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The Australian Thread: Seventh Heaven

Rainbow Sky

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Don't worry, I too enjoy school shopping

Yesterday I got my new shoes, bag, pencil case etc etc, it was thrilling. Lol.

And after a while, the hype dies, and your just stuck going to school everyday, with the early mornings and the stupid teachers.


But atleast your going through all of that with a fresh set of crayons and 1c books Bahaa ;]


LOL LOL LOL LOL :naughty::roftl::naughty::roftl:

Oh no, you get me way too well. I just laughed for like a full minute at this.

It IS thrilling, I HATE when that lovely hype dies (half an hour into the first class or so), but the supplies DO make it easier.


God, I am soo going school shopping tomorrow now, I'm all hyped up over it :naughty:



Anywho, my upload finished, but it still has to be aproved now :thumbdown:

I am off to get some sleep, Nighty night everyone. (or is it Gonnie dight?)


Uh oh, I just read your talk about the moon. My mum excitedly dragged me outside earlier tonight to show me that the moon had a face on it. I really didn't see it. She's delusional. :wink2:

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Ohh the moon is here too :wub2:


Look at it!! we are near yet soo far :boxed:

YES ....yes .... I can see it sparkling through the gum tree tops ..... :wub2: ..... *waves to you * ............... :blush-anim-cl: .......:cheerful_h4h:



... & now I shall say Goodnight ....... Good Night !!!!! :wub2:

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*trips though the door* Good Morning Aussies and Aussies at heart!


Here you go sweet JJL .....




Aww, all so preety!


Nighty night, have fun waking up tomorrow




*is jealous*




Rockingham! In the new food court in the shopping centre?




Well that's the way holidays work. You have to walk to the point of pain to counter balance all the eating out


I got a sleep in! Yay!!


Performance night?


I loove school shopping! I can't wait till I do it. I love coordinating it all by subject, and then buying stupid things, giving my self excuses for buying windups, etc. And stocking up on 1c exercise books! And then getting home and writing my name on everything - and don't forget - getting to open all the pages of display files for the first time!

lol, is anyone else with me here?





Nighty night, nighty night.


Ughh, I need to go to sleep too. My dad so lovingly booked me in for getting the CD player put in my car ... for 8.30 in the morning. So I have to leave at 8 ... get up at 7.30 ... This is what I get for teasing Ju-ju before, isn't it? :sad:


But, I can't go to bed even, because I started uploading that short film that I managed to save on to the computer, and it's been going for like half an hour already but still not finished ... I think my brother is using the internet as well. damn him.


I love school shopping too, I got some awesome stuff this year, really shows who I am, (whats the bet half an hour into the first day everything is going to have various drawings on it), but this year is going to be torcher *dies*


Payback haha, I would feel some sort of sympathy to your plight of waking far too early but alas that is beyond my emtional capability


Don't worry, I too enjoy school shopping

Yesterday I got my new shoes, bag, pencil case etc etc, it was thrilling. Lol.

And after a while, the hype dies, and your just stuck going to school everyday, with the early mornings and the stupid teachers.


But atleast your going through all of that with a fresh set of crayons and 1c books Bahaa ;]


Early mornings *dies again*


Except for now .... 'cos it's the moon that's so pwettyyy .......


I love the full moon, so romantic...



Oh no, you get me way too well. I just laughed for like a full minute at this.

It IS thrilling, I HATE when that lovely hype dies (half an hour into the first class or so), but the supplies DO make it easier.


God, I am soo going school shopping tomorrow now, I'm all hyped up over it


Anywho, my upload finished, but it still has to be aproved now

I am off to get some sleep, Nighty night everyone. (or is it Gonnie dight?)


Uh oh, I just read your talk about the moon. My mum excitedly dragged me outside earlier tonight to show me that the moon had a face on it. I really didn't see it. She's delusional.


The moon has a face??? *thinks indeed your mum is delusional*


to good health! *drinks coffee*


Bring on THE LONG WEEKEEND! 3 days on the MFC


But think about the poor kiddies going back to school after the long weekend, Inclueding me! *cries* I'll have less MFC time!


Wayyy to many emotions :(

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Yes hun .... Mondo is my pup ...... *see the one mawling his mother above ^^^ *


Awwww... he's adorable!!


Okay, Okay. So I was thinking about Australia Day, and I was going to ask the Aussies on MFC what their plans are, and adding Australia Day

and Mika gave me a crazy idea.




Say it out loud, it sounds kind of cool ;] lol.

Australia for the Mika fans


Oooooh cool!!!


I loves it!


I'm going to open an Australia Day thread...


Stupid myspace! I've told it so many times not to do that but it still does!


Don't worry, I'll add you!


Ooooh... can you add me too?


HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! Two more nose scrunch pics from the Fiat Launch !!!! Bugger about the watermarks ... but hey .....








I want the hoodie..


Ohh yes hes enough to turn a man gay


Hiya hun


I worry about you sometimes Freddie...


Yeh us brits loveee the aussies ... the culture and everything that goes with it we adhore .. maybe its kinda mixed up for us .. bbqs every day , fighting with crocodiles etc <steve irwin> etc but it really appeals to us and our sense of humour


Yes well what isn't there to love!


The aussies kick ass. I've got papers to get my citizenship asap.


Oh yeah!!!


You're practially Aussie already!


Yeh I really think out of all the cultures the aussie one is that one that we most admire or aspire to be , one of the reasons is the cold wet island we live in , but come summer time the aussie bars are packed , we love home and away , neighbours , bbqs , steve irwin , rolf harris . etc etc .. its a massive part of uk culture


Good old Rolf...


As long as you don't like Germaine Greer... cranky old b***h...


Heheheheeheh .... out of them ..... I'm into BBQ's .... Rolf Harris & Steve Irwin .....


BBQs and Rolf Harris for me...


Can I ask once and for all.. What does FY&GN mean??


I said it one night on MSN when I was about to leave...


It's f**k you and good night...


Completely random here, but does anyone else have a hankering to see mika take to the stage in a musical or something? I was thinking about the religious affiliations that a lot of our Mika language has (and about how i've put him on a pedestal and practically worship him) and it made me think "He could be Jesus you know. Hey, he could be in Godspell or Jesus Christ superstar or something!" and then I got to thinking about musicals that I love that I would love to see him in..... Anyone else ever think like this?




Rocky Horror Picture Show would be good... as Frank...


hey Freddie (sorry, we haven't been formally introduced. Good evening Freddie!)

I decided to try your idea of going into other threads i wouldn't normally post in. I just went and poked my nose into the PPR thread to see what it was all about.... and promptly turned and ran! I did leave a post, but that thing is too much for me.


It is a bit scary at first... but its good... as long as you like fan fics...


Ohhh yeh not all are as nice and friendly as the Aussie thread or easy on the eye :wink2:


Awwwww Freddie...


Go on be honest with me I can take it :roftl:


The snow is sooo pwetyyy outside my window :wub2:


Don't make me jealous...

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Alarm went off at 7.30. Turned it off, went back to sleep. Dad came to pull me out of bed and push me into my car at 8. Had to stumble around Bunnings (the only thing in walking distance) half-asleep for an hour and a half while they installed the cd player. Bought packet of grass seeds - plan on making grass heads. In sleepy haze forgot to bring LiCM or any other CD, so didn't even get to use CD player. Did school shopping. Sat in garage at home for a while listening to LiCM in my carrr, yay!

And all this ... PRE-NOON!:shocked:


Afternoon, all! (well, morning to the aussies and evening to Freddie, if he returns soon.)


I hope this finds you in good health.



I am in fine health - but tired :crybaby:


to good health! *drinks coffee*


Bring on THE LONG WEEKEEND! 3 days on the MFC


A long weekend? Oooh! Oh, but it doesn't really affect me in any way .. :bleh:


I got a sleep in! Yay!!




I love school shopping too, I got some awesome stuff this year, really shows who I am, (whats the bet half an hour into the first day everything is going to have various drawings on it), but this year is going to be torcher *dies*


Hmm, I don't like any of the licenced things this year, just went with the plain colourful stuff. And used school shopping as my excuse for also buying 50 connectors, 48 coloured pencils and a pack of coloured paper :thumb_yello:

I've still got to get to officeworks some time to get myself an animal shaped pair of scissors that makes an appropriate animal sound everytime you open/close it that I saw an advert for.

And why is this year going to be torture (if that's what you were trying to spell :naughty: )?


But think about the poor kiddies going back to school after the long weekend, Including me! *cries* I'll have less MFC time!


Sucked iiiiiiin! lol. I'm looking forward to going back actually, I'm getting terribly bored of doing nothing. (of course, that idea will change when I actually do go back)



:crybaby: Youtube says I didn't upload anything last night! Gaaah!

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Alarm went off at 7.30. Turned it off, went back to sleep. Dad came to pull me out of bed and push me into my car at 8. Had to stumble around Bunnings (the only thing in walking distance) half-asleep for an hour and a half while they installed the cd player. Bought packet of grass seeds - plan on making grass heads. In sleepy haze forgot to bring LiCM or any other CD, so didn't even get to use CD player. Did school shopping. Sat in garage at home for a while listening to LiCM in my carrr, yay!

And all this ... PRE-NOON!:shocked:





I am in fine health - but tired :crybaby:




A long weekend? Oooh! Oh, but it doesn't really affect me in any way .. :bleh:








Hmm, I don't like any of the licenced things this year, just went with the plain colourful stuff. And used school shopping as my excuse for also buying 50 connectors, 48 coloured pencils and a pack of coloured paper :thumb_yello:

I've still got to get to officeworks some time to get myself an animal shaped pair of scissors that makes an appropriate animal sound everytime you open/close it that I saw an advert for.

And why is this year going to be torture (if that's what you were trying to spell :naughty: )?




Sucked iiiiiiin! lol. I'm looking forward to going back actually, I'm getting terribly bored of doing nothing. (of course, that idea will change when I actually do go back)



:crybaby: Youtube says I didn't upload anything last night! Gaaah!


I now want animal sissors, but the closest officeworks is an hour and a half away*glares at parent that are incapible of choosing a place near a office works*


What did you upload last night?

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I just went out to the factory door to have a look at this guy who someone told me he looked like Mika.


I went out there, I was so embarassed. He is tall and skinny and had brown curly hair like Mika....I couldn't really see his face very well but I think there are similiarities.


Will check him out in more detail at the next staff BBQ!

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I just went out to the factory door to have a look at this guy who someone told me he looked like Mika.


I went out there, I was so embarassed. He is tall and skinny and had brown curly hair like Mika....I couldn't really see his face very well but I think there are similiarities.


Will check him out in more detail at the next staff BBQ!


HAHAHA! That's awesome.

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