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Everything posted by TinyLove_CJ

  1. I was still thinking about this last night and thought I would work out a very rough estimate of just how many songs I like. It really would take me months to do if I did it properly so I just totted up album songs, box set CDs, playlists, film music, soundtracks and miscellaneous music... the grand total of which comes to a rough estimate of 4300 songs! A big chunk of that is 80's music, David Bowie, Reggae music, Amy Winehouse, Caro Emerald, McFly and of course MIKA! 😆 4300 songs might not be a lot to some people (I guess it depends when you started listening to music in your life), but to me that's a lot! And I listen to new music all the time and my interests can change from one week to the next. I watched the interview yesterday, I don't mind Mika not talking about himself because the whole point is to share stories through music and hearing Paul's interpretations was really interesting, even if his playlist is only 5 songs 😅, however there is one thing that Mika said though that I'm stealing for my story writing: "Sun kissed and honey dewed" I think it was when he was talking about Sanremo 🤔, anyway it's a beautiful description!
  2. This reminds me of the private playlist I have which currently has over 50 songs! 😅 (including some of Mika's and I tend to add more every few weeks!) Only 15?! How could you leave out his other songs? The full playlist of my life would be every Mika album plus every other song I like, at a guess that kind of a playlist would be near 1000 songs! 😅
  3. I guess it can be a mixture of all of those things. If my playlist was my intire life story it would have been a lot longer though 😅, I chose songs that I have a connection with from the past and there's also a few songs that show my insecurities. All of them together give a picture of who I am. And of course there's a few Mika songs in there, how could I not!? 😁
  4. @shinigamijo I've sent you a pm about your items, I really hope they're still available 😊
  5. @Marit R. Nielsen I love your playlist! I love the Rihanna and Roxette choices and High Hopes by Panic! At the Disco is one of my favourite songs. Also that Lily Allen song is an excellent choice , I listen to that a lot on a private playlist I have 😅
  6. This is why I'm not really a big fan of Spotify and I'm not willing to pay extra for the premium version when youtube is free, and besides Spotify doesn't show you Mika's awesome videos! I've finally created a playlist which I shared on IG but I don't mind sharing it here too: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-qhMzj0DAdzK5fXzOXK0gGslgethbF6h
  7. I really want to but like @crazyaboutmika said I'm also not keen on streaming apps because I buy music instead, I might do it through YouTube though. It's a shame that you can't share links on IG stories without having 10000 followers though 😕. I guess I could always use twitter. Even though I haven't shared anything yet, I get what you mean about feeling vulnerable, there are some songs that I have a really personal connection with because of what they mean to me and I'm not sure if I'd want to explain those reasons just yet 😅.
  8. The message is enough really, even if I did want him to sing. Mika could pop up and just say one word in a video and that would still make my day! 😁 Question is, what word would it be? 🤔
  9. I downloaded the video from MFC's Instagram, this is the link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CP9qH0rg_jk/?utm_medium=copy_link
  10. Did anyone watch this then? I saw Mika's message here also shared on Instagram, it's very sweet of him but is this all he did? 200336677_396664698333118_7177283599741664418_n.mp4
  11. On my Instagram stories today I shared a little bit about the charitable service Shout. This is their website: https://giveusashout.org/ Shout is a UK* based charity that is available to contact for free by text. They are a mental health support charity but I wanted to share the information about them this pride month because they can help anyone within the LGBT+ community who may be struggling with absolutely anything. Whether it's being scared with coming out, facing discrimination, abuse or even relationship issues, Shout are there 24/7. There is no shame in seeking out help. I should know. Shout were amazing with me earlier on in the year when I was at my lowest. Thanks to them I got through it 😊. *I am also going to look for international resources too!
  12. Same here! Hopefully it's still available to watch tomorrow. Is it actually being shared on tiktok? I don't have an account there so I have no idea how it works, if someone does watch it tonight (and if you're quite techy) could you perhaps share Mika's part here? Pretty please? 🙏
  13. When You're Good to Mama - from Chicago the Musical. I love this song so much! I can listen to it over and over again (even if it is a little naughty ), definitely up there with my favourite musical songs!
  14. Over the next few days I'm going to share some LGBTQ+ resources on my Instagram (@cactimom_cj). Look out for this in my stories! (which I'm still getting to grips with 😅) I'll also share them here! First off a UK based charity called Switchboard. They specifically help people within the LGBTQ+ community with any struggles they may be having. Switchboard also help families to accept their children with coming out. They're contactable every day of the week through their online chat and also over the phone. All their volunteers are also LGBTQ+, so they know what they're talking about! You can find all their information on their website here: https://switchboard.lgbt/
  15. Well I guess someone's got to come here and clean up all that melted chocolate... If I miss a bit I can just lick it up right?
  16. Oh Mika don't cover your ears like that Don't you want to know w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶w̶e̶'̶d̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶?̶ err.. I mean all the nice things we say about you! 😉
  17. You know what they say "absinthe makes the heart grow fonder!" 😄
  18. You belong to Mika now. 😁 @galapagonch your tattoo looks so cool! I'd love to see it when it's coloured. I get what you mean about ink bleed, that's why I want one of my current tats covered up, I have a wolf coloured in blue and the edges of it now look blurry 😕, my plan is to get it covered with small Mika lyrics and also a symbol thats really personal to me.
  19. Oh don't mind me... I may have found that jar of Nutella after all
  20. Now then, where did I put that Nutella... 🤔 Then again with this image maybe I should go for ice cream... Is it me or is it getting hot in here?
  21. Seeing as there is a song recommendation thread, I have thought about opening a book one. If you want you could do this yourself in the General Chin Wagging section, I'm always reading a book, usually something new every couple of weeks or so. One problem with being a book lover is that I could talk about them for a long time, actually I could write a book about the books I've read! 😅
  22. Even if he shouted at me for being late, or getting something wrong, or if he is tough with a work schedule I would still work for him, even just for a day. As long as he still gives me full pay after sacking me! 😁 Mika if you're around please hire me!
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