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2008 - REPORTS/PICS/VIDS for MIKA@ Terminal 5 in New York City: 02 Feb

Blue Sky

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Thanks, Hollis. Mika and Andy liked it also.:fisch:

I'm going to start writing my report, I'm uploading some photos now.

I took more photos of the crowd than of Mika, I didn't want to miss anything.

I can't wait to hear your report, Jess! And I wanna see some pictures!

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I arrived in NY at about 9:30 on Friday to stay with Holly and Alex (cheeseygoodness) They are such fun people to be around. It wasn’t odd at all staying with them even though we’ve never met in person, it felt like we’ve known each other for years. Holly went to bed earlier since we were waking up at about 3:30, so Alex and I made signs. I had bought a black poster board and glow in the dark paint and wrote “I prayed for Johnny” on my sign, and since I am so artistically challenged and the letters even looked funky, Alex drew rosary beads on it to add some pizazz. She also made a sign that said “Little bit of love” on it.




Alex and I stayed up till about 1:30AM fooling around. Haha We were acting like such girls.


XD Not a pretty picture..




We woke up a few hours later, and got a very friendly cab driver to take us to Dunkin Donuts. We got some Munchkins and I picked up a bottle of water. The driver then took us to Terminal Five. The place was so odd looking and was in such a strange location..it was barely noticeable, just looked like an abandoned building. We were there for no longer than four minutes when Lucy arrived, she is the cutest person ever! Haha, such a sweetie!




I looked like a fool..


Because the place really had no information whatsoever and was just sort of deserted, Lucy and I decided that we’d take a walk around the building to make sure we were lining up in the right place. We knocked on the garage doors when a maintenance man opened up and told us we were waiting in the right place.

At about 7AM Lovelove_Mika (Jackie), ErinsInterpretation, Fetal Lima Bean, and Neildium (I think that’s his forum name, he just joined last night. Haha) arrived. Nobody was really certain where the line would begin, so Lucy and I decided to walk to the other side of the building to see if somebody could tell us. The same friendly maintenance man opened the door again and tried to explain which garage door we were to wait at, but we were all confusing each other, so we asked if maybe he could let us inside and go out the door we’re supposed to wait at. The guy immediately let us inside, and the first thing I noticed was a bar to my left and a stage to my right. The stage looked very small, and the venue was much smaller than I had thought it was. Lucy and I were very pleased and excited. Haha The guy showed us where to start the line, and went back through the door we had came through. As Lucy, the maintenance worker, and I were walking back out, a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes gave us a look as if we were insane, a sort of “What are they doing here?” look. We said good morning to him and continued walking out the door. I hope we didn’t get that guy in trouble..

At around 10 o’ clock ThatPinkSock, love today, MikaontheWeb, and their crew lined up with us. All of them were so friendly. A while later I Love MIKA!!! (Aimee) and her friend Mattie (Hope I spelled that right) arrived. Haha they were so excited about this. We entertained each other for hours. Haha We got hungry at one point, and Lucy and I joked about having a pizza delivered to us, and Fetal Lima Bean took the liberty of ordering us a pizza on the street. XD Everybody took turns warming up and going to the bathroom, and when Lucy, Mattie, and I finally decided to go quickly, Mattie got a phone call saying that Mika was at the building and to hurry up..

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We got there and found out that we had the opportunity to meet Mika either after sound checks, before the show, or after the show. We were to wait for Nadja to call Alex to let us know what was going on.

While waiting a red van pulled up, asking which one of us was Alex. Alex walked up to the car and Jerry spoke with her for a bit. He told her that the MFC was going to become official, and that they were planning on organizing it, or something like that. Haha, sorry, I seemed to have caused a bit of mayhem with this yesterday..

Anyway, he took her picture and told us that we should know when we were to meet Mika soon..

A little whie later, the garage door opened and everyone gathered round. John was there, and talked with us for a bit. He asked Holly and Alex what time they got there, and was very impressed/shock, especially since they came from Florida. He noticed Holly seemed to be uncomfortable due to the cold and asked if there was anything he could do for us and if we wanted hot chocolate. Everyone agreed that hot chocolate sounded nice at this point, and John and some other people went back into the venue and told us they’d bring it out in a while.

About fifteen minutes again, the door opened. I was expecting to see John with the hot chocolate, but instead saw three people standing there, and Mika and Andy walked out and started filming us and talking to us. A bunch of people gathered around and started asking questions and talking with Mika. Jackie and Erin gave Mika their AMAZING necklace. I knew he’d love it when they showed it to me before, it’s definitely something Mika would just love. I also brought Mika two little “joke gifts” since I figured it obviously gets boring on the road, and handed him gum that when you hand to a person, it gives them a shock, and gum that when you chew it, it turns your mouth blue. Mika seemed amused, laughed, and said it was amazing. Haha. He chatted a little longer before heading back in, and was very kind to everyone. I was surprised at how long he was out there for, I thought he would go in after people handed him gifts, but he stayed and just chatted with everyone. It was so sweet. Neil took a video of it, and recorded just when I gave Mika the gifts until he left. (Hey Neil, when ya gonna post ‘em? :wink2: )

I took a picture of him on my phone and texted it to some of you. Haha hope you got it.

I took a short video but felt very awkward doing so because he was right in front of me, so I just put my camera away after. It really isn’t an exciting one, I don’t think it’s worth posting..

So yea, Mika left and a few minutes later some ladies came with the hot chocolate and Munchkins. I was so grateful toward John, it was a nice gesture and it warmed me up for a little while.

My feet were so cold, I put my gloves on over my socks in an attempt to warm them up, it wasn’t all that successful.

Once Mika left I mingled with some MFCers. The first, I’d say, thirty people in line were all from MFC. Haha

I talked with Aubrey (MIKAOBESSED), her mother and little sister, dcdeb very briefly, JackViolet, AKatieisaKate, and a few other people for a while. My friend Tracy came along, and she, Jack, Kate, and I were trying to come up with a plan on how and when we should jump on stage during Lollipop.

A little while later Ada (Revica) came over and asked if I wanted to play Chubby Bunny. I couldn’t turn down the offer. heh..I got a video of this, might post later.


Lucy and I after some Chubby Bunny.





Haha, some MFCers playing “Zip Zap Zop”



Pizza in the morning.

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Hello everybodeeeeeeeee!!!


I'm home but am downloading pics and collecting my thoughts... plus

I'd like to have a look at what's been written already before I repeat

things that have been said 100 times before.


I will say how fabulous it was to meet so many MFC'ers! What a day!

A COLD day, at that!


Show was awesome, of course, had the chance to meet up with him

briefly afterward, but still have not met Luke :(


Will be back later with more! Although it looks like Finkster's going to

keep you busy for a while! :roll1:



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Hello everybodeeeeeeeee!!!


I'm home but am downloading pics and collecting my thoughts... plus

I'd like to have a look at what's been written already before I repeat

things that have been said 100 times before.


I will say how fabulous it was to meet so many MFC'ers! What a day!

A COLD day, at that!


Show was awesome, of course, had the chance to meet up with him

briefly afterward, but still have not met Luke :(


Will be back later with more! Although it looks like Finkster's going to

keep you busy for a while! :roll1:




Welcome back deb - looking forward to your report :huglove:

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Okay, anyway, security set up the barriers at around 6:30 or so, and Andy came out and started filming everyone. Andy saw my sign and laughed at it, and told my Holy Johnny might make a special appearance on stage tonight. I just laughed and said “Oh really?” I didn’t think he was being serious!

Some security guard read my sign and asked, “Johnny..? Who’s Johnny, what does that mean? Why would you pray for him?” And Andy started filming them as I explained, “Well, he once was a whore, now he’s a priest at 24.” The guards just looked at me blankly, and everyone joined in on the “Whore, priest.” thing, and I started reciting the lines to the song, going, “Well you see, my mate Johnny’s a looker, his habbit is a one night stand..” and so on. Haha Andy loved it. Then the crowd started singing Grace Kelly and Love Today, all the guards and onlookers looked at us as if we were mental. (Yea, so we are..)

Finally the gates opened, a cool guard just took a quick peak to look in my bag and let me make a run for the stage. I jogged and got front row center, standing next to Jackie and Holly. It was crazy for me to look around and see all “familiar” faces in front row, practically all of the MFC had front or second row! I was so pleased to see this.

039.jpgTracy and her friend.


Holly and I.


You all know who..haha:wink2:


Jackie and I.


The Canadian gang.


The opening act, The Midway State came on, and I really didn’t like them at all from what I heard on their myspace page, put they sounded much better live.

Jackie noticed Perez Hilton peaking out from behind a curtain, so we all started to wave, but he disappeared once people started noticing him..


Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for, THE music starts…the crowd goes insane!

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I'm copying and pasting this from my blog on MySpace. :-P


Okay,we were supposed to meet-up at a cafe in New York,and no one showed up exept for Katie and her family.Everybody else was at the venue already.

So we ate then went to the venue.Only like 15 people were there.I saw HollyD and Finkster and met them.Then we waited for other people to show up.

After a while nothing happened,but then Mika came out with his camra man!I asked a dumb question,and then on my way home I thought of one I could've asked him,which I hate when that happens.But Andy faced the camra towards me and he asked me something about Mika on American radio,and I answered.And then he said that I was wearing a skirt.(it's true!!)

Then Andy went in and after the security guards put the barricade up people were still coming.I was right behind Lucy,who was at the front of the barricade.

Then we saw Mika's mum,sister,and family.(i think)

Oh it should be mentioned that like 20 minutes before the doors opened,we went down to the deli to go to the bathroom,because their bathroom wasn't for customers only.Anyway,when we got down there,they were closed and we all had to go.

So then we went inside and I went front row at first.Then we went to the bathroom,and when we came back there were already 4 or 5 rows and I couldn't get my spot back!I went over to my mom and sister and I couldn't see the stage very good,so my mom said she would try to get me to the front.It was working,and then this jerk wouldn't let us thru,but a girl said she'd let me.At that point I already had negetive vibes and I told her it was okay.My mom said to go but I still wouldn't.We just went back to the back.I was really angry and so we tried to go to the lowest deck above and that didn't work.

Then the opening act came on,who I didn't really like.

Then after a while Mika came on and we were very happy.I could see pretty good,but we were pretty far away.He sang Relax,Ring Ring,Any Other World,Big Girl,Love Today,Holy Johnny,How Much Do You Love Me,Billy Brown,My Interpretation,and Lollipop.It was AMAZING!

Then we went outside,which was kinda a relif because it was very warm inside.I said to my mom that I wanted to stay to try to meet one of the musicians.Of corse we were all tired.Part of me wanted to stay and another part wanted to go home.I said if nothing happend by 11:30,(it was 11:00 PM)then we could go home.Of corse like 2 minutes after I said that I said we could just go home.



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Some security guard read my sign and asked, “Johnny..? Who’s Johnny, what does that mean? Why would you pray for him?” And Andy started filming them as I explained, “Well, he once was a whore, now he’s a priest at 24.” The guards just looked at me blankly, and everyone joined in on the “Whore, priest.” thing, and I started reciting the lines to the song, going, “Well you see, my mate Johnny’s a looker, his habbit is a one night stand..”



The Canadian gang.



Hahahahaha!:roftl: You seriously explained Holly Johnny to them with the lyrics of the song? haahahaha that is hilarious!


It's so good to see that the Canadians got a good spot! :woot_jump:I was thinking about them all the time!

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