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Mika, each time you repeat one of your soundbites on stage, I like you a little less.


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Awww, no-ones picking on Mika- he isn't doing anything wrong, as far as I can tell it's just constructive critism- how one can better oneself, or reach their potential etc, etc...


but I love those pictures of ice, terrifyingly beautiful...

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If people were only interested in Mika based on his music this forum would be dead.


Virtually every one of us is drawn to him personally. Everything from his style to his battles with dyslexia and bullying to his disarming charisma and exceptional sweetness with his fans.


People may like and respect Mika because of his music, but they love him for who and what he is.



This is true what you write, but saying the same joke twice does not take away anything from Mika's personality and Patrick Wolf saying nice things to the audience does not make his live performance better than Mika's...:cool:

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This is true what you write, but saying the same joke twice does not take away anything from Mika's personality and Patrick Wolf saying nice things to the audience does not make his live performance better than Mika's...:cool:


Mika can say the same joke a thousand times and I don't have a problem with it. If a joke goes over well, by all means he should repeat it for every new audience. But that doesn't mean he can't add some spontaneous banter between songs along with the pre-rehearsed song introductions.


He's so good at charming people by being himself (or at least some wonderfully charismatic version of himself that he presents to the public). He knows it works and that's why he spends so much time putting on that kind of charm for the media and fans off stage. Why neglect the opportunity to do it on stage as well? It would extend the show and everyone would LOVE it.


Patrick Wolf doesn't say "nice things". He engages the audience and makes them feel like he is performing in their living room because he is communicating with them directly. This is the level of intimacy that we all desperately crave from Mika. It's why we make him projects, it's why we queue for hours to get to the front row, it's why we swoon when we get eye contact during Happy Ending, it's why we stand around for hours afterwards hoping to exchange a couple of words with him. No one is expending all that effort because they really want to hear him play the piano.


For the thousands of people in the audience who don't get eye contact and don't exchange words with him off stage, it's important that they get some sense of intimacy from Mika or they're going to walk away feeling like they've just seen Justin Timberlake or Madonna instead of the boy we all know and love.


If that's the kind of detachment that Mika wants from his audience that's his prerogative, but I don't think that's what he wants at all. And I am certain that's not what the audience wants.

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Awww, no-ones picking on Mika- he isn't doing anything wrong, as far as I can tell it's just constructive critism- how one can better oneself, or reach their potential etc, etc...


but I love those pictures of ice*, terrifyingly beautiful...




I guess they mean well, but MIKA's done darn well following his instincts!

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I guess they mean well, but MIKA's done darn well following his instincts!


Mika doesn't just follow his instincts. If he did we wouldn't have seen such a dramatic change in him over the past year. He is always looking for feedback from fans which is why he asks them questions about the show and gets Andy to interview them.

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Mika doesn't just follow his instincts. If he did we wouldn't have seen such a dramatic change in him over the past year. He is always looking for feedback from fans which is why he asks them questions about the show and gets Andy to interview them.


Well, doing THAT is following his instincts!

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Besides, he is probably also trying to impress the local press with his funny stories and he is not a stand up comedian to create a new story for each night and each city.


I am really taken aback by how many times I say that I am not saying he should make up any new "funny" stories and yet people keep bringing it up as an argument!


Making up new stories is MORE scripting. I want LESS scripting. I am fine with him keeping up the stories though I'll roll my eyes at them since they are so obviously manipulative (and that's why I say I "like him a little less" for them--don't like feeling like a toy expected to clap at the push of a button), but what I am asking might take a little more energy and attention in-the-moment but it would NOT be more work. It may even be a bonus energy-wise because it would let him rest more between singing.


Patrick Wolf saying nice things to the audience does not make his live performance better than Mika's...


In which way? Technically, perhaps not. Mika is an amazing technical performer who uses his opera training for all its worth to deliver a pitch-perfect rendition of his songs every night, often even while sick.


But an experience? Yes, actually. Yes it does.


And we don't just go to concerts to hear a perfect technical rendition. Live pop music is a little different from opera, after all.



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Christine made an interesting point. Mika is always looking at ways to improve, (I suppose its part of his work ethic:mf_rosetinted:) which is why you have the cameraman asking questions etc etc...I really don't think that he'd mind this observation/suggestion of JackViolet's and seeing as there a lot of people who are in agreement he probably would take notice.

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Well, doing THAT is following his instincts!


Well then there's no reason to keep his show static and not take the suggestion to add a little banter into his show because he's constantly evolving to make it better.


It is fascinating to me that so many people are objecting to the idea of Mika adding a valuable and easily implemented component to his show. If Mika were to spend 15 minutes in Vancouver tonight just shooting the sh*t with the audience it would be one of the highlights of the tour and everyone on MFC would be talking about it for a week.

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I guess what I don't understand is wanting him to COME UP WITH new, spontaneous stuff. That wouldn't be very spontaneous would it?



But I now see where you are comming from JackViolet.

Being in the audience the most we can do is scream " I love you Mika! " and sing along to his songs or laugh at his jokes. But what can HE DO to help us interact more with him and vice versa. He pulled people on stage at a few shows(*remenisces*) and I think that is a very fun way to interact more. But as for conversation wise, I don't really know...



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I guess what I don't understand is wanting him to COME UP WITH new, spontaneous stuff. That wouldn't be very spontaneous would it?


He doesn't need to come up with anything! :naughty:


All he has to do is talk. Michael Buble must have spent a good 45 minutes doing this in Toronto. Some of it was scripted, which Mika already has covered. But the rest of it was relating to this particular audience. Much of what he said related to Toronto, Canada and Canadian culture so it wasn't things he was talking about when he was in the UK in December. He spoke directly to many people in the audience (asking and responding to questions) and at one point he went into the crowd to do a meet n greet. He was taking photos, shaking hands, someone grabbed his ass and he started joking with them later from the stage.


Obviously that's an extreme example and I don't expect Mika is ever going to turn into Michael Buble. But if you are going to sell out arenas all over the world, you cannot get up on stage and rush through your musical set in one hour.


If Mika wants to be a pop star who can maintain the interest of tens of thousands of people at one time he's got to find a way to connect with people who are sitting up in the nosebleeds and can barely see him, and not just the ones who can look into his eyes from the front row.

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He doesn't need to come up with anything! :naughty:


All he has to do is talk. Michael Buble must have spent a good 45 minutes doing this in Toronto. Some of it was scripted, which Mika already has covered. But the rest of it was relating to this particular audience. Much of what he said related to Toronto, Canada and Canadian culture so it wasn't things he was talking about when he was in the UK in December. He spoke directly to many people in the audience (asking and responding to questions) and at one point he went into the crowd to do a meet n greet. He was taking photos, shaking hands, someone grabbed his ass and he started joking with them later from the stage.


Obviously that's an extreme example and I don't expect Mika is ever going to turn into Michael Buble. But if you are going to sell out arenas all over the world, you cannot get up on stage and rush through your musical set in one hour.


If Mika wants to be a pop star who can maintain the interest of tens of thousands of people at one time he's got to find a way to connect with people who are sitting up in the nosebleeds and can barely see him, and not just the ones who can look into his eyes from the front row.


Very well put Christine, I agree with what you said. I LOVE Mika's shows, I do, and I enjoy every second of them, but I would love them even more if he took his time and chatted/joked a bit more.

He must know by now that people like this, judging by the hysterical reactions to the smallest funny or cute thing that he says or does!

I've been very lucky to go to many gigs and be at the front, hence getting incredible connections with him, but I can see why others may have not felt the same. Or why we would all probably prefer it if he "bettered" his current show by making it a little more personal and communicative.

This is a very good point. I've privately noted before that it seems to me that people who are not the kind of obsessive fans that we are leave Mika gigs without knowing anything about Mika except that yes, he can sing--and that's a shame. What they get from him on stage, apart from a few soundbites, is a pitch-perfect performance--which is great, but which you can also get on tv. I want to see him be more than an extremely talented jukebox on stage.



Yup. I went to see him on a whim, without either liking his songs all THAT much, or being all that captivated by him--in part because of how much Kata and Yop gushed about his endearing, genuine stage manner. I left as one of his biggest proselytizers, and as Christine said, "insisted" that she go see him as soon as possible. :naughty: His show immediately took the number 2 spot in my top-shows-of-all-time, and it was all almost entirely due to his stage manner and unguardedness. I am a bigger fan of Mika--I don't spend my time posting on Patrick Wolf forums or analyzing his music or anything--but well, for me, Mika's concerts currently rank below Patrick's. But they could easily rank above, and I want them to rank above, and that's why I made this thread.




Of course you're entitled to your opinion, about Mika, Patrick, and whoever else. We all are.

But I have to disagree (and of course this is, again, my opinion).

I watched Patrick last summer, live, from t he front, the same night that I watched Mika, with a complete open mind.

At that point he had done nothing wrong in my eyes, and I was giving him a chance.

And he just left me totally cold. In my opinion, he was just pretending, trying to create an image, and he looked like a spoilt little brat who thought he was being original.

I'm not going to say that I didn't like his songs, or think that he wasn't a good musician- that would be plain stupid ,cause it's an objective fact that he is. But when it comes to performing, or to his personal vibe, I just thought he was a tosser.

And this was before the whole "Mika bashing" fiasco.....So I would say that these things (obviously) are all subjective, depending on what situations each individual has been in, and also on their personal preferences.

And I say, each to their own, and peace in the world.:wink2::naughty:

As for feedback for Mika: I say he needs it, he wants it, and he knows that. So why not give it to him?

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At that point he had done nothing wrong in my eyes, and I was giving him a chance.

And he just left me totally cold. In my opinion, he was just pretending, trying to create an image, and he looked like a spoilt little brat who thought he was being original.

....So I would say that these things (obviously) are all subjective, depending on what situations each individual has been in, and also on their personal preferences.


Well I did say "for me." :thumb_yello: Especially since when I saw him, he was feeling a bit low, he said, and he mostly just sat at the piano and chatted with us about his fondness for margaritas and stuff, smiling bashfully--hardly pretentious.


But the point is, he lets himself connect with the audience--and some people will not like him (like you) and some will (like me). Mika's personality is more naturally engaging and I would say more naturally likeable, so I think if he were to be as personable as Patrick during his shows (or even less, but you know--in that direction) he would have us at his feet even more than he does now.



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I agree with a lot of the points made in this thread, even though they may seem contradictory - the fact that it's not necessarily new anecdotes we're looking for, but audience interaction; the way in which Mika appears to want to be in control of every aspect of his performance, hence the banter may not come quite so easily.


I do, however, think that the issue has sometimes been phrased in a po-faced and slightly priggish manner.

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Well I did say "for me." :thumb_yello: Especially since when I saw him, he was feeling a bit low, he said, and he mostly just sat at the piano and chatted with us about his fondness for margaritas and stuff, smiling bashfully--hardly pretentious.


But the point is, he lets himself connect with the audience--and some people will not like him (like you) and some will (like me). Mika's personality is more naturally engaging and I would say more naturally likeable, so I think if he were to be as personable as Patrick during his shows (or even less, but you know--in that direction) he would have us at his feet even more than he does now.




Oh yes- I did post in a rush and maybe my post came across like it was going against everything you had said, which was not the case:wink2: . I only disagreed about the Patrick stuff :naughty: . When it comes to me wanting Mika to be more natural or spontaneous, or more engaging, I'm all for that.

I often think that, as much as I love his shows, they feel a bit rushed, and I'd love for them to feel a bit more long and light hearted.

He controls everything so much now that it loses some of the appeal that he had before.

Of course, he's so damn charismatic and has this incredible presence, that means that despite that, he still manages to have us all (or many of us) totally at his feet during the gigs:roftl: .

Anyway- I hope that I'm making my previous point clear; It wasn't meant to refute everything you had said, lol. But you already know my opinion of PW hehehe......We'll never agree on that one:bleh: .


I agree with a lot of the points made in this thread, even though they may seem contradictory - the fact that it's not necessarily new anecdotes we're looking for, but audience interaction; the way in which Mika appears to want to be in control of every aspect of his performance, hence the banter may not come quite so easily.


I do, however, think that the issue has sometimes been phrased in a po-faced and slightly priggish manner.


I think that this is the one thing that I wish he would change:the control. I wish he would control less, and just let go more.

He's nice, sweet, fun and talented. I say: Mika, let go and just be yourself, we LOVE you!!!:mf_lustslow:

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If people were only interested in Mika based on his music this forum would be dead.


Virtually every one of us is drawn to him personally. Everything from his style to his battles with dyslexia and bullying to his disarming charisma and exceptional sweetness with his fans.


People may like and respect Mika because of his music, but they love him for who and what he is.


speaks volumes that, guess it's the whole package that gets us really.

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Well duh. Anytime anyone says something that isn't fawning over how perfect Mika is, all the blind fans get into hissy fits.


But it is my opinion that Mika can in fact do better, and that his treating a possible opportunity to connect with his audience as just part of his setlist is irritating, and I'm allowed to express it.


Just as you are all allowed to go on about how Mika can do absolutely no wrong and if he comes out and squawks like a chicken for an hour that would still be the best concert ever.




P.S. If people think that my offering a bit of constructive criticism--at the same time that I say over and over how talented and otherwise clever I consider Mika to be--is "bashing," well then they really have issues.



im still trying to get use to your sense of humour after my last incounter with you

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Yes it is your opinion, and I'm not having a hissy fit?

and I may be wrong, but it seems that you're not as appreciative for all of the opportunitiess you've had as you should be.

You say people are praising him and fawning over him because he's perfect, but it seems like the reason you're complaining is because he's not perfect.

and that bashing comment was taken right out of a video, not directly to you.


i dont wont to start a fight with you but no one is perfect

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i don't think anyone's having hissy fits :blink:

i think you just expect too much from mika :wink2: you just keep disappointing yourself..

you think mika's concert should be a certain way and you just have to face that he's not going to change it for one fan..

we all know mika isn't perfect and it just seems like you're the one that wants mika to be perfect and whenever he does something you don't like you fell like you have to tell the world for some reason. i just don't think this should've been it's own thread.. it would have been better just to post in one of the gig threads and not make a huge deal out of it :thumb_yello:

OH! and mika squawking around would be very entertaining you can't deny that! :naughty:



amen amen :thumb_yello:

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