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If MIKA was a close friend of yours... would u still?


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I don´t think i save all his photos as i do if he´s a close friend of mine.

It´s another type of relationship, bilateral relationship. It´s not the kind of fan-artist relationship, but i´ll still admire his art in all the senses. It´s not the same.

Maybe i would try to be more careful here in the things i post...

And i don´t have posters in my wall. I have real photos ;)

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I don´t think i save all his photos as i do if he´s a close friend of mine.

It´s another type of relationship, bilateral relationship. It´s not the kind of fan-artist relationship, but i´ll still admire his art in all the senses. It´s not the same.

Maybe i would try to be more careful here in the things i post...

And i don´t have posters in my wall. I have real photos ;)



I don`t think I`d be necessarely a member here if mika was a friend of mine

I mean there would be no use to,because if I wanna know smth,I`d just ask the source and secondly because I `d probably know lots about him ,and I`m not into the whole invading people`s privacy thing,so I wouldn`t come here and talk abt him or things that he dose

I might read the forum though

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I don`t think I`d be necessarely a member here if mika was a friend of mine

I mean there would be no use to,because if I wanna know smth,I`d just ask the source and secondly because I `d probably know lots about him ,and I`m not into the whole invading people`s privacy thing,so I wouldn`t come here and talk abt him or things that he dose

I might read the forum though


You mean you'd like to be his deek? :thumb_yello:

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I'm gonna look on this as if my best buddies were famous.


I wouldn't be obsessed, because they are my best friends and I just look at them as normal, ordinary human beings. If, however, I found a funny picture of them, or found something they had never seen, ofcourse I would save the picture but I'd share it them too and go "HA HA LOOK AT HOW FUNNEH YOU LOOK" because thats my very childish sense of humour :D


as for posters....I might put their first photo shoot on my wall....or the one they look best in...simply because I'd be proud of them :D

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If Mika was my friend I certainly wouldn't have posters of him on my wall. It would be embarassing if he came into my room and dicovered I was so obsessed with him. But don't doubt I'd have his CD and go to his shows. He's an amazing artist, objectively speaking.

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well,fact is,you can`t be obsessed abt a good friend of yours

if you know him before he gets famous,he still remains a normal guy for you,because you`d have known him for some time now,and I`m quite sure noone puts posters of their freinds on the walls

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Well, I don't have pictures of him on my walls anyway... the last time I put pictures of a celebrity on my wall was back when the Spice Girls first got famous, haha! And while I admire the fact that he always seems to manage to give off so much positivity, I've never actually thought of him as being perfect or anything like that. I see him as a human being, with imperfections like everyone else, despite the fact that I haven't actually been able to see much of his negative side, as I don't know him. (It would be interesting to see more of his negative side, actually...)


If I'd known Mika before he got famous, would I still come on here? It's possible I would, just out of interest, and also because of the friendly atmosphere on here. I think I'd still be amused at the randomtasticness of some of the threads on here XD haha.

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would you still put poster of him on the wall? and do other things like saving his pix on the computer? :)


When I was a teenager I worked with this super hot guy. To this day he is still one of the most beautiful people I've ever met. Another girl we worked with also had a job at a copy shop and she made 2' x 3' posters of him. I've still got it and I have a smaller photos on all my computers :wub2:


We desperately wanted him to become some kind of star - modelling, acting, singing, who cares...he was so hot and everyone who saw the posters thought he was already a movie star.


I used to take him with me on a lot of record company outings in the hopes that someone would discover him. But he was so shy and unbelievably modest.


Anyway, yeah if Mika was my friend I'd probably be even more into compiling stuff about him and making it available to fans (if he didn't mind). I'd be all about spreading the Mika love.

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well,fact is,you can`t be obsessed abt a good friend of yours

if you know him before he gets famous,he still remains a normal guy for you,because you`d have known him for some time now,and I`m quite sure noone puts posters of their freinds on the walls


maybe not posters, but i have a certain area in my room where my wall is filled with pictures of me and my friends :D

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I guess for me I've liked many bands/celebrities in the past but as far as Mika goes, I see him as an artist. He's not just a face,name, body or a five octave sining voice to me. He's a person who had dreams he wanted to accomplish and is accomplishing that. That to me makes him just like us. I don't have a desktop with Mika or posters on my wall and more than likely never will. I never had them of other people i liked as well unless i truly felt they were untouchable. I don't know how to be a"crazy obsessed fan" and I'm not looking to learn. I like how I'm down to earth about........well, Mika. I can't say I've been about everyone in the past.


I think Mika is amazing just like the next fan but am i obsessed? NO! I'm consumed with trying to meet him and hoping to talk to him and get a few of my questions answered(not the gay thing, I've already got an answer i can except). I totally disagree with the thought that you can't be friends if your a fan. I guess if your a obsessed fan, then yes, thats very likely but if you admire and respect him as a person with friends, family, a private like faults,bad habits and probably don't think that everything he does or says is right or just amazing, then maybe there's some hope for you yet.


I remember when i met him in Atlanta and there were crowds of people around him they were like winning and trying to get picture with him after he said he only had like 10 mins before he had to go. I was able to give him a shirts and a picture of me with an encouraging message on it, and i though to myself," it feels good not to take from someone who is already giving so much to the people." Its an amazing feeling. But after standing back and watching him with other fans i thought," i guess it doesn't hurt to get and autograph or even a picture. So i had him sign my ticket and then helped my friend get her camera signed. But i was most upset at myself when i tried to take a picture of him after he had just signed someone else ticket and flashed it right in his face. That made me feel bad because i never want someone to do that to me, so why would i do that to someone else? From then on i decide thats how I'm going to treat people(in general),no matter how crazy things get. So that's been my resolve. I've got to treat people how I'd like to be treated. Meaning, I've got to constantly change my perspective to be sensitive to every persons situation in life. its very difficult but very important.



I hope this makes sense? this is the most i think I've written on any tread so far.

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maybe not posters, but i have a certain area in my room where my wall is filled with pictures of me and my friends :D


yeah but niot the 60cm big poster :bleh:

I have a lil collage too:biggrin2:

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I totally disagree with the thought that you can't be friends if your a fan. I guess if your a obsessed fan, then yes, thats very likely but if you admire and respect him as a person with friends, family, a private like faults,bad habits and probably don't think that everything he does or says is right or just amazing, then maybe there's some hope for you yet.




I agree with you on that one,but it`s hard for an artist to distinguish what someone wants from him,from just an encounter,and he hasn`t got the time to have long conversations with people.Also,how you decided to go about it,is a great way. TJust like you,I don`t like to take pictures of people

like that...it`s like some kind of abuse to just stick the cam in his face and flash away. I know he probably is used to it,but still,I wouldn`t

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I guess for me I've liked many bands/celebrities in the past but as far as Mika goes, I see him as an artist. He's not just a face,name, body or a five octave sining voice to me. He's a person who had dreams he wanted to accomplish and is accomplishing that. That to me makes him just like us. I don't have a desktop with Mika or posters on my wall and more than likely never will. I never had them of other people i liked as well unless i truly felt they were untouchable. I don't know how to be a"crazy obsessed fan" and I'm not looking to learn. I like how I'm down to earth about........well, Mika. I can't say I've been about everyone in the past.


I think Mika is amazing just like the next fan but am i obsessed? NO! I'm consumed with trying to meet him and hoping to talk to him and get a few of my questions answered(not the gay thing, I've already got an answer i can except). I totally disagree with the thought that you can't be friends if your a fan. I guess if your a obsessed fan, then yes, thats very likely but if you admire and respect him as a person with friends, family, a private like faults,bad habits and probably don't think that everything he does or says is right or just amazing, then maybe there's some hope for you yet.


I remember when i met him in Atlanta and there were crowds of people around him they were like winning and trying to get picture with him after he said he only had like 10 mins before he had to go. I was able to give him a shirts and a picture of me with an encouraging message on it, and i though to myself," it feels good not to take from someone who is already giving so much to the people." Its an amazing feeling. But after standing back and watching him with other fans i thought," i guess it doesn't hurt to get and autograph or even a picture. So i had him sign my ticket and then helped my friend get her camera signed. But i was most upset at myself when i tried to take a picture of him after he had just signed someone else ticket and flashed it right in his face. That made me feel bad because i never want someone to do that to me, so why would i do that to someone else? From then on i decide thats how I'm going to treat people(in general),no matter how crazy things get. So that's been my resolve. I've got to treat people how I'd like to be treated. Meaning, I've got to constantly change my perspective to be sensitive to every persons situation in life. its very difficult but very important.



I hope this makes sense? this is the most i think I've written on any tread so far.


I have to say I really, really like a lot what you have written. It makes perfect sense to me, all of it.

And I like how you all contadict to my thought that a fan can't become a friend. I must admit you have a point there and I honestly just want to believe it's not impossible. :wink2:

Maybe there is no such rule at all, maybe it just depends on the fan and the artist...

I'm not going to point out here again how extraordinarily outstanding Mika is among all the other celebrities. We all know it.

Being asked if I'm obsessed with Mika I would say yes. But it is not that kind of stalkerish obsession people think of at first glance in combination with fandom. It's more an obsession based on fascination by the whole package, a great deal of which is his personality.

I said earlier today that people will hardly find me standing in an aftershow queue to get a pic and something signed for that doesn't really mean so much to me. But this is what you get as a fan. That's the difference.

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If Mika was my close personal friend, I would slap him upside his curly head for not selling more merchandise at his concerts! He could make a fortune that way! :bleh:


Ok, maybe not. If we were pals, I'm sure I'd follow his career pretty closely, and buy mags with his face on it and whatnot. I was tempted to do that for Blake Lewis from American Idol, because I knew him when I was in college. Sadly, I didn't have the gumption, or the money.

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And I like how you all contadict to my thought that a fan can't become a friend. I must admit you have a point there and I honestly just want to believe it's not impossible. :wink2:


Well, I don't think it is at all probable, so speaking in those terms--I'd say it's not bloody likely, hahah.


But philosophically speaking, I'd say it is technically possible. I mean, I'd say Perez Hilton is simultaneously both a friend and a fan of Mika, for instance.


And also, I just wanted to say that I have known people to get obsessed with someone they're friends with--up to the saving thousands of photos on their computer of them, etc--when they got a crush on them. So that happens. Though it can make the friend uncomfortable if it's not reciprocal...


And while it's true that most people don't idolize friends, I personally do have a friend that I sort of idolize (though I don't save any of his photos, ha). I just think he's all sorts of lovely-amazing. But he assures me it's mutual, which is I guess why it works and isn't too weird.



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If Mika was my close personal friend, I would slap him upside his curly head for not selling more merchandise at his concerts! He could make a fortune that way! :bleh:


Ok, maybe not. If we were pals, I'm sure I'd follow his career pretty closely, and buy mags with his face on it and whatnot. I was tempted to do that for Blake Lewis from American Idol, because I knew him when I was in college. Sadly, I didn't have the gumption, or the money.


LOL, a close friend of mine was taking part in the German version of the show (strange enough, it is the same guy who's doing the great paintings I have on my wall - coincidence?) Sadly (well, not really for I think the show is crap and here in Germany you never hear anything of/by/about the winners again afterwards) he only made it to the top 50.

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LOL, a close friend of mine was taking part in the German version of the show (strange enough, it is the same guy who's doing the great paintings I have on my wall - coincidence?) Sadly (well, not really for I think the show is crap and here in Germany you never hear anything of/by/about the winners again afterwards) he only made it to the top 50.

you mean DSDS? who was it? :biggrin2:

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you mean DSDS? who was it? :biggrin2:


It was some years ago in that season where I think it was Elli has won (never heard of her afterwards, as usual - LOL)

His name is Bernd but you probably don't remember him, he was the most understated guy in the whole season. Shortly before the top 50 show Dieter Bohlen was given a pile of pics of the participants, he looked them though and had a nice or nasty slogan for each of them. As he looked at Bernd's pic he was like: *silly face* 'Never seen, never heard, don't know him' - We were sitting in front of the TV like :lmao::lmfao::lmao: but it was not meant meanly of course. Bernd has a super job in the software segment today, makes loads of money and drives a fancy car.... so no need to worry :biggrin2:

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