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can mika drive? darling you are so confusing!


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alright folks, so i watched these two interviews and became curious...can mika drive?


the first one is pretty self-explanitory:


the second one, the question comes up at about :58 seconds:



so...our confusing darling continues to be a mystery. does anyone know if mika can drive or not??

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alright folks, so i watched these two interviews and became curious...can mika drive?


the first one is pretty self-explanitory:


the second one, the question comes up at about :58 seconds:



so...our confusing darling continues to be a mystery. does anyone know if mika can drive or not??


no he cant *sigh* i want him to drive here, but he cant

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maybe he meant he likes someone to drive in the car I cant drive but my older brother Barry 34 always take me for drives for few hous it calm me down when anixious and stressed I got dispraxia and not good at directions and distance of cars even when crossing road so I cant drive but would love to be able to

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He says in the Wetten Dass interview when asked about his wishes for 2008 "Well I'd really like to learn to drive and maybe get a car, but I should be asking for world peace" or something very similar. So as of December, he still couldn't drive. Don't know about now of course.

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Mika, dude.. If you want to drive a car, call some place that teaches a person how to drive a car and take some lessons.


I'd love to ask for world peace but it just don't work.


There was more to it than that. I went looking for a link to the interview, but can't find it. The girl asked him about wishes for 2008 and he said he doesn't like that kind of a question cos whatever he says makes him look ugly. Then he joked "Well, I'd really like to learn to drive and maybe get a car, but I should be asking for world peace."

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There was more to it than that. I went looking for a link to the interview, but can't find it. The girl asked him about wishes for 2008 and he said he doesn't like that kind of a question cos whatever he says makes him look ugly. Then he joked "Well, I'd really like to learn to drive and maybe get a car, but I should be asking for world peace."


ohhhhhh yeah.. that's the same interview where he talks about renee zelweger and how he is going to sell her leftover sandwich on the internet


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ohhhhhh yeah.. that's the same interview where he talks about renee zelweger and how he is going to sell her leftover sandwich on the internet



Yep! I have that interview on my iriver, love it!


Well, if he wants a nurse he's going to need the extra money :-)


I'm not sure what a nurse has to do with it....


but if he wants a nurse, I'm an ex-nurse, mamacatt is currently a nurse and senyorita is studying to be a nurse. I'm pretty sure most of us would nurse him for free! LOL!

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You know, when he asks the interviewer if they saw Renee in Nurse Betty. I just assumed he wanted one. Sorry, bad joke!


But if he does...good luck!


Of course! I forgot! :doh: Oh and the really freaky thing?? My RL name is Renae. So on the previous page I saw Mika, nurse, Renee, all within a couple of posts and it kind of screwed with my mind.

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Of course! I forgot! :doh: Oh and the really freaky thing?? My RL name is Renae. So on the previous page I saw Mika, nurse, Renee, all within a couple of posts and it kind of screwed with my mind.


Yeah, that sort of thing easily happens on the internet doesn't it?? I'm easily confused myself.

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I don't drive either and I do very well I am 36 and compose music too!

maybe its something to do with the brain!


well fwi..gas in Canada went up past $6.00 us per gallon!!!


(2 dollars more than USA)




and I don't feel guilty nor unpriveleged!


I am happy how I am! and MIKA is MIKA! if he doesn't drive? So what !

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Mika, if you're looking for someone who gives you driving lessons, I'm a candidate :D

Bit of a queue there.

Weeaxl (Professional driving instructor) and myself (Courier) have already offered our services, but I'm guessing he'll go with someone who isn't a fan,LOL!

And the dyslexia shouldn't be a problem, one of my friends has it and she's been driving for years.

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yeah, that confused me too!:naughty:

because he likes to drive around...but can't drive:blink:

I'm sure you don't really need to know how to drive if you live in a city anyway.


I love to drive around for no reason too:wub2: though I can't drive either:naughty:

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Bit of a queue there.

Weeaxl (Professional driving instructor) and myself (Courier) have already offered our services, but I'm guessing he'll go with someone who isn't a fan,LOL!

And the dyslexia shouldn't be a problem, one of my friends has it and she's been driving for years.


I not so sure anyone got my joke about Mika and his driving lessons in England with his dyslexia and then ... Oh nevermind. I need to quit making funny.

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