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too much Mika love?

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Anyway, Sara is right to bump this now.

After reading how the Magic Numbers gig went, it seems he wasn't best prepared and wasn't that interested in talking to the fans.

This doesn't wholly surprise me, but some fans need to take their blinkers off.

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Anyway, Sara is right to bump this now.

After reading how the Magic Numbers gig went, it seems he wasn't best prepared and wasn't that interested in talking to the fans.

This doesn't wholly surprise me, but some fans need to take their blinkers off.






*in vain*

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:naughty: i love how this thread was started by a "soon to be mrs penniman" questioning if there is too much Mika love :aah:


Yes, that is pretty funny :roftl::roftl:


Drought. Draught is a current of air, like coming through a window or the bottom of a door. Thought you'd want to know.:aah:


Aaaah, thanks!



I always confuse these 2 words. Can't find a way to remember which is what :boxed:


Neither can I, apparently :teehee::naughty:

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i just finished reading this thread, i don't remember ever seeing it before.

it was started a day or 2 before i became a member. i was probably too busy fangurling and reading everything this forum had to offer with mika news/concerts/reports to even think that there was such a thing as "too much Mika love" :naughty:


though this thread was started 4 years ago, i feel it could have been started today & alot the posts made by 2007 members, would read exactly the same today.


is there too much mika love? :teehee: i love to read up on him, what he does etc... it's the microscope threads i could do without. :naughty: i don't fan girl every square inch of his body, like i don't fangirl over everything he does. some stuff interests me, some, not so much :teehee:

but that's ok. it all balances out in the end :blush-anim-cl:

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i just finished reading this thread, i don't remember ever seeing it before.

it was started a day or 2 before i became a member. i was probably too busy fangurling and reading everything this forum had to offer with mika news/concerts/reports to even think that there was such a thing as "too much Mika love" :naughty:


though this thread was started 4 years ago, i feel it could have been started today & alot the posts made by 2007 members, would read exactly the same today.


is there too much mika love? :teehee: i love to read up on him, what he does etc... it's the microscope threads i could do without. :naughty: i don't fan girl every square inch of his body, like i don't fangirl over everything he does. some stuff interests me, some, not so much :teehee:

but that's ok. it all balances out in the end :blush-anim-cl:


I can't remember if I posted in this thread before, but you just summed up exactly how I feel Guy... very occasionally I feel the need to fangurl every square inch of his body, but mostly I can't stand to read the fangurly threads. I generally leave the fangurly threads to those who enjoy that sort of thing.



EDIT: apparently I have :naughty:

Edited by nico_collard
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I can't remember if I posted in this thread before, but you just summed up exactly how I feel Guy... very occasionally I feel the need to fangurl every square inch of his body, but mostly I can't stand to read the fangurly threads. I generally leave the fangurly threads to those who enjoy that sort of thing.



EDIT: apparently I have :naughty:


I am those who enjoy those sort of things :naughty:

really, many of you who is for a long time in this forum are tired of fangurling, becoming more thoughtful and kinda mature. Moreover, you've seen him live much more than, for example, me. Of course you feel like in another level. As for us, who had seen him only 2 or 3 times, fangurling threads are the only way to cope with sadness and distance. I post a pic, girls share my feelings, and I don't feel lonely, if helps to alleviate the things.

One more thing- you know for sure (I tell about Sara and girls who call themselves core fans) that you will see him anyway - in the next tour, maybe in some performances. I seriously doubt that I will have such possibility. That is why it is hard for us to understand each other completely, we are in totally different situations and it make us to have severe discussions in the past (I suppose we never got to agree with each other).

So, about Mika.

I'm on that level now, when it is never enough of Mika love. Of course I can critisize him and disagree, I was almost the only one who didn't like kilt pic (kilt I liked but not da Boss himself) and I laughed at his birdie t-shirt. I see his mistakes and flaws, I'm not blind. But in total I'm always on his side. In all the situations I try to look at things from his point of view, from his side (as much as it is possible. Especially with little information). It is not like serville (or what was ghat word of Sariflor?) attitude. I just love him (again, don't tell me how can I love a man via Internet :naughty: yes I can!)

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As for us, who had seen him only 2 or 3 times, fangurling threads are the only way to cope with sadness and distance. I post a pic, girls share my feelings, and I don't feel lonely, if helps to alleviate the things.


I think a lot of people can relate to that to some degree, but it isn't necessarily an old core vs newbie thing. As you mentioned in the Mikagasmics last night, Mika underwent a dramatic change in mid-2007 and it started changing the culture of MFC. I think a lot of people were taken aback by the sudden intense focus on Mika's physical appearance. I mean we all know he's a good looking guy, etc., but carrying on about his underwear and his chest has been offputting for some since fairly early days. As is the over-idolization. This thread was started in August 2007 after all. Many of the people who posted here had only seen him once or twice themselves.


In all the situations I try to look at things from his point of view, from his side (as much as it is possible. Especially with little information).


I like Mika a lot and try to be as empathetic as possible as well but sometimes there are just no excuses IMO. Mika is not my child. He is not even my friend. When it comes right down to it I am his customer. Total unconditional love is not a reasonable expectation in that relationship. Which is not to say you can't love him unconditionally if you want. But you can't expect other fans to.

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I agree with some people, and others I don't. I agree that maybe the fans who haven't seen him as much, feel like they need to just fangirl over pics, in order to feel happy, or a way to feel less lonely, or to feel like they 'know' Mika just as much as the more 'hardcore' fans do.


But I do disagree about the being on his side all the time. He's only human, and if you are his side for everything, then it might not be the best thing, cos he isn't always right. Because we love Mika, the superstar, not Michael Penniman, the human being. And maybe we take it a bit too far sometimes. I'm sure none of his fans know how he acts in a normal days work, or just a normal day. He might actually be incredibly different to how he is with his fans, and onstage.


Like with KT Tunstall (a female singer). She says that when she is around the fans and onstage, it's like she puts on a suit, (a tiger suit to be precise) and she's fighting to be a star and just performing cos its what she does. But she is different onstage to how she is offstage. She is two different people. And I believe Mika is too. And most of us are falling in love with the popstar Mika. And to be honest, I'm not sure if it's a good thing. But I suppose no harm has come fromm it. Has it?



I hope you understand what I mean, cos I'm not very good at putting ideas into words :aah:

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Like with KT Tunstall (a female singer). She says that when she is around the fans and onstage, it's like she puts on a suit, (a tiger suit to be precise) and she's fighting to be a star and just performing cos its what she does. But she is different onstage to how she is offstage. She is two different people. And I believe Mika is too.


I totally agree with that and I've seen it myself.

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I havent read through the whole thread but...Eloise I agree with you.


...and I hate when fans pounce on you cos you say you dont like something he's said/done etc :boxed:


Yep. But we still love him, as the popstar, and there is nothing wrong with this, just as long as we don't become too attatched :aah:


Woop to Mika and to how he has made us fans who we are!!! :punk:

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but the point of this thread isn't how "other fans make us feel" but more how we behave/think when it comes to Mika. is our way of thinking rational and realistic?


ex: i read somewhere this week that Mika and his entire family have been gifted with a beautiful smell. now... really????? under normal circumstances, they could have a smell that is distinct to them & it is nice. but all the time? did the sweat glands fairy skip their entire family??? to me, that totally ridiculous. :freak: they are only humans, not gods!


and for the record, i've only seen Mika twice in concert + 1 tv show, so putting him on a pedestal because i don't see him as often as other fans, doesn't seem to apply. I think it's a personality trait or personal circumstances.


all that being said, i still think he is THE BEST popstar i've ever known & i am happy to be part of his fan club. :wub2:

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