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Well yeah.. I've been in love with a girl for almost a year now.. It started in August and it only grew from then on. It really confused me, and I don't want to tell my parents I might be bisexual or so, because they could think I'm just imitating my older sister, as she's.. I don't know, but she's got a girlfriend.


And I hate the feeling of loving that girl, it makes me feel like a freak. I know it's kinda normal, and that I'm not a freak, but I can't help feeling like that. But at the same time, I don't want the feeling to go away, it's so nice to feel that tingling in my stomach when I see her, and to get a bit dizzy when she talks to me.. It's so wonderful.


But still, I just want to be normal.

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But still, I just want to be normal.

Aww. That made me tear up a little bit. :emot-sad:


Personally, I don't see anything abnormal with being gay. Or bisexual. Or straight. I mean, really, sexual orientation doesn't dictate, to me, what's normal or not. I look to the person to see what they are, not who they love.

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Well yeah.. I've been in love with a girl for almost a year now.. It started in August and it only grew from then on. It really confused me, and I don't want to tell my parents I might be bisexual or so, because they could think I'm just imitating my older sister, as she's.. I don't know, but she's got a girlfriend.


And I hate the feeling of loving that girl, it makes me feel like a freak. I know it's kinda normal, and that I'm not a freak, but I can't help feeling like that. But at the same time, I don't want the feeling to go away, it's so nice to feel that tingling in my stomach when I see her, and to get a bit dizzy when she talks to me.. It's so wonderful.


But still, I just want to be normal.


1st: YOU'RE NORMAL!! if you're gay or not, you're normal. you've 2 eyes, heart etc etc...

2nd: you are yourself... don't think if you talk to yours parents they'll think it... you're unique!! -you're golden!-

3rd: yeah... you felt in love... don't try to masks it. just love, without problems, without preconceptions...


everything will be fine... you'll be fine... you and your love...



(we'll be here to support you, if you wanna)

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Well yeah.. I've been in love with a girl for almost a year now.. It started in August and it only grew from then on. It really confused me, and I don't want to tell my parents I might be bisexual or so, because they could think I'm just imitating my older sister, as she's.. I don't know, but she's got a girlfriend.


And I hate the feeling of loving that girl, it makes me feel like a freak. I know it's kinda normal, and that I'm not a freak, but I can't help feeling like that. But at the same time, I don't want the feeling to go away, it's so nice to feel that tingling in my stomach when I see her, and to get a bit dizzy when she talks to me.. It's so wonderful.


But still, I just want to be normal.


oh, honey, don't feel bad about that! I personally think that one person could fell in love with other person no matter what gender he/she is. Love is a very beautiful feeling that makes you feel good, makes you smile and sigh thinking on the other.


As Wesley said, you're an unique person, you shouldn't compare yourself with no one and neither should anyone!


Loving a girl doesn't make you a non-normal person, makes you an human person that has feelings. That's all. While you're a teenager you have a lot of sexual doubts and bad experiences about loving, too. Don't worry. It's perfectly normal. You'll grow up and you'll have a lot more of strange experiences with love, but someday you'll find yourself and then you'll know what you really want. Before this moment arrives don't feel bad, try to enjoy your life. Feeling bad about yourself doesn't solve anything, does it?


And talking about parents... Parents sometimes can't understand us because they want the best for us but sometimes they don't know how to help us.


By the way, you have our support here, anything you want :wink2:

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Aww. That made me tear up a little bit. :emot-sad:


Personally, I don't see anything abnormal with being gay. Or bisexual. Or straight. I mean, really, sexual orientation doesn't dictate, to me, what's normal or not. I look to the person to see what they are, not who they love.


Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I just mean that should I come out, everyone would treat me differently.. And I don't want that. When people treat me like I'm weird, like I'm different, I start feeling like I am. And then I am. And when I am different, I'm not normal, obviously.



And thanks for the kind words guys. :wub2:

Edited by Shikutukumimika
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I recently found out that a guy I know is bisexual and we talked for ages and he told me that when he came out to his frineds and his parents no one treated him differently, and he even said that one guy friend, who was very homophobic, said to him that when he came out he realised that it doesn't make you different from anyone else. you're just the same person...


Also, it doesn't make you abnormal... what is normal anyway? no one knows. and to be honest...


WHO WANTS TO BE NORMAL!?!?! :biggrin2: i'd much rather be unique, individual and love who i want than boring and predictable :original:



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hi all


had a crappy day today got a kicking (rather not go into deatails here)


called gay bitch and much more un repeatabel

walked (stumbled in cuverd in blood) dad siad i should be normal to try to fit in but i dont want to i lile me


it took ages to clean myself up

im ok now just a littel saw few cuts and bruewses (sorry about the spellings)

juv you all


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hi all


had a crappy day today got a kicking (rather not go into deatails here)


called gay bitch and much more un repeatabel

walked (stumbled in cuverd in blood) dad siad i should be normal to try to fit in but i dont want to i lile me


it took ages to clean myself up

im ok now just a littel saw few cuts and bruewses (sorry about the spellings)

juv you all



Aw, hun.. Are you okay? :huglove:


Those people that beat you up are really the worst. You are so beautiful and nice.. If they got to know you they would know what a great person you are.


It's really awful how those people apparently just think they should go and kick you all over just because you aren't straight..


I really really hope it'll never happen again.. I hate to see you hurt. Love you. :huglove:

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Aw, hun.. Are you okay? :huglove:


Those people that beat you up are really the worst. You are so beautiful and nice.. If they got to know you they would know what a great person you are.


It's really awful how those people apparently just think they should go and kick you all over just because you aren't straight..


I really really hope it'll never happen again.. I hate to see you hurt. Love you. :huglove:

ty hun

im still a litte saw but ill be ok



i am a littel scaered

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Throughout teenage years apparently it is hard to tell whether you are gay or straight, cos your hormones go crazy and stuff, so even if you cant tell, it doesnt matter, enjoy it!

lol lol

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ty hun

im still a litte saw but ill be ok



i am a littel scaered


Whenever you feel scared, need to talk, need to know you're not alone in this world or need reassurance or just anything, please PM me, 'kay? I can't promise to make you feel better, but I can promise to try. :huglove:

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hi all


had a crappy day today got a kicking (rather not go into deatails here)


called gay bitch and much more un repeatabel

walked (stumbled in cuverd in blood) dad siad i should be normal to try to fit in but i dont want to i lile me


it took ages to clean myself up

im ok now just a littel saw few cuts and bruewses (sorry about the spellings)

juv you all





Whenever you feel scared, need to talk, need to know you're not alone in this world or need reassurance or just anything, please PM me, 'kay? I can't promise to make you feel better, but I can promise to try. :huglove:

me too... i'll try too... but are you realy fine now???

missing you



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hi all sorry i havent beenon in awile lifes been real weard


family making me go to catolic councling over and i quote "my confustion" they say its a test of strenth from god


ive just been realy pissed off with everything

i got real low but i'm back now and im happy

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Aw, hun.. Are you okay? :huglove:


Those people that beat you up are really the worst. You are so beautiful and nice.. If they got to know you they would know what a great person you are.


It's really awful how those people apparently just think they should go and kick you all over just because you aren't straight..


I really really hope it'll never happen again.. I hate to see you hurt. Love you. :huglove:

no ive let all MFCers down

well as i said i got realy low

two i got so anoued with my family amd myself i so i darocaded myself in a room

the next morning i wock up to blood i had selfhalmed again

ive let all my mfc family down i prommised i wouldent self halm again

no i goe that low because i cant understand why they cant acept me for me im bie i have known scince i was 12ish

i mean come on there jesus went round with 12 other men you dont think they got curiuse about each other

i would chang if i could but i cant ive tryed

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no ive let all MFCers down

well as i said i got realy low

two i got so anoued with my family amd myself i so i darocaded myself in a room

the next morning i wock up to blood i had selfhalmed again

ive let all my mfc family down i prommised i wouldent self halm again

no i goe that low because i cant understand why they cant acept me for me im bie i have known scince i was 12ish

i mean come on there jesus went round with 12 other men you dont think they got curiuse about each other

i would chang if i could but i cant ive tryed


I also self harmed again, and I promised I wouldn't do it any more. But you know, even though you have, that doesn't mean you completely broke that promise. If you just keep on trying, you will be able to fulfil your promise some day.


You really don't have to change. At least in my opinion not. I really love you the way you are. :huglove:


And the next time you want to hurt yourself, you can PM me. I know I'm not always online, but I will reply as soon as I can.


Hey, we can try to stop harming together, what about that?


Take care. :huglove:

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cool hun ye lets work together and see what happens


ive just gathered all my selfhalming stuff and hannded it to a passing police officer he said i was smart and brave to decied to do it


i realy regret it now but i dont know why

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cool hun ye lets work together and see what happens


ive just gathered all my selfhalming stuff and hannded it to a passing police officer he said i was smart and brave to decied to do it


i realy regret it now but i dont know why


That is really brave of you. :huglove: Well done.

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