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REPORTS/PHOTOS/ VIDEOS Vancouver, BC at the Orpheum 15-02-2008


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ok i uploaded PART 1 of LOVE TODAY from SF...if u guys wanna watch while waiting:




i wish on youtube it looks with such good quality as on my computer :blink:


part 2 is better....uploading... lol


Your videos are so brilliant :wub2:


i took a lot of pics and i have posted them for people to check out here




i hope that link works...if not i will figure out something else for all to see!


:crybaby: It doesn't! It doesn't!

But I can see that you took wonderful-looking photos, I wanna see them! :tears:


If you could upload them on imageshack/photobucket/attach them I would be forever in your debt :wub2:


the craziest thing of all came at the end of the night...when security allowed these 2 young girls to jump up on the stage with mika!

then 2 more then 4 more then 8 more then everyone rushed the freakin stage!!!! it was full of people!!! to the point where we couldnt even tell mika was on stage! he disapeared in the see of people!

confetti canons blew, streamers flew and the ballons where flying! it was a state of complete chaos! people everywhere!! but sooooo much fun!!!!!


Oh awesome! No near-deaths, though?

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maybe they took the midway state drummer?:blink:


I still have no idea how the man looks :blush-anim-cl:


But anyway,must have been a wicked improv,because no way he could have know all the songs


Dammit,I wish I would have been there ,I would have satisfied the drumming needs :roftl:

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Greg Wells was playing the drums!



He was?! Canadian, (from Ontario, I might add) and co-producer - well of course! Who better to know LICM just as well as the rest of the band?!


How'd you know this Jack? :thumb_yello:

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Greg Wells was playing the drums!


Lilmot, DaMango and Lollipop_monkey are all having coffee right now. Lollipop_monkey was a lollipop girl as you all know, and had a blast, and they all met and spoke with Mika and got stuff signed.




That's pretty cool!


Aww, good for them! :cheerful_h4h:

I can't wait to hear all about this..

Now..to stay up or to go to bed..hmm..

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Greg Wells was playing the drums!




Oh wicked then! They couldn't have picked a better replacement :thumb_yello:


Ok strike that "no way he could have known all the songs by memory" :naughty:




Hey Ioana! I keep missing you on here lately...


*slinks away quietly now, so as not to hijack the thread*



:lol3: Well hellooo,I hate these different timezones,I wake up and the gig isn't even finished yet

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How'd you know this Jack? :thumb_yello:


DaMango called to giddily tell me that "my predictions" about her and Mika were coming true (I'll let her tell which, especially since I don't remember any predictions), and put me on speaker phone with the other girls. :thumb_yello:



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He was?! Canadian, (from Ontario, I might add) and co-producer - well of course! Who better to know LICM just as well as the rest of the band?!


How'd you know this Jack? :thumb_yello:


So the answer is "Yes, I should have been instantly familiar with this name." *slaps self around head* What a bad fan am I!

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Greg Wells was playing the drums!


Lilmot, DaMango and Lollipop_monkey are all having coffee right now. Lollipop_monkey was a lollipop girl as you all know, and had a blast, and they all met and spoke with Mika and got stuff signed.




I quoted you again, but it has different information this time, because you edited. I answered my own previous question! DaMango! Of course...:doh:

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Greg Wells was playing the drums!


Lilmot, DaMango and Lollipop_monkey are all having coffee right now. Lollipop_monkey was a lollipop girl as you all know, and had a blast, and they all met and spoke with Mika and got stuff signed.




Greg Wells on the drums, cool. :thumb_yello:


So did he do the trash can drumming as well? Saranayde?

Or did Mika do it alone maybe?

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OMG FD, did you not read what happened to Cherisse?

I hope she makes it back for th Brits on Wednesday, how long does it take to get a new passport sorted?

Nice first report Mikazboi, good to hear you enjoyed it.

Greg Welles on the drums, good last minute replacement, good job he was available.

Glad Lilmot got to meet Mika this time, and can't wait for Manas report, that'll be sitting back with a cup of tea with my feet up. It's like reading your favourite book. I'm gonna miss them now the tour is finished, so I'm really gonna lap this one up;-)

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Oh, good time for me to come on- I haven't missed much!


Poor Cherisse- I am pretty sure you can organise a temp passport within a day or so, as long as she has other ID and what not.....


Looking forward to everyone else's stories!

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