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Posts posted by Arianne921

  1. @Sara Penny  È vero, hai ragione. Guarda solo cosa è successo quando ha dovuto annullare qualche concerto anche per motivi non dipendenti da lui! 

    Comunque c'è una sorta di bullismo non soltanto nei suoi confronti ma, alle volte, anche nei confronti dei suoi fan. A me è capitato, anche se poi a me non importa e prendo le mie decisioni ugualmente e vado avanti tranquilla. Problemi loro! Io sono in pace con tutti! :wink2::hug:

    • Like 1
  2. 15 hours ago, mellody said:



    è un piccolo programma o plugin per il browser che sostanzialmente finge che tu sia in un posto diverso da quello in cui ti trovi in realtà - in questo caso, farebbe finta che tu sia in Francia quando in realtà sei in Italia.

    I didn't know this, very interesting! I'll inform you about it! Thank you very much! :original: :thumb_yello:

  3. 10 minutes ago, linzijay said:

    Come@QueenBigFat Pensavo che fossi stato molto chiaro e sono d'accordo con te! Spesso ho difficoltà anche a spiegare la mia opinione con le parole, il che a volte mi sorprende perché sono uno scrittore professionista (non proprio uno scrittore emotivo o creativo, però).

    Mi piace che tu menzioni C'est la vie, perché penso che AC e CLV siano due canzoni con temi diversi ma un approccio simile nell'usare una canzone che sembra edificante per parlare di qualcosa che è onestamente doloroso, cosa che penso che Mika faccia molto , ma questo album è uno dei suoi migliori in questo senso.

    @linzijay I agree again with you. I think is a beautiful quality can be able to take something painful and make of it something of joyful. This is a quality that Mika owns! I hope to have written well! 

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  4. On 9/2/2024 at 14:35, linzijay said:

    Sono d'accordo con questo, soprattutto se consideri il suono un po' sognante della canzone. Mi sembra ancora pieno di speranza per questo motivo.


    Ci sono alcune situazioni, come ad esempio i blocchi del 2020, in cui penso che la vita cambi in peggio così velocemente e in modo così inaspettato che iniziamo a sentirci rassegnati a ciò che sta accadendo intorno a noi e abbiamo bisogno di trovare speranza ovunque possiamo trovarla. Questa canzone parla di quel sentimento per me. Trova ancora un frammento di bontà dove sembra che non ci sia altro da fare se non essere lì per le persone che ami.


    Tornando a cosa@ACG detto, è come un caloroso abbraccio di fronte al disastro e onestamente penso che sia unificante. Anche se la canzone parla di amore fisico, il sentimento generale della canzone è per me molto più profondo. A volte l'amore o anche la passione potrebbero essere ciò che ti aiuta ad affrontare un disastro in modo da poter tornare a sperare e lottare per un futuro migliore. (Potrei pensare troppo alla canzone a questo punto, ma è così che la penso, e sinceramente adoro Apocalypse calypso perché mi fa sentire edificato  :biggrin2:)


    Come questo si tradurrà nel tour e se sarà effettivamente edificante  o meno, non lo saprei, dato che non ho assolutamente esperienza con i concerti di Mika, ma sono interessato a seguire le esperienze di tutti e vedere come andranno gli spettacoli. :)

    I agree with you @linzijay. Me too, I think this song contains not only a description of something phisical but, into it, there is something else, that hyde, probably, and in my opinion, a feeling of hope. Someone of us can  give his own meaning about it, is clear, but I don't want to think that an amazing song like "Apocalypse Calypso" would give only a negative vision in front of Apocalypse. There is something deeper. The love is so deeper that it can lived and it can resist in front of Apocalypse too. It's one of the interpretation but its could be many others. 

    It already happened many times. Behind a feeling of sadness could be a feeling of happiness and behind a feeling of sadness could be a feeling of joyful like in "C'est la vie" where a serious topic is treated with music you can dance on and through you have fun.

    I don't know if I can be able to explain well this concept in English but I hope someone of you can understand what I have intention to say...

    I know... I'm not very good to explain my opinion with words...Is better, for me, to draw or speak through drawings and emoticons! :blush::lol3::giveup:

    • Like 4
  5. On 2/1/2024 at 6:06 PM, SusanT said:

    Hi @Arianne921

    I live in Italy too, in Puglia. Welcome to the Forum!  :original:

    Hello @SusanT! Thanks for your welcome message and excuse me for the delay of my reply! :blush:

    I'm happy to know other Italian people that love Mika like me and, if you want we'll see in Italian thread too, ok! :thumb_yello:Bye! :bye:

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  6. On 2/1/2024 at 9:38 AM, crazyaboutmika said:

    Ciao Arianna :bye: and :welcomeani:to MFC :huglove:

    That's a lovely intro :wub2: I am so nostalgic of Casa Mika, it was the best TV show I have ever watched :wub2:

    I fell in love with Mika the first time I saw Grace Kelly video and since it was on a music channel I could see his name and the name of his song at the end of the video thankfully (I usually don't pay attention but it was love at first sight and first hearing and I felt home )  and when I got back to my house and internet I googled Mika and  I loved his three songs  that were out at that time and I found MFC too :wub2:

    We all love Mika here you have found the right place :thumb_yello:

    We have a thread in Italian too 

    Ciao Arianna :bye: and :welcomeani:to MFC :huglove:

    That's a lovely intro :wub2: I am so nostalgic of Casa Mika, it was the best TV show I have ever watched :wub2:

    I fell in love with Mika the first time I saw Grace Kelly video and since it was on a music channel I could see his name and the name of his song at the end of the video thankfully (I usually  and when I got home I googled Mika and 

    We all love Mika here you have found the right place :thumb_yello:

    Ciao Arianna  and to MFC

    That's a lovely intro  I am so nostalgic of Casa Mika, it was the best TV show I have ever watched

    I fell in love with Mika the first time I saw Grace Kelly video and since it was on a music channel I could see his name and the name of his song at the end of the video thankfully (I usually  and when I got home I googled Mika and 

    We all love Mika here you have found the right place :thumb_yello:

    Your English is perfect but in case you want to chat in Italian here is the thread 

    Enjoy yourself here with us :group_hug:

    Hello @crazyaboutmika! Thank you for your warm welcome and thanks for telling me your story about Mika. :wub2:

    I apologise if I answer to you only now,  but I'm not so fast at writing and I wasn't be able to reply to all of you in time. I'm sorry! I hope to improve! 

    For what concern Italian thread...yes, I know it and... thank you I'll try! :thumb_yello: :pinkbow:

    Bye! :bye:


    • Like 1
  7. On 1/31/2024 at 8:28 PM, Hero said:

    Hi Arianna, and welcome! :welcomeani:

    I'm Andrea in the UK. Finding Mika brought me friendship and opened the world to me. It's an amazing thing.


    There are lots of Italian fans here, you're in good company. I hope you enjoy it here! 

    Hello @Hero! I apologise for the delay of my reply but in these two days I was very busy and I couldn't answer, I'm trying to recover with all of you! :sweatdrop: I'm sorry! 

    Thanks for your words, me too I hope to find new friends in Mika Fan Club. I would like to find them in Italy clearly,  but from the other country too is ok for me. I love learn something new about other cultures and other languages!...And it's true, Mika and Mikafans open your mind! It happened the same to me.

    Actually I enjoy myself very much with MFC! Thank you.

    Greetings from Italy! :bye:


    • Like 2
  8. On 1/31/2024 at 7:10 PM, TinyLove_CJ said:

    Welcome Arianna! :welcomeani:


    Being a Mika fan is a sure fire way to find other people with similar interests to you so I'm sure you'll make friends here! 


    Casa Mika is still one of the best things I've ever watched too!


    Enjoy being part of MFC 😊

    Hello @TinyLove_CJ! I apologise to you for the delay of my reply!

    Thank you for your good wishes and for your welcome! :pinkbow:

    As you said I hope too to make new friends here! 

    I always loved "Stasera Casa Mika"!

    It's so colorful and original and it's the show that make me discover Mika! :wub2:

    • Like 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, CharlotteL said:

    Sì mi piace molto! È una lingua bellissima specialmente se Mika la parla :D

    I'm happy that you like Italian language! 

    Well...about languages... I started studying French to understand better Mika when he speak in French, and now I'm very happy I did it! :yes: 

    I don't speak, and expecially I don't write, so well in French but, at least, I understand something now! Anyway... sometimes I'm confuse in Italian too so...:lol3:


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  10. On 1/31/2024 at 6:16 PM, Paoletta said:

    Hello Arianna welcome with us!!! 

    Ciaoo sono Paola da Torino 

    Hello @Paoletta! Nice to meet you! Another Italian like me! I'm happy! :boing:

    Thank you for your welcome!

    If sometimes you want have a chat with someone in Italian I wait you on Italian thread ok? :gathering:

    But English it's ok too, don't worry! At least I'll make mistakes like now! :lol3:

    I apologise to you too for the delay of my reply! Have a nice evening! :bye:

  11. On 1/31/2024 at 5:21 PM, CharlotteL said:

    Ciao Arianna and welcome! :)

    There are so many different people here with wildly different interests (and Mika as the one common one), I'm sure you'll find your people!!

    I absolutely love Casa Mika, it was one of the things that motivated me to look further into his work as well (and to learn Italian).


    Hello @CharlotteL! I apologise for the delay of my reply but I was very busy in these two days, I'm sorry! :sweatdrop:

    Me too, I hope to know new people to share with my love for Mika! 

    I have loved and I still love the show "Stasera Casa Mika" and I don't know why Italian Television doesn't shown it again! :dunno:

    I'm happy to know you study Italian. Do you like it? 

    Thank you very much for your welcome and greetings from Italy! :bye:

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