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Dominika last won the day on November 23 2020

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About Dominika

  • Birthday 04/25/1994


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    Miss Misunderstood

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    dominika4530 / mika_poland_
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    Dominika Jackowska

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    different kind of music, books, tv series (Lucifer, Whovian), film fan (dramas, Marvel and DC universe), like cooking, chocoholic :)

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  1. Hi everyone! Some time ago I mentioned to try to promote Mika in Poland but I didn’t think about it till now. Maybe it’s just the fact that now I actually have time to sit and think about it. I decided to write to this guy who interviewed Mika during Orange Warsaw Festival in 2010 – Marcin Prokop.  Didn’t send this message yet, I’m going to do it after Christmas holidays. Similar message I will send to polish radio stations. I realize that there may be no response but at least we can try right?

    So this is what I wrote.


    Hello! I am writing to you on behalf of Polish fans of the singer named Mika. I would like to briefly present his figure and indicate why it would be worth trying to remind the Polish public about him, at least for a moment.


    Currently, the music industry is open to everyone and in the era of his great milling it is increasingly difficult to find songs carrying a significant message behind them, or simply vocalists or groups enjoying really high recognition. It happens that the current 'tops' have developed their own brand in previous years, but their current activity leaves much to be desired. The so-called stars of one hit appear and disappear. The question is: did they shine just to be loud about them, or maybe it was indeed an entrance for them to enter the next stage of their music journey. Therefore, we are often unaware of the fate of their further careers. That's what happened to Mika.


    I will not describe his entire biography, because this is not the case, it's easy for uncle Google to display, but nevertheless it is a very colorful person not only because of his past but also his current activity. Despite the fact that in Poland we didn’t hear about him just after the success of his first album, his career was gaining momentum just around the borders of our country, namely first of all in France and Italy. Not only in both these countries, but also all over the world, to a greater or lesser extent, he has become a well-known musician, artist, icon of fashion, but also the voice of the young generation. This 35-year-old man proudly presents the colorful creations of Valentino or Christian Louboutin and at the same time, with the same commitment, he supported social campaigns among which one can mention cooperation with UNHCR for refugees, support for children struggling with cancer (Imagine for Margo), fight with bullying or homophobia.


    In addition to writing and composing his own songs, Mika is the author of the lyrics of vocalists like Eros Ramazzotti (Ci Parliamo Da Grandi) or currently being on top of music lists - LP (House On Fire). His music is deceitful. As he says about it, it is an explosive mix of joyful melodies and dark text. Perhaps at first glance, or rather an ear, people may consider his work to be too bright and noisy, but this is Mika. He does not spare bitter words about the reality that surrounds us, but he can dress it in colors, completely changing perspective. Unfortunately, people often listen to music but do not hear it, and this is a significant difference and lack of understanding of his work.


    Mika is never idle and, apart from creating music, also participates in other initiatives, and here you can cite the design of watches for the SWATCH brand, in cooperation with his sister or a collection of pens for the hundred years of PILOT firm. He also became the ambassador of the Peugueot brand, especially model 108, to which he made commercials. In 2017 he was awarded the "Rose d'Or" in Berlin for his variety show "Stasera Casa Mika". As you can see, Mika is a versatile artist and he always will find a way to express himself in every field.


    In addition, he can gather many wonderful people around him, as evidenced by the existing and prospering, from the beginning of his career to this day, forum (mikafanclub.com). It is a place where fans from all over the world exchange their experiences not only about Mika but also the private ones. Cultural differences and issues of sexual orientation are blurred. Everyone will find something for themselves, and the friendships contained in the forum will remain for a long time. Everyone is welcome there, which affects the creation of a wonderful and devoted community.


    Personally, I'm not a fan of Mika for a long time, only 2 years, but I decided to support the Polish fanpage on facebook (Mika Poland). Ever since I took up this challenge, viewers on the site have increased by 100%. Although we are still relatively a small group, we try to make our site climb up.

    Recently, me and several other fans managed to participate in the recordings of the French program The Voice, in which Mika has been a juror since several editions, and meet him personally and talk to him. He remembers very well the performance at the Orange Warsaw Festival as well as his previous performances in Poland. As a proof, I enclose videos from these conversations.


    We do not count on much, but we turn to you as a music fan, as well as a person who has already had the opportunity to get to know Mika and has the opportunity to publicize the matter. In the coming year, his fifth album will be released and we are looking forward to the concert tour. We are aware, however, that another concert of Mika in Poland is just a fantasy. However, we are more interested in recollecting this person in the Polish media, and the premiere of the new album would be a great opportunity. Thank you for taking time to read this.



    Sorry for any mistakes in the text, I just put it in the translator and briefly checked whether is quite correct.

    What do you think about it?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dominika


      @Anna Ko Kolkowska trzeba kuć żelazo póki gorące! :biggrin2: tylko co my zrobimy jeśli ktoś okaże zainteresowanie a nowej płyty jak nie było tak nie ma :lol3:

    3. Anna Ko Kolkowska

      Anna Ko Kolkowska

      Zanim cokolwiek się u nas wykluje, to płyta już będzie. Na pewno. Jeśli Mika ma już zarezerwowane sale na kilka koncertów, to musi mieć nowy materiał. Kto jak kto, ale on jest tego bardzo świadomy. Takie rzeczy planuje się długie miesiące do przodu.

      A my możemy tylko popularyzować go w Polsce, bo kiedy wyjdzie płyta, to już będzie trochę za późno na "marketing" z naszej strony. Baza musi już być. Stąd strona internetowa Mikapopolsku.com powstała dla nowych, potencjalnych fanów. Starzy fani wiedzą, gdzie szukać informacji :bleh:

    4. Dominika


      I bardzo dobrze, niech się kręci! :naughty:

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