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The Butterfly Lounge & Mika

Guest MsDivine

Do you feel that Mika is representing Big Girls at his show in a positive manner?  

126 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you feel that Mika is representing Big Girls at his show in a positive manner?

    • Absolutely!
    • I don't really think so!
    • The Big Girls look great in their costumes, so who cares what they do!
    • Big Girls bending over during concert and shaking their butts is not very positive!
    • If the audience is laughing at them I would say NO!
    • Depends on which live performance you have seen.

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My answer to this question is yes.. I think Mika and specially the big girls on stage are showing to the world that you can be beautiful and you can be sexy even if your big.. this is all about celebrating confidence in yourself and loving yourself as you are.. So it is absolutely great!

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I think he is portraying them positively in the show. It could've been crass, but it's more cheeky and fun than anything. They genuinely are so much fun for the audience when they come on stage.


I know you're specifically asking Mika fans, however, so I understand that you'd expect that choice to prevail.


After looking at the other answers (there's a wide range of opinions available), I thought "Absolutely" was the right answer. I covered a couple of them already, but I have a bit to say about few of the other choices, which helped me make my choice.


To be picked as Big Girls, I think they are beautiful before putting the costume on, and that's how they get chosen in the first place. So I don't think it's "The Big Girls look great in their costumes, so who cares what they do!" because it's not like they just turn it on with the costumes.


"If the audience is laughing at them I would say NO!" The people who laugh at this would make fun of a fat person anyway, or most likely even other things in Mika's set. Those people will always be around no matter what. We probably can't get rid of them, especially with a song and dance (even if it is an empowering anthem like this).

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Okay I have another two cents to add to this.


In Vancouver, they pulled girls out of the queue to be Big Girls. These are regular gals, not pro dancers, who had been asked to don corsets and and dance in front of nearly three thousand people.


There were some nerves, some body image reservations as they got their costumes on - but they kept repeating Mika's mantra. "Ohmigod I feel so exposed - but, after all, big girls ARE beautiful!"


Watching these beautiful gals shed their inhibitions and get in touch with their inner sexy divas was liberating to watch.


So, yes. Not only does Mika represent bigger gals in a positive light, he also gives them a confidence boost, reaffimring that big girls can be sexy. :thumb_yello:

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yes i think mika presents big girls in a positive way.


i'm so happy to read a lot of women feel better about themself because of this song. but i have to say , this song doesn't affect me. my mind tells me i'm not a big girl but when i look at myself in the mirror i see a ugly fat woman. i can't help it i want love myself but i just can't

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I'm obviously not sexy then as I am a big woman as far as you are concerned. If there were skinny girls dancing on stage with Mika, would this be an issue too? I don't think so.


What? YES it would be an issue if he put skinny girls in a corset!! That was my point--in general, male performers putting ANY women in corsets to dance on stage has to be handled very carefully, because it usually IS objectifying.


And considering I just said that I think the Big Girls look absolutely gorgeous and can't imagine anyone laughing at them, I don't understand why you think that big women are not sexy as far as I am concerned. :shocked:


One of the first women I had a serious attraction to was bigger than most of Mika's stage dancers.



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What? YES it would be an issue if he put skinny girls in a corset!! That was my point--in general, male performers putting ANY women in corsets to dance on stage has to be handled very carefully, because it usually IS objectifying.


And considering I just said that I think the Big Girls look absolutely gorgeous and can't imagine anyone laughing at them, I don't understand why you think that big women are not sexy as far as I am concerned. :shocked:


One of the first women I had a serious attraction to was bigger than most of Mika's stage dancers.




Really Jack?! :wink2:

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Okay so here's my opinion... sorry it's long. : P


When I first heard the song Big Girl I really had no idea who Mika was. I had only heard his song Love Today on someone's Myspace and then a friend insisted one me coming over to a friends dorm because he had some music to share with us. I did and it was Mika to my surprise.


When I heard Big Girl I didn't know what to think at first - not knowing the background and all. I had never heard a song of the such where an artist is singing about big girls being beautiful, it kind of surprised me. I didn't know if he was making fun of them or if he was for real. I really got into his music after that night and a couple months later when I found out he was going to be in Boston I did something I had never done before and bought concert tickets.


Now that I've been a fan for some time, I believe Big Girl is portrayed positively and it didn't take me long to feel that way. I feel a little bad for thinking that maybe he was making fun of big girls the first time I heard the song. Oh well there's nothing I can do. His music and style was all new to me. Also after being picked on and bullied your whole life you tend to look at things a little differently, well at least I think. It also never helped that my friends are really tiny and they would complain to me about being fat and needing to lose weight... if they lost weight they would look unhealthy. That always felt like a little slap in the face to me because it's quite clear I could never fit into their clothes.

As for me, I'm kind of stuck in the middle. Some days I view myself as fine or a little bigger than average but some days I just feel big... it's natural. The song makes me feel better about myself. For me, I like it even more because a man wrote this song and when he's singing it on stage and the big girls come out it looks like he absolutely loves those girls. I love watching the big girls dance on stage because it looks like the best party in the world and if I knew how to dance and could fly I'd get out of my spot in the crowd and join them on stage.


All in all, this gives me slight hope that not all is lost and no matter what your size is there is someone out there that will love you for YOU.

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Patricia, your words really touched me..


I have to agree with you, no song will make you feel better and more comfortable if you do not feel it yourself.. This has to come from within first and not through the outside world...


you have to see yourself as beautiful.. and this will reflect on the way you present yourself...


Beauty is very relevant and no fashion magazine can dictate it! we are all beautiful people.. those who do not feel it, will not act it...


I don't know how effective my words are going to be... but YOU HAVE TO FEEL IT FIRST...


Of course, am not going to lecture about "beauty is within"... there are also other things that gives us confidence boost... taking care of yourselves both physically and emotionally is key.. and songs like "Big Girls" helps many people who are willing to take a step into seeing their beauty and exploring it...


sorry, this was off topic... but it was too tempting not to reply


i think you are so right but i don't know to feel it. i just look at selfconvident women , like the big girls in the videoclip and hope i'll get it too one day

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Yup! And I still pine for her a little bit. :blush-anim-cl:


But then I also have a not-so-secret minicrush on Ally (the redheaded professional BG). She is an absolute knockout.




this is so refreshing! I always really love when people love people for who they are. There is this stigma in our society about what beauty is, but beauty in it's very nature is a subjective word. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and I definitely think that Mika's big girls promotes this ideology, while spreading love for our fellow (wo)men. :D

... sorry about the cliche. haha

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i think you are so right but i don't know to feel it. i just look at selfconvident women , like the big girls in the videoclip and hope i'll get it too one day


I'm kinda sad that I just saw this... because you ARE beautiful. And it's weird to hear this from a stranger, but you can't love yourself because Mika tells you to love big girls. You have to accept it yourself, and love it. And I know just how hard it is, because I'm a big girl too, and many times I tell myself that I don't care what society thinks, says, or feels, I love myself and yes, I might be big in character and in size, maybe too big for the world now, but in the back of my mind I still wish that the gorgeous dress in the window fit me or came in my size. Everyone is taking steps to love themselves more, and Mika is just giving us that little nudge to get us started.


Love yourself, or try, and I'll try with you. :huglove:

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thnx for your kind words. but i know what my problems are i just can't do anything to change it. i have an other image in my head than other have of me. i'm a normal girl but i see myself as big. do you know the feeling when you look in the mirror, sometimes you have moment that you think, well i don't look that bad. well i might even say i look good today. but what i'm going to do then is my problem. i go look longer and then i decide i was wrong because suddenly i don't see that person anymore

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thnx for your kind words. but i know what my problems are i just can't do anything to change it. i have an other image in my head than other have of me. i'm a normal girl but i see myself as big. do you know the feeling when you look in the mirror, sometimes you have moment that you think, well i don't look that bad. well i might even say i look good today. but what i'm going to do then is my problem. i go look longer and then i decide i was wrong because suddenly i don't see that person anymore


I understand, and I think it will take time for the both of us. Maybe you should stop looking for so long and just remember that you do look good. Or... look longer and understand that you are beautiful. It all starts within, and maybe if you believe yourself that you are pretty, you will start to see it on the outside too... even though it was probably true the whole time. :D

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Yup! And I still pine for her a little bit. :blush-anim-cl:


But then I also have a not-so-secret minicrush on Ally (the redheaded professional BG). She is an absolute knockout.




Mmmmm............I have a bit of a thing for her too. I like the way she seems so shy and unassuming even though that's not a personality type I go for.


I got really turned on (sorry, not a phrase I'd normally use on the MFC!) when I watched the Paris gig on the DVD and he beckoned her over with his finger and then wrapped his fingers in the back of her hair to keep her dancing in front of him so that he could siddle right up to her for a moment or two. :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:


My actual thoughts about the pair of them could not be repeated here........ :blush-anim-cl: *Ahem*

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The thing is, and I've raised this point before, I really don't think Mika has that much interest in the subject..........yet lots of big girls are hailing him as their hero. He was looking around for inspiration for songs to fill LICM.....saw the documentary and the rest is history. It may well be controversial to say it but as a big girl who was in the video I feel justified in saying it. I suspect he wonders what all the fuss is about and whether it was worth the justifying he's had to do about the song in the media. It's a lot of responsibilty heaped on one young man's shoulders.....



The words of wisdom.Vixen, the new lenon...the boy can barely stand on his own two feet and now he is asked to make a scientific study of a song he wrote while he was lying on a couch watching tv at 3 in the morning, it's just too much for his little bubble gum brain who only thinks in rhymes...really


And to answer the question, OF COURSE it is positive i'm really surprised everytime I hear about that...if any people should feel offended by this song, it would be skinny people but it would be ridiculous since it's only a song about sexiness/self acceptance, according to me it's a little bit cliché though but that's just me...and as far as I'm concerned i would never go to a place like the BL where its' "BIG GIRLS ONLY" again positive discrimination to me is still disrimination (positive removed) like I would never go to a place where it's for "Germans ONLY" or "blue socks ONLY" or anything " only"...it reminds me of History too much and it totally scares me.

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i don't want to vote.but i never think that MIKA is not standing on his own two feet. he simply wrote a song about big girls. he never waves and tells people something like, oi, i wrote a pop song especially for fat women, how kind i am ? if his brain is like bubble gum, he shall not worry about what is really good about him !


who can hundred percent sure about standing on their own feet ? they idle all the time. i am a little creature not very knowledgable about this world, all i can do is keep my back bone straight, say and do whatever i like for myself and those people i like. i feel lucky as i find its actually ridiculously difficult for others.

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  • 2 months later...

I think that Mika is ABSOLUTELY representing his "big girls" in a positive way. It is really stunning to see a whole arena of people chanting along to "Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)" because of the inthusiasim that Mika instills in his fans:biggrin2:


I also think that even though this song is, of course targeted towards larger women, any person can listen to it and feel more confident in themselves because it can, and should be, taken as a song about self-confidence of course.


The Butterfly Lounge is a great idea. Yes, skinny girls aren't allowed in but so what, they are accepted in every other place. And, for sure "big girls" are allowed in to normal clubs but they aren't usually accepted in the same way as a woman with a slimmer build would be at that very same place.


Although I am not a "big girl", I am sick and tired of seeing girls obsessing over their bodies and conforming to what they see in the media because they should be more confident in the beautiful people that they really are on the inside. Why can't a girl eat what she wants without feeling guilty about it? Or is she doesn't want look like everyone else? There really shouldn't be a problem with that!!!


When people look at individuals for WHO they are and not WHAT they are, maybe a change could be made then.


It is obvious that Mika is a caring and humble guy and for someone like him, in his position with fame and popularity, to continue singing and performing this song is absoluely fantastic. It just goes to show that he is an individual that takes charge for something he cares about, regardless of what the "ideal" is or should be.


I would be more than happy to see people like Mika write more than about cars or money (or other things that really aren't THAT important in life) and more about real life people and situations...like "big girls"

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Mika definately respects the big girls! They are represented in his shows in a way that ,in my opinion, says that you don't have to be skinny or look like a model in order to look good or sexy. And that is very positive!

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Mika definately respects the big girls! They are represented in his shows in a way that ,in my opinion, says that you don't have to be skinny or look like a model in order to look good or sexy. And that is very positive!



i agree!

i voted with the majority!

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Mika definately respects the big girls! They are represented in his shows in a way that ,in my opinion, says that you don't have to be skinny or look like a model in order to look good or sexy. And that is very positive!


I agree with you. Well said :thumb_yello:

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The sexappeal,charm and sensibility in many cases are not in conection only with somebody's physical look. There are many historical periods in which many artists celebrated the beauty of big girls (Rubbens,Tizian etc.) and that was the cultural standard in Rennescance and Baroque.

Today these standards disturbly have changed in favor of skinny women beauty. But considering men beauty there are so many examples that some great guys were/are big ones and attracted women much stronger than skinny guys - I don't reffer this to Mika ofcourse!!!

I mean,even Perez Hilton is cute in some special way!:wink2:



The point of Mika's song is that we are attracted by someones genuine personality,not necessarily with her or his look.

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The point of Mika's song is that we are attracted by someones genuine personality,not necessarily with her or his look.

And sometimes someone who is really good looking can been seen as disgusting because they don't have a nice personality. That just goes to show that a personality can be way more sexy than what you look like.:biggrin2:

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