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Get Mika Play

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I just wanted to inform everyone about a new project devoted to getting Mika radio play in America, In light of the radio stations refusing to play him. If you think you want to help you can go to http://www.getmikaplay.com for instructions and more information. Also, feel free to contact me here or by email. I hope Mika's American fans will speak out against this injustice.


Thank You



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Thanks a lot Jackie.

I agree, it really is a pity.

I can't tell you the amount of times my friends along with myself have called in requesting songs and they would just say, "We don't play that." and hang up before we could respond.

I've been a fan for over a year now and have yet to hear any of Mika's songs played on the radio.

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Interesting idea!

Some of the fonts on your website are a bit overwhelmed by the colour behind them , so a couple of the sentences I couldn't read. (Just trying to be helpful)


Good luck!

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Thanks a lot Jackie.

I agree, it really is a pity.

I can't tell you the amount of times my friends along with myself have called in requesting songs and they would just say, "We don't play that." and hang up before we could respond.

I've been a fan for over a year now and have yet to hear any of Mika's songs played on the radio.

I know what you mean. I don't think I hear enough Mika as I think I should. But here, in Canada, when I do see his stuff on TV...I get giddy:biggrin2:


PS: One time I phoned into one of the radio stations and I said, "can I request "Grace Kelly" by Mika?" and the DJ said "sure...we haven't heard that one in a while" and...it was played (and all because of me...hehe)

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I know what you mean. I don't think I hear enough Mika as I think I should. But here, in Canada, when I do see his stuff on TV...I get giddy:biggrin2:


PS: One time I phoned into one of the radio stations and I said, "can I request "Grace Kelly" by Mika?" and the DJ said "sure...we haven't heard that one in a while" and...it was played (and all because of me...hehe)


ugh i can never get the phone number to request they say it so fast with loud music playing over it. grr



i think it's a great idea to have people mail into radio stations!

but i don't know that address (there is probably a site somewhere....)

but on the site i can't read some of the writing with the fonts, so if there is anyways to change that, that would be awesome.

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Interesting idea!

Some of the fonts on your website are a bit overwhelmed by the colour behind them , so a couple of the sentences I couldn't read. (Just trying to be helpful)


Good luck!

Yes, I had difficulty reading the second paragraph under "Home".

I know what you mean. I don't think I hear enough Mika as I think I should. But here, in Canada, when I do see his stuff on TV...I get giddy:biggrin2:


PS: One time I phoned into one of the radio stations and I said, "can I request "Grace Kelly" by Mika?" and the DJ said "sure...we haven't heard that one in a while" and...it was played (and all because of me...hehe)

Haha nice job.:thumb_yello:

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ugh i can never get the phone number to request they say it so fast with loud music playing over it. grr



i think it's a great idea to have people mail into radio stations!

but i don't know that address (there is probably a site somewhere....)

but on the site i can't read some of the writing with the fonts, so if there is anyways to change that, that would be awesome.

I was so surprised and happy when my request actually got played...


I should mail into my radio station(s)...hehe


I agree (with you and Finkster)...I think the fonts and colours should be more simple...just a suggestion...

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Thanks Jackie!

By the way I'm pointlesslydelicious on you tube.. :wink2:

It's an awesome idea and I hope lots of people participate!


I think in total I've heard mika on the radio either 2-3 times... :wub2: Not even close to being enough though.

This is true...

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It can most likely really get them playing him on the radio more. And more people would hear him and become his fans. We always talk about and complain about how he's not being played on the radio, so if we don't like it as much as we say we do and if we want him to be played on the radio, let's do something about it. Like Jackie says :wink2:

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Thank you all, for your impute and enthusiasm. It's so refreshing! I have been begging and pleading with people to help out and It's so nice to finally find some REAL Mika fans. I changed the websites text colors so I hope that it is easier to see, if not just message me privately and let me know. I sincerely hope that I will be seeing messages from people saying they're intrested in the project soon.

Again, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to email or message me here.






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I just wanted to inform everyone about a new project devoted to getting Mika radio play in America, In light of the radio stations refusing to play him. If you think you want to help you can go to http://www.getmikaplay.com for instructions and more information. Also, feel free to contact me here or by email. I hope Mika's American fans will speak out against this injustice.


Thank You




that's a very good idea!

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the fact that radios refuse to play Mika is absolutely unbelievable in a free world.

i wonder how can ppl criticize strict rules in other countries and then refuse to play a pop singer on the radio...

sorry...i don't want to raise a fight, this is said in total respect for the USA, being a great great country.


so i will help you in any way.

mika is far better than anyone else played on any radio all over the world. amen to that.


thanks Jackie for being so supportive, we have a very strong US community here, you can all work together and be more successful.


love from old europe

(we play mika here in italy...and we have got a pope!!!)

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Whilst I, you see, as I have expressed in another thread, couldn't give a flying **** about airplay in America.

I can understand Amercians supporting this to a degree, but even if it was in the UK I would still have the opinion that I'm not Mika's press agent or part of his promotions team so let them do it.


I really don't understand why people from other countries get so passionate about this :confused:

Sorry, just my opinion.

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I just wanted to inform everyone about a new project devoted to getting Mika radio play in America, In light of the radio stations refusing to play him. If you think you want to help you can go to http://www.getmikaplay.com for instructions and more information. Also, feel free to contact me here or by email. I hope Mika's American fans will speak out against this injustice.


Thank You



Oh great! I'm British, but I'll certainly look at the link. I hope all Americans will get behind this. It's not fair how Mika has been treated on American radio!

And welcome...welcome...welcome to the MFC. How brilliant to have someone so pro-active, on Mika's fan site. God bless you!

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Whilst I, you see, as I have expressed in another thread, couldn't give a flying **** about airplay in America.

I can understand Amercians supporting this to a degree, but even if it was in the UK I would still have the opinion that I'm not Mika's press agent or part of his promotions team so let them do it.


I really don't understand why people from other countries get so passionate about this :confused:

Sorry, just my opinion.



let's say it's a sort of petition because i feel it like a sort on injustice?

just for this, as far as i am concerned....


i would like mika to be appreciated everywhere and by everyone...and being prevented in listening to him freely it's an injustice for me...then you can abhorr him, but one must be free to listen...


just my opinion...too!

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I'm not in the Unites States, but Canada, so North America.


I've tried. Wrote 4 times to 3 different DJs from Toronto's most popular radio station. I started in 2007.


I gave up a long time ago.:thumbdown:




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let's say it's a sort of petition because i feel it like a sort on injustice?

just for this, as far as i am concerned....


i would like mika to be appreciated everywhere and by everyone...and being prevented in listening to him freely it's an injustice for me...then you can abhorr him, but one must be free to listen...


just my opinion...too!


Yes, but they don't play every artist on every radio station in every country do they? You could apply the same argument and get the same answer.


I don't think it's an injustice, it's a business decision that the radio stations take. They obviously don't think it's the kind of music that would attract listeners at this moment in time. They make these kind of decisions all of the time.


Mika has been on TV there, he's not banned, he does play gigs there, he is allowed, it's not a facist regime, people are free to listen, they can buy his CD.

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Yes, but they don't play every artist on every radio station in every country do they? You could apply the same argument and get the same answer.


I don't think it's an injustice, it's a business decision that the radio stations take. They obviously don't think it's the kind of music that would attract listeners at this moment in time. They make these kind of decisions all of the time.


Mika has been on TV there, he's not banned, he does play gigs there, he is allowed, it's not a facist regime, people are free to listen, they can buy his CD.


I guess it can be another thing that how can buy his CD, if they don't know who he is? Obviously several people do as he's sold out several concerts over there, and yeah, hearing a clip of his songs over there is great, but it's not a real introduction is it? I suppose on radio at least you can introduce them, say who they are and the name of their song. I guess trying to get him on radio is just pushing the boat a bit further and trying to give him a stronger fanbase over in the states.

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I just wanted to inform everyone about a new project devoted to getting Mika radio play in America, In light of the radio stations refusing to play him. If you think you want to help you can go to http://www.getmikaplay.com for instructions and more information. Also, feel free to contact me here or by email. I hope Mika's American fans will speak out against this injustice.


Thank You




I think this is a great idea. The American Radio sucks. They play the same songs over and over and over again. Frankly, it's just plain annoying. The only Mika song I ever heard on the radio was Grace Kelly and that was a long time ago, probably when it first came out. This is the main reason why I listen to my iPod 24-7 and make CDs for the car. :biggrin2:

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Yes, but they don't play every artist on every radio station in every country do they? You could apply the same argument and get the same answer.


I don't think it's an injustice, it's a business decision that the radio stations take. They obviously don't think it's the kind of music that would attract listeners at this moment in time. They make these kind of decisions all of the time.


Mika has been on TV there, he's not banned, he does play gigs there, he is allowed, it's not a facist regime, people are free to listen, they can buy his CD.


No, they dont. They play the ones their record companies give money to play them. Anyway I agree 100% with you, its only a business and its certainly not ours. People shouldnt worry for mika, Universal knows exactly what to do, be certain of it.


We had this debate before on the radios in America and lets remember that mika reached number 30 with GK


i think it has to do with money (not with homophobia or the color of your hair actually) if tomorrow there were no middlemen left to pay the radios who pass celine dion, we wouldnt hear that woman anymore (thanks god)(but it just an example,so it wont happen ,whatever)



independent american radio promotion is a BIG part of the budget of an artist, you have to pay independent promotion to get your song on the radio( that's where the record companies use middlemen so they can pretend not to know that american radio stations <the unifiedbroadcastsystem> are getting paid to play their records.


All of those independent promotion costs are charged to the band of course


BUT what if some records companies just based the strategy of their PRODUCT on different plattforms?would they care if the little fan wouldnt hear his/her idol on the radio???no, they wouldnt, because the little fan who would have discovered the song for instance via you tube (teen target) and would have asked his/her parents to by the cd/dvd/etc. to put it simply : Kerching!(not for the artist though!! for the ****ing music company!)


1/3 of the revenuof the music industry (50 billion/a year businessbtw) comes from the US of A. The annual sales of CDs/dvds etc. are larger than the grossnational product of eighties countries.


it all depends on the strategy you use to sell (the product) but it's much more complicated and i wont speak for mika...just paste a part of an article about it, it's justa little part of it (the whole thing is really interesting btw...)



Iain Watt (mika 's manager)(on what they did with "the project")


There is so much one can do with pop stars these days. Now they can be marketed on YouTube and MySpace, and you can use them to sell myriad products. In America, Mika's music was selling mobile phones before his first record was released. In Britain, his face was flogging Paul Smith before the public knew him as Mika.


If you can put the artist on all those platforms, young kids can discover him on YouTube or MySpace, older listeners can hear him on Radio 2, and then hipsters can feel safe buying Mika because they've seen him in a Paul Smith campaign," Watt says. "If you asked the Arctic Monkeys to be in a Paul Smith campaign, they'd tell you to **** off. If the campaign had been for, say, George at Asda, we wouldn't have done it." Why not? "We need to associate him with the right partners. This was his introduction to the media, and we based it on credibility in terms of song writing and the way he looked and projected. It was very style-led.


:dance_man:(<== totally creepy)

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