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Everything posted by TinyLove_CJ

  1. You can also ask in this thread, tends to get more attention when fans are looking for something in particular.
  2. OK so the tee and tote are made from two different companies. Gildan for the tee, a company based in Canada but has distribution centers and factories all over the world, including Germany. And Westford Mill for the tote, a UK based company. With two different suppliers that might explain why there was such a big delay in delivery, one might not have printed at the same time as the other . Gotta say though the tee is the softest one of my Mika collection so far! It's 100% natural cotton rather than mixed fabric. Maybe Mika should go into the blanket making business?
  3. I don't want to go too off topic but I'm also a huge First Aid Kit fan and OH MY WORD! This is a screen shot from Johanna's most recent IG story! Balloons, balloons everywhere! 🎈
  4. Once again I am in love with a song! I really feel like Mika is expressing himself through the emotions of what Jane Birkin would have experienced too. It's interesting to have this insight into how he feels connected to an artist he's been influenced by (and no doubt someone he looked up to). I love the softness of it (it does give me slight AC vibes) but it's also catchy. As a non French speaker I'm surprised that this is the one I found myself singing along to quite easily! It's a wonderful song with very relatable lyrics too. It's not over the top or too brash (not that Mika ever is), it's straight to the point but also very poetic. It's perfect at making you feel free and light, I guess that's exactly the intention with the lyrics. "Free, free, free as the air" It's so dreamy
  5. Love hot air balloons and may "borrow" this if I ever visited his home! (It's actually a dream of mine to be a balloon pilot!)
  6. I really wanted to open it straight away but today dog food came first! (and bananas and cake and Belgian chocolate, and... I'm beginning to see your point! ) I never noticed, I will have to check and report back soon.
  7. It arrived! I couldn't open it straight away as I was just about to head out shopping, the parcel was really quite small and I was worried at first that maybe there was a mix up and I've received the wrong item but I opened it when I got home and the tee and tote were both there very neatly folded together! Finally! YAY! That's odd... the return address on my package was labelled Daventry, Northampton, I'm certainly glad it didn't leave the country! Hopefully yours will be with you soon!
  8. Mine did at first, for some reason the English language CC option only worked in the youtube app not when in browser (I was originally using Google chrome), so maybe try the app if you haven't already?
  9. I hope Mika doesn't follow Harry's lead, his curls are too precious for that!
  10. I'll admit I don't follow Mika's TV career as much as his music releases. The Voice and X Factor don't interest me that much 😅 With Mika doing The Voice at the moment he's mainly working in France, Paris I think.
  11. Oh @Hero I really hope you feel better soon, that sounds awful what you're going through. If it's covid or maybe even flu it can take weeks to truly leave your system. I'm sorry to hear you're having panic attacks too, they suck and can be really draining. Fingers crossed the tests don't show anything nasty and it's easily treated! Hugs for you!
  12. With my last check it has now moved from Oxford to London, so not very far 🙃. But I have now been given a delivery time slot for tomorrow so that's made me more hopeful!
  13. Feel like I've gone and jinxed it by getting too excited, received a Royal Mail notification that my parcel was mistakingly sent to Oxford this morning and not Yorkshire... are you kidding me?! I have been reassured that it has been redirected immediately and will be with me soon
  14. Same for me too but with an added link to 'site official', the link to that however keeps giving an error 404 message
  15. Not sure if this helps with the issue of sharing lyrics, but if you have a photo of a QR code in your phone's gallery (or saved anywhere actually) and you're wondering how to scan it yourself, Google Lens will do this for you as long as you have an internet connection. This might save time without asking a friend to scan your phone for you. I have a feeling you're gonna need a bigger jar! Well done for starting it though!
  16. I noticed that too! Disney isn't always the best when it comes to representing LGBT+ characters but I guess it's a start!
  17. You're not the only one, I thought the same too. But I have a feeling that this will be very different! The snippet is only short but I certainly love it already! And the artwork too, I love the simplicity of how Mika and Jane Birkin are combined. I'm already thinking that the song is a way of projecting his own experiences in comparison to what Jane went through at the height of her career. With the release of her single 'Je t'aime' she was instantly in the lime light and the media were always speculating about her relationships and personal life. Mika went through something similar at the start of his career and I can understand where he's coming from with these lyrics he sings: "All these eyes which are killing me And I am afraid of getting out of my pool", no doubt there have been times when he just wants to step away and hide from all those prying eyes. I'm sure we'll learn more when the song is released though! I can't wait 😁
  18. Your story reminded me of this scene from Disney's 'Baymax!' series! Sure you're not a happy to help health robot in disguise? I also think it's sweet that those men felt comfortable enough (and love their wives enough) to buy sanitary pads for them!
  19. Mika post on X: A little snippet of Jane Birkin, out next Friday!
  20. I actually got round to watching his speech a couple of days ago and I am so grateful for Mika taking the time out to give the talk. I could see at times how emotional he was getting, I am so thankful for this amazing man for being so open about such a hard topic. It's important to get the conversation about bullying started and Mika is certainly the right person to do this. I have no doubt that he has inspired those children and hopefully they'll take his words to heart and become the best they can be. Watching certainly brought up some tough memories for me. I never really thought I had a "super power" at school but thinking about it now my resilience and strength to be the better person got me through it and I'm proud of who I am today. That's not to say the bullying I experienced defines who I am now, to me that would be letting the bullies win. No! I am who am because of my own actions and doing what I can to rise above hurtful things to reach a positive outcome. I'm glad Mika is a person I can not only relate to but also look up to and it's not an overstatement to say that his music has got me through some of the toughest times in my life.
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