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Everything posted by Prisca

  1. Yes, you're probably right, it was just not his day/evening.
  2. Maybe Melancholia's fanbase was not strong enough to bit all the other people that normally vote for someone else but voted now for NAIP as only these two were available to vote for?
  3. I also had the impression she didn't hit all notes but wasn't sure if I just thought this because she sang in a really special way (I watched it after I knew that Melancholia were eliminated so I guess I took more attention to their performance). And if I remember it right, Mika also said after their performance something like that not all notes were there where they sould be.
  4. I really hope that there wasn't a mistake and NAIP could only continue because of that. Maybe, where Melancholia live they have a lot of fans so that there it wasn't possible to vote for Melancholia because the system was overloaded?
  5. I also didn't like very much the performance of Melancholia this time and I agree with you that this was not the best song for them. I also agree that they are strong and others should have left the show before them. However, this kind of show has his own rules. I guess Manuel was really frustrated because of Melancholia's elimination like Emma last week after Blue Phelix's elimination (I'm really glad we had the old Emma back this week ). And like Emma he also thinks that is a tactique of Mika to make their performance bad so that his contestant can win, what is of course not true. I think the reason why NAIP ended up in ballotage is because his songs are the best when he performances them live and with the streaming you can't see him. I think after X factor he should focus on live performances (of course when they are possible again). And yes, it's only thanks to Manuelito that NAIP is still there. If he wouldn't have voted against Melancholia, there wouldn't have been a "tilt" and Naip would have been out. Fingers crossed for Naip's performance next week. With Casadilego, I had the same sensation like Mika. Her voice was beautiful, but I had the feeling that she closed up and didn't let us really enter into her heart.
  6. I'm shocked that "I Melancolia" were eliminated yesterday evening.
  7. I don't think that NAIP will have the fewest calls after the first round. He is the only one of the participants that does what he does, so I guess that he has his fanbase. I don't think though that he will win X Factor, but I think that he will survive this live. I would be more worry that Vergo has to leave the first round, if he didn't have his song "Bomba". In my opinion, Blue Phelix has to leave in the first round and in the second round Little Pieces of Marmelade or maybe Cmqmartina, but of course these are only speculations.
  8. I think it's good that they can sing their own songs more times, so the public can better memorize it, contestants didn't have this possibilty at the past X factor seasons (they could just sing their songs at the live shows once if I remember it correctly). That will be better for their career afterwards, when they are eliminated soon or in any case I guess.
  9. I see, I guess it's high time that I start using the MFC forum also with my mobile phone and not only my laptop, thanks.
  10. Thank you@mellodyand @dcdebfor the explications. It just my caught my attention because people are using smileys that I don't have, also new members that I don't think that they did the effort to copy them from somewhere else. I don't have almost no static yellow smileys or e.g. food or drink smileys, is that normal? The new ones I have and I like them a lot. Just to be sure, I put here all smileys that I can select from. Can you tell me, if these are all smileys that I should have? Thank you. That's it.
  11. Thanks Cristina, so it seems that I'm not the only one.
  12. Hi everyone, I hope you're all fine. It's not that important but does everybody have all smileys back by now? I still just have the Emoticons2 and the Recently Used ones.
  13. Hallo Sabine, mir geht's gut, ich hoffe dir auch und dass du dich jetzt an die neuen Masken gewöhnen konntest? Die neuen Maßnahmen haben mich bis jetzt nicht stark betroffen, da ich von zu Hause aus arbeite. Ich bin als Übersetzerin tätig und dass viele Kunden Angst vor einem erneuten Lockdown haben, habe ich bereits vor ein paar Wochen gemerkt. Der Höhepunkt war dann vom Mittwoch, 21.10. bis Mittwoch, 28.10., wo ich jede Nacht nur zwischen zwei und vier Stunden geschlafen habe, weil ich sonst mit den Aufträgen nicht fertig geworden wäre. Dabei habe ich noch so viel abgesagt, weil ich einfach wirklich nicht mehr annehmen konnte. Jetzt ist es also auch passiert, dass viele Länder im Lockdown sind und die Aufträge haben bereits stark nachgelassen. Ist aber auch ok, ich habe die letzten Wochen wirklich wieder einmal zu viel gearbeitet. Wenn es wie im Frühling ist, dauert es nicht mehr lange und ich werde außer Miniaufträge nichts mehr machen können. Ist aber nicht so schlimm, wenn es nicht zu lange dauert und ich sollte endlich die Chance packen und endlich mal Ferien machen (habe ich seit zwei Jahren nicht mehr gemacht). Also bei mir zu Hause, ich habe nicht groß vor irgendwo hinzugehen. Und dann kommt auch schon bald Weihnachten und da sollte wirklich viel schiefgehen, damit ich keine Aufträge bekomme. Zu Hause zu bleiben macht mir eigentlich nicht viel aus, da ich Einzelgängerin bin und gerne zu Hause bin. Trotzdem würde ich auch gerne mal wieder etwas unternehmen, ohne Angst haben zu müssen, dass ich das Coronavirus einfange und jemandem, der zur Risikogruppe gehört, weitergebe. Und ja, ich würde gerne wieder einmal Mika live sehen, aber das scheint mir im Moment so weit weg ...
  14. I'm really looking forward to watch Mario Crincione's performance tomorrow. I'm curios about which song he will bring and how. And something else: Mika did like once "Rise Like a Phoenix" (or at least better than the other songs at the Eurovision Song Contest or maybe rather Conchita Wurst than the song?) or at least he pretended it. (00.11 - 00.42) Well, I think it's nothing new that Mika doesn't like the Eurovision Song Contest, he said it in a couple of interviews that I've seen.
  15. I think you're right. They cut e.g. things off and afterwards it looks worse what the judges tell to the candidates and the opposite. And they also change the order of the performances of the candidates to make it more interesting for the public to watch (in my opinion also this year). However, it's good when the judges have this year more liberty to do what they want. Well, one more change did exist at the auditions. Like Mika said, weren't this year people that really couldn't sing but they were even more scary.
  16. So, I dare to make an assumption, which three people out of the five Mika will take to the live shows. I think that he will take Vergo with him (at the auditions, he presented his own song and at the Bootcamp a cover and he persuaded with both titles and in the live shows, they are most of the time not allowed to sing their own songs, I think, unless they have changed the rules this year? Mika said he accepted to be a judge again because of the changes they make. However, I haven't seen many changes that are not due to the pandemic crisis). Then, I also think that Mika will take N.A.I.P with him as it seems that he likes him a lot (of course, this candidate is very special and for sure not a tradional singer but I think that the imagination of this guy is endless). Afterwards, it becomes more difficult for me to guess who the third person will be. I don't think that he will take Kaima with him as he is a rapper and it is more difficult for Mika to help a rapper as Mika doesn't make any rap and the season Mika took a rapper with him (Diluvio) he was eliminated the first live show right away. The vocal range of Eda Marì is also not so large, so he will maybe take Disarmo wih him, even if he said no to him in the auditions. However, I think it depends also a lot of what they will do in the Last Call. So I bet on Vergo, N.A.I.P. and Disarmo. What do you think?
  17. Aspetto un rapporto dettagliato se lo streaming è diverso di quello diffuso la prima volta e se Mika parla più d'italiano.
  18. Has Mika not always been the most severe of all judges?
  19. Thanks Christina. I've rewatched her performance and you're right, she was too sure about herself. She has a nice voice, but when she can't hit the high notes, she should choose another song. Mika said before she started that she has chosen a very difficult song. Another judge would maybe have given her at least a chair. However, I think Mika did it right. In the end, what is better? Have a seat for 30 minutes or I don't know for how long and have to go or go from the beginning? Mika did it right and he knew from the beginning exactly what he wanted. No need to make suffering people at chairs for no reason, in my opinion. I also don't remember her from the auditions.
  20. I agree, it's a contest and if they are not ready and some contestants are better they have to accept it. Anyway, what I'm doing? That's Mika's forum and I'm supposed to protect him and not the others. I guess that's my tendency of wanting to protect people even if they maybe don't deserve it.
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