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2008 - Reports/photos/videos/afterparty For Brixton 28-02-2008


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I promised myself not to manifest my deep shame and anger for what happened in the so-called party, but I feel the need now. I agree with you in every point you state. In the end it's only a matter of good manners, isn't it? I mean, why do people go so mad when he's around and behave like there were no rules? Mika is not our toy, not a slave who would do anything we want him to. He's a human being entitled to the same rights as any other human being. The fact that he's famous and has fans should never change that. I've been feeling really bad and really guilty for having been at the party and spoken to him (although it was him who addressed me first), mainly because I don't want to be considered part of that mob (I'll say it, I'm sorry: we all know who those people are) and because he look so tired and fed up though he tried to hide it.


Personally I've no idea about him wanting or not to be there (I've my own opinion though), but that's not the main issue here I think. The point is, whether he wanted to meet us or not, we all made it a very hard thing for him to be in that room. And we should think it over and ask ourselves what are we doing to a person we all love and admire so much. Yes, like wanting to meet him before the shows, when it's obvious he should get in the venue at once and save his voice. I trust he will know who's who in this whole mess, however, the harm is done and I don't think he'll do such a thing again (I wouldn't want him to do it anyway), and the relationship with the fans should change from now on. Sad but true.


Well said! I obviously agree with everything you have said, although I have picked out the bets bits and in my eyes the msot important bits in bold!!:bleh:

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I'm a pretty "physical contact" person myself; Being spanish, it's in my culture, and we touch and kiss a lot. Heck, the way you act when you are first introduced to someone, or meet someone casually, is by kissing them on the cheek twice.

Despite this, I know the limits and I've never even attempted to touch Mika, or to ask any sort of physical contact from him, becuase:

a-I find it rude

b-these things should come naturally, not be "asked for"

c-I know he won't say "no", as he usually agrees when people ask him, and I don't wish to put him in that position where he feels forced to do something that he doesn't want to do.

Last week when I spoke to him, he initiated physical contact by holding my hand after thanking me for the Tshirt.

Now that's quite different as I didn't ask for it, it was just a spontaneous gesture by him, but even despite that, I would have not gone and hugged him or anything of the sorts...I just think all these things are common sense,really.

So if people don't have the common sense, how can they modify their behaviour in the future? That's why I'm not sure that they will.

I'm not saying all this for any other reason than to illustrate what I believe is how things should work, not for any other reason...

Anyway I said I would stop and yet I keep ranting here so I'm sorry, LOL!!



I do love your rants though!!!! They make a hell of a lot of sense! :wub2::bleh:

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Well said! I obviously agree with everything you have said, although I have picked out the bets bits and in my eyes the msot important bits in bold!!:bleh:


Thank you! Just couldn't keep biting my tongue anymore, it's been hard, you know, after all I saw and all I read...

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Well said! I obviously agree with everything you have said, although I have picked out the bets bits and in my eyes the msot important bits in bold!!:bleh:




Thank you! Just couldn't keep biting my tongue anymore, it's been hard, you know, after all I saw and all I read...


Well, us spaniards don't really do "biting our tongue" very well, do we?:roftl: For better or worse, it always ends up coming out, and more often than not, in an explosive way, LOL!!

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Thank you! Just couldn't keep biting my tongue anymore, it's been hard, you know, after all I saw and all I read...


You managed to keep quiet for 155 pages!!! I think thats a mighty good achievement!! You do speak a lot of sense though, as I sadi sariflor does in my last post, maybe next time you shouldn't keep quiet, after all nobody else seems to!:bleh:

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I honestly think that Mika has shot himself in the foot for always being so nice. He's sweet, nice, and gives people what they ask for. Probably too much, and too often.

The problem here is that many people will then go and ask for waay too much, or not consider the most essential rules of civilised human behaviour, so in the end they "abuse" him, or go way too far in their interaction with him.

What I've been trying to say in previous posts, and I keep getting the impression that I'm not making it clear (due to people's reactions) is that I personally think that this issue has been brewing for quite some time.

IMO it's all very much related to the whole "how much physical contact is acceptable" discussion; at the end of the day it's all about invading his personal space one way or another.

Also to the report threads, and everyone encouraging everyone else to meet him, do this, do that...Ah, and also all this waiting to meet him before gigs is going too far IMO.

Ok, so waiting for him (with no expectations) after the gigs I personally find ok, but BEFORE?? He shouldn't be bothered before gigs!

He's said himself before that he doesn't speak, etc, so why not just let him "be"?

The mob scene is slowly taking over ANY situation where Mika is even slightly suspected of possibly being in, and I believe that it's mainly a handful of "regulars" doing that at the gigs, and they know well who they are.

Back to your post though: he'll never win will he? You say that he should make himself clear.

Can you imagine that he'd suddenly say to a fan "no, excuse me, I will not speak to you because you're being rude" or anything of the sorts? People would slate him, even though he'd have every right to say this.

I think that the guy is just doing what he can and trying to survive.

Let's just hope that by the time the next tour comes around, people are so ashamed of their behaviour that they will act a little better around him.



I agree with everything you have said Sara, especially the waiting before the show part. I cannot for the life of me understand why people do that. He is on a deadline to get in and get the soundcheck done, then get whatever other things done he has to do before the show starts. And he certainly doesn't want to be talking as he is trying ro keep his voice for the show.

I know that when we were getting the passes sorted out and he came into the office, I felt a bit bad for just saying hello to him. He looked at me, made a sign like crossing his hand over his throat, shaking his head at the same time, and I apologised immediately, and he smiled to say thank you. But I kept thinking to myself, you idiot, you know he has to save his voice, what did you speak to him for. I could have just as easily given a little wave and a smile, would have been just as friendly.

So I kind of wish people would let him just go into the venue to get on with what he has to do, as he obviously needs to focus on doing his job, and not getting distracted. Afterwards, if he's up to it then talk to him then. I know I've missed out on lots of chances to speak to him because he hasn't felt well, but he can't help it if he's not up to it. I know I've been disappointed and irritated too, but I understand now why things are done the way they are, so in future I won't feel quite the same way.

But I am concerned that the people who have done what was done at the afterparty, and before and after shows, won't have the same consciousness that some of us do, and carry on the same way, thinking it's alright and Mika won't mind. Until he says that there is certain behavior he won't put up with, I can't see it stopping anytime soon.

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Well' date=' us spaniards don't really do "biting our tongue" very well, do we?:roftl: For better or worse, it always ends up coming out, and more often than not, in an explosive way, LOL!![/color']


How true Sara! Spanish blood...:naughty:


You managed to keep quiet for 155 pages!!! I think thats a mighty good achievement!! You do speak a lot of sense though, as I sadi sariflor does in my last post, maybe next time you shouldn't keep quiet, after all nobody else seems to!:bleh:


Yes I did, reading every post too! Wow, there were times when I thought I'd explode!


Thanks a lot, but if I had spoken earlier I'd surely had been censored, my thoughts are "a bit" stronger than I wrote, you know.

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Thanks Rabdash.


Just to clarify: I don't have an issue with people who've met him a few times, hell, I'm one of them myself:naughty:.

Rather what I was trying to say is that *generally speaking* the transgression usually comes from a handful of people, who keep doing it over and over again, and I find the "pregig" mobbing evem worse than others, so I mentioned it.

May I say that in my long list of Mika gigs (13) I've always noticed the same faces doing these things?


Same goes for people asking his mum for passes- I find that incomprehensible and totally disgraceful, and if others disagree, then so be it, but it won't make me change my opinion on it.

Some things are just a bit of a joke, and I feel like some people need to be brought back to reality.


Anyway I'e gone on for a bit now so probably best to give it a rest:naughty: .


I totally agree with every word you said, on your big post before this one as well as this one, I think uninvited groping of Mika be it his hair (you know who you are:sneaky2:) or any other parts of him is just that; UNINVITED and I think not only is it bad mannered it's quite creepy.

I also think ASKING his family for passes is pushy and puts them in an awkward position, if they OFFER you them I think that's a whole different ball game and I would accept them gratefully.


I find the whole q-ing situation now not very pleasant it's too long (especially when you have to stand for 2-3 hours while you are in the gig too) and it's a constant battle to keep your place from the rude "pushers" as well, and if there are to be no toilet breaks etc then it will be totally unbearable. You have people who just turn up trying and often succeeding to push in front of others...well it's just selfish behaviour and not only is it annoying and unfair it's disrespectful and rude and it's becoming a really bad atmosphere, it totally spoiled my experience of the 1st Brixton gig.


I hope these people sort out their consciences before his next tour for everyone's sake Mika and the band included.

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I agree with everything you have said Sara, especially the waiting before the show part. I cannot for the life of me understand why people do that. He is on a deadline to get in and get the soundcheck done, then get whatever other things done he has to do before the show starts. And he certainly doesn't want to be talking as he is trying ro keep his voice for the show.

I know that when we were getting the passes sorted out and he came into the office, I felt a bit bad for just saying hello to him. He looked at me, made a sign like crossing his hand over his throat, shaking his head at the same time, and I apologised immediately, and he smiled to say thank you. But I kept thinking to myself, you idiot, you know he has to save his voice, what did you speak to him for. I could have just as easily given a little wave and a smile, would have been just as friendly.

So I kind of wish people would let him just go into the venue to get on with what he has to do, as he obviously needs to focus on doing his job, and not getting distracted. Afterwards, if he's up to it then talk to him then. I know I've missed out on lots of chances to speak to him because he hasn't felt well, but he can't help it if he's not up to it. I know I've been disappointed and irritated too, but I understand now why things are done the way they are, so in future I won't feel quite the same way.

But I am concerned that the people who have done what was done at the afterparty, and before and after shows, won't have the same consciousness that some of us do, and carry on the same way, thinking it's alright and Mika won't mind. Until he says that there is certain behavior he won't put up with, I can't see it stopping anytime soon.


Well, one of the main problems is that many of them don't read or can understand the MFC in the first place:mf_rosetinted:

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the harm is done and I don't think he'll do such a thing again (I wouldn't want him to do it anyway), and the relationship with the fans should change from now on. Sad but true.


I agree. Mika has been encouraging this kind of behaviour and even though people should have enough common sense and self-restraint not to take advantage of his availability and graciousness, they clearly don't.


When Mika was in Toronto he smiled and waved at fans before entering the venue. Fans did not have access to the entrance so they couldn't crowd around and make demands on him. After the concert everyone was told that he would not sign autographs or pose for photos and if people didn't stay where they were he would be whisked away without stopping to talk.


He stayed for 5 or 10 minutes, had a little chat, accepted some gifts, gave some high 5s and left. Everyone there who wasn't MFC was thrilled. This was more than they expected and they were just glad to get a chance to see Mika in the flesh, just chatting like a normal person.


It is only MFCers who whinge that he should be doing more because through shared experiences we know that other people have had more attention from him and think we're all entitled to the same.


IMO it's time to modify those expectations and our sense of entitlement and stop making these ridiculous demands on Mika. We pay for a concert ticket and he delivers by busting his ass on stage. It is not part of his job to subject himself to an hour or two of mobbing every night. He should never feel like he has to do that to keep fans happy.

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I agree with everything you have said Sara, especially the waiting before the show part. I cannot for the life of me understand why people do that. He is on a deadline to get in and get the soundcheck done, then get whatever other things done he has to do before the show starts. And he certainly doesn't want to be talking as he is trying ro keep his voice for the show.

I know that when we were getting the passes sorted out and he came into the office, I felt a bit bad for just saying hello to him. He looked at me, made a sign like crossing his hand over his throat, shaking his head at the same time, and I apologised immediately, and he smiled to say thank you. But I kept thinking to myself, you idiot, you know he has to save his voice, what did you speak to him for. I could have just as easily given a little wave and a smile, would have been just as friendly.

So I kind of wish people would let him just go into the venue to get on with what he has to do, as he obviously needs to focus on doing his job, and not getting distracted. Afterwards, if he's up to it then talk to him then. I know I've missed out on lots of chances to speak to him because he hasn't felt well, but he can't help it if he's not up to it. I know I've been disappointed and irritated too, but I understand now why things are done the way they are, so in future I won't feel quite the same way.

But I am concerned that the people who have done what was done at the afterparty, and before and after shows, won't have the same consciousness that some of us do, and carry on the same way, thinking it's alright and Mika won't mind. Until he says that there is certain behavior he won't put up with, I can't see it stopping anytime soon.


I defineitly agree!! I think that msot of the people involved that night, and indeed other nights too, were the same people repeatedly going up to him and bothering him after they had had their chance to speak with him. They are the same few people, however a few can make the difference. I also agree with you Rak that the people involved dont have the same minds as you or I or sariflor or indeed most of the people on the MFC, they just will keep going up for more, which is very unfair and selfish!

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I agree. Mika has been encouraging this kind of behaviour and even though people should have enough common sense and self-restraint not to take advantage of his availability and graciousness, they clearly don't.


When Mika was in Toronto he smiled and waved at fans before entering the venue. Fans did not have access to the entrance so they couldn't crowd around and make demands on him. After the concert everyone was told that he would not sign autographs or pose for photos and if people didn't stay where they were he would be whisked away without stopping to talk.


He stayed for 5 or 10 minutes, had a little chat, accepted some gifts, gave some high 5s and left. Everyone there who wasn't MFC was thrilled. This was more than they expected and they were just glad to get a chance to see Mika in the flesh, just chatting like a normal person.


It is only MFCers who whinge that he should be doing more because through shared experiences we know that other people have had more attention from him and think we're all entitled to the same.


IMO it's time to modify those expectations and our sense of entitlement and stop making these ridiculous demands on Mika. We pay for a concert ticket and he delivers by busting his ass on stage. It is not part of his job to subject himself to an hour or two of mobbing every night.


And if you remember Christine, in Toronto we never got to speak to him, just because we were not prepared to push to the front of the group, and we stayed back and just watched.

I lifted my arm and shook the little bag I had for him and somehow he managed to pick it up over the heads of a row of 4 people, and that was it. no words crossed.

Had "some" been there, it would have been a very different scene indeed.

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I agree. Mika has been encouraging this kind of behaviour and even though people should have enough common sense and self-restraint not to take advantage of his availability and graciousness, they clearly don't.


When Mika was in Toronto he smiled and waved at fans before entering the venue. Fans did not have access to the entrance so they couldn't crowd around and make demands on him. After the concert everyone was told that he would not sign autographs or pose for photos and if people didn't stay where they were he would be whisked away without stopping to talk.


He stayed for 5 or 10 minutes, had a little chat, accepted some gifts, gave some high 5s and left. Everyone there who wasn't MFC was thrilled. This was more than they expected and they were just glad to get a chance to see Mika in the flesh, just chatting like a normal person.


It is only MFCers who whinge that he should be doing more because through shared experiences we know that other people have had more attention from him and think we're all entitled to the same.


IMO it's time to modify those expectations and our sense of entitlement and stop making these ridiculous demands on Mika. We pay for a concert ticket and he delivers by busting his ass on stage. It is not part of his job to subject himself to an hour or two of mobbing every night.


I agree that the MFC can change you. I was perfectly happy to see Mika on stage, my first concert and I was thrilled! I was on my little cloud for ages, and so I joined the MFC so I could share my experiences. I heard of many people who had met Mika, spoken to him, had photos etc and I guess I got a tad jealous and though "hey, I deserve that too." I never did meet with him though or stay behind at the concert or go early to see him before as my parents wouldn't have let me, but in a sense I am glad they didn;t let me because I am scared that I would have been part of that mob which really might have ruined his evening. Now though, after reading this thread I completely understand how awful the situation was and how Mika deservesin every single way to be treated like a normal human being, and that he wasn;t on that night, and now I hope that if I do meet him in future it will be completely on HIS terms, and initiated by him.

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I think its really sad that that one experience, although there probably were some leading up to it, probably put Mika off ever thinking of doing anything like this for us fans again.

What problem do you have with people waiting at the stage door violet_sky? Not that I have done it, but I was just wondering...

I do agree, I think Mika needs to show his emotions/thoughts more with us, so we know what is acceptable, not acceptable and what it just plain pushing the line. I mean, I know we have common sense and know what is right from wrong, but maybe sometimes we need thoughts from the Big M himself...if you know what I mean!? Mika needs to let us know how he feels about these situations, so in future we can avoid them, enter them or use them...

I hope some of you know what I mean, I explain myself strangely on some occasions, this being one of them! :blush-anim-cl:


Oh, I'm sorry, I guess this has come across totally wrong. I have no problem with people waiting for him to come out of the building after a show. One should think it's his own decision and if he wants to stay for a bit with the people, he does. If not, he leaves. Easy as that.

I have done it myself once. I so understand why people do it, only I feel slightly uncomfortable doing it myself, but that has nothing to do with the question whether this is right or wrong but merely with my personality as I'm quite shy and always a bit disabled when it comes to meeting people I have not met before. Some MFCers might confirm that from last week. :naughty: It's worse with people I have not met plus look up to the way I sincerely look up to Mika, so this is my personal problem. However, that one time I 'met' him very briefly and just so managed to give him something, it didn't feel wrong.

I'm very happy for everyone getting their own smile, pic and 'thank you' from Mika, really. If I was an envious person I wouldn't bother reading reports and I would not enjoy them so much.

I was wondering for quite a long while if Mika really enjoys the attention he gets to the perceived extent. As it's a lot and I really do believe that nobody asking him for his signature or a pic or just craves for a mini-conversation has bad intentions. It's all quite human and understandable. It's just the number of people and the amount of attention they need or want that makes a problem out of it. It can't be avoided. The key is just if and how he deals with it. I had an idea that he doesn't enjoy it all so much and every time as it seems. But to be honest, titania's quotations quite stroke me.

I really don't want to bother him. And even though I'm very sure he has no idea of who I am or what I look like or whether or not he might have seen me or spoken to me before, I feel very bad about it all. I don't want to be part of a brain braking experience for him. Or awful. I want to keep some dignity and I have my pride. Maybe too much of it.

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And if you remember Christine, in Toronto we never got to speak to him, just because we were not prepared to push to the front of the group, and we stayed back and just watched.


I lifted my arm and shook the little bag I had for him and somehow he managed to pick it up over the heads of a row of 4 people, and that was it. no words crossed.


Had "some" been there, it would have been a very different scene indeed.


This is me too, and probs cos I loose the power of speech and can't think of a dam thing to say when he HAS come up to me and asked me "how are you"

like at Newcastle, I already had his sig twice and pics were not allowed so I just smiled said "fine thanks" and he moved to the next person lol:blush-anim-cl:

At Hammersmith when he stuck his head out of the car I happened to be near the front of the car so just leaned in his direction and offered him a gift bag (shirt I had made him) and said "can I give you this please" and he just took it ans smiled and I sheepishly moved away, happy that I had managed to hand it to him.

Yes it was disappointing that he didn't hang about more but hell, there were a LOT of ppl there.

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Hmm I promised myself I wouldn't reply to the subject anymore..


We can't look inside Mika's head so we don't know what he thought of the night.

If it was me in his place though, I probably wouldn't have been able to make a distinction between the "rude" people and the "respectful" ones.

Pointing the finger ("they ruined it for us") doesn't change anything, what happened that night affects the entire MFC.


Even though I completely understand the need to vent, I think at some point we need to accept what happened and let go.


Maybe we can look for ways to prevent this from happening in the future.

I personally don't know how we can achieve this yet but I'd like to hear your ideas.

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Oh, I'm sorry, I guess this has come across totally wrong. I have no problem with people waiting for him to come out of the building after a show. One should think it's his own decision and if he wants to stay for a bit with the people, he does. If not, he leaves. Easy as that.

I have done it myself once. I so understand why people do it, only I feel slightly uncomfortable doing it myself, but that has nothing to do with the question whether this is right or wrong but merely with my personality as I'm quite shy and always a bit disabled when it comes to meeting people I have not met before. Some MFCers might confirm that from last week. :naughty: It's worse with people I have not met plus look up to the way I sincerely look up to Mika, so this is my personal problem. However, that one time I 'met' him very briefly and just so managed to give him something, it didn't feel wrong.

I'm very happy for everyone getting their own smile, pic and 'thank you' from Mika, really. If I was an envious person I wouldn't bother reading reports and I would not enjoy them so much.

I was wondering for quite a long while if Mika really enjoys the attention he gets to the perceived extent. As it's a lot and I really do believe that nobody asking him for his signature or a pic or just craves for a mini-conversation has bad intentions. It's all quite human and understandable. It's just the number of people and the amount of attention they need or want that makes a problem out of it. It can't be avoided. The key is just if and how he deals with it. I had an idea that he doesn't enjoy it all so much and every time as it seems. But to be honest, titania's quotations quite stroke me.

I really don't want to bother him. And even though I'm very sure he has no idea of who I am or what I look like or whether or not he might have seen me or spoken to me before, I feel very bad about it all. I don't want to be part of a brain braking experience for him. Or awful. I want to keep some dignity and I have my pride. Maybe too much of it.

Thanks!! It didn't come across wrong, but the way I put "What problem do you have" I guess made it seem worse than it was! Sorry! Oh, and thanks for explaining! :bleh:

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This is me too, and probs cos I loose the power of speech and can't think of a dam thing to say when he HAS come up to me and asked me "how are you"

like at Newcastle, I already had his sig twice and pics were not allowed so I just smiled said "fine thanks" and he moved to the next person lol:blush-anim-cl:

At Hammersmith when he stuck his head out of the car I happened to be near the front of the car so just leaned in his direction and offered him a gift bag (shirt I had made him) and said "can I give you this please" and he just took it ans smiled and I sheepishly moved away, happy that I had managed to hand it to him.

Yes it was disappointing that he didn't hang about more but hell, there were a LOT of ppl there.


You're funny:roftl:And a very nice person too, I'm glad that we got some time together this week, if it was mainly to tell people off for queue jumping, LOL!!!


Hmm I promised myself I wouldn't reply to the subject anymore..


We can't look inside Mika's head so we don't know what he thought of the night.

If it was me in his place though, I probably wouldn't have been able to make a distinction between the "rude" people and the "respectful" ones.

Pointing the finger ("they ruined it for us") doesn't change anything, what happened that night affects the entire MFC.


Even though I completely understand the need to vent, I think at some point we need to accept what happened and let go.


Maybe we can look for ways to prevent this from happening in the future.

I personally don't know how we can achieve this yet but I'd like to hear your ideas.


With all due respect, Diana, and I don't wish to start any confrontations here, but I don't think that anyone is ready to "let go" quite yet.

I think that posts like this, even if well intentioned, are part of why some people are feeling even angrier about last week's events.

The least we can do is allow everyone who feels the need to "vent" to do it, as long as it's respectful and in good manners.

And I think we've gotten to hear what was/is inside Mika's head, or as close as it will get.

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Had "some" been there, it would have been a very different scene indeed.


I think Mika's team knows that and that's why there were barriers set up at the venues in London.


Even though the audience was pretty manic during the concert in Toronto I would have been surprised if anyone had stepped out of line outside after the crowd was told what was expected of them.

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You're funny:roftl:And a very nice person too, I'm glad that we got some time together this week, if it was mainly to tell people off for queue jumping, LOL!!!




With all due respect, Diana, and I don't wish to start any confrontations here, but I don't think that anyone is ready to "let go" quite yet.

I think that posts like this, even if well intentioned, are part of why some people are feeling even angrier about last week's events.

The least we can do is allow everyone who feels the need to "vent" to do it, as long as it's respectful and in good manners.

And I think we've gotten to hear what was/is inside Mika's head, or as close as it will get.


So when sparkly1 said she was the same person, who is she the same as? This is v.confusing!!!


I agree, we all need to vent what we think, and this thread has been nothing but civillised, well at most times anyway, so therefore this is a safe environment TO vent our feelings, which at the end of the day is what we all really need to do!

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With all due respect, Diana, and I don't wish to start any confrontations here, but I don't think that anyone is ready to "let go" quite yet.

I think that posts like this, even if well intentioned, are part of why some people are feeling even angrier about last week's events.

The least we can do is allow everyone who feels the need to "vent" to do it, as long as it's respectful and in good manners.

And I think we've gotten to hear what was/is inside Mika's head, or as close as it will get.


Well as you can see, I said in my post "at some point" and not "right now."

I just have the feeling we're talking in circles and would like some input on how we can prevent this from happening in the future.

I think we have a bigger influence on eachother than a lot of people realize.

With that, I honestly believe we can make a change if we work together.


Heal the board

Make it a better place

For you and for me

And the entire MFC

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I think Mika's team knows that and that's why there were barriers set up at the venues in London.


Even though the audience was pretty manic during the concert in Toronto I would have been surprised if anyone had stepped out of line outside after the crowd was told what was expected of them.


That's why I was quite surprised that the "party" thing seemed to be so free and uncontrolled....it really amazed me, as I thought that they would expect similar madness.

Nothing different will happen inside than what happens outside. My new motto.


So when sparkly1 said she was the same person, who is she the same as? This is v.confusing!!!


I agree, we all need to vent what we think, and this thread has been nothing but civillised, well at most times anyway, so therefore this is a safe environment TO vent our feelings, which at the end of the day is what we all really need to do!



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That's why I was quite surprised that the "party" thing seemed to be so free and uncontrolled....it really amazed me, as I thought that they would expect similar madness.

Nothing different will happen inside than what happens outside. My new motto.





Great motto!!!!

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