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Hey all, I'm just checking in very briefly to say hello :)

Hope you're all doing well, I will be around a bit this week so look foward to talking to you and hopefully getting thigs slightly back to the way it was :)

Miss you all heaps, goodnight all, hope you have lovely sleeps and nice days if that makes sense :P


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That is despicable. First it was blood donation, now it's organ donation. Restricting blood donation I can tolerate in terms of risk-benefit analysis considering that gay men do have a higher diagnosis rate of HIV but the world is so short of organ donors and organ donation has the potential for such incredible benefit for the receiver they cannot reasonable justify the new legislation on risk-benefit grounds. And to think that it's happening in a country that claims to recognise monogamous homosexual relationships as valid and equally worthy of recognition as monogamous heterosexual relationships. Again I say, despicable.


I don't tolerate that either.

They should look at people on an individual basis and not as part of a group.

There's a lot of heterosexual people practicing unsafe sex aswell and it's not written on their foreheads whether they use a condom or not.

So I find it really disgusting that gay people are still viewed as being stupid sex crazed virus carriers.

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I don't tolerate that either.

They should look at people on an individual basis and not as part of a group.

There's a lot of heterosexual people practicing unsafe sex aswell and it's not written on their foreheads whether they use a condom or not.

So I find it really disgusting that gay people are still viewed as being stupid sex crazed virus carriers.

I've the same opinion. HIV doesn't discriminate among genders..

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I know that gay people are not stupid sex crazed virus carriers as stereotyped. In fact it's possible that the only reason why they have a higher diagnosis rate of HIV is because they are more conscious of health and make sure to get tested more often than heterosexual people do. But that doesn't change the fact that they are currently diagnosed more often and that's all the evidence that the medical community has to go by. Until heterosexual people start getting tested as often and we gather more representative statistics the current rules have to stay in place. You're right, ideally we would consider each individual's sexual health but that's impossible so we consider groups.


But when it comes to organ donation I think that the benefit of donation far, far, far outweighs any risk. In its case I don't think that the room for doubt or lack of representative evidence matters, the patient has more to gain than lose.


That comment wasn't aimed at you personally (I know you'd never think such a thing) but at society as a whole.

Even though there are currently more gay people diagnosed, I still think this is irrelevant when it comes to blood donation. When you apply to become a donor they take tests and each time you give blood, they test that aswell.. So the worst that could happen is that they do find the virus in the blood that was donated and they have to toss it out.

I don't think gay people should be discriminated against when trying to help their fellow men.


I agree on organ thing. :)

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You're right, they test the blood each time but there is a window period where the virus isn't detectable but can be transmitted. That's where politics enters medicine: should the risk be taken considering that there is a window period? Some people argue that no it shouldn't matter since heterosexuals have the same problem of a window period too yet we take their blood, others argue that since homosexual men are diagnosed with HIV more often so the risk shouldn't be taken with that group. Currently the latter is the accepted policy mostly for medical reasons but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that a small part of it is homophobic political motives too.


I agree, I think it's sad that someone should be denied the right to help their fellow human beings but some people feel it to be necessary.


That's how I feel about it...


It boggles the mind that a gay man, who's been in a monogamous relationship for years, can't donate blood.

I just looked into this and apparently in Holland you can be an organ donor as a gay man but past sexual behavior is taken into account.

Bloodbanks are allowed to deny you as a donor just because you are gay.

And I always thought my country was quite tolerant. :(

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It isn't just about tolerance, while part of it is indeed politically-motivated mostly it is a medical decision and in that case the Netherlands wouldn't be an exception.


I feel better knowing now that they're also very strict about heterosexual people and their sexual contacts.

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to quote the Rolling Stones, "Sad, sad, sad..."


I`ve heard that there is the same rule with blood donorship, that`s what I heard in Israel.

Someone told me that they don`t tell you directly but take your blood and then when they look on your questionary and see that you are gay they just spill the blood away. If this is true then it`s even sadder.


It makes you lie that you are straight just because you want to give your blood.

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Just to chip in my 20cents worth.... I have a huge problem with the people at my school, because it's an all girls Anglican school and my best friend is a lesbian. Half the people she meets think that she is going to try jump them just because they are girls! She acts like it's big joke, but I know that she gets really offened and hurt and would love to tell those people where to get off, but she can't.


They really have to learn that, just like with straight people, gays aren't after everyone who walks past them! It's just pathetic how badly society views gays!

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I`ve heard that there is the same rule with blood donorship, that`s what I heard in Israel.

Someone told me that they don`t tell you directly but take your blood and then when they look on your questionary and see that you are gay they just spill the blood away. If this is true then it`s even sadder.


It makes you lie that you are straight just because you want to give your blood.


it happened here in Italy too... but I'm a blood donor and I can guarantee they didn't ask me what my sexual orientation was.

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i never heard it of it here, or in denmark. i think it's a right shame and it should be reported to autorities and if autorities themselves support this, so much for liberty and equal rights! :thumbdown:




greta, I REALLY love the manga style young billy... how sweet! :wub2:

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i never heard it of it here, or in denmark. i think it's a right shame and it should be reported to autorities and if autorities themselves support this, so much for liberty and equal rights! :thumbdown:



Yeah, I've deffinately never heard of it here either... I will ask my mum or dad... they're involved in the government, they should know something about it.

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I still want it to be called GAY thread, as I explained a few pages ago. too lazy to dig page #: this thread's getting quite huge... LOL :bleh:




I cannot believe hubby actually wore this type of boots, when he was a teen.. :shocked::roftl: I'm teasing him no end about this! :das:

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I cannot believe hubby actually wore this type of boots, when he was a teen.. :shocked::roftl: I'm teasing him no end about this! :das:


Hahaha he did!? Two things come to mind..


2) Is there any type of photographical evidence? :naughty:

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it happened here in Italy too... but I'm a blood donor and I can guarantee they didn't ask me what my sexual orientation was.


Great! So Italy must be the only country on the face of Earth that doesn`t have a question about the donor`s sexual orientation in the donor questionaire!

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it happened here in Italy too... but I'm a blood donor and I can guarantee they didn't ask me what my sexual orientation was.


Or maybe they didn`t have to ask you, they just saw?? I hope they didn`t spill your precious blood!

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