone to anger and being stubborn. Lots of things actually.


      O. The flaws you don't forgive?

      Passive aggression. That makes me sick. That's sheer cowardice.


      P. What food can't you resist?

      Tagada strawberries (sweets)


      Q. What is the worst thing one could freak their lover with?

      "My ipod playlist" It's something totally subjective. I learned that at my expense.


      R. What dream do you do very often?

      None. I used to dream about the end of the world again and again before I was thirteen. Now it's much better.


      S. What passion are you ashamed of?

      I watch "Cougar Town" which is probably the worst serie ever. But I'm crazy about it.


      T. What is your favorite object that you always keep with you (for good luck)?

      I have none because I love everything. Can I say my dog? At least I haven' t lost her.


      U. How do you fight against stress before going on stage?

      I brush my teeth.


      V. What sports are you a big fan of ?

      Kite and canyoning.


      W. What's your favorite joke?

      It' s the same as with my favorite object I have none because I always forget jokes endings. The advantage is you can tell me the same jokes and I find them each time I hear them since I don't remember how they end.


      X. What's your favorite day?

      May 1st as it always reminds me of my childhood. Spring was always a happy time period for me. Optimism gets over pressure and disappointments.


      Z. Make a wish.

      That you get my mail in time.

    4. Dominika


      Thank you for that. It was nice to read it:flowers2:

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