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Mika joins the stadium posse


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And, of course, there are always people who are happy to push and shove and get in this face to get attention. But that is just life...there are hysterical people out there, who will not show any respect for other fans and mika, but what can we do. Just behave properly and hope for the best.

And hope that HE can see the difference.:thumb_yello:


I totally agree - and I am sure he does see the difference.

I was so happy and excited for both you and Rose - and the

way he treated you so nicely just makes me all the more

"loved up"!!! He is such a lovely guy to speak to - and the

fact that he treats his fans so well sets him apart from quite

a few folk!!

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That is the thing, that it was all natural. You could see that it was natural to him, as he was making the first move by touching us, and natural to us as it was just fitting with the situation.

Everything just kind of flowed.





I know that you are happy to read all this, but I really hope that we're not annoying anyone by speaking about it- like Rose mentioned somewhere, we're not saying it to boast or annoy people, just cause it's on out mind as it was such an enjoyable experience.

Your story about the Bday is really sweet:wub2:- it makes the Bday extra special if it could be "carried on" like that!!




That is exactly how I see it. And that was the main reason why Rose and I were so careful that day, and made a big point not to be too in his face, so we didn't bother him and he didn't think of us as stalkerss.

The first thing I said to him I think was that I was not a crazy stalker type but I would like to say hi:roftl:.

Thinking of it now, it sounds really stupid, but it seemed to make sense then.

I think that he realised that we were not that way inclined though.



Oooh Magic Wednesday- sounds so nice!




Yes, exactly. We can't spill it all or we won't have our little special bits:naughty:


Could hardly call me a stalker, after having a camera stuck up my nose for 2 months, ha ha!

I think with that and me following the tour (to be fair, he did encourage me a bit by getting me on the guest list a few times) we are about even,LOL!

To get back on topic, as we seem to be meandering somewhat, heh heh, it should be interesting to see if he comes outside to see everyone after the shows, as the buses will be behind fences around the stadiums so they could just get on and leave. Maybe they may stop if the crowds aren't too big, but it's a long shot.

Not saying he won't make some sort of provision, but it maybe tricky with more people joining here all the time. Guess it's bound to happen sometime though.

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Caz...what can I say...I'm really sorry about that:boxed:.

I've been lucky in certain cirumstances (like this one) but generally speaking, I also always miss chances because I refuse to do those things that you describe.

And, of course, there are always people who are happy to push and shove and get in this face to get attention. But that is just life...there are hysterical people out there, who will not show any respect for other fans and mika, but what can we do. Just behave properly and hope for the best.

And hope that HE can see the difference.:thumb_yello:


I hope he does see the difference, but with all those hysterical fans i can't help but think sometimes he might forget about me. i mean, i'm sure he knows who i am (with the competition and projects and stuff) but that's why i've often repeated on who i am in all the projects im involved in, because i just dont want him to forget. i long to hear him say "i know you - you did the lollipop video!" instead of me going "remember me?" and mika looking like ":blink:" ...i mean, i know mika sees a lot of faces but he does remember quite a few. i've done a good few good things for him (and for the band) and just don't wish to be unnoticed.

i try and remind myself of all the good things that have happened to me since discovering Mika; winning the competition...meeting MFCers...going to two concerts...meeting Luke and Cherisse (and seeing Martin and Saranayde), hearing Mika apologise over the phone...these are all amazing things, and i AM grateful for them.....but there's just that big gaping hole I am so longing to fill.

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You know... when I finally do read your detailed report on how you met Mika (and believe me I do know you will) I will be insanely happy for you. I don't think I'd ever get the green eyed jealousy monster reading any of those kind of reports... just happy feelings - and a sense of pride that I'm a member here and that I discovered this amazing talent called Mika, who appears to be such a nice guy as well (they don't normally go hand in hand). I think you were just incredibly unlucky at Hammersmith :thumbdown:

Just keep your chin up... you will meet him.. :thumb_yello:


Oh hun, it wasn't just Hammersmith.

When I won the competition last year I won 2 free tickets to see Mika at Shepherds Bush. Which yes, was very lucky and am eternally grateful for. So I went to the concert, got stuck behind some six foot man and hardly saw Mika at all apart from his curly head bouncing up and down LOL (but the atmosphere was IMMENSE!) and the concert ended. Starsie, his representative at the time, texted me saying there was no meet and greet. He wasn't well the night before and he was exhausted which was perfectly understandable.

Charlie and I decided to go to stage door anyway just in case, and there was only about another 8 people there, including Babspanky, Kata, Yoppappop and Sara, whom I don't believe you've met on the MFC yet (Sara, that is). Starsie came out and i was like EEP. But I spoke to her and explained to me that Mika was worn out and I said I completely understood, cos I did. I've been dancing since I was four and have done various shows, I know what it's like after each show. Still we stayed, and Starsie said that my friend and I were more than welcome to go to ...


drum roll...







Could I go? NO. By that time my dad had already arrived to pick us up and take us home, so I completely missed out on it. Starsie then said that if I e-mail her my home address she'll send me a signed copy of Mika's album. I was like WOO, so i went home, sent her an e-mail and got no reply. A couple of weeks later I created a bulletin on MySpace asking other winners if they got their signed CD yet - which they hadn't - and Starsie saw it and said "i never promised you it" which was bull. So that's two things I missed out on.

Then of course there was Hammersmith. And then Sariflor invited me to Yelle's gig and I couldn't. Sigh.


I feel I complain and whinge an awful lot. I don't mean to. In fact, more often than not I'm a very optimistic person, but I can't help but wonder why unlucky things happen to good people, not just in this aspect but in most aspects of everyday life.

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LOL, oh Wendi you're far too adorable :roftl::wub2::huglove:


Caz, been reading your last few posts, and can't believe how unlucky you've been!

Normally, that's the kind of luck I have, never getting near the person, watching as everyone else pushes in and going home empty handed.

I really can't believe how lucky I've been over the last year, it sometimes feels like it's not really happening, except there are people like Sara and Bexxy there to prove to me that it is.

I promise that if we ever have some sort of fan club meet up, that I'll make sure I get you an introduction with him. You sure as heck deserve it.

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Caz, been reading your last few posts, and can't believe how unlucky you've been!

Normally, that's the kind of luck I have, never getting near the person, watching as everyone else pushes in and going home empty handed.

I really can't believe how lucky I've been over the last year, it sometimes feels like it's not really happening, except there are people like Sara and Bexxy there to prove to me that it is.

I promise that if we ever have some sort of fan club meet up, that I'll make sure I get you an introduction with him. You sure as heck deserve it.


Thank you Rose. Oh, I remembered another thing: remember Big Girl video? I sent an e-mail, got an e-mail back, but couldn't go cos the date was so close and couldnt get the time off work XD


so yeah. I will never give up!


what's that football song?


I get knocked down, but i get up again, you aint never gonna get me down XD

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Thank you Rose. Oh, I remembered another thing: remember Big Girl video? I sent an e-mail, got an e-mail back, but couldn't go cos the date was so close and couldnt get the time off work XD


so yeah. I will never give up!


what's that football song?


I get knocked down, but i get up again, you aint never gonna get me down XD



That's the spirit!!

Caz, I really don't know what to say, it's just so crappy that you've been so unlucky when it came to meet him, but I am sure that he knows who you are, and that you will get your "moment".

And you should definitely give him the scripts as a present!! He'll love that.


And just keep being lovely and upbeat, it WILL all work out.:wub2:

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That's the spirit!!

Caz, I really don't know what to say, it's just so crappy that you've been so unlucky when it came to meet him, but I am sure that he knows who you are, and that you will get your "moment".

And you should definitely give him the scripts as a present!! He'll love that.


And just keep being lovely and upbeat, it WILL all work out.:wub2:


and if it doesn't, I'll blame it on you :sneaky2: haha kidding :naughty:

well i hope he DOES like the scripts lmao! if he gives me a black eye i'm blaming that on you, too :roftl:

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and if it doesn't, I'll blame it on you :sneaky2: haha kidding :naughty:

well i hope he DOES like the scripts lmao! if he gives me a black eye i'm blaming that on you, too :roftl:


So you just want to blame me for everything....ok, why not blame global warming on me as well? They seem to blame THAT on the most extreme and strange and implausible things anyway, so adding me to the causes wouldn't hurt :mf_lustslow:.


Seriously, he WILL like them. They are too funny for him not to.

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So you just want to blame me for everything....ok, why not blame global warming on me as well? They seem to blame THAT on the most extreme and strange and implausible things anyway, so adding me to the causes wouldn't hurt :mf_lustslow:.


Seriously, he WILL like them. They are too funny for him not to.


global warming....is that the reason why the sky in your avatar is purple? :roftl: KIDDING!!!!!


i just hope he doesn't think im taking the mick....i mean, I know I kinda am, but in a funny way, not a malicious way. I just hope he sees that...

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I know that you are happy to read all this, but I really hope that we're not annoying anyone by speaking about it- like Rose mentioned somewhere, we're not saying it to boast or annoy people, just cause it's on out mind as it was such an enjoyable experience.


I've been reading bits and pieces about Magic Wednesday on several threads, and you certainly don't annoy me. You're not boasting IMO, on the contrary, reading those bits and pieces gave me a happy feeling. Enjoy it, you two have had a great experience. :thumb_yello:

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LOL, I too feel a twinge of jealousy when other people get the chance I so long for, especially since I've waited to meet him for way over a year now. Every time that chance appears it seems to slip out of my fingers and it really angers me. It's like fate doesn't want it to happen and I'm fighting a losing battle against this force I can't see. It's maddening. I'm not a hysterical fan, I wouldn't run up to him, scream his name until I was hoarse, cry my eyes out and tell him how much i love him and how i want to marry him and have his babies and propose to him on the spot, grope him in unforgivable places (like his hair haha), follow his car...


I'm just not like that. I wait patiently. I understand. I try and be happy for everyone else. I'm not disrespectful. Yet...I seem to be one of so many people who lose out.



Oh CazGirl, this is sad, you have done so many things not only for Mika but for us as a fan club, and helping us keep the spirit up with your funny stories is one example.:wink2:

When I saw the picture of the squirrels on the error page it really made me smile because things like that is what is keeping us together as a community.

It’s important.:wub2:

I’m sure Mika know how you are by now, anything else is impossible.

Maybe you should talk to Greta,:naughty: she went to several shows, didn’t get the chance to meet him for various reasons, it took her until the after party to finally meet him and talk to him and have her picture taken together with him, a very beautiful picture btw.

Your day will come! Have faith!:thumb_yello:

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Yep some of us like watching from a distance :meow:

..you're full of wishful thinking, just act a bit more! Next gig?.. :D

Living in LDN is a great opportunity btw:bleh:


Well don't tell me you didn't say a word to him?:shocked:


Or him to you?


Oh, Greta!:roftl:

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Oh CazGirl, this is sad, you have done so many things not only for Mika but for us as a fan club, and helping us keep the spirit up with your funny stories is one example.:wink2:

When I saw the picture of the squirrels on the error page it really made me smile because things like that is what is keeping us together as a community.

It’s important.:wub2:

I’m sure Mika know how you are by now, anything else is impossible.

Maybe you should talk to Greta,:naughty: she went to several shows, didn’t get the chance to meet him for various reasons, it took her until the after party to finally meet him and talk to him and have her picture taken together with him, a very beautiful picture btw.

Your day will come! Have faith!


It made me smile that the squirrel was on the error page, too. It's like the squirrel is a big as chicken, but less people know about it :roftl: or is that not true? how many people know about the squirrel i wonder? :blink:

well i hope the big day comes soon :wub2: if it ever comes at all...:sneaky2:

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global warming....is that the reason why the sky in your avatar is purple? :roftl: KIDDING!!!!!


i just hope he doesn't think im taking the mick....i mean, I know I kinda am, but in a funny way, not a malicious way. I just hope he sees that...


Whereas we are just malicious. Pure and simple. :ap_rosetinted:

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and if it doesn't, I'll blame it on you :sneaky2: haha kidding :naughty:

well i hope he DOES like the scripts lmao! if he gives me a black eye i'm blaming that on you, too :roftl:


just hand it to him.... and run caz run!!!

(you've seen the movie forest gump?)

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global warming....is that the reason why the sky in your avatar is purple? :roftl: KIDDING!!!!!


i just hope he doesn't think im taking the mick....i mean, I know I kinda am, but in a funny way, not a malicious way. I just hope he sees that...



a- Note it's PINK, not PURPLE :thumbdown:


b- I'm sure that he would know that it's not done in a malicious way...I mean, the guy does have a sense of humour, no??


I've been reading bits and pieces about Magic Wednesday on several threads, and you certainly don't annoy me. You're not boasting IMO, on the contrary, reading those bits and pieces gave me a happy feeling. Enjoy it, you two have had a great experience. :thumb_yello:


Thanks so much Kaatje! Are you going to the Amsterdam gig?




Yep some of us like watching from a distance

..you're full of wishful thinking, just act a bit more! Next gig?..

Living in LDN is a great opportunity btw


Watching from the distance?:bleh: From the close distance maybe:naughty:


And Living here alone is not the only thing, you also need to go to the right places...at the right times....


It made me smile that the squirrel was on the error page, too. It's like the squirrel is a big as chicken, but less people know about it or is that not true? how many people know about the squirrel i wonder?

well i hope the big day comes soon if it ever comes at all...


The squirrel is a legend!


Just popping in to ask (because I was thinking about this last night), do you think he will be singing mostly songs from LICM for this extravaganza?


I would imagine that he will......But I am also guessing that he'll possibly use these gigs for new songs.

No idea though, this is all speculation:naughty:.


Whereas we are just malicious. Pure and simple. :ap_rosetinted:


What's all this "we" busines? I am not malicious.

I am sweet as pie.

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a- Note it's PINK, not PURPLE :thumbdown:


b- I'm sure that he would know that it's not done in a malicious way...I mean, the guy does have a sense of humour, no??


Thanks so much Kaatje! Are you going to the Amsterdam gig?


Watching from the distance?:bleh: From the close distance maybe:naughty:


And Living here alone is not the only thing, you also need to go to the right places...at the right times....


The squirrel is a legend!


I would imagine that he will......But I am also guessing that he'll possibly use these gigs for new songs.

No idea though, this is all speculation:naughty:.


What's all this "we" busines? I am not malicious.

I am sweet as pie.



Unfortunately I can't go to Amsterdam. I'm stuck on a campsite in France at that time with the hubby, can't leave him alone for two days since he's in a wheelchair and needs my help. Wish I could be there though, never thought I wouldn't like going on holidays. To finally see Mika live, and meet all of you. Would have been lovely. :wub2:

But I'm trying to convince my sister-in-law to go to a Mika-gig in London together. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. :bleh:


I'm proud to be part of the squirrel-fanclub. :wink2:

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Unfortunately I can't go to Amsterdam. I'm stuck on a campsite in France at that time with the hubby, can't leave him alone for two days since he's in a wheelchair and needs my help. Wish I could be there though, never thought I wouldn't like going on holidays. To finally see Mika live, and meet all of you. Would have been lovely. :wub2:

But I'm trying to convince my sister-in-law to go to a Mika-gig in London together. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. :bleh:


I'm proud to be part of the squirrel-fanclub. :wink2:


Oh, shame!:thumbdown:.

But I'm sure that we'll have a good opportunity!

Dutch people love their camping he? :bleh:

I lived in Holland for a few years and since then, when my dutch friends came to Spain in the summer for holidays, I would spend a few days with them at their camping in Lloret de Mar...you may recognise the name:naughty:.

I had tons of fun!

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a- Note it's PINK, not PURPLE :thumbdown:


b- I'm sure that he would know that it's not done in a malicious way...I mean, the guy does have a sense of humour, no??



The squirrel is a legend!


a) whatever! :bleh:

b) i damn well hope so! i just dont want him to take it seriously. "this girl is jabbing so much at MFC's officialness...she's clearly not a real fan..." *sits in the "not a real fan" corner with Babs*

c) :blush-anim-cl:

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