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I always thought it would be nice if i could wear a red dress on my wedding day, until i saw Jodie marsh wearing one on hers and it looked a bit naf on her... :mf_rosetinted:


So yeah that kinda put me off.


But honestly, i never really think about my wedding. Hopefully it'll be my dream man. Who knows.

He's out there walking the streets somewhere and has no idea.

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Yeah, shoudln't the 'delusional' conversation have end here? Wouldn't you be seriously creeped out by marrying someone who obsessed over you before meeting you?


I agree.. that comment sums up why most celebs don't date fans...


I always thought it would be nice if i could wear a red dress on my wedding day, until i saw Jodie marsh wearing one on hers and it looked a bit naf on her... :mf_rosetinted:


So yeah that kinda put me off.


But honestly, i never really think about my wedding. Hopefully it'll be my dream man. Who knows.

He's out there walking the streets somewhere and has no idea.


Awww.. He's probably wondering where you are right now too :blush-anim-cl:

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I have to say I'm a bit concerned about the seriousness behind all that 'My perfect groom: Mika' talk. I find it quite irritating, to be honest. Not because of Mika (I'm sure he doesn't give a **** about who of his fans is secretly or publicly planning to marry him :naughty:) but because of the impact it might have on the planners.


I totally disagree with you.


Ten years ago, my best friend and I sat at a park with a notebook and coloured pencils, and planned our weddings right down to the most minute detail. Including, of course, the grooms - she was going to marry Brian Littrel from the Backstreet Boys, and I was going to marry Taylor Hanson of Hanson.


Despite this, we both went on to marry non-celeb guys in weddings completely different than the ones we dreamt of all those years ago - and now, we look back on it and laugh.


So if anyone wants to fantasize about marrying Mika, right down to the Lebanese caterer, the custom song he pens for his new bride, and the cake in cartoon motion, all the power to them. And who's really to say it won't happen? Highly, highly unlikely, granted - but what's the fun in saying never? Unless it gets to the point where someone is actively avoiding or sabotaging real-world relationships due to Mika-marrying fantasies, I see no harm at all.

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(And I still hold, again, that my version is by far the most realistic one here, although the chicken dress is also quite nice.)


But I agree, well, with both you and lolli-monk. I do find it disconcerting that "wedding" as a big party with The Dress! and The Cake! and The Ring! seems to take precedence over marriage. And that people who put Mika down as their groom and are not completely joking seem to have a rather facile idea of what's at stake.


But, well.. it's true, this is always how things have been, and little girls have been making up such fantasies for ages.


My feminist self is a bit annoyed at such fantasies (or rather, the fact that girls are socialized to consider their wedding day as the highpoint of their young lives and most boys couldn't care less), and this is why my feminist self is anti-diamonds and the diamond myth (spend 3 months' worth of salary on some bauble, just because that's "the rule"? God why? If it's a ring I have to wear every day, the last thing I want is something bling-y!), and the fuss about a perfect dress making a perfect day, but I can't begrudge others in indulging in some make-believe.


Plus I'll admit that, even though I don't even know if I'll end up ever marrying anybody, even so it can be a fun diversion to sometimes think about. Mostly I sit and try to figure out how informal I can make a potential wedding without having everyone in jeans and slapping some cake on a picnic table. :naughty:



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Well yeah guys....there's nothing wrong about dreaming...


And I believe Mika would smile and blush when he found out there's this thread, and we here, talk about marrying him.He would find it funny, I think , and he wouldnt give a ****.Comon, he is Mika, not an asshole.He cares about us, and he is really down to earth.

He would have fun with us, maybe he would even post here, about how he wants his wedding with himself...:P...Of course we would never know it's him who is posting...

Guys, dont take it so serious, most of us here are under 18, are kind of teenagers, even children.

I'm not saying I'm soooo an adult and I dont have childish things.I do have.I do dream.Maybe more than I should. But there's nothing bad about that.


Let everyone just dream, plan and have fun. It's a forum!


And anyways....to those who take it serious, and think like they could be Mika's wife: Please, don't go too far. Dream, but don't go too far.You must know it's just for fun, and you really shouldn't take it serious.

I personally think Mika does not need crazy, silly fans like some boy bands do.

We are all cool on here, arent we?

Just dream, and plan, but never take it serious. Life is not a dream.


Anyways, I would never give wedding proposals to Mika.He is the man, he has to engage a woman.A woman he truly loves.

I believe he will find that woman, and they will live happily ever after.

I don't know who that lucky girl will be, but I will be very-very happy for them!:)

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I totally disagree with you.


Ten years ago, my best friend and I sat at a park with a notebook and coloured pencils, and planned our weddings right down to the most minute detail. Including, of course, the grooms - she was going to marry Brian Littrel from the Backstreet Boys, and I was going to marry Taylor Hanson of Hanson.


Despite this, we both went on to marry non-celeb guys in weddings completely different than the ones we dreamt of all those years ago - and now, we look back on it and laugh.


So if anyone wants to fantasize about marrying Mika, right down to the Lebanese caterer, the custom song he pens for his new bride, and the cake in cartoon motion, all the power to them. And who's really to say it won't happen? Highly, highly unlikely, granted - but what's the fun in saying never? Unless it gets to the point where someone is actively avoiding or sabotaging real-world relationships due to Mika-marrying fantasies, I see no harm at all.


Can I ask you how old you guys were when you planned those weddings?I'm assuming that you were quite young?

What is normal or usual or adviseable at say 15, can be very worrying at 25. (Note that I only mentioned these ages as an example,to express a point)

I personally think that, on one hand, there is the age issue: if this sort of thing happens when one is very young, it's probably part of a so called "normal" growing up stage, and it will cause no harm.

It will probably just be a nice fantasy which provides pleasure.

The issue here is (and I'm not pointing any fingers here or insinuating that anyone on this board suffers from that) if for some, it ends up like you say boicotting their own "real" relationships or the potential for them, because thy are waiting for their ideal "star" meeting or whatever.

The reason why I say this is because I have seen it happen:wink2: and it always causes a lot of pain.

Sometimes people find it hard to leave those fantasies behind and move on in real life, and that is what causes the issues.

Believe me, I have heard the words "he was ok but he wasn't Mika" expressed when talking about meeting guys or potential somethings. Now that is sad.

Anyway, that was my 2 cents:thumb_yello:.

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There is absolutley nothing wrong with dreaming about your wedding day, and who you want to marry.


Are we really living in a world where people want to make you feel foolish for hoping, believing and living for something? I didn't expect that from this club above all others.


I don't think Mika is "creeped out" in the slightest about what we say (I can speak for myself anyway). He's a big boy, and understands all of our "obsessions." I for one, will not be referred to as "obsessed or creepilly in love" because that would degrade completely both my attitude toward Mika and my respect for him. I call what I feel a deep and profound sense of awe and I'm absolutely enamored with the boy. Nothing I've said, nothing I have hoped for is UNREALISTIC.


Some think it's cliche for a girl to talk about their fantasy wedding and dream about the ultimate best day ever. I would ask those people to keep in mind that not everyone here is a cynic. I find it irritating that people interpret all of this as annoying and far out of reach.Not everyone here wants to feel guilty for dreaming. Though for me, I could never feel guilty about that.


To put it straight out there: I find it insulting and pretty unfortunate that many have convinced themselves and truly believe that MIKA is adament on NOT falling in love with a member of this club...as if this club makes us tainted or something. I have done nothing but show respect, love and admiration for Mika here...anyone wanting to argue that this is grounds for excluding me from the dating population is seriously lacking in their observations.


I also find it sad that many people are so negative about his fame and celebrity; That people assume he would actually take into acount the implication made here that we as fans are of a different breed of people...not worthy of the person we idolize;that he would honestly consider for a second the things that go on here. First of all, I don't even think he spends enough time on here to really READ what we say. Even if he did, like I said, I have not portrayed myself as "creepy." No one can tell me different.


I give the guy all the credit he deserves because I like to believe the best in people. He would NOT be prejudging in any way shape or form just because we have a username and an account on this club. The only thing he would honestly think upon meeting any one of us is that we admire and love him unconditionally...Love for Mika most often takes the form of cheesy, uninhibited smiles which to the rest of the world seem "typical" of an awe struck "obsessed fan." BUT to him, those smiles...those singing faces mean everything.


LOVE is not something that is formatted to fit your lifestyle...nor does it come in a perfect mold... LOVE is irresistable and blind to "social rankings" in this very cynical world.


So I say DREAM.


DREAM because you pity those who cannot freely do so...DREAM because every great idea started out as someone's far reaching fantasy.







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My feminist self is a bit annoyed at such fantasies (or rather, the fact that girls are socialized to consider their wedding day as the highpoint of their young lives and most boys couldn't care less), and this is why my feminist self is anti-diamonds and the diamond myth (spend 3 months' worth of salary on some bauble, just because that's "the rule"? God why? If it's a ring I have to wear every day, the last thing I want is something bling-y!), and the fuss about a perfect dress making a perfect day, but I can't begrudge others in indulging in some make-believe


Is it the fact that young girls are socially conditioned to obsess over the superficial details that bothers you (possibly at the expense of considering the lifelong implications of a wedding), or is it the fact that young boys aren't conditioned to share in the obsessing?


Can I ask you how old you guys were when you planned those weddings?I'm assuming that you were quite young? What is normal or usual or adviseable at say 15, can be very worrying at 25. (Note that I only mentioned these ages as an example,to express a point)


Yeah, we were about 13 or 14 at the time. But I don't think that matters; I don't think dream and fantasy is confined to a particular age or stage. If you're 45 and want to fantasize about marrying a pop star, how is that any more harmful than doing it at 15?



The issue here is (and I'm not pointing any fingers here or insinuating that anyone on this board suffers from that) if for some, it ends up like you say boicotting their own "real" relationships or the potential for them, because thy are waiting for their ideal "star" meeting or whatever...sometimes people find it hard to leave those fantasies behind and move on in real life, and that is what causes the issues.


The issue then is not the fantasy itself, but fantasy replacing reality. It's the same sort of situation where impressionable women read romance novels and then expect all real-world romantic encounters to be like that.


It's one thing to daydream about meeting Mika after a gig, he smiles, then after a whirlwhind courtship you're suddenly having a romantic wedding with 500 of your friends and family members in the South of France. It's another thing to have yourself seriously convinced that anything less than that simply won't do.


Believe me, I have heard the words "he was ok but he wasn't Mika" expressed when talking about meeting guys or potential somethings. Now that is sad.


I would go out a limb and say "not necessarily". If an 18 year old girl (or a 14 year old, or a 29 year old, or a 51 year old) meets a guy, and comes home from the date disappointed and complaining that "he's not Mika" - that's not necessarily a problem. Since the girl in question doesn't (likely) know Mika, what they mean is "the guy I met tonight isn't right for me - I know what I want, and what I want happens to include many of the traits of which I see in Mika". Maybe she likes the way Mika makes eye contact with interviewers, and seems to listen to every word they say to him; and maybe the guy from the date interrupted her every sentence with an offhand comment about football. That's not a problem - that's "using" Mika and the list of his traits that she finds appealing to help hone her idea of a suitable romantic partner.


When it becomes a problem, IMHO, is when A) the girl gets an idea of perfection in her head - "Mika is 100% flawless, and I won't date anyone who isn't 100% flawless". Or B), quite simply "Mika is the one for me - I don't want someone like Mika, I want THE Mika."


To put it straight out there: I find it insulting and pretty unfortunate that many have convinced themselves and truly believe that MIKA is adament on NOT falling in love with a member of this club...as if this club makes us tainted or something. I have done nothing but show respect, love and admiration for Mika here...anyone wanting to argue that this is grounds for excluding me from the dating population is seriously lacking in their observations.


I also find it sad that many people are so negative about his fame and celebrity; That people assume he would actually take into acount the implication made here that we as fans are of a different breed of people...not worthy of the person we idolize;that he would honestly consider for a second the things that go on here. First of all, I don't even think he spends enough time on here to really READ what we say. Even if he did, like I said, I have not portrayed myself as "creepy." No one can tell me different...


So I say DREAM.


DREAM because you pity those who cannot freely do so...DREAM because every great idea started out as someone's far reaching fantasy...AND ABOVE ALL, DREAM BECAUSE IT MAKES THE WORLD A MORE BEAUTIFUL PLACE, WITH KINDER, MORE COMPASSIONATE PEOPLE.



I agree - why not?


And I certainly don't think he'd be creeped out by it. I'm sure the women who scream about having his babies during "Over My Shoulder" would rank higher on the "irritating" list than some random chatter about weddings. The man has three sisters, and comes from a large, boisterous family; I'm sure, in his 24 years, he's been exposed to the female passtime of wedding fantasizing.


It's perfectly healthy, IMHO, as long as one doesn't morph into a crazy stalker who intends to toss herself off a bridge unless she can have Mika, the Mika, and only Mika.

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Is it the fact that young girls are socially conditioned to obsess over the superficial details that bothers you (possibly at the expense of considering the lifelong implications of a wedding), or is it the fact that young boys aren't conditioned to share in the obsessing?




Yeah, we were about 13 or 14 at the time. But I don't think that matters; I don't think dream and fantasy is confined to a particular age or stage. If you're 45 and want to fantasize about marrying a pop star, how is that any more harmful than doing it at 15?




The issue then is not the fantasy itself, but fantasy replacing reality. It's the same sort of situation where impressionable women read romance novels and then expect all real-world romantic encounters to be like that.


It's one thing to daydream about meeting Mika after a gig, he smiles, then after a whirlwhind courtship you're suddenly having a romantic wedding with 500 of your friends and family members in the South of France. It's another thing to have yourself seriously convinced that anything less than that simply won't do.




I would go out a limb and say "not necessarily". If an 18 year old girl (or a 14 year old, or a 29 year old, or a 51 year old) meets a guy, and comes home from the date disappointed and complaining that "he's not Mika" - that's not necessarily a problem. Since the girl in question doesn't (likely) know Mika, what they mean is "the guy I met tonight isn't right for me - I know what I want, and what I want happens to include many of the traits of which I see in Mika". Maybe she likes the way Mika makes eye contact with interviewers, and seems to listen to every word they say to him; and maybe the guy from the date interrupted her every sentence with an offhand comment about football. That's not a problem - that's "using" Mika and the list of his traits that she finds appealing to help hone her idea of a suitable romantic partner.


When it becomes a problem, IMHO, is when A) the girl gets an idea of perfection in her head - "Mika is 100% flawless, and I won't date anyone who isn't 100% flawless". Or B), quite simply "Mika is the one for me - I don't want someone like Mika, I want THE Mika."




I agree - why not?


And I certainly don't think he'd be creeped out by it. I'm sure the women who scream about having his babies during "Over My Shoulder" would rank higher on the "irritating" list than some random chatter about weddings. The man has three sisters, and comes from a large, boisterous family; I'm sure, in his 24 years, he's been exposed to the female passtime of wedding fantasizing.


It's perfectly healthy, IMHO, as long as one doesn't morph into a crazy stalker who intends to toss herself off a bridge unless she can have Mika, the Mika, and only Mika.



Yes, very true indeed. with 3 sisters, it's inevidable to hear this kind of talk:wink2:

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Is it the fact that young girls are socially conditioned to obsess over the superficial details that bothers you (possibly at the expense of considering the lifelong implications of a wedding), or is it the fact that young boys aren't conditioned to share in the obsessing?


Both. I don't like the superficiality present, as though the details make the marriage, but I also don't like the importance placed on The Day as being such a huge deal to which the girl's entire young life is a build-up. The superficial detail-thing wouldn't be so bad (after all, a very young girl can't even really comprehend or focus on much beyond that) if those details weren't blown into such undue importance. Certainly the moment you decide to spend your life with another person is important, but that moment is not usually "a moment"--it's a gradual process of small discoveries and realizations, and the ceremony itself should be nothing but the legalization of a commitment that is already in existence. And in general, I wish girls would grow up (as they do more and more now) knowing that their life has plenty of highlights of their own making, not just one, and especially not just one that is so heavily reliant on finding someone else to "make it come true."


And yes, I am also not too pleased that boys are not conditioned to share in the obsessing, but girls are. They grow up with weddings and marriages only as afterthoughts--in general, I believe that's healthier. (Often boys are conditioned to dislike the idea of marriage, but that's another issue.) The problem is that this leads to a lack of balance when a boy and a girl come together--she's got all these hopes and dreams, and he couldn't even care less, and it's not something even on his mind. Considering that there's all this romantic floo-flah about a union of souls and whatnot, the combination seems like a brewing ground of trouble, or at least disappointment.



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When it comes to "celebrity marriage" fantasies I think that a distinction has to be made between enjoying entertaining the fantasy, and actually believing that it will happen (a delusion). While the former can happen at any age, everyone likes a bit of fantasy and escapism, I think that the latter IS maturity-related and that's why it's mostly people in young age who do it. That's what growing up is IMO, breaking down delusions about reality one by one, and we continue to grow all of our lives. (That said, there can be difference between what one knows and how one acts, one can know reality yet enjoy escaping it.)


You know what worries me? Not necessarily the fact that people may really believe that they have a chance with Mika, as that delusion will be set straight by reality in time. What worries me is that people may set Mika as their standard for a man and set themselves up for disappointment in their future encounters with men. Aside from the fact that Mika may indeed be a "special" "one-in-a-million" person (if he wasn't I doubt that so many people would be his fans), is the fact that no one knows what Mika "the person" is like and being a human being he undoubtedly has flaws that he doesn't show the whole world or that we as fans refuse to see. If someone uses Mika as their standard for a man in real life they will be unlikely to be satisfied. That's not because men in real life are sub-standard (I wouldn't tell you to enter a relationship with someone who isn't "good enough") it's because when a person becomes a public figure as Mika has they become a concept removed from reality. Not everyone who seriously believes in "celebrity marriage" in their youth ends up (consciously or subconsciously) setting them as standards later in life so I hope that will be the case for everyone here.

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When it comes to "celebrity marriage" fantasies I think that a distinction has to be made between enjoying entertaining the fantasy, and actually believing that it will happen (a delusion). While the former can happen at any age, everyone likes a bit of fantasy and escapism, I think that the latter IS maturity-related and that's why it's mostly people in young age who do it. That's what growing up is IMO, breaking down delusions about reality one by one, and we continue to grow all of our lives. (That said, there can be difference between what one knows and how one acts, one can know reality yet enjoy escaping it.)


You know what worries me? Not necessarily the fact that people may really believe that they have a chance with Mika, as that delusion will be set straight by reality in time. What worries me is that people may set Mika as their standard for a man and set themselves up for disappointment in their future encounters with men. Aside from the fact that Mika may indeed be a "special" "one-in-a-million" person (if he wasn't I doubt that so many people would be his fans), is the fact that no one knows what Mika "the person" is like and being a human being he undoubtedly has flaws that he doesn't show the whole world or that we as fans refuse to see. If someone uses Mika as their standard for a man in real life they will be unlikely to be satisfied. That's not because men in real life are sub-standard (I wouldn't tell you to enter a relationship with someone who isn't "good enough") it's because when a person becomes a public figure as Mika has they become a concept removed from reality. Not everyone who seriously believes in "celebrity marriage" in their youth ends up (consciously or subconsciously) setting them as standards later in life so I hope that will be the case for everyone here.


I get what you are saying...all I can do is really defend what I've said. I don't put Mika on a higher pedestal than anyone else. I simply, have not fallen in love with a guy yet...When I do, I won't compare them to MIKA because that would be unfair and ridiculous.So yes, if you think you have a chance with mika so much so that you turn down other good men than it becomes a problem:blink: I wouldn't do that.


WHAT i was trying to say was that I don't believe anyone can say that the people here have no chance with mika as it is up to him and no one else. I also don't think its right to say that he will marry one of us for the same reason. The point is, we don't know... I just think it's possible for him to love ANYONE ANY WAY HE WANTS TO:wink2:

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Precisely. That's why I would love to get

for my divorce party. :thumb_yello:


I absolutely love Divine...ever since I saw Hairspray. Totally beats John Travolta.


Someone told me that Divine lived down the street from John Waters, who wrote Hairspray. I thought that was interesting.



My feminist self is a bit annoyed at such fantasies (or rather, the fact that girls are socialized to consider their wedding day as the highpoint of their young lives and most boys couldn't care less), and this is why my feminist self is anti-diamonds and the diamond myth (spend 3 months' worth of salary on some bauble, just because that's "the rule"? God why? If it's a ring I have to wear every day, the last thing I want is something bling-y!), and the fuss about a perfect dress making a perfect day, but I can't begrudge others in indulging in some make-believe.


Haha, I agree. Honestly, if I ever get married, I would hope my potential husband would not get me a big ring nor an expensive one. I just know I would lose it. I would be thinking that there are much better things to be spending that kind of money on than a piece of jewelry. Actually, I remember my English teacher last told us when she got engaged that her husband spent so much money on the ring and she asked him why and he said because he thought he had to. They both ended up going back and downsizing the ring quite a bit. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate it; it just wasn't practical.


Also, I've never had a dream wedding. I was never the type of girl to dream up weddings; I'm an such the tomboy. My cousin always did that and truthfully, I think she rushed into her marriage mainly because she wanted that dream wedding so badly. She spent an insane amount of money on it, and invited so many guests. Later on, this "dream wedding" caused riffs in the marriage because of the debt they were in from that one night as well as the marriage being rushed. I just don't really see the point in having a huge, elaborate wedding (FOR ME). I don't care if anyone else does, but it's just not for me at all. The marriage lasts longer than just that day.

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WHAT i was trying to say was that I don't believe anyone can say that the people here have no chance with mika as it is up to him and no one else. I also don't think its right to say that he will marry one of us for the same reason. The point is, we don't know... I just think it's possible for him to love ANYONE ANY WAY HE WANTS TO:wink2:


While there is a chance Mika might one day fall in love with a fan, court them and eventually marry them, this is still a very very slim chance, and even if you want to protest about the chance to your hearts content, you have to accept that.


IMO, Even if the whole fan factor wasn't involved, and the fact that many of us idolise the very ground he walks on (which would only produce an uneven relationship), the situations in which we meet Mika are so far removed from normal everyday situations that they only exist in the world of a celebrity.


We meet him before gigs, after gigs, or sometimes (if we're lucky) in other places. The most common topics of conversations are asking for photos or auotographs or telling him how much we love him and his music, all conversations where he, as a product, is the main topic. We don't make light chit chat about his life, because we wouldn't know what to make chit chat about. We don't know enough about him to really engage him in meaningful conversation. Normally when we meet him, there are others wanting to talk to him, and a limited time in which to do so, so time doesn't exactly help.


And while Mika may one day meet one us, and decide we are the woman or man for him, it is more likely not to happen while happen.


But it is natural to dream, and to fanatise, to hope and believe. Its when you start living for that dream, living for the hope you will meet him and he will fall madly in love and sweep you off your feet, and thus sacrifice all other potential relationships that there is a problem. (But hey, we all agree on that, so enough said)



Haha, I agree. Honestly, if I ever get married, I would hope my potential husband would not get me a big ring nor an expensive one. I just know I would lose it.

I just don't really see the point in having a huge, elaborate wedding (FOR ME). I don't care if anyone else does, but it's just not for me at all. The marriage lasts longer than just that day.


I am totally the same. I'm not a ring person and have already lost many. Giving me a big or expensive ring would only result in me not wearing it, for fear of losing it.


And as for a wedding you're right. It is only one day, and I already know of people who are still paying for that one day, even though the marriage is over. Some regret, but others do not. While it is nice to have a nice traditional wedding, or even a non traditional but expensive wedding, I know that that is not for me.

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While there is a chance Mika might one day fall in love with a fan, court them and eventually marry them, this is still a very very slim chance, and even if you want to protest about the chance to your hearts content, you have to accept that.


IMO, Even if the whole fan factor wasn't involved, and the fact that many of us idolise the very ground he walks on (which would only produce an uneven relationship), the situations in which we meet Mika are so far removed from normal everyday situations that they only exist in the world of a celebrity.


We meet him before gigs, after gigs, or sometimes (if we're lucky) in other places. The most common topics of conversations are asking for photos or auotographs or telling him how much we love him and his music, all conversations where he, as a product, is the main topic. We don't make light chit chat about his life, because we wouldn't know what to make chit chat about. We don't know enough about him to really engage him in meaningful conversation. Normally when we meet him, there are others wanting to talk to him, and a limited time in which to do so, so time doesn't exactly help.


And while Mika may one day meet one us, and decide we are the woman or man for him, it is more likely not to happen while happen.


But it is natural to dream, and to fanatise, to hope and believe. Its when you start living for that dream, living for the hope you will meet him and he will fall madly in love and sweep you off your feet, and thus sacrifice all other potential relationships that there is a problem. (But hey, we all agree on that, so enough said)




I am totally the same. I'm not a ring person and have already lost many. Giving me a big or expensive ring would only result in me not wearing it, for fear of losing it.


And as for a wedding you're right. It is only one day, and I already know of people who are still paying for that one day, even though the marriage is over. Some regret, but others do not. While it is nice to have a nice traditional wedding, or even a non traditional but expensive wedding, I know that that is not for me.[/QUOTE]


I agree completely with you. For me, I don't need all the fuss of a big circus wedding. I want it to be about me and my hubby - not about the material things.

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As usual, I've been mis interpreted...not an uncommon thing.


I really think everyone around here over analyzes things to death...and it's not really worth it to state what's in my head because there will ALWAYS be someone who will "imply" that what I believe in is wrong or of course "foolish"


but hey, I'm a dreamer and that's what I do so I'm not expecting anyone to be cool about it.


I do have to say that I'm not so insane that I have convinced myself that Mika will one day fall in love with a fan from here and that it will indeed be ME. I just want to make it clear that statistics and numbers and all that other B.S. about the odds of that happening should be forgotten. Mika doesn't live by any rule, or standard...he never does what is expected of him nor does he wish to be normal. My argument is: Why in hell would he even consider a membership here as a bad thing?:boxed:


If you guys are really that determined to help me believe that what I think is ridiculous than I do have one other huge argument to make on my behalf.


If it is equality, that you think will earn Mika's consideration ( in terms of the amount of fame or success we acheive) than I'd have to say that one day I WILL BE JUST AS KNOWN AND HOPEFULLY LOVED AS MIKA.


Guys, fame is an aspiration of mine not because of the glitz and glamour but because of the power. I want to change the world to be honest and I will. I've got a good heart, and I'll work hard to achieve the right kind of fame...the kind that people look up to because I'll be doing something good.


I wrote to Mika once that I would be happy if one day a book of mine touched the life of atleast one person...even happier if writing were to make me famous...or films...whatever it is that I will do.


In that sense, the two of us :MIKA and I will one day be in similar industries...and we could very well walk the same red carpets to the same charity events and galas... IT WILL HAPPEN, I JUST KNOW IT.


I know everyone thinks of fame as something far reaching and rare, but the people who go on to achieve it don't hold that mentality. I'm determined as hell to make a difference, and I absolutely will.


I just don't want people making the argument that we are "just fans" or something to that effect because I have never been "just a fan..." and I certainly will make a name for myself just as big and bright as Mika.

I don't worship him. I just love him dearly...I'm young and I've got "a foolish heart" apparantly...but this is the only way I've ever loved...unconditionally and without boundaries


So to sum it up to you all: I don't think of myself as someone MIKA will marry.

This thread was meant to be fun.

I think that whoever marries me is damn well lucky though:naughty:


If I were ever put into the situation of dating the big M, I gaurantee that I would not lower myself into believing that "Oh, I'm the luckiest girl in the world:mf_lustslow: because I was just a poor little fan from the U.S while he was selling records"


I believe that Mika himself would be pretty lucky to have a girl like me. FAN or NOT.

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As usual, I've been mis interpreted...not an uncommon thing.


I really think everyone around here over analyzes things to death...and it's not really worth it to state what's in my head because there will ALWAYS be someone who will "imply" that what I believe in is wrong or of course "foolish"


but hey, I'm a dreamer and that's what I do so I'm not expecting anyone to be cool about it.


I do have to say that I'm not so insane that I have convinced myself that Mika will one day fall in love with a fan from here and that it will indeed be ME. I just want to make it clear that statistics and numbers and all that other B.S. about the odds of that happening should be forgotten. Mika doesn't live by any rule, or standard...he never does what is expected of him nor does he wish to be normal. My argument is: Why in hell would he even consider a membership here as a bad thing?:boxed:


If you guys are really that determined to help me believe that what I think is ridiculous than I do have one other huge argument to make on my behalf.


If it is equality, that you think will earn Mika's consideration ( in terms of the amount of fame or success we acheive) than I'd have to say that one day I WILL BE JUST AS KNOWN AND HOPEFULLY LOVED AS MIKA.


Guys, fame is an aspiration of mine not because of the glitz and glamour but because of the power. I want to change the world to be honest and I will. I've got a good heart, and I'll work hard to achieve the right kind of fame...the kind that people look up to because I'll be doing something good.


I wrote to Mika once that I would be happy if one day a book of mine touched the life of atleast one person...even happier if writing were to make me famous...or films...whatever it is that I will do.


In that sense, the two of us :MIKA and I will one day be in similar industries...and we could very well walk the same red carpets to the same charity events and galas... IT WILL HAPPEN, I JUST KNOW IT.


I know everyone thinks of fame as something far reaching and rare, but the people who go on to achieve it don't hold that mentality. I'm determined as hell to make a difference, and I absolutely will.


I just don't want people making the argument that we are "just fans" or something to that effect because I have never been "just a fan..." and I certainly will make a name for myself just as big and bright as Mika.

I don't worship him. I just love him dearly...I'm young and I've got "a foolish heart" apparantly...but this is the only way I've ever loved...unconditionally and without boundaries


So to sum it up to you all: I don't think of myself as someone MIKA will marry.

This thread was meant to be fun.

I think that whoever marries me is damn well lucky though:naughty:


If I were ever put into the situation of dating the big M, I gaurantee that I would not lower myself into believing that "Oh, I'm the luckiest girl in the world:mf_lustslow: because I was just a poor little fan from the U.S while he was selling records"


I believe that Mika himself would be pretty lucky to have a girl like me. FAN or NOT.



Just to quote myself *cough* I really don't want to argue about this: I don't want people thinking that I'm the Hilary Clinton of this forum...BUT you know I'm young and people "read" me wrong... and today was a bad day for that sort of thing so I'm really jumpy.


That wasn't directed at anyone in particular either:wink2:

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Just to quote myself *cough* I really don't want to argue about this: I don't want people thinking that I'm the Hilary Clinton of this forum...BUT you know I'm young and people "read" me wrong... and today was a bad day for that sort of thing so I'm really jumpy.


That wasn't directed at anyone in particular either:wink2:

I don't anything wrong.

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LOL It's a bonjour thread, what did you expect?




There ya go


By the way, thing seems alot of fun!

I don't have a crush on any celeb imparticular...maybe Larry Mullen Jr but that may because he likes Ray Bans...I like Ray Bans...MATCH MADE IN 80'S HEAVEN!



(Not funny...only about .0000000001% of the world would find that somewhat amusing)





Moving along





So, here I go:


Cake: The always classy Poptart



Dress: Vera Wang



Location: Ireland (Why the hell not?)







(Hope you guys understand irony)


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