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No, I didn't meet Mairead, it was a dude called Andy. House was fabulous but waaaay too expensive.


Ahhh English was good fun but I did prefer Philosophy. I'm useless at languages, but I would have killed for an excuse to do Arts for four years rather than three. (Other than repeating, which I would happily have done but I couldn't afford that either! :naughty:) I miss it now, actually. I miss the Boole basement! Great for sleeping!


I love Philosophy, but I hate debating, so I never really went to it. Mighta done once when I was in first year, but I'm more the 'listen to all sides and quietly decide my view' as opposed to 'bash all sides while defending my view' type. :naughty: It's cool to watch debates, but I SUCK at them. I'm far too peaceful! :naughty:


Baha :naughty: oh that's good, you're better off! I should probably say no more. :naughty:


I much prefer French too, poor English eh? :naughty: I will be an Arts student for 5 years now at this rate, cos my course is actually 4 years! Probably the longest it will ever have taken someone to get what is essentially an Arts degree with a bit of a twist. :naughty:


Haha! Ah the Boole, it's quite cosy down there with the nice cushiony seats! :naughty: It's so funny discussing this with somebody on MFC! and we probably know all the same English lecturers and that too!!


Aw yeah, I'm the same! I'd never dream of getting involved, I just like to observe and see them all getting narked off at each other. :naughty: No they have some interesting discussions though sometimes! but tbh after the Lisbon debate I just came out worried whatever way it was gonna go :naughty:

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I wonder is Mairead the one Andy was telling us about - he said there was a woman across the way who was a demon about late night noise - that her? :naughty:


5 years would be my dream. I'd happily stay in college for a long time yet!

English lecturers: EIBHEAR WALSHE!! Haha he's a pet. And an easy marker! And if you're doing any Shakespeare - Andrew King is the best ever. Oh, and Juliet Mullins looks like a thin, Amish Bridget Jones!! Okay I'm done. :naughty:


I would have liked to hear the Lisbon one actually, though I'd already read the treaty myself and come to the No conclusion. Would have been interesting to hear the different arguments though!


I'm guessing you're also into Russell Brand/comedy,going by your avatar? He's a legend :thumb_yello: Along with the likes of Frankie Boyle, Bill Bailey, even our own Dara O Brien, Dylan Moran and Andrew Maxwell.

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I wonder is Mairead the one Andy was telling us about - he said there was a woman across the way who was a demon about late night noise - that her? :naughty:


5 years would be my dream. I'd happily stay in college for a long time yet!

English lecturers: EIBHEAR WALSHE!! Haha he's a pet. And an easy marker! And if you're doing any Shakespeare - Andrew King is the best ever. Oh, and Juliet Mullins looks like a thin, Amish Bridget Jones!! Okay I'm done. :naughty:


I would have liked to hear the Lisbon one actually, though I'd already read the treaty myself and come to the No conclusion. Would have been interesting to hear the different arguments though!


I'm guessing you're also into Russell Brand/comedy,going by your avatar? He's a legend :thumb_yello: Along with the likes of Frankie Boyle, Bill Bailey, even our own Dara O Brien, Dylan Moran and Andrew Maxwell.


I'm sure it is! :roftl: It was only today she was telling me how she was actually reporting these ones who live behind us for the noise they were making Saturday night! :rolleyes: That's so funny that Andy fella mentioned her! :naughty: I'm actually living with her.. yeah. :huh:


Haha, everyone is telling us college is the place to be right now! In a strange kind of way, it's almost worked that I'm having to repeat, because I was actually planning on taking this year out as I did not feel ready to go to France yet, for a lot of reasons, and my plan had been to find a job for the year and go next year instead. But in all fairness that would have been tough right now. So well, I'm finding the positives to the negatives I guess. :)


Aw haha Eibhear Walshe is lovely! Gotta love Barry Monaghan too! Oh and Alan Gibbs, I think he's brilliant!


Wow you read the treaty? Was it long? It was really interesting hearing everyone's arguments! Though a lot of it went over my head if I'm honest :blush-anim-cl::naughty: at the end of the night the vast majority were on the Yes side, I was quite suprised cos there had been a lot of people fighting for the No side to begin with!


Yess big RB fan I am haha :) I like the others you listed too, though I'm not sure if I'm familiar with Bill Bailey or Frankie Boyle, but their names are very familiar!

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Oh she must be a joy to live with - not! Having said that, I'd like quiet housemates so it'd work in my favour. I live in a detached bungalow with just my brother (who is a student) - it's fantastic.


College is definately the place to be right now. And when I go back it'll probably be the worst place to be! :naughty:


I read the treaty because it was available online - and I was too confused by other people being totally biased. It was quite long - I skipped irrelevant bits. The general outcome if people had said no, would be that nothing changed at all. As it is, the minister for finance came out the morning after it was voted in and said, 'by the way, all that stuff about jobs, economy etc, you all misunderstood. Lisbon isn't going to fix those things, it's going to provide the opportunity for politicians to fix them if they want to.' Which basically means 'no.'


Frankie Boyle is the Scottish guy on Mock The Week, and Bill Bailey is yer man with Dylan Moran in Black Books, the long haired English dude. :biggrin2:

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Oh she must be a joy to live with - not! Having said that, I'd like quiet housemates so it'd work in my favour. I live in a detached bungalow with just my brother (who is a student) - it's fantastic.


College is definately the place to be right now. And when I go back it'll probably be the worst place to be! :naughty:


I read the treaty because it was available online - and I was too confused by other people being totally biased. It was quite long - I skipped irrelevant bits. The general outcome if people had said no, would be that nothing changed at all. As it is, the minister for finance came out the morning after it was voted in and said, 'by the way, all that stuff about jobs, economy etc, you all misunderstood. Lisbon isn't going to fix those things, it's going to provide the opportunity for politicians to fix them if they want to.' Which basically means 'no.'


Frankie Boyle is the Scottish guy on Mock The Week, and Bill Bailey is yer man with Dylan Moran in Black Books, the long haired English dude. :biggrin2:


Ha, you guessed it! I'm not even gonna begin on that one, cos I'd be here all night! she's a psycho. She's really testing all our patience here, I'm hoping I'll get used to her and all her rules and nitpicking and cleanfreakiness, but I'm not sure I will. Oh well, I'll see I guess... Noise has never really been an issue here, and that's saying something cos for her everything is an issue, but one thing which drives me crazy is she has the radio on in the kitchen all day, and I can hear it loud and clear in my room, to the point where I can't even study. Today I went and turned it right down when she wasn't there :naughty: I don't think I could say anything to her about it though.. Anyway I'm sorry for the rant there, got a bit carried away. :naughty:


Ah I see, you were right to really cos all those biased opinions were what was making things very confusing! I just didn't know who to trust!


I've half watched Mock the week a few times, still don't know that guy though :naughty: I'll look out for him again the next time!

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Do, he's very sarcastic and dark humoured, which is why I like him.


You're up late!! I've been working on yearbook art for about 6 hours. I can't stop once I start!! What your excuse? :naughty:


Haha! This is why I have to restrain myself from coming on here so often, cos once I come in here I can't leave! This is actually early for me :naughty: We're a right bunch of night owls us here once we get started :naughty: But this is quite late for me now and my new proper sleeping pattern, I'm been sticking to it well for the fast few weeks so can't let myself slip back into the old one again which was all over the place.


Aw that's brilliant you're working on yearbook art, you'll have to show us once you're finished! :wink2: That reminds me I still have to write those things I said I would for it :fisch::naughty:

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It is finished, the current one. I've more planned which I really need to get working on. It's a Paintshop painting (just freehand layers, like a real painting.) It's here: http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs51/f/2009/278/6/0/Pick_Up_Off_The_Floor___Mika_by_Nollaig.jpg


I've written some of my things, but I still have to finish them. I tend to get distracted by random things I don't need to do, and ignore the things I've said I will do :teehee:


I'm a total night owl, I've tried to sort my sleeping pattern and I just can't! I'm often up til 4 or 5am! It's really annoying. I need pillz or something :naughty: And I have to go into the city tomorrow morning, and won't feel like it when I've been up half the night x_x

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It is finished, the current one. I've more planned which I really need to get working on. It's a Paintshop painting (just freehand layers, like a real painting.) It's here: http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs51/f/2009/278/6/0/Pick_Up_Off_The_Floor___Mika_by_Nollaig.jpg


I've written some of my things, but I still have to finish them. I tend to get distracted by random things I don't need to do, and ignore the things I've said I will do :teehee:


I'm a total night owl, I've tried to sort my sleeping pattern and I just can't! I'm often up til 4 or 5am! It's really annoying. I need pillz or something :naughty: And I have to go into the city tomorrow morning, and won't feel like it when I've been up half the night x_x


Oh my God, my jaw literally dropped when I saw this! That is STUNNING, so incredibly beautiful! You are so talented! I really can't wait to see what else you come up with! I'm not very arty :bleh: but I think I know what paintshop paintings are, you work on them entirely on the computer?


I'm the exact same! That was me pretty much all summer, it's a suprisingly hard habit to kick! Now I'm back in college though I'm really trying to stick to my routine, and it's working so far so I just hope I can keep it up! Aw I know the feeling well. Sure I'm in the same situation I've to be up in about 5 hours now! Lovely! But hey at least you've been up half the night doing something productive. :naughty:

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Ha, thank you. It's probably the best thing I've ever done. God bless Mika's brown skin - browns are the easiest shades to work with! :naughty: Yes, it's done entirely on computer.It's a 'digital' painting, I often sketch something out on paper, scan it and use it as an outline to paint over digitially. But there's no fancy tools used in it - it's just the paintbrush and layers of varying transparency and colours. I like the detail that goes with freehand work.Nothing else I do will be as good though, I've done some bits and they're more abstract sorta. I'm mostly exploring different ideas inspired by Mika or his music, he's fairly colourful :naughty:


I'm up in 5 hours too.*groan* I really should get to bed. Not sure I'd call colouring Mika in 'productive', but it's something I suppose. You have a 9am lecture??

Edited by Nollaig
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Ha, thank you. It's probably the best thing I've ever done. God bless Mika's brown skin - browns are the easiest shades to work with! :naughty: Nothing else I do will be as good, I've done some bits and they're more abstract sorta. I'm mostly exploring different ideas inspired by Mika or his music, he's fairly colourful :naughty:


I'm up in 5 hours too.*groan* I really should get to bed. Not sure I'd call colouring Mika in 'productive', but it's something I suppose. You have a 9am lecture??


It really is breathtaking, no word of a lie. I can't stop looking at it, I love it :wub2: If that is not called productive then I don't know what is. :naughty:


I have a 10am one, but aim to be up by 8 so I'll be up by 8.30 anyway :naughty: It's so late now that I'm pretty much past the point of caring exactly how late it is though. :naughty: I think I better be off all the same. Was nice chatting to you Nollaig! Be sure to post any more Mika art you do here too! :) Night!

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oh girleeeens we've got an Irish date!! :boing:

So after all the campaigning and what not I won't be there.. ye must give him a kiss from me!

Love to all



I can't believe it! :teehee: I'm so happy right now! Wish you could be there Niamh!

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I know! Okay, lets think. Shaz, are you doing Belfast AND Dublin, or just Dublin? I'm only doing Dublin I think, and if you go to Belfast, we'll be travelling seperately.


Nextly, Blossom is phoning the Olympia tomorrow to ask about wheelchair areas, and she's also going asking about whether it's standing or sitting. If it's standing, we'll have no problem staying together with MFC-ers as much as is possible. If it's seated, how will that work?

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I don't know who Niamh is but why is she not going?!?! :shocked:


Edit: I just saw her location! :roftl:


:naughty: hey Nollaig, nice to meet you.... I haven't been in this thread much lately, my bad....Shaza, Debbie and I used to have gas craic :roftl: but I'm glad to see new Irishers!

I'm so glad ye get to see him...we had a big Operation Shamrock campaign to get Meeks to Ireland but now I won't get to see him :mad:

But I know ye'll have a marvellous time....he's pretty AMAZING live

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:naughty: hey Nollaig, nice to meet you.... I haven't been in this thread much lately, my bad....Shaza, Debbie and I used to have gas craic :roftl: but I'm glad to see new Irishers!

I'm so glad ye get to see him...we had a big Operation Shamrock campaign to get Meeks to Ireland but now I won't get to see him :mad:

But I know ye'll have a marvellous time....he's pretty AMAZING live


Hi Niamh! Neeve? Niamh? Which?! :naughty:


I feel so behind lol, everyone already knows everyone else. I'm like,'oh hi' *pushes into group* lmao!


I've never seen him, so I'm thrilled! And Shaza and Debbie (among others) seem awesome so I imagine it'll be great craic!


Such a shame you can't come too!! Must be gutted! Even if you've seen him before, there's nothing quite like seeing an artist on your own turf, you know?

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I know! Okay, lets think. Shaz, are you doing Belfast AND Dublin, or just Dublin? I'm only doing Dublin I think, and if you go to Belfast, we'll be travelling seperately.


Nextly, Blossom is phoning the Olympia tomorrow to ask about wheelchair areas, and she's also going asking about whether it's standing or sitting. If it's standing, we'll have no problem staying together with MFC-ers as much as is possible. If it's seated, how will that work?


Definitely Dublin, and really want to do Belfast too, but I'm still not sure, my mom is iffy about it but she says maybe! I want to do them both so much! It would be a shame we couldn't travel up together though if I went to Belfast :(


It's almost definitely standing I'd say! Can't see it being seated at all!

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Definitely Dublin, and really want to do Belfast too, but I'm still not sure, my mom is iffy about it but she says maybe! I want to do them both so much! It would be a shame we couldn't travel up together though if I went to Belfast :(


It's almost definitely standing I'd say! Can't see it being seated at all!


Yeah I'd be surprised if it was seated too. Standing is good.


I really want to do Belfast too. And I don't actually know HOW I'm going to get pre-sale tickets tomorrow as I don't have a credit card (I use 3V vouchers usually for online things) so I could wait til the general sale and see can I afford both....but then what if all the standing ones are gone.... ARGH! :blink:

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Yeah I'd be surprised if it was seated too. Standing is good.


I really want to do Belfast too. And I don't actually know HOW I'm going to get pre-sale tickets tomorrow as I don't have a credit card (I use 3V vouchers usually for online things) so I could wait til the general sale and see can I afford both....but then what if all the standing ones are gone.... ARGH! :blink:


Oh no, is there any way you could get even Dublin tomorrow? cos you're going to that anyway, and then if it turns out you can go to Belfast too get that later?

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I don't have a credit card :boxed:


I have the money, literally, in cash, here in my room LOL enough to do two or three gigs! I just don't have a credit card.


Would you be able to get a 3V voucher tomorrow though?


If not I can book one for you! But depending on the price (cos I don't have much left in my limit :teehee:)

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