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What the hell is this guy thinking?


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i told my friend about this video. and i said that i hated people that hate mika. and then she said that not everyone in the world has to like mika.


true. but there's a difference between not liking a muciscian...and then being a total jerk.


that song was uncalled for and unnecessary. the song was horrible. that guy is just jealous because mika has talent and he doesn't.




we know that mika has looks, talent, and personality... and you have... NOTHING! its a shame. but thats how life goes.


move on!!

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Hi Guys!


Just saw this guy's ridiculous song... what can I say??? There are a few crazies in this world....


I posted a comment ... my name on youtube is magentapyramid - it hopefully is posted now...


what do you expect from a low-life, talent-less, redneck anyways?


DON'T GET ANGRY - GET EVEN !!!!! :thumbdown:

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This video did not make me angry. I'm sorry for this guy, what he talks about Mika is such nonsense that it can't even offend. I actually don't feel strong hatred coming from him, he just tried to be funny but that was actually bad idea because it makes him look miserable and jealous and invokes hatred in other people.

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:shocked: Who the f*cking hell does that guy think he is?????? I mean i know not everyone likes Mika but a BRAIN TUMOR!!! How horribly mean is that, what what the f*ck has Mika done to him anyway??? OMG!!! I'm so annoyed!!! This guy is a talentless, greasy haired, jibberish talking little b*stard, that needs some real shampoo and a god damn hearing aid becuase he obviously can't hear good music!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRGGGGHHHHHHH i still can't get over the 'dying of a brain tumor' thing....its just absolutely HORRIBLE!!! :devil:


I have to stop myself because if i don't i'll go on all night and maybe do/say something to that fat ox that i'll regret! :furious:



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Yes somebody should write a song in response to this video it would be awesome!!!!


Ask Caz! She can sing and she's got the guts to do it! :naughty: Has she seen it???

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Like I said on the youtube post, I really am surprised at the quality of the stuff they accept on that site. Maybe I don't go there often enough... maybe there is a lot more crap than I was aware of.... Now that the initial shock has worn off, I'm feeling a bit calmer and seeing this guy more as a loser than as an actual s**t disturber, someone you should feel more sorry for than get angry at. DON'T WASTE YOUR ENERGY, PEOPLE!!! He's pond scum. Forget it. Making angry, vindictive videos is just stooping to his level! Let's move on... Don't want to feel sappy but - FEEL THE MIKA LOVE !!!!! LOL!!! :mfr_lol: LIFE IS TOO SHORT!!! Have a great day everyone!

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Wow, people are taking it so seriously. :boxed: WTF.


I personally laughed my head off. The point where he started singing about Mika dying a horrible death made it blatantly obvious to me that it was all a bit of silliness. Actually, I thought it was quite obvious from the start...


Meh, maybe it's just me having one of my controversial moments, but really, I don't think you all should be getting so angry over this. And this is coming from someone who is rather protective of those for whom she has a lot of respect...


(Meant in the nicest way possible, of course!)

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Wow, people are taking it so seriously. :boxed: WTF.


I personally laughed my head off. The point where he started singing about Mika dying a horrible death made it blatantly obvious to me that it was all a bit of silliness. Actually, I thought it was quite obvious from the start...


Meh, maybe it's just me having one of my controversial moments, but really, I don't think you all should be getting so angry over this. And this is coming from someone who is rather protective of those for whom she has a lot of respect...


(Meant in the nicest way possible, of course!)


I think everybody needs to take a Chill Pill. Now.

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I was browsing for Mika videos when I found this:




He warns us to not take it too seriously, 'cause then we are a sad person and it's not a treat towards Mika, it's just a joke.


That's what he writes. Well I don't see the humor honestly...don't mess with Mika or you mess with me:mf_rosetinted:







oh well...I'm chill everybody has haters

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I think everybody needs to take a Chill Pill. Now.


Hooray, someone agrees! XD


This is gonna get me shot to death, I'm sure, but I feel kinda sorry for the guy... and I'm in slight disbelief that he's been forced to make an apology video, to be completely honest. But I s'pose the reason I got the joke is because I'm strange...? XD; I don't know. I don't really understand how it could be interpreted as anything other than a joke, though... just look at the guy's body language, and listen to the way he's just kinda making up random crap on the spot.


Meh. I dunno. =/ I think I should shut up now, LOL...

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Hooray, someone agrees! XD


This is gonna get me shot to death, I'm sure, but I feel kinda sorry for the guy... and I'm in slight disbelief that he's been forced to make an apology video, to be completely honest. But I s'pose the reason I got the joke is because I'm strange...? XD; I don't know. I don't really understand how it could be interpreted as anything other than a joke, though... just look at the guy's body language, and listen to the way he's just kinda making up random crap on the spot.


Meh. I dunno. =/ I think I should shut up now, LOL...


Y'know how you go to the beach and it's a gorgeous morning, the sun is shining, the surf is up, the sun is warm on your face, the day is great and just beginning, it's the first day of your vacation and you haven't a care in the world... youre walking along and suddenly there's something cold and slimey and really, really gross betwen your toes....... You look down and there's this dead jellyfish that has attached itself to your foot. You are grossed out beyond belief!!!! You think you just want to puke for the next 2 weeks......:puke:


That afternoon you don't even remember it.....or at least you really shouldn't......

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