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too much Mika love?

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I do understand where you are coming from, and I've kept out of certain forums due to them being a bit too much for me.

I can safely say that I've not said anything like "our Mika", I tend to refer to him as the big guy, due to the fact he fair towers over me. I may have made some reference to him being quite attractive (come on we all know he is) and how that may affect me in certain ways, but it's all in fun, I'm not serious, anyone who really knows me, knows I would run a mile if it got turned around on me (I'm a big chicken).

I do flick through some of the "love Mika" threads but I don't post in them, cause I can't be bothered.

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I do understand where you are coming from, and I've kept out of certain forums due to them being a bit too much for me.

I can safely say that I've not said anything like "our Mika", I tend to refer to him as the big guy, due to the fact he fair towers over me. I may have made some reference to him being quite attractive (come on we all know he is) and how that may affect me in certain ways, but it's all in fun, I'm not serious, anyone who really knows me, knows I would run a mile if it got turned around on me (I'm a big chicken).

I do flick through some of the "love Mika" threads but I don't post in them, cause I can't be bothered.



but what im trying to say is that's not all he is.


thanks for posting your opinion. I think i've made some people angry but i was just trying to show my point of view.


oh well.:boxed:

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:roftl: I try to just stay out of...90% of the threads, then it's all fine :lmao:



Ive read 10 pages of this thread ! and decided , the only thing i seem to ompletely agree on in this whole forum is to stay out !


so Kata i'm gonna change ure 90% to 100% (4 me !)



no offence to anyone- have fun peeps !!

ciao !!:biggrin2: :biggrin2: :thumb_yello::naughty::blush-anim-cl:

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I just saw JT on Monday and he's nowhere near the no-talent I thought. He actually played the piano for half the concert in between his bad dancing. Kinda reminded me of someone we know :fisch:


I don't mind people swooning over Mika in various threads but the proprietary talk bugs me. Some fans expect way too much of him and seem to think their endless devotion to him is or should be reciprocated. Even that wouldn't bother me if people just adhered to their delusions but you know it's all going to end in tears when they discover he's not all he appears to be.


I think it's better that people love Mika in spite of his flaws, not because they think he doesn't have any.

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I think it's better that people love Mika in spite of his flaws, not because they think he doesn't have any.


I love knowing that people you might perceive as "perfect" have flaws. People in the public eye are human. Humans are not perfect. And I love that. If someone truly was flawless, I think it would drive me insane. I love Mika, flaws and all. He is not perfect, and i wouldn't want it any other way.

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I just saw JT on Monday and he's nowhere near the no-talent I thought. He actually played the piano for half the concert in between his bad dancing. Kinda reminded me of someone we know :fisch:


I don't mind people swooning over Mika in various threads but the proprietary talk bugs me. Some fans expect way too much of him and seem to think their endless devotion to him is or should be reciprocated. Even that wouldn't bother me if people just adhered to their delusions but you know it's all going to end in tears when they discover he's not all he appears to be.

I think it's better that people love Mika in spite of his flaws, not because they think he doesn't have any.


I agree with most of your post there, but the red bit I especially like- True, after all Mika is just a normal 24 year old.

He has his good sides (which is the only thing that we get to see) and his bad things, like any other person in this world (except me :roftl: ,ok just kidding!!).

Anyway the point here is that of course he's not perfect, and as a public person we only get to see what he wants us to see of him, which means that we don't get to experience his bad moods, his self proclaimed bosiness, his bad habits, etc, etc..

It is worrying if some people idolise him to the point where they think he's holier than holy, becase as you say it wll end in tears when at some point things come out that crash their image of him.

Then again, that is life I suppose and it will teach whoever is affected a bit of a lesson..I don't mean to sound patronising but I think that it's just the way it is.

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I never thought i'd say this but i think there is too much fawning over Mika lately. Maybe im in a bad mood, but i don't think that's it



I don't want you to get the wrong impression. I AM NOT SICK OF MIKA. Not by a long shot. :naughty:


Some things have been bothering me lately


some examples are:



Mika's so innocent- he may be sweet but he is NOT innocent

he's a 24 year-old man for pete's sake!


He is SOOO gorgeous- , i think we've covered that :naughty:


OUR MIKA- aghhhhh! He is not 'ours'....you may think i'm crazy but that phrase bothers me the most

Sorry if this makes you mad. I just wanted to share what i've been thinking over the last couple days

I know this is a fan club but all the Mika is just......


:blink: i don't know...


i guess the word im looking for is overrated?


Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean i don't love him 'cause i do.


I hope some of you agree with me.


all comments are welcome, though.:thumb_yello:

Mika is a human. Mika is not perfect. Mika is a relatively normal, non-innocent 24-year-old. Mika is GORGEOUS. Mika causes swooning.


But above all...


Mika is talented. Mika is a wonderful performer. Mika is charismatic. Mika is wonderful and beautiful.


posted by Hannah.


I couldn't agree more, especially about the "our mika" saying.

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I agree with most of your post there, but the red bit I especially like- True, after all Mika is just a normal 24 year old.

He has his good sides (which is the only thing that we get to see) and his bad things, like any other person in this world (except me :roftl: ,ok just kidding!!).

Anyway the point here is that of course he's not perfect, and as a public person we only get to see what he wants us to see of him, which means that we don't get to experience his bad moods, his self proclaimed bosiness, his bad habits, etc, etc..

It is worrying if some people idolise him to the point where they think he's holier than holy, becase as you say it wll end in tears when at some point things come out that crash their image of him.

Then again, that is life I suppose and it will teach whoever is affected a bit of a lesson..I don't mean to sound patronising but I think that it's just the way it is.


Even a bit of idolizing can cause a similar effect, for intense my experience in NY at GMA. Prior to that all i ever read were things about his innocence and loving the fans, and such, but Naomi and i got a double dose of reality. And, even though it was disappointing, it was a real eye-opener. Ok, not that dramatic because i already saw signs of the things he showed us in NY, in tons of his interviews, but i wanted to believe otherwise for the sake of hoping to have a better experience.

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hmmm, pretty simple really, just read the threads that interest you. We are all different, nobody is seen as right or wrong.


The irony is that this thread is even more pointless than the ones you are campaigning against :bleh:

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Im pretty perfect. :blink:



Nicka, you wish you were perfect!:bleh:




I just saw JT on Monday and he's nowhere near the no-talent I thought. He actually played the piano for half the concert in between his bad dancing. Kinda reminded me of someone we know :fisch:


I don't mind people swooning over Mika in various threads but the proprietary talk bugs me. Some fans expect way too much of him and seem to think their endless devotion to him is or should be reciprocated. Even that wouldn't bother me if people just adhered to their delusions but you know it's all going to end in tears when they discover he's not all he appears to be.


I think it's better that people love Mika in spite of his flaws, not because they think he doesn't have any.

Hmmm...i guess i'll have to see him live:biggrin2: .

i really like the last couple of sentences of your post. It sums up what im trying to say.


I'm glad you guys get it.

hmmm, pretty simple really, just read the threads that interest you. We are all different, nobody is seen as right or wrong.


The irony is that this thread is even more pointless than the ones you are campaigning against :bleh:


but i'm not campaigning against any threads.


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God. I'm so happy someone started this thread and it wasn't me. Because if any of you have spoken privately with me lately, you'd know that I would have been a lot more caustic and harsh about it.


Now, I love Mika. Really. A lot. I think he's amazingly talented. I think he's incredibly clever. I think he's extremely attractive. I think he's funny and charismatic and I think, in fact, that he deserves all the adoration he receives and more.


And the adoration I can handle, even if the more over-the-top posts make me cringe sometimes.


But the "our" Mika. The "innocent" stuff. The proprietariness, the presumptuousness, the protectiveness (from imaginary ills and even more imaginary enemies). I'm having a hard time handling that sometimes, because I feel by making Mika into this perfect idol that has no connection to reality, people are stripping him of any individuality, personality, humanity, or autonomy. And by making him "our Mika," we may think we are claiming ownership of this creation we have constructed, but we are applying it to the real person underneath all the gilt. We give him so much of our energy and devotion when he never asked for any of it, and then we begin to feel that he owes us various things in return, or that we have some kind of say in his life, when all of that is due to our own delusions. And we are so sure that because he is so perfect, he will live up to our wishes even if we admit he doesn't have to (oh, but yet secretly we still think he should), and also that he will not mind any liberties we take with his person, because he is just so nice.


I wish that would stop above all.


His life is his. Not ours.


It's hard to explain why I think exactly calling him innocent and swooning over him excessively deprives him of it, but I think it does. Not in a tangible way, obviously--very little of what we do here resonates in his day-to-day life, ever. But just... by worshiping a Mika-who-does-not-really-exist, I feel like we disempower the-Mika-who-does.


I don't know if what I'm saying makes sense to anyone, sorry. I've been very bitter lately in general, I think I may need a bit of a break from the forum myself.



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God. I'm so happy someone started this thread and it wasn't me. Because if any of you have spoken privately with me lately, you'd know that I would have been a lot more caustic and harsh about it.


Now, I love Mika. Really. A lot. I think he's amazingly talented. I think he's incredibly clever. I think he's extremely attractive. I think he's funny and charismatic and I think, in fact, that he deserves all the adoration he receives and more.


And the adoration I can handle, even if the more over-the-top posts make me cringe sometimes.


But the "our" Mika. The "innocent" stuff. The proprietariness, the presumptuousness, the protectiveness (from imaginary ills and even more imaginary enemies). I'm having a hard time handling that sometimes, because I feel by making Mika into this perfect idol that has no connection to reality, people are stripping him of any individuality, personality, humanity, or autonomy. And by making him "our Mika," we may think we are claiming ownership of this creation we have constructed, but we are applying it to the real person underneath all the gilt. We give him so much of our energy and devotion when he never asked for any of it, and then we begin to feel that he owes us various things in return, or that we have some kind of say in his life, when all of that is due to our own delusions. And we are so sure that because he is so perfect, he will live up to our wishes even if we admit he doesn't have to (oh, but yet secretly we still think he should), and also that he will not mind any liberties we take with his person, because he is just so nice.


I wish that would stop above all.


His life is his. Not ours.


It's hard to explain why I think exactly calling him innocent and swooning over him excessively deprives him of it, but I think it does. Not in a tangible way, obviously--very little of what we do here resonates in his day-to-day life, ever. But just... by worshiping a Mika-who-does-not-really-exist, I feel like we disempower the-Mika-who-does.


I don't know if what I'm saying makes sense to anyone, sorry. I've been very bitter lately in general, I think I may need a bit of a break from the forum myself.



wow. Jack, you never cease to amaze me.


What you're saying makes sense to me. Absolutely.


I seriously couldn't have said it better.


This is EXACTLY what i was trying to say in my first post, but i'm not that good with words, so im not sure if everyone understood what i was trying to get across.


^^(see what i mean? that didn't make any sense, whatsoever)

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He's seems like a cool guy you could have a pint an a chat with, looks good when he performs.. has a wkd voice. Most of all he looks happy doing what he's doing, entertaining people. Why do some (hopefuly a minority) people take things to the nth degree re. nutters/enemies blah blah blah.


That said, completely agree with you - Jack 'n' Soon-to-be. But it would probably keep me awake at night thinking about what my "fans" were thinking about me or wanting to do with me :shocked: hehe :biggrin2: ... that must be some pretty awesome pressure to be under and deal with, I take my hat off to you sir:thumb_yello: . I and many many others would probably last about 5 minutes.


All the best Mikaliens


Best wishes Slimplynth

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He's seems like a cool guy you could have a pint an a chat with, looks good when he performs.. has a wkd voice. Most of all he looks happy doing what he's doing, entertaining people. Why do some (hopefuly a minority) people take things to the nth degree re. nutters/enemies blah blah blah.


That said, completely agree with you - Jack 'n' Soon-to-be. But it would probably keep me awake at night thinking about what my "fans" were thinking about me or wanting to do with me :shocked: hehe :biggrin2: ... that must be some pretty awesome pressure to be under and deal with, I take my hat off to you sir:thumb_yello: . I and many many others would probably last about 5 minutes.


All the best Mikaliens


Best wishes Slimplynth



thanks! that means a lot.


I would last about 5 minutes also. I don't know how any artist does what they do. I don't think Mika loses sleep over what ppl want to do with him though. :naughty:


Well, that's just what i think.

Welcome to the fan club by the way!

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