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Everything posted by Prisca

  1. I think I didn't realize until now that Mika is often like that. I guess I like that about him because I'm also like that. He isn't perfect and he does not claim to be.
  2. Thank you @Amy hudsone I didn't think something really bad happened to him, since he was on the show, but still sounds a bit scary.
  3. What's your goal @Mikasister? You marked me in the naughty corner because you want me to visit it, right? It's really tempting to do so, now that I know that Mika is there. Ok, I'll have a look. It's the same principle like prison, isn't it? I'm just going to visit it and I wasn't sent there, so I haven't done any bad, right? Ok, so maybe I'll end up in the purgatory but not in the hell , right?
  4. They all say that they like Mika's pyjama, J-P Dion says Mika has a normal quarantine and doesn't see anyone and can only go a little bit around his house and that Mika will do two shows.
  5. I'm sorry, I'm going to watch it with a Swiss streaming service, I'm afraid that won't help you.
  6. I don't think I've done anything yet that warrants sending me to the naughty corner, but I have a candidate : Manuelito: MIKA, quando io ho bisogno di allegria mi giro verso di te. Mika: Che cosa devo fare? Manuelito: Amico mio, con grazia, con grazia, dimmi che cosa vuoi fare stasera? Vuoi un’emozione, vuoi ballare, cosa vuoi? Dimmi. Mika: Adesso? Manuelito: Sì. Mika: Da un po’ che non posso uscire, c*zzo voglio ballare. Manuelito: BENE. Allora questo giro… Mika: E voglio fare più di ballare, voglio baciare, voglio abbracciare, voglio sc*pare , voglio fare tutto. Manuelito: Eeeeaah, tieni la distanza. Manuelito: MIKA, when I need cheering up I turn to you. Mika: What shall I do? Manuelito: My friend, with grace, with grace, tell me what do you want to do tonight? You want a thrill, you want to dance, what do you want? Tell me. Mika: Now? Manuelito: Yes. Mika: It's been a while since I can go out, I want to f*cking dance. Manuelito: GOOD. So this round... Mika: And I want to do more than dance, I want to kiss, I want to hug, I want to f*ck , I want to do everything. Manuelito: Eeeeaah, keep your distance. So, what do you think, is this enough to send Mika to the naughty corner and should we do it? Mika e Manuelito.mp4
  7. Hi Liam and welcome to the forum. No need to be nervous, all people are really lovely here (a few maybe a little bit crazy, but that's all. I not excluded ). Have fun to discover everything. You might like this thread:
  8. I'm thinking more and more that since I clicked on this thread on Friday, I've accidentally ended up in the adults only section of MFC. Well, maybe the preliminary stage, adults only would probably be the naughty corner, right?
  9. Oh man, you make me discover threads I've never heard before. However, I can't see most of the pictures in the Wonkaland thread, but I kind of think it's better like that.
  10. Hi Ashley and Have fun here in the forum.
  11. I've to say, up to now, the accent isn't that strong at the Star Académie and they've been pretty restrained with funny words ( dear Quebecer) so far, when I think of some of the participants from Quebec on The Voice France. Apart from the expression "post mortem". Now I'm slowly getting used to it, but until now "post mortem" for me always meant after someone's death. But with Star Académie, they use it as the name for the show (or something like that, I haven't watched it) after the main show. And I every time: What? Who died? After whose death do you do what? Or am I wrong and is this word also used like that in France? In any case, I haven't noticed it until now.
  12. https://www.tf1.fr/tf1/the-voice/videos/the-voice-2021-luciano-cado-chante-grace-kelly-de-mika-91189232.html I definitely like better Mika's version. He actually has the vocal range to sing this song but for me his interpretation is (how can I say it nicely? ) really special. Though, I've to say, just listening to him, it's for me much better because I've to admit that his grimaces destabilize me.
  13. Nice to meet you @maria.paula and . Like @TinyLove_CJ and @silver already said, it's not a problem at all to be Mika obsessed in this forum. Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß beim Stöbern in diesem Forum und mit deinen neuen Freunden.
  14. Even if Rai hasn't announced it yet, Serena Rossi has, so it's pretty sure that Mika well be there on Friday. Intanto dalla settima prossima sarà impegnata nell'importante appuntamento su Raiuno. «Spero di ritrovare il sostegno e l'amore del pubblico che mi ha seguito fin qui, soprattutto nell'ultima serie Mina Settembre. E che la gente abbia voglia di emozionarsi con me. Credo molto in questo progetto, è uno spettacolo basato sulla musica e sui sentimenti che può far bene alle persone, soprattutto in questo momento difficile. Tra gli ospiti di venerdì ci saranno Mika, Argentero, Virginia Raffaele, Carlo Conti: li scopriremo - e loro si scopriranno - sotto un'altra veste». Meanwhile, from the next seventh she will be engaged in the important appointment on Raiuno. «I hope to find the support and love of the public who have followed me here, especially in the latest Mina Settembre series. And that people want to get excited with me. I really believe in this project, it is a show based on music and feelings that can be good for people, especially in this difficult moment. Among the guests on Friday there will be Mika, Argentero, Virginia Raffaele, Carlo Conti: we will discover them - and they will discover themselves - under another guise ».
  15. Hi @TeeMarie and have fun here in the forum with us bunch of crazy people.
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