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2008 - REPORTS/PICS/VIDS for MIKA@ Terminal 5 in New York City: 02 Feb

Blue Sky

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In this case, I think it's just me. Or me and Mika. We don't click. Which is fine, I can still love his albums and music and all that, but the point of being up front at concerts is so you feel some kind of connection with the singer, right?


Jack: Sorry Mika, it's over. It's not you, it's me!


Mika: *yawns, goes back to filing his nails*


At least you enjoyed the hot chocolate. All is not lost.

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Philly wasn't the "best concert of my life," it was the best one I'd seen Mika deliver. And it was pretty damn great. But if he does this only 1/3 times, then it's kind of not worth my while. He rushed through the NY show. It was far from his best, I think I'm actually pissed. He could have done a better job. I mean, yes, it was still good, but I know Mika can do better. I didn't even want to talk to him afterwards because all I felt like saying was "when I said that you only had to be half as good as in Philly to make New York love you, I didn't mean for you to take that literally." (So instead I just yelled, "Hey Mika, where's Mikey??" --that didn't go over so well either. :roftl:) It wasn't that he was feeling bad or anything--he had plenty of energy and his eyes sparkled and he looked amazing and all that, but he really did rush. I realized I wasn't enjoying it as much as Philly after a few songs, and then I was like "well that's good for me because apparently we're halfway through?--this thing will be over in record time." It felt disrespectful. God's sake, Mika knows New York loves him but he doesn't have to take it for granted. He worked on Philly. He seemed to just be going through the motions in NY. Even "Lollipop," which I thought he'd go all-out for, considering the people jumping on and everything, was abysmally short. It was like he was using the distraction of the mass dance party to excuse him from cutting and running at the end.


If I hadn't come to this straight from Philly I may have liked it more.



with that kind of thinking it looks like you just ruined it for yourself :blink:

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jack, i have to admit, i did only skim read your post so please excuse me of my errors, but to me it kinda sounds as if maybe...like...you expect too much of him. I mean, Mika IS a great performer as we've seen from other live shows and TV appearances, and okay, I know everyone can have their own interpretations on shows and stuff, but as far as I can gather everyone else seemed to have a bloody brilliant time apart from you :blink:

and you may not have meant to make it sound like this, but in one paragraph about the "eye contact" it did kinda sound like as if the show was crap just because he gave other people eye contact and not you. i'm not saying that's what you meant, i'm just saying that's what it sounded like. i know you know that you can't expect mika to look at everyone in the front row.


i don't think i have anything else to say. i'm sorry that my first post in here seems a bit on the negative. I'm happy that everyone enjoyed themselves :)

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Philly wasn't the "best concert of my life," it was the best one I'd seen Mika deliver. And it was pretty damn great. But if he does this only 1/3 times, then it's kind of not worth my while. He rushed through the NY show. It was far from his best, I think I'm actually pissed. He could have done a better job. I mean, yes, it was still good, but I know Mika can do better. I didn't even want to talk to him afterwards because all I felt like saying was "when I said that you only had to be half as good as in Philly to make New York love you, I didn't mean for you to take that literally." (So instead I just yelled, "Hey Mika, where's Mikey??" --that didn't go over so well either. :roftl:) It wasn't that he was feeling bad or anything--he had plenty of energy and his eyes sparkled and he looked amazing and all that, but he really did rush. I realized I wasn't enjoying it as much as Philly after a few songs, and then I was like "well that's good for me because apparently we're halfway through?--this thing will be over in record time." It felt disrespectful. God's sake, Mika knows New York loves him but he doesn't have to take it for granted. He worked on Philly. He seemed to just be going through the motions in NY. Even "Lollipop," which I thought he'd go all-out for, considering the people jumping on and everything, was abysmally short. It was like he was using the distraction of the mass dance party to excuse him from cutting and running at the end.


If I hadn't come to this straight from Philly I may have liked it more.


I may see him one more time, and not bother with queuing up or getting up front, because I seem to enjoy things more when it's more relaxed. To be frank, Mika just doesn't connect with me live very much, so he doesn't make all the discomfort that goes along with being up front worth it. In this case, I think it's just me. Or me and Mika. We don't click. Which is fine, I can still love his albums and music and all that, but the point of being up front at concerts is so you feel some kind of connection with the singer, right? He never delivers it for me, either at concerts or after shows. I never feel he looks at me or anything, though I do see him looking at other people. (Admittedly I was second row and not front row, but still.) I got a hell of a lot more connection from The Midway States singer, again, both in concert and after. And I couldn't even be sure he ever was looking at me through his set, but it felt like he was for most of it. It doesn't matter whether he did, it mattered that he made me feel it. I never register Mika that way.


Which is why I enjoyed Philly specifically because I wasn't in front, I think. I could see him looking at people and feel pleased he was making a connection with them, but I didn't have to deal with feeling he was failing to do that with me and as a consequence doubting how real any of it was.


Anyway. The "Lollipop" mass jumping was the DUMBEST idea he ever had, seriously. I mean, it sounded great in theory, but he obviously hadn't looked at the stage set-up before he said it. If he does it again, he'd better make sure there aren't chest-high barriers and a pit before the stage. And he'd better have security helping people get on, not pushing them back. It was awesome for everyone who managed to get on, but after the first few people jumped up, there was a HUGE crushing push from the back as the whole crowd attempted to rush forward. People behind me were like "I can't breathe! I'm gonna die!" This is NOT COOL, Mika. :thumbdown:


Generally the pushing wasn't so bad at this show though.


Point is, I guess I'm bored of Mika? I just think I'm not made to work with him live. I'm sure everyone else had a great time, and I'm NOT saying he's a bad performer or puts on bad shows, because I could see how everyone else was really into it and for them it was a great show. But I don't share that feeling and it just causes disappointment, especially because I see how well it works for others. And in person, I just usually feel dismissed by him--again, both on stage and when I see him after. He just continually comes off as dismissive to me--but again, not to other people, where I see him being all lit up and lovely, so I know he's not being dismissive.


See, I'm not blaming him for that because I doubt he's doing anything differently with me per se, unless I am so special that he's like "Oh her, I'll be dismissive to her on purpose." But again, well, we don't click, so I'm gonna stop trying to force it. (I really do wonder why I feel this way though. I can't tell what's up or if my expectations are out of whack or what it is that bothers me or why it feels like what he's doing works for everyone except me.)


Andy was lovely though. I'm sad I didn't get to see him after the show, but I got to talk to him before. When Mika came out to talk to those of us in line, I was towards the back of the crowd, and I didn't feel like pushing my way forward (plus I'd just seen him, so it was right that others would get the chance), so I just talked to Andy instead. I gave him a silly toy and a card I'd made really quick the night before (both the card and toy were a joke in reference to our conversation in Philly), and he was really funny 'cause he was so taken aback by it, and he stopped filming the crowd entirely and kept filming me and the card and I was like, "Aren't you supposed to be filming Mika interacting with his fans? I'm stopping you from doing your job again!":roftl:


People who go to other Mika shows can tell me if he keeps the toy attached to his camera like he said he will. :mf_rosetinted:


Oh, and the hot cocoa and Dunkin Donuts munchkins provided for those of us waiting were really nice, and really helped with the cold. But my gratitude goes to John and Jerry for this, since Mika wasn't even at the venue then.




Aah, Jack, we have more in common than I thought.

I don't understand/personally agree with everything you say, but some of it does ring bells with me.

If (for instance) NY was the only show you'd seen, perhaps you would still be raving about Mika.

I suppose that's the downside of going to shows so close together and maybe why I got so emotional at Brixton. By that time, I'd seen some fantastic shows but from Brighton they were, let's just say not so good, and in Brixton, it was obvious he was ill.

I get the idea he doesn't like me either, but then again, I never fawn over him or do the whole "Mika, I love you , can I have a hug/autograph" thing. Maybe I come across as cynical/sarcastic in real life as I do on this board, I don't know.

Anyway, interesting to hear your perspective, thanks for taking the time to explain.

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thank you for all these explainations Jack, i totally understand the "rushing mika" possibility, as it was like that the very first time i saw him in paris... at the end i was like : "erm... yes... ??"


and NY doesn't like him that much, it was rather a small venue, they didn't take a lot of risks with him playing sold out there !! but that's a strategy.

and i guess he was just really rushing, to see his friends after the show and enjoy the time he had with them !!


my conclusion is : better go and see mika when he doesn't have any friends in the city you're going to see him in... and that has been confirmed quite a few times already (weather matters in certain put appart)... he doesn't have friend there or there so he can spend time with fans...

his shows are less "devoted to fans" in Paris, NY and London... and that's where he has tons of friends...


not saying that the show IS gonna be bad, but if you've seen him somewhere else and then see him in those town, i bet you're gonna realize it IN COMPARISON

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katy perry -

aka: awesome hot chic!:wink2:



omfg katy perry was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! someone shoot me now! i just found out that mika actually did sighn autographs and take pics with people even though the security people said he wouldnt and my mom dad and friend didnt let me stay to see him leave!!!!! my life is over as we speak!!!!

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If I hadn't come to this straight from Philly I may have liked it more.


I may see him one more time, and not bother with queuing up or getting up front, because I seem to enjoy things more when it's more relaxed. To be frank, Mika just doesn't connect with me live very much, so he doesn't make all the discomfort that goes along with being up front worth it. In this case, I think it's just me. Or me and Mika. We don't click. Which is fine, I can still love his albums and music and all that, but the point of being up front at concerts is so you feel some kind of connection with the singer, right? He never delivers it for me, either at concerts or after shows. I never feel he looks at me or anything, though I do see him looking at other people. (Admittedly I was second row and not front row, but still.) I got a hell of a lot more connection from The Midway States singer, again, both in concert and after. And I couldn't even be sure he ever was looking at me through his set, but it felt like he was for most of it. It doesn't matter whether he did, it mattered that he made me feel it. I never register Mika that way.



Anyway. The "Lollipop" mass jumping was the DUMBEST idea he ever had, seriously. I mean, it sounded great in theory, but he obviously hadn't looked at the stage set-up before he said it. If he does it again, he'd better make sure there aren't chest-high barriers and a pit before the stage. And he'd better have security helping people get on, not pushing them back. It was awesome for everyone who managed to get on, but after the first few people jumped up, there was a HUGE crushing push from the back as the whole crowd attempted to rush forward. People behind me were like "I can't breathe! I'm gonna die!" This is NOT COOL, Mika. :thumbdown:








Please stay away from NY =]

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jack, i have to admit, i did only skim read your post so please excuse me of my errors, but to me it kinda sounds as if maybe...like...you expect too much of him. I mean, Mika IS a great performer as we've seen from other live shows and TV appearances, and okay, I know everyone can have their own interpretations on shows and stuff, but as far as I can gather everyone else seemed to have a bloody brilliant time apart from you :blink:


Not really, I expect only as much from him as I do from his opening act. :roftl: But yes, I'm picky with the shows I go to. And Mika's shows aren't working for me as well as other shows, so I may stop going. Simple!


I did say that I KNOW everyone else had a great time. Good for them! :thumb_yello: I'm not trying to make THEM stop going to concerts, am I? :naughty: I'm saying Mika's show seems to work, but not for me, so I may as well stop. Mika's a great performer but he's not as audience-focused as I like in general.


and you may not have meant to make it sound like this, but in one paragraph about the "eye contact" it did kinda sound like as if the show was crap just because he gave other people eye contact and not you. i'm not saying that's what you meant, i'm just saying that's what it sounded like. i know you know that you can't expect mika to look at everyone in the front row.


No no, first off, it's not that he didn't look at me--honestly, he probably did at some point. I tried to explain, I don't care if musicians actually look at you, but I do care that they give the overall impression that they do.


But I didn't enjoy the show not because he wasn't staring at me the entire time but because his performance seemed entirely perfunctory. He seemed to be doing it in a "ok let's get through this quick and then I'm off to party" mode.


If I said that in Philly, I loved that he elaborated on his song intros and even played around with how he introduces Billy Brown, all we got in NY was "This here's about my mate Billy Brown," and then the song.


He basically didn't talk, he rolled from one song to another soon as he could, and when he did do sing-alongs, he cut them off MUCH faster than in Philly.



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Well, despite the last few posts, I thought the show last night was fabulous. Mika was very nice when he came out earlier in the day. It was sweet.


I went in with the expectation of dancing and having a good time. I stood front and center with my friends and the amazing people we met (hey everyone!). My expectations were more than met-- Mika seemed to put more effort into this show than any of his prior ones in NY (I won't judge anywhere else, as I haven't been anywhere else and it would be UNFAIR if I did so), and he had a ton of crowd interaction. We made eye contact many times and it was lovely.


My sole criticism is that he should not have endorsed the stage jumping during Lollipop. In theory, it was a good idea. My friends who ended up on the stage had a wonderful experience. But I was suffocating and almost blacked out after my body was crushed by the overzealous fans behind me. Oh well.


Overall, it was a wonderful show and a great experience. Even waiting in line was fun.

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Ah, I love Jess' sign! "I prayed for Johnny"...too cute, Jess!

Thanks, Hollis. Mika and Andy liked it also.:fisch:

I'm going to start writing my report, I'm uploading some photos now.

I took more photos of the crowd than of Mika, I didn't want to miss anything.

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Thanks, Hollis. Mika and Andy liked it also.:fisch:

I'm going to start writing my report, I'm uploading some photos now.

I took more photos of the crowd than of Mika, I didn't want to miss anything.


Oh my! Jess! You are here! I can't wait to read your report!! Waaaaaahhh!


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Well, despite the last few posts, I thought the show last night was fabulous. Mika was very nice when he came out earlier in the day. It was sweet.


I went in with the expectation of dancing and having a good time. I stood front and center with my friends and the amazing people we met (hey everyone!). My expectations were more than met-- Mika seemed to put more effort into this show than any of his prior ones in NY (I won't judge anywhere else, as I haven't been anywhere else and it would be UNFAIR if I did so), and he had a ton of crowd interaction. We made eye contact many times and it was lovely.


My sole criticism is that he should not have endorsed the stage jumping during Lollipop. In theory, it was a good idea. My friends who ended up on the stage had a wonderful experience. But I was suffocating and almost blacked out after my body was crushed by the overzealous fans behind me. Oh well.


Overall, it was a wonderful show and a great experience. Even waiting in line was fun.


maybe mika did it to see the fans faces as they were getting crushed :lmfao: sorry it probably wasn't funny to the people getting crushed but it seems like it would've been funny to watch :naughty:

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with that kind of thinking it looks like you just ruined it for yourself :blink:


Ummmm, doubt it. To be honest I had a similar feeling about it in DC, but back then I thought that my failing to get into it as much as I wanted was due to the crowd pushing me and to Mika going over the program fast 'cause he was sick. Neither was true here.


And if rushing from song to song is his usual program, and being leisurely about it and taking his time with the audience is the anomaly, well, all the more reasons for me not to bother. I don't even care how enthusiastic he is while he's doing his race through his setlist, that's not what I most enjoy in a concert.


Please stay away from NY =]


My sole criticism is that he should not have endorsed the stage jumping during Lollipop. In theory, it was a good idea. My friends who ended up on the stage had a wonderful experience. But I was suffocating and almost blacked out after my body was crushed by the overzealous fans behind me. Oh well.


And this is what I mean about Lollipop. I'm all for him encouraging people to join him on stage, but if so, it needs to be PLANNED BETTER. (Not done away with! Just planned better!)



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