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Dominika last won the day on November 23 2020

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About Dominika

  • Birthday 04/25/1994


  • Bio
    Miss Misunderstood

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    dominika4530 / mika_poland_
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    Dominika Jackowska

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    different kind of music, books, tv series (Lucifer, Whovian), film fan (dramas, Marvel and DC universe), like cooking, chocoholic :)

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  1. Now I've got cumulation of bad emotions :emot-sad: I'm feeling exhausted, kids at school annoy me, I have enough of thinking all the time about different stuff like: prepare lessons, send information to kid's parents, collect money from kids for somehing, prepare and fill up kid's documents. At Saturday's I also have studies on Sunday's I'm preparing for school and on Monday the hole nightmare begins all over again :crybaby:My brain is hurting so bad. I'm angry because of the weather changing which affects my well-being and because I don't have enough time or being too tired to spend it here. I need vacations right now!!!



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. sara09


      I get you. Completely. It feels like having vortexes of thoughts, and some moments can make it harder for us to handle big amounts of stuff - that's exhausting, mentally and physically 😪 time (and spring!) will help, I'm positive about that! Sending a hug :hug: 

    3. silver


      Oh I know this feeling well.  And the more you try to do, the more tired you get, and the harder it is to do any more.


      I agree with Irem, you need to give yourself some time to chill out.  You'll find it easier to clear your mind if you write down all the jobs you have to do before you start to relax - then you can temporarily forget about them.  And if you find yourself thinking about work in your chill-out time, smack yourself on the wrist, and think about tropical beaches instead.


      In yoga they say the mind is like a cage of chattering monkeys - you need to think of calm images, like gentle waves on a beach, or the reflections in a deep mountain lake, to soothe the monkeys.

    4. sara09


      @silver your description of the feeling is extremely accurate. Have you, or anyone else reading this, ever tried doing yoga in response to that? I had a very positive feedback from a friend, but never tried it. 

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