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Everything posted by Prisca

  1. Nice to meet you Paulina and . I'm Prisca from Switzerland. I also discovered Mika while learning Italian. I knew some of his songs but I had no idea who he was. Really nice New Year's resolution.
  2. I guess many journalists misinterpret the fact that Mika said that his mother passed away shortly after the Versailles concert and think that it happened in December. However, "shortly after" can easily be mid January this year, if you consider the whole life, some weeks after the concert is a really short time. And I agree with you, when Deb says it was mid January, then it was mid January.
  3. I'm really sad to hear that Joannie Penniman passed away. I also think that Mika did many things right. He wanted her to sing for his last album and he made her doing this after an important surgery although his family couldn't understand why. I kind of have the feeling that he was aware of the fact that his mom is maybe not that long anymore among us and unfortunately he was right. Her voice at the album is a nice memory. I also think that the fact that he played her cover version of Tiny Love at the New Year's Eve concert was a really nice gift to her. I'm also really happy that she could assist his concert at Versailles that is shown now, so that there was at least somehing positive for her in 2020. I send Mika and his family all the love I have and all the power in the world. Joannie Penniman
  4. The zoom meeting didn't go well. We couldn't hear the sound properly and they live stream was often frozen. However, there should be a reply later at CultureBox and Deb promised us that she will put the live stream here in the forum later.
  5. I had today evening raclette again, it wasn't my idea. Ok, I didn't have raclette for a month but for me it seemed shorter.
  6. Prisca


    Hi Mounette! and have fun hier in the forum.
  7. Well, I guess he would prefer staying there in the summer and not with the temperatures that are there right now.
  8. At least, it's obviously that this isn't Mika.
  9. Ciao Clelia, Non sono in Italia, ma poi provarlo con questo link: https://www.stream4free.live/france-5-live
  10. I just found out that this year I will have my birthday on Good Friday for the third time in my life. :lol3:


    Let's see if I will be a good Catholic and not eat meat on that day. :teehee:


    The last two times I have stuck to it. :yes:  I promise. :lol3:

  11. This is the first threat where I've by far the most posts and it isn't Mika related. I'm not sure if that's a good sign. Anyway, I miss Mika.
  12. I'm sorry if I'm breaking the euphoria here. Are you sure that Mika has posted this now? The song was released over four months ago, why would he post a video with "out now" now? If it had been "It Must Have Been Love" it would make more sense. I'm sorry, but I think this is a fake.
  13. Non so da dove questa ragazza ha queste informazioni. Mika ama la musica, non la lascerà mai.
  14. Non so di quale tipa stai parlando, ma non ha alcun senso. Mika è molto occupato con Star Academie in questo momento e se le riprese di The Voice sono già state fatte tutte non lo so. Inoltre, è già difficile per una coppia gay adottare un bambino o trovare una madre surrogata senza la pandemia di Corona, non ha senso che lo facciano adesso.
  15. I guess one of the reaons Mika decided to participate, is because it's something new and because he has a very different role than in The Voice or X Factor.
  16. Today is my name day. Not that it actually has any meaning in my country, but still nice to think that all Priscas in the world have their name day today. :original:

    1. x_adoring_mika_x


      That's great, I didn't know that!:)

  17. Hi Nina and welcome. Have fun in this forum.
  18. I've never watched Fantasia, not even a part of it (at least not that I remember ). There is a German version on YouTube, so I know what to do now.
  19. Thank you, giraffeandy. I look pretty much every kind of genre besides of horror movies/series. The best would be if I would have subtitles in Spanish (when they are in English, I'm afraid that I read more the subtitles than concentrate on what they are actually saying ) and that it's for free is important and I don't have Netflix. I'm not picky with the genre.
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