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are we just shallow?


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I think he's attractive, so yeah I would turn my head. And I'm a very bouncy, hyperactive person so I say hi to everyone I see. And when I see him in interviews and stuff, he just has got something that catches your attention. Sometimes people have that when they enter the room, you are fascinated by them, but you can't tell why. It's weird. And as I said before in Freddie's thread. you first fall for the looks before you get to know the personality. And I wouldn't find his toy collection weird. Me myself am collecting plush toys so it's would be strange if I found that weird:roftl:


I totally agree and understand!!!

I have some "weird" collections myself haha. and i'm not the type to judge a book by its cover.

Yeah and obv looks has something to do with the person...as someone said it's when u start talking and getting to know them, u see if u like or dislike their personality. But looks isn't everything.

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I totally agree and understand!!!

I have some "weird" collections myself haha. and i'm not the type to judge a book by its cover.

Yeah and obv looks has something to do with the person...as someone said it's when u start talking and getting to know them, u see if u like or dislike their personality. But looks isn't everything.


i hope noone took my post as saying his toy collection was freakish!i rlly dont care what he collects!lol! i collect t lot of weird stuf!Lol!i was just using it as evidence!so i wasnt trying to offend anyone!:thumb_yello:

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I think if I'd never heard of Mika and then randomly ended up talking to him at some point, I'd probably be like, "Yay, a fellow weirdo! =D" XDDD


But anyway. Before I'd heard Mika's music, I didn't really give a damn about him... his looks didn't do anything for me, so I had nothing to fangirl over. :bleh: But then I heard his music, thought it was pretty crazy and cool, and then I saw a couple of interviews, thought he seemed pretty crazy and cool, and then the (TAME!!) fangirlage commenced! XD



That's exactly the same with me!!!!!!!!!!!

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i hope noone took my post as saying his toy collection was freakish!i rlly dont care what he collects!lol! i collect t lot of weird stuf!Lol!i was just using it as evidence!so i wasnt trying to offend anyone!:thumb_yello:


hahahahaha i didn't take it wrong at all.....just that i am a bit of an outcast myself in uni..it's weird all the bullying started in University....i now miss my high school days where we were all friends....and i'm not the typical 18 yr old girl u know...i dress differently cause i don't like to expose my bod and ppl say i'm childish in a good way and i'm innocent (well not anymore haha) and all that...iz just i am extremely diff to like everyone but my friends are awesome it's justthose dumb ppl who judge ppl...

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hahahahaha i didn't take it wrong at all.....just that i am a bit of an outcast myself in uni..it's weird all the bullying started in University....i now miss my high school days where we were all friends....and i'm not the typical 18 yr old girl u know...i dress differently cause i don't like to expose my bod and ppl say i'm childish in a good way and i'm innocent (well not anymore haha) and all that...iz just i am extremely diff to like everyone but my friends are awesome it's justthose dumb ppl who judge ppl...


haha!well i am the one who started the reject pride thread!lol! the whole reason i got into mika was cuz i could relate to him!lol!if he was kanye i wouldnt be obsessed w/ him!lol!

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haha!well i am the one who started the reject pride thread!lol! the whole reason i got into mika was cuz i could relate to him!lol!if he was kanye i wouldnt be obsessed w/ him!lol!


oh yeah lol..sry kinda went off topic lol

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that man/woman walking down the street, you wouldn't go and approach them in person and just come out saying 'i love you, you're really hot', i dunno maybe you would maybe you wouldn't.


No, I most definitely wouldn't. Maybe I'm something of a freak myself, but things don't work like that for me: I never turn my head after some guy on the street. It simply doesn't happen to me. Of course, I'm not blind. But beauty is something I seem to contemplate from an external possition. Seeing an extremely good looking man equates, in my head, to looking at a pretty painting or a beautiful piece of china. I only get interested in people when I hear them talk and know something about them, as little as it might be. So if this yet unknown Mika passed me by down the street I probably wouldn't notice him at all. And, certainly, I wouldn't say 'you are really hot' to him. Unluckily (because it causes me so much trouble), I'm a terribly shy person and doing a thing like that would be death to me.

Fortunately, my Mika adoration didn't start as a result of his looks (which are incredible) but rather as a result of his amazing voice and his music. I live in Argentina, where people hardly knew him at the time it all started, and his music reached me through an online radio. I didn't know how he looked like in those early days, so I had to google him. But only after I listened to him speaking I got obsessed and was lost forever.

His looks don't attract me so much as this self assurance he seems to radiate (he seems to know perfectly well what he wants and where he is going) and his wonderful sense of humor. His looks are AMAZING, sure. But I only learnt to appreciate them as time went by.

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first good good post :thumb_yello:


second i would definitely turn my head if i saw him walking down the street but not just because he is the most beautiful man that i've ever witnessed in my entire life :bleh: but probably because of his style.. i'm not just saying that.. his style would really have me interested and i don't think i'm the only one! and of course i would turn my head because he would be towering over me :biggrin2:

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Nope I disagree, If mika was a "nobody" just a person in the street, I would like to get to know


It would be like this, He walks passed me I would politely say hello, I would look into his eyes and listen to every word, I wouldnt think he was a freak because of his collections, because I too am one of these weirdos, with the collections!

I would probably pick up how intaligent he speaks, I would be attracted by his mind, by the way he spoke, by the way he smiles, you know the things that really matter.


one word I like to live by, subtlety. and screaming "I love you" or "your hot", to anyone, no matter what rating you give them is not in no way no how subtle! I simply do not believe in class system, as humans we should walk this earth as equals, nobody should be highter or better than anyone else, or above anything, everyone works, everyone needs food and water,and sleep, does it matter if your mika or the boy next door, not at all in my opinion


I would look at him now, as I would any other human being, If I walked past him in the street as it stands today, regardless if he was going about buisness, with family or no, I would treat him with the same respect as anyone, "hi" and be on my way, Im happy to say, MIKA is human, and I think that he desurves people leaving him alone, just as anyone else does. mark my words, you people can watch me, If I walk past any celeb, it will be like Hey, and be on my way.


Regardless of wheather your is famous or not, 1. your still human 2. life goes on!!!

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I wouldn't think of Mika or anybody as a freak either,

but I don't have the courage to speak to people on the streets

just because they look fabulous!

If he was in my class, I think I would talk to him :biggrin2:


I don't know what Mika is really like, but I respect him as a human being ,

and for his wonderful music and the things he say.:thumb_yello:

And he IS beautiful !

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oh ok then?


it's still silly, that people will look for looks before personality, if you see what i get at??:boxed::blush-anim-cl::wink2::wub2:


Nature has it so that we are attracted visually first with a person, that is often how it works first, then we move on to see if their character is as attractive as their visual appearance, and basically beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we each see beauty in different ways and in different places, which is a good thing otherwise it would be chaos lol.


Having said that, when I first saw and heard Mika sing (my daughter drew my attention to him on the Saturday night project), I glanced over and said "yeah he's cute-ish (I wasn't all that impressed at that time) and his songs ok I guess, nowt flash"

Over the next 3-4 days, she played it more and I ended up liking it lots and started to look for stuff about him online, I found lots of interviews where I found he had this amazing personality, now whether this is the REAL him or the one he chooses to show publicly is another matter that I have no idea about, so I can only go by what I am shown by him and see, there fore based on that, and all the accounts I have heard from other MFCers when meeting him (my own meeting with him was too brief to make a difference really), I like what I see of him very much, and I believe that a LOT of what he shows us are REAL parts of his personality, though of course he keeps some stuff to himself and he is entitled to do that.


So YES I think he is extremely good looking (a bit too skinny, but no ones perfect), YES I think he is immensely talented, YES I love his voice, and

NO I do NOT want to be his "bit on the side" at MY age I would be arrested I'm sure lol, but his smile and personality elude warmth and honesty.

I don't think I would have given him a "funny" look if I passed him in the street years ago just cos he would have looked different, as my daughter was a goth at the time (before it was so popular to be one) and I got used to ppl staring at her funny, and her best mate was a very camp young lad, but I was quite proud of her individuality.


Mika often wears hoodies or caps that hide him so unless he looked me right in the eyes like he does and gave me that big broad friendly warm grin of his followed by his infectious giggle, then I will not have had the pleasure of knowing that side of him on a first fleeting meeting, and how sad that would be as Mika as a whole (what he shows us) has brightened up my life, I used to feel really miserable a lot of the time before I overtook my daughter and became so interested in him lol.:biggrin2:


(gosh I wrote a lot here didn't I lol).

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he was too tall for my liking,


See now his height really attracts me cos I have a thing for tall men :biggrin2:

Thats what I mean by beauty in the eye of the beholder and that includes the beauty in a persons personality.


but then when I read articles and listened/watched his interviews, I couldn't help it....I adore his personality, well the side he shows us atleast, cause everyone has a good and bad side rite.


It was after a couple interviews when I started thinking hmm he is quite cute, so that's a plus.

I don't want to be his girl, as I saw in a previous post, but I won't mind having him as a friend, he seems to be a great one...he's so funny!

So being gorgeous is a plus, but it's more than that.

I already posted my reply before seeing this but it's exactly the same as what I said more or less so yea I agree lol.


Sometimes my friends ask me what I see in a guy that I like, cause I tend to like guys who girls don't typically go for...and I dunno why sometimes you know...I guess as happikali says it's about charisma and personality for me.

I like unique people, which makes me like him as a person even more.

ditto, my friends think I have gone mad cos I am old enough to be his mother lol. :roftl: but then....I don't wanna be his partner, but like you say, it would be awesome having him as a friend as he is so amusing (bet he can be a right pain in the *ss too but then so can i lol).:bleh:
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ditto, my friends think I have gone mad cos I am old enough to be his mother lol. :roftl: but then....I don't wanna be his partner, but like you say, it would be awesome having him as a friend as he is so amusing (bet he can be a right pain in hte *ss too but hten so can i lol).:bleh:


:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


Sparkly I could not agree more. He's too young even for a toyboy:naughty: but it'd be fun having him around. And of course there's no law against looking at least I hope not or I am guilty as charged:mf_rosetinted:

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thank you for your thoughts!


i thought this thread died ages ago! :P


it's still odd though:) in freddies thread we all said(well most of us said) personality over looks, when in fact we judge peoples looks on whether or not we want to get to know their personality.


just food for thought i guess

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what I was trying to say, is I would say hello to him, speek to him as I do any other person I pass in the street, being polite and giving a smile, its just what I do!!! ask anyone in town that has passed me in the street, almost everyone gets a hello, and some even get a how are you? and sometimes you can start some very interesting conversations that way!! im not one to care for your looks, or where you stand in society, I have very interesting conversations with the buskers, buying a coffee for the lady who looked so desperate for a sip of coffee she went looking in the rubbishbins, so yea, this is my point,


If mika was a regular person even if he was old wrinkled and lived on the streets, yea, most likely I would say hi, and how are you, and perhaps even a lovely conversation, most people like a hello, how are you!!


come on people am I the only one who says hello to random people on the street?

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