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Mika in Q Mag June 2008


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It's not a big thing but he wears the chicken suit :naughty:



And Mika is also mentioned in an article called Festival Etiquette, it's about do's and don'ts during festival:

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The problem with festivals is that they will have bands on. Which would be fine if it was your standard "two crap support acts and a decent headliner" job. At festivals, there are way too many bands to see in one weekend and far too many choices. The good ones are always at the same time on different stages, and in any case you'll end up blind drunk watching Mika by mistake anyway. :mf_rosetinted:

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oh cool!:D

Is that the same Q magazine that is over here, Or different?


that pis is funny!:naughty:


It's the same :thumb_yello: It's the June edition with Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters on it.

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The problem with festivals is that they will have bands on. Which would be fine if it was your standard "two crap support acts and a decent headliner" job. At festivals, there are way too many bands to see in one weekend and far too many choices. The good ones are always at the same time on different stages, and in any case you'll end up blind drunk watching Mika by mistake anyway. :mf_rosetinted:




*Does the hand*:mf_rosetinted:



The pic is cute though:naughty:

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Well, I actually laughed when I read the article :blush-anim-cl: I mean, Mika can't all be our cup of tea...


I know, if I was really upset about it I would've said a little more:mf_rosetinted:

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The problem with festivals is that they will have bands on. Which would be fine if it was your standard "two crap support acts and a decent headliner" job. At festivals, there are way too many bands to see in one weekend and far too many choices. The good ones are always at the same time on different stages, and in any case you'll end up blind drunk watching Mika by mistake anyway. :mf_rosetinted:


The story of my life in festivals :lmao:

Last year Mika did me a favour cancelling Summercase. I was able to see Arcade Fire! :punk:

Thanks Mika :mf_rosetinted:

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The story of my life in festivals :lmao:

Last year Mika did me a favour cancelling Summercase. I was able to see Arcade Fire! :punk:

Thanks Mika :mf_rosetinted:

i still remember how desperate you were...you even gave up mfc for some days....:huglove:

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We need your help over on the voting thread as there is a possibilty that GARY BARLOW may out run our boy in the poll for sexiest male in pop!!!!!!!!! :shocked:


His fans are very persistant and everytime we get near to overtaking him.......they have a spurt of voting!! :thumbdown:


You can click on the link above to go to the voting page and after you've voted if you press your backspace you can click on the vote button again.....in fact....again and again and again!!


It's easy to get a 100 votes added in a matter of minutes!!


Please take some time to keep MIKA King of the Poll! :thumb_yello:

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Do...Plan your viewing:

The problem with festivals is that they will have bands on. Which would be fine if it was your standard "two crap support acts and a decent headliner" job. At festivals, there are way too many bands to see in one weekend and far too many choices. The good ones are always at the same time on different stages, and in any case you'll end up blind drunk watching Mika by mistake anyway. :mf_rosetinted:


:lmao: Ooooh, burn!

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