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Everything posted by Prisca

  1. The fifteenth German word: Weihnachtsbeleuchtung = Christmas illumination Weihnachten = Christmas Beleuchtung = illumination
  2. Beh, Natale è il tempo dei miracoli, no. Vedremo.
  3. The fourteenth German word: Mistelzweig = mistletoe Mistel = mistletoe (yes, it already means "mistletoe", but normally we talk about "Mistelzweig" when it's about this thing you are supposed to kiss each other when you are beneath, not that this tradition actually exists in the German speaking zone but as it is there also possible to watch Hollywood movies... ) Zweig = branch
  4. Yes, that's true. He makes always everything he can so that he doesn't cry.
  5. Sono sicura che sarebbe stato meglio senza i ritardi, ma così com'è... Sono curiosa che cosa Karin riesce a fare con il nostro canto.
  6. Sono sollevata che ci sia musica in sottofondo e non quello che abbiamo cantato noi.
  7. I know, I know, I'm really late. So you're happy that she won or did you change your opinion?
  8. Oh, don't worry about that. In my opinion your review is very detailed. Thank you for sharing.
  9. It's used to connect the words so it's easier to pronounce, I guess. (In German linguistic it's called a "Fugen-s", there are also letters like -e-, -es-, -n-, -en-, -er- and -ens- with the same function but the most often "s" has this function.) With some words you are free to put e.g. an "s" or not but with this word it is common to put an "s".
  10. The thirteen German word: Adventskalender = Advent calendar Advent = Advent Kalender = calendar (If this word is difficult to remember, then I don't know. )
  11. Oh that's something for my brother and his wife. They have installed an app on their mobile phones where they can look in the sky and the app indicates them which planet or star it is. And I've looked in the sky for many years and thought I was looking at a star and it was indeed a planet.
  12. I love that about English, that mix. I guess when you have English as mother tongue this helps to learn the vocabulary in many other languages because of the variety. However, if you learn English you have to memorize a lot of words. I guess if I would take classes again I would probably take etymology, I love that.
  13. Grazie, lo prendo come un complimento. Va bene, cercherò di ricodarmelo.
  14. Infatti, non era stato la mia intenzione, ma è stato il risultato del mio italiano imperfetto. Penso che avrei dovuto dire: "Grazie, è molto gentile di te".
  15. Ich bin froh, dass es dir wieder gut geht.
  16. Grazie, visto che Deb ha postato il link qui nel forum non sarà più necessario.
  17. Grazie è molto gentile, io e Instagram.
  18. Grazie Gabriella, spero che functionera.
  19. Grazie Anna Purtroppo non è questo il mio problema, ho gia utilisato Zoom un paio di volta. Io non so come arrivare dove c'è il link su Instagram per poter participare al Zoom stasera, capisci la mia domanda? Non so dove ci sono questi "IG stories" e non so dove c'era questo sondaggio per votare a quale tempo vogliamo aver il Zoom.
  20. Grazie Gabriella. Puoi spiegarmi come si arriva là? Temo di non aver capito Instagram ancora dopo 4 mesi.
  21. The twelfth German word: Dreikönigstag = Epiphany drei = three König = king Tag = day Again can you learn with one word three words, isn't studying German fun. With all difficulties that might be there to study German, there is an advantage: German has much fewer words (general language) than e.g. English because of the compound words, you just stick everything together. There is also the word "Epiphanie" but this word is very, very formal. That is a fact that causes German speaking people problems when they learn another language because that language has probably words they can't derive from a word in German. (e.g. pneumonia is "Lungenentzündung" in German. Lunge = lung, Entzündung = inflammation. There does exit the word "Pneumonie" but only people in the healthcare use that, sorry off-topic. )
  22. I guess I didn't say too much, when I said that it's possible to stick a lot together.
  23. Yes, is especially true for the nouns, you can stick a lot together that saves space.
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