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Hey guys! DO you need you daily dose of talking about MIKA, but dont have too much time? Well answer these quick questions, and lets see how different our answers end up! (It should be really fun to compare our opinions!):biggrin2:


[1. What is your favorite song from LICM? ( I know its hard to choose) -I can't really choose, but if I was being held hostage, forced to answer, adn someone had taken my MIKA phtos out of my locker adn held them over an open flame, (AND ONLY AT THIS TIME OF DESPERAT MEASURES WOULD I BE ABLE TO ANSWER! ;D ) I would have to say Love Today or Stuck in The Middle.


3. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

-Stuck in The Middle's "Are five kids better than one? Who'd busy liek to be gone?" because of the cute little vibrato-sqeak things after "better than one" adn his AMAZINGLY TALENTED octave leap. Mika's falsetto is FANTASTICALLY HIGH!


[2. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)?

-I think that Grace Kelly's chorus (I could be brown, I could be blue)

is very powerful because, as I heard in an interveiw, Mika's point for writing the song was to explain to the records companies which has rejected his unique sound that "I COULD be brown, I COULD be blue"... as in I have the ability, but I refuse to change myself to please you. In his own words "The most stylish thing a person can do is be themselves", and this explaining of his refusal to change himself and his personal image, shows this to a great extent.


3. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

-Besides the EYE POPPING cover, Mika's incorporation of characters into his album adn tracks is very entertaining. Mika also has such a unique sound, and his lesson to BE YOURSELF AND DONT CHANGE is very inspiring to me.

4. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?








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1. What is your favorite song from LICM?

That's like the most difficult question you can ask me :schocked: doubt doubt doubt I think I take Relax, take it easy because when I heard that song I bought LICM :wub2: or maybe stuck in the middle or love today or my interpretation or or NO I can't choose!


3. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

I LOVE it when he sings "It don't make seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeense" in my interpretation. oh these questions are so hard! oh and the "oewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" in the beginning of Relax!


2. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)


the second part of ring ring: you've got a dangerous obsession, now I'm in need of some protection, that was never my intention! I love this part (maybe because it rhymes) and I like the way mika sings it :D



3. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

The whole album is so good, that's really the first time in my life that I like EVERY song of an album! I love the artwork, the characters, the lyrics, ... everything!


4. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?



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Oh, I see you're new! :welcomeani: to MFC!


Have you already introduced yourself?

You can do this in "Introductions and goodbyes" and there you can make a new thread to introduce you!


You can go to "calling all newbies", if you have questions you can ask them to stefaniedy2k1 there!



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1. What is your favorite song from LICM?

I like Over My Shoulder a lot and My Interpretation is great, too. I don't really have a favourite song. I think all songs are very good. :) The only song I don't really like is Big Girl...


3. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?


I like the lines of Over My Shoulder, but I can't chose which of them is my favourite.


2. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)?


Feels like I'm falling


3. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?


The whole album is great. I love his voice and his lyrics. Every song sounds differently and the artwork is beautiful.


4. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?



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1. What is your favorite song from LICM?

either 'grace kelly' or 'happy ending'. GK cause it was the first mika song i heard, and it always makes me happy and hyper. HE cause it's so pretty, and i love the "little bit of love" part!


2. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)

probably "little bit of love" or "erase my love, i bet you can't erase my touch". no one talks about that song.



3. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

in 'ring ring' "WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE, HANG UP THE PHONE, JUST LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". i love it even more live. or the "uh uh uh's" in 'stuck in the middle'. i always do the disco point during that.


3. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

from the art work to the happy music, it just draws me in.


4. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?

even with the songs stripped down their good, but the music makes them work.

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1. What is your favorite song from LICM?

I like Grace Kelly the best. I can never get enough of it.


3. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

I don't know why, but I love in Happy Ending, when he says "I can get to my sleep I can think that we just carried on." :wub2:


2. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)


"Say what you want to satisfy yourself..." I think its just so true, that people in this society go with the flow and don't dare to be different.



3. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

This is the first album that I like every part of (even though at first i didnt like over my shoulder:blink:) I think it's incredibly creative.


4. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?


I think that they are all pretty good, but when combined they are amazing.:wub2:

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1. What is your favorite song from LICM?

Lyrics-wise it would be Any Other World, Happy Ending, Stuck in the Middle, and Grace Kelly.

But sound-wise it would be Love Today, Relax, SITM, and HE. And Erase. And Big Girl. And LOLLIPOP!


I think my over-all favorites are Any Other World and Happy Ending and Lollipop, but that'll probably change within a month. I think he did sooo good with Any Other World. It's simple and can relate to tons of things, but it sounds so amazing and it's an amazing song.. The lyrics are great.


2. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)

"little bit of love", All of Any Other World, and "Say what you want to satisfy yourself, but you only want what everybody else says you should want.. etc." GK lines.


3. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

SITM Oh Oh Ohs, HE Little bit of loves combined with the chorus in the backround makes me get goosebumps, Any Other World when the kids choir sings is amazing, Lollipop with all the kids singing and MIKA just makes me want to go insane and makes me so happy, and Ring Ring is great.


3. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

The art work, the style is nice for the eyes. And just how no song on the album sounds the same as the other. They all have a certain style that's MIKA, but they all are really different. Just everything about it.. it's hard to explain, but I'm sure you understand :flowers2: They're all amazing songs and that's what makes me love it. And because the man who's singing the songs is absolutely amazing and completely talented. The creativeness of it just flows through every line and letter.


4. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?

ALL. The lyrics and the melody and everything. The lyrics have a different feel to them in Acoustic Relax.. how it's like a different song apart from the dance-ey-ness of regular Relax.

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Ok, will do! Thanks for that!



OH and by the way, you signature is AMAZING!

The Beatles+MIKA=What else do you need?


(I really feel like busting into a Beatles moment adn being like "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE"......but I wont)





-sAmMy :D

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Hello Sammy, great to see you managed to workout how to start a thread (hope i ve helped!)


Ok now to the Mika talk....


1. What is your favorite song from LICM?

Ok this is tough, but its has to be Relax, the jointly followed bu My Interpretation and Happy Ending.

(Oh and of course i absoulutly love HMDYLM but thats not on the album.


2. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

I think it has to be the introduction to Relax, that bit gives me goose bumps everytime.


3. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)?

I love this bit too (Grace Kelly's chorus I could be brown, I could be blue) but i think my favourite bit is from My Interpretation (I don't need a reason not to care what you say, or what happened in the end. This is my interpretation, and it don't, don't make sense) but infact the whole song somehow has a special meaning to me anyway.


3. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

I love the colourfulness, i love its difference to anything else i ve ever heard. I dont know the exact reason, but all i know is that from the first day i ever listened to it i have loved it, every song, and have listened to it everyday since!


4. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?

Umm both!



Good questions! Thanks for posting.

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1. What is your favorite song from LICM?

i think it's happy ending,then grace kelly.these two songs are totally different and they stand out among the rest in the album.plus,i think the meanings in the lyrics are very deep,and mika's vocal is simply marvellous! but my most fav would be happy ending.that's the first song i've heard of mika's in jan 08,and i immediately fell in love with him! :mf_lustslow:


3. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

KACHINGAAA! in grace kelly,'i can get to my sleep i can think that we'd just carry on' in happy ending and the 'aaahh' at the end of relax take it easy.it's so high and how amazing it is for him to be able to switch from his chest voice to octave in a sudden?


[2. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)?

it would be from grace kelly "should i bend over,should i look older just to be put on your shelf?".it's really awesome how someone can be so protective to himself and is pretty much reluctant to be someone he's not.


3. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

-i guess the main attraction's the songs,how unique they are.if you come to think of the lyrics,they are unlike any other common songs you've heard on the radio.and the best part is,there's NO LOVE SONGS! lol.and i find the artwork very appealing as well.from what i can conclude,i guess i love every aspect of the album!


4. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?

-BOTH off course! they're amazingly unusual yet fun to listen to! especially lollipop.reminds me of the songs from disney movies where all the cartoon characters start singing and dancing together in a very colourful atmosphere.

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HI and welcome:wink2:


1. What is your favorite song from LICM ?

I don't know because I love all songs. But Grace Kelly is special for me because that's with this song that I decided to buy LICM and now I'm totally addict!!!!!!!

2. What is your favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)?

"We never had time to go to sleep- we'd wake up tangled in the sheets on a bed that we called home".

but actually I have too much beautiful or powerful lyrics in my mind....

3. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

"mmmmmmmmm I've gone identity mad !" :thumb_yello:

4. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

The lyrics, music or voice are very different to that I've ever heard. I love the soundtrack (movies) and in certain aspects LICM make me think to a wonderful soundtrack with a lot of characters (Billy Brown, Big girls,....) :blush-anim-cl:

5. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?

The both

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Ok, will do! Thanks for that!



OH and by the way, you signature is AMAZING!

The Beatles+MIKA=What else do you need?


(I really feel like busting into a Beatles moment adn being like "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE"......but I wont)





-sAmMy :D


Thanks! :)


I'm not into the beatles that much but I like them :thumb_yello: and I love that sentence

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1. What is your favorite song from LICM?

It's really hard to choose just one song as my favourite. I love all the songs on this album. But if i really had to choose i'd say that my favourites at the moment are : Any Other World, Love Today and Over My Shoulder


2. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

the "little bit of love" part from Happy Ending


3. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)?

i really like "why don't you like me without making me try" from Grace Kelly and i especially love the lyrics of Big Girl


4. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

Everything about it is appealing to me: the melodies, the lyrics, the artwork, the characters from the songs, the fact the songs don't sound alike....


5. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?








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1. What is your favorite song from LICM?

That's like the most difficult question you can ask me :schocked: doubt doubt doubt I think I take Relax, take it easy because when I heard that song I bought LICM :wub2: or maybe stuck in the middle or love today or my interpretation or or NO I can't choose!


3. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

I LOVE it when he sings "It don't make seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeense" in my interpretation. oh these questions are so hard! oh and the "oewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" in the beginning of Relax!


2. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)


the second part of ring ring: you've got a dangerous obsession, now I'm in need of some protection, that was never my intention! I love this part (maybe because it rhymes) and I like the way mika sings it :D



3. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

The whole album is so good, that's really the first time in my life that I like EVERY song of an album! I love the artwork, the characters, the lyrics, ... everything!


4. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?




I think exactly the same. But 2 of my other favourite lines vocally are the chorus of Lollipop and Grace kelly.:naughty:

And one of my other favourite lines lyrical is the bridge of Grace Kelly (That piece with Say what you want to satisfy yourself.. is the bridge isn't it?:blink:)

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1. What is your favorite song from LICM? Stuck in the Middle! Yes it's a tough choice and I obviously love the album in its entirety but "Stuck in the Middle" is just something else! I love it. My interpretation is also amazing.


3. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)? Hmmmm that's a tough one. I think it's "So I tried a little Freddie. I've gone identity mad (mad mad mad :P). I don't noe way but it just sounds really cool.


2. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)?

"Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life"

I love this line. Also there's "Your wrinkled eyes betray the joy with which you smile".


3. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

EVERYTHING. The fact that's it's this mix of the happiest most cheerful songs ever with a lot more serious songs. I love the lyrics because they're just so smart and they touch me so much. I love the music because it's just so different and special for every song. I love the fact that sometimes the musi doesn't suit the lyrics. I love the fact that there's art work to go with and explain all this to us.


4. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?




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1. What is your favorite song from LICM?

That's realy tough, it chnges all the time. But I think at the moment it's Relax, or maybe Happy Ending, or maybe My Interpretation... I don't know!

2. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

I love the begining of Relax, but I think the whole album is beautiful.

3. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)?

I like in Any Other World where he goes 'I tried to live alone, but lonely is so lonely alone' cos it doesnt realy make sence:bleh: but i also like in Ring Ring where he goes 'You used to love me now you hate me, say I drove you crazy, if i did you made me, wont somebody save me, from you now!'. Don't know why.

4. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

I love all the art work the cartoon characters.

5. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?

Definately both, and they fit together so well.

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1. What is your favorite song from LICM?

Definetly Happy Ending, but i also love My Interpretation.


2. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

The begining of "Over My Shoulder", i find it very chilling and moving in the same time.


3. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)?

From "My Interpretation":"You talk about life, you talk about death,And everything in between, Like it's nothing, and the words are easy."

3. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

The songs and the depth in them, The colorful artwork and all the different characters.


4. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?

Everything, it is like a big artwork that is very well put together.

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1. What is your favorite song from LICM? (I know its hard to choose)


Just look at mah user name. It shows my eternal dedication to this one song:mf_rosetinted::naughty:


2.What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?


" 'Cause a whole lotta women needs a whole lot more"


3.What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)?


"The first two weeks turn into ten

I hold my breath and wonder when

It'll happen":wub2:


4.What do you personally find so appealing about the album?


The lyric mistakes in the booklet:naughty:


5.What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?



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1. What is your favorite song from LICM?

Love Today,Relax


2. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

And it dont dont make seeeeeennnnsseee!! (my interpretation's last chorus)


3. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)?

"why dont you like me?" :naughty:


4. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

Colors :blink:

even when i didnt know who's Mika i picked up his album and looked at it and put it back, but i somehow wanted to know what was inside. :naughty:


5. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?

Melody more...but it's the same part of the process: lyrics come with the melody.

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1. What is your favorite song from LICM?

Ohhh... I love every song on LICM! But for me it's Relax take it easy :wub2:


2. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)?

"A feeling without a name, with somebody else's face, in your head"


3. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise)?

" Fogout my daylight, torture my night"


4. What do you personally find so appealing about the album?

EVERYTHING! The colorfull artwork, all the songs, the charakters...etc.


5. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both?

In any case both!

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