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REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS for MIKA in Seattle, WA at the Showbox SoDo: 14-02-2008


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Is all I can say!

This had to be the BEST concert experience I have EVER had, and I have been to many many concerts in my life.

I was lucky enough to get front and center and got some fantastic pics. It was SO much fun at the end, I accidentally bopped Mika right in the face with one of the big balls…oooops, but he didn’t miss a beat. Then he got me back with one and laughed. That was my big Mika interaction.

I had a cold coming on but forgot all about it while I was there. Then I got home at 2 am and then had to go to work today. It was great to meet those of you that I was able to.

Check back later once I get home and I’ll post some of the best pics. I haven’t even had a chance to look through all of them myself yet!

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Is all I can say!

This had to be the BEST concert experience I have EVER had, and I have been to many many concerts in my life.

I was lucky enough to get front and center and got some fantastic pics. It was SO much fun at the end, I accidentally bopped Mika right in the face with one of the big balls…oooops, but he didn’t miss a beat. Then he got me back with one and laughed. That was my big Mika interaction.

I had a cold coming on but forgot all about it while I was there. Then I got home at 2 am and then had to go to work today. It was great to meet those of you that I was able to.

Check back later once I get home and I’ll post some of the best pics. I haven’t even had a chance to look through all of them myself yet!


Yeah for ballon bumping :roftl:


Glad you had a great time and can't wait to hear it! and see it! :thumb_yello:


Get home soon...NOW :naughty:

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Is all I can say!

This had to be the BEST concert experience I have EVER had, and I have been to many many concerts in my life.

I was lucky enough to get front and center and got some fantastic pics. It was SO much fun at the end, I accidentally bopped Mika right in the face with one of the big balls…oooops, but he didn’t miss a beat. Then he got me back with one and laughed. That was my big Mika interaction.

I had a cold coming on but forgot all about it while I was there. Then I got home at 2 am and then had to go to work today. It was great to meet those of you that I was able to.

Check back later once I get home and I’ll post some of the best pics. I haven’t even had a chance to look through all of them myself yet!


Thanks for that - looking forward to more - and pictures too :wink2:

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Not sure what to report on, I'll just post a few things I can think of I guess...and I'll add more as people ask...


- During the beginning of Love Today w/ the skeleton, while he was walking out, he was kinda knocking into things, the music stopped for a second (twice) while he was walking out...the skeleton must have stepped on a cord or something :naughty:


- After Mika gave the skeleton a hug he also kissed it on the lips, which I haven't seen before on videos, I thought that was cute...then as the skeleton clumsily walked away, Mika said something like "that is the most clumsy skeleton ever":naughty:


- I forgot who on this forum made the giant lollipop when she was lollipop girl, but it was on stage last night!!


....let me think if I can remember anything else.....

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....ok I'm remembering more...


- I felt like I was the only one around my area that new Mika's new HMDYLM song....I was singing and singing it (I love that new song) and I kinda felt like people were looking at me like :boxed: but I didn't care!!


- Yeah there was some pushing at the beginning of the concert, which I expected. Once he started playing the songs on the piano though, the pushing wasen't as bad....but I did notice towards the end of the concert, like during grace kelly and especially during Lollipop that the crowd wasen't as full....like some people had left (I was close to the front, about 6 rows back)....did anyone else notice this? or does anyone notice this happening towards the end of his concerts?? I don't know why people would leave...they're missing out!!

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After Mika gave the skeleton a hug he also kissed it on the lips, which I haven't seen before on videos, I thought that was cute...then as the skeleton clumsily walked away, Mika said something like "that is the most clumsy skeleton ever":naughty:


Awww, he kissed Gray Skelly?? I definitely haven't seen that before. Sweet. :bleh:


And if people left early, they were certifiably insane. Why would you do that?! I'd gladly take their place if I could!


Thank you for the reports! :thumb_yello:

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Sooo amazing!!!

My friend Todd and I were the ones who got there at noon. We waited outside until the bar opened up and then we went in there. If it makes you guys feel better at least two of those people up front (us!) had been there all day too, so it wasn't all just a bunch of people who got there late and got lucky.


Afterwards we waited outside and got to meet Mika. He was so sweet!! I didn't want to make him speak so I just handed him my ticket but then he asked me how I was doing and I told him I was sorry he was sick.

Then I limped away on my poor little high heeled feet.


(I'm in the background of the pic with the t-shirt girls...I'm in a dress sucking on a lollipop)

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maybe some people left before lollipop b/c they thought the show was over after Grace Kelly.....I mean the whole band does run off stage to get their costumes on, and if you're not familiar with the show, maybe you think its over...


....while the band was off stage getting the costumes on, Mika did come back by himself for a second to wave to the crowd (does he usually do that?)....for a second I got scared that they wern't gonna do Lollipop and that was actually the end, b/c before they go off stage they do say "goodbye" and everything....thank goodness I was wrong!!

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Thanks for the reviews everyone! :thumb_yello: Lilmot - you guys look so cute in the t-shirts you made! (Did you make them?)


Oops! I just re-read your post - you are behind those girls in the t-shirt, looking so nice in your skirt and pretty shoes! :D No wonder your feet hurt! But I know what you mean too about all the aches, etc. melting away for a while when Mika is on stage!!

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It was SO much fun at the end, I accidentally bopped Mika right in the face with one of the big balls…oooops, but he didn’t miss a beat. Then he got me back with one and laughed. That was my big Mika interaction.




- During the beginning of Love Today w/ the skeleton, while he was walking out, he was kinda knocking into things, the music stopped for a second (twice) while he was walking out...the skeleton must have stepped on a cord or something :naughty:


- After Mika gave the skeleton a hug he also kissed it on the lips, which I haven't seen before on videos, I thought that was cute...then as the skeleton clumsily walked away, Mika said something like "that is the most clumsy skeleton ever":naughty:




- Yeah there was some pushing at the beginning of the concert, which I expected. Once he started playing the songs on the piano though, the pushing wasen't as bad....but I did notice towards the end of the concert, like during grace kelly and especially during Lollipop that the crowd wasen't as full....like some people had left (I was close to the front, about 6 rows back)....did anyone else notice this? or does anyone notice this happening towards the end of his concerts?? I don't know why people would leave...they're missing out!!


What crazies!! :shocked:

Oh well, makes lolipop more enjoyable for the sane ones :thumb_yello:

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Ok, I finally made it back after a grueling and exhausted day at work. Of course I had Mika going through my head all day and it was torture that I couldn't even look through all my pictures until just a little while ago. I took nearly 200! Not all of them are clear, it's hard to capture him jumping around in low light without the flash.


To add to a post above,I was right next to Kelsey up front and we also got there very early and were at the beginning of the line before we decided to wait in the lounge.


There was a lot of pushing near the start of the concert. I knew that would happen and was prepared, Not too bad but you had to hold your ground or someone would weasel in. Somebody even reached in and grabbed the front rail between my husband and I and tried to push up front in between us!! uh-uh...wasn't gonna happen!!!!


This was my first time seeing Mika live and I was not dissapointed. He puts on such a fantastic show and full of energy.

When he came out at the end for that extra bow, he just stood there for a moment, grinning and you could just see him taking in the crowd and absorbing all the cheering for him. He looked so appreciative of his fans. I will never forget that look on his face, contentment, satisfaction, gracious, like this was the moment he works for, he waits for.


I'm gonna post a couple of pics in this message. If it doesn't work, or you want to see more of them, I have put some up on myspace and you can see them bigger there.

I put up some of the best. I have more and will put more up tomorrow, right now I am seriously lacking in sleep.

Links didn't work, but this one should: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=102374410&albumId=1676523




if the link doesn't work, http://www.myspace.com/wildsong and click on the Mika album!



From front row center :)



I love this one with confetti in his hair, such a cute smile!



Another of my favorites...just peeking into my camera..hahaha!



Ahem..... this one needs no words...


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When he came out at the end for that extra bow, he just stood there for a moment, grinning and you could just see him taking in the crowd and absorbing all the cheering for him. He looked so appreciative of his fans. I will never forget that look on his face, contentment, satisfaction, gracious, like this was the moment he works for, he waits for.[/quOTE]




I'm gonna post a couple of pics in this message. If it doesn't work, or you want to see more of them, I have put some up on myspace and you can see them bigger there.

I put up some of the best. I have more and will put more up tomorrow, right now I am seriously lacking in sleep.




if the link doesn't work, http://www.myspace/wildsong and click on the Mika album!


Links didn't work, but this one should: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=102374410&albumId=1676523


Great pics! I love that venue, looks like a barn. Mika playing in a barn :wub2:


I love the same ones you picked :original: and also this one :naughty:

If you have better-than-myspace-quality of them ... I would love you forever if you could upload them :wub2:

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Sorry, I stopped reading past page 12 :P. The concert was AMAZING! It was so amazing to meet lilmot and Suzanne! Thank you so much for the awesome pin and heart, Molly! I am anxious to see your pics.


So, my friend and I left way later than we wanted to, but it was cool. We got there about 4. There was an absolutely lovely group of ladies in front of us: a mom and 3 younger girls. They were so fantastic! I swear the blonde one is going to grow up to be my double :D. My friend from Tacoma had my ticket and was supposed to come at 5 (O_O LATE!!!). He ended up stopping in CAPITOL ****ING HILL to eat before hand. It got to be 6:55 and I was panicking. Then, the awesome mom in front of us sold me her 75 dollar ticket for 25 dollars! She saved my ass and it is people like her in the world that make me keep a smile always. The concert was awesome, as I said, omg. We were on the far right up on the barrier. I met so many awesome people that day <3. This report could be SO MUCH LONGER! I met Mika afterwards. He asked if I was in the MFC, and I told him I was. He asked me who made the wonderful Valentine's Day bags, and I was not really sure who organized it, but I told him I thought it was lilmot since she was the one I saw doing the most. He was such a doll! He kept talking to me and then I got shunted out by security. I was like "Come onnnn!! HE WAS TALKING TO ME! I was doing nothing wrong!" I was (and still am) so sore after the night, though. So totally worth it.

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Sorry, I stopped reading past page 12 :P. The concert was AMAZING! It was so amazing to meet lilmot and Suzanne! Thank you so much for the awesome pin and heart, Molly! I am anxious to see your pics.


So, my friend and I left way later than we wanted to, but it was cool. We got there about 4. There was an absolutely lovely group of ladies in front of us: a mom and 3 younger girls. They were so fantastic! I swear the blonde one is going to grow up to be my double :D. My friend from Tacoma had my ticket and was supposed to come at 5 (O_O LATE!!!). He ended up stopping in CAPITOL ****ING HILL to eat before hand. It got to be 6:55 and I was panicking. Then, the awesome mom in front of us sold me her 75 dollar ticket for 25 dollars! She saved my ass and it is people like her in the world that make me keep a smile always. The concert was awesome, as I said, omg. We were on the far right up on the barrier. I met so many awesome people that day <3. This report could be SO MUCH LONGER! I met Mika afterwards. He asked if I was in the MFC, and I told him I was. He asked me who made the wonderful Valentine's Day bags, and I was not really sure who organized it, but I told him I thought it was lilmot since she was the one I saw doing the most. He was such a doll! He kept talking to me and then I got shunted out by security. I was like "Come onnnn!! HE WAS TALKING TO ME! I was doing nothing wrong!" I was (and still am) so sore after the night, though. So totally worth it.


Jessika...that is so sweet. Thanks for reporting....it was so great to meet you. When I spoke with Mika I only told him that his "official" valentines were coming to him later. I wasn't very clear and probably confusing. That is so sweet that he wanted to talk to you more. It was great being at the concert, meeting the people, meeting the MFC, and meeting Mika afterwards.

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Sorry, I stopped reading past page 12 :P. The concert was AMAZING! It was so amazing to meet lilmot and Suzanne! Thank you so much for the awesome pin and heart, Molly! I am anxious to see your pics.


So, my friend and I left way later than we wanted to, but it was cool. We got there about 4. There was an absolutely lovely group of ladies in front of us: a mom and 3 younger girls. They were so fantastic! I swear the blonde one is going to grow up to be my double :D. My friend from Tacoma had my ticket and was supposed to come at 5 (O_O LATE!!!). He ended up stopping in CAPITOL ****ING HILL to eat before hand. It got to be 6:55 and I was panicking. Then, the awesome mom in front of us sold me her 75 dollar ticket for 25 dollars! She saved my ass and it is people like her in the world that make me keep a smile always. The concert was awesome, as I said, omg. We were on the far right up on the barrier. I met so many awesome people that day <3. This report could be SO MUCH LONGER! I met Mika afterwards. He asked if I was in the MFC, and I told him I was. He asked me who made the wonderful Valentine's Day bags, and I was not really sure who organized it, but I told him I thought it was lilmot since she was the one I saw doing the most. He was such a doll! He kept talking to me and then I got shunted out by security. I was like "Come onnnn!! HE WAS TALKING TO ME! I was doing nothing wrong!" I was (and still am) so sore after the night, though. So totally worth it.



ha ha. That sounds great. I'm so glad that you were able to answer in the affirmative to the mfc question. "yes, Mika, we do love you, we do turn up to your gigs!" (ok, so I haven't been able to turn up to one yet, but you know what I mean!) And well done to all who participated with the Valentine's Day bags:thumb_yello:

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Hi Oakie..

Thanks for posting the right link.

I tried to edit my post to add it in and it somehow doesn't seem to post it right.

I'm WAY overdue for bedime:shocked:


:original: It works now, thus making my post redundant :bleh:


Sorry, I stopped reading past page 12 :P. The concert was AMAZING! It was so amazing to meet lilmot and Suzanne! Thank you so much for the awesome pin and heart, Molly! I am anxious to see your pics.


So, my friend and I left way later than we wanted to, but it was cool. We got there about 4. There was an absolutely lovely group of ladies in front of us: a mom and 3 younger girls. They were so fantastic! I swear the blonde one is going to grow up to be my double :D. My friend from Tacoma had my ticket and was supposed to come at 5 (O_O LATE!!!). He ended up stopping in CAPITOL ****ING HILL to eat before hand. It got to be 6:55 and I was panicking. Then, the awesome mom in front of us sold me her 75 dollar ticket for 25 dollars! She saved my ass and it is people like her in the world that make me keep a smile always. The concert was awesome, as I said, omg. We were on the far right up on the barrier. I met so many awesome people that day <3. This report could be SO MUCH LONGER! I met Mika afterwards. He asked if I was in the MFC, and I told him I was. He asked me who made the wonderful Valentine's Day bags, and I was not really sure who organized it, but I told him I thought it was lilmot since she was the one I saw doing the most. He was such a doll! He kept talking to me and then I got shunted out by security. I was like "Come onnnn!! HE WAS TALKING TO ME! I was doing nothing wrong!" I was (and still am) so sore after the night, though. So totally worth it.



The mum in front of you - woah, so nice!

It sounds like Mika is so into the Valentines project! I love that. Hey, if he wants to talk to MFCers that bad, nothing's stopping him logging on :naughty::bleh:

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I know one of you met a girl named Heather, and gave her stuff, and a heart [i'm so jealous!!!!] Does anyone know if she stuck around to meet him?


Oh lovely picture Lilmot! You must be the one my girl was talking about. :wub2:


HAVE A FANTASTIC TIME. I can't wait to hear more!


Yes, it was me. She told me about you, but wasn't sure of your forum name. She asked for a badge (I think) for you....or a flashing heart? I can't remember but I did give her one. She must be a good friend to do all that AND get the sweet, sweet autograph from Mika for you! I do love the MFC.


Thanks for the reviews everyone! :thumb_yello: Lilmot - you guys look so cute in the t-shirts you made! (Did you make them?)


Oops! I just re-read your post - you are behind those girls in the t-shirt, looking so nice in your skirt and pretty shoes! :D No wonder your feet hurt! But I know what you mean too about all the aches, etc. melting away for a while when Mika is on stage!!


LOL I am neither....I am just the photographer of those pics. I am old enough to be all those lovely girls' mother!! It was so fun to talk to all the people at the beginning of the queue. Very special people with a deep love for Mika's music. Thanks to everyone who gave me the okay to take and post pictures. I have more....but I am still on the road so I might wait until I get home. My concert photos are crap....but I do have some good queue photos.

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LOL I am neither....I am just the photographer of those pics. I am old enough to be all those lovely girls' mother!! It was so fun to talk to all the people at the beginning of the queue. Very special people with a deep love for Mika's music. Thanks to everyone who gave me the okay to take and post pictures. I have more....but I am still on the road so I might wait until I get home. My concert photos are crap....but I do have some good queue photos.


Oldlings rule ok!!!! :punk::roftl:


Looking forward to the pictures - the queue ones are usually my

favourites!! :thumb_yello:


Safe journey home x

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Oldlings rule ok!!!! :punk::roftl:


Looking forward to the pictures - the queue ones are usually my

favourites!! :thumb_yello:


Safe journey home x


Yes, we do :thumb_yello: and thank you. It is great that I have DaMango along for the road trip. She has been great with helping us get to the right place and all. She is an extraordinary person, and I feel so lucky to have finally met her in person.

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Sorry that I have my work laptop with me and I can't edit photos. However I will try to tell you who is who below.


I don't have much time because they are going to kick me out of this hotel soon and I need to go pick up DaMango for a road trip...YAy


But I had a couple of queue pics that I think I will be able to post now. More later.


Richie, Elanorelle, and DaMango with the wonderful umbrella!



Wildsong and her husband



The girls with the wonderful homemade t shirts (non MFC, I think)



Jessika and her friend



Rose's valentine:wub2:



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