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The Luke Juby (the sober Gray Skelly) Thread Part 4


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I remembered there was a plan for this thread to reach a part 12,wasn't there? :glasses2:


One post closer anyway...we're getting there


I also ended up in one of the gig report threads from germany ,can't believe it was more than a year ago.


And how much difference a year makes...I'm ashamed of so many idiotic posts of mine from back then :lmao:


We live,learn and lose the fangurl status.

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Where is Bree so we can reach a 12 part ?:roftl:


I can't believe the London gigs where last year either it seems like they were yesterday


Which idiotic posts ?The ones from the knitting thread ?:naughty:

I regret posting so much :boxed:


I'm in that kind of status too

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She's somewhere around,her antenas will light up don't worry. We said 'Luke' ,that's enough to get her attention :P


It does...if you look back it's always like that.It was great tho,first Mika gig... I can remember myself being a complete idiot :lmao: But I enjoyed it , it's great to have such an energy boost because of music


Idiotic posts...well meh...knitting thread,that doesn't count. its description was to be idiotic,so of course,us nice people just played by the rules :glasses2:


I was reading my reports tho,those were the idiotic posts :lol3:


I started regretting my posts at 10.000...the number still creeps me out,but I remind myself the chat thread was indeed...chat...almost IM,so that took up most of my posts to begin with

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I don't regret anything I have posted - I can't usually

remember what I have said!!! :old::roftl:


I don't regret it,I'm just fascinated of what came out of my fingers,in the "how could I!!!" way :roftl:


And that only happens when I end up in a thread with old posts of mine,I don't usually remember either :lol3:

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I don't regret it,I'm just fascinated of what came out of my fingers,in the "how could I!!!" way :roftl:


And that only happens when I end up in a thread with old posts of mine,I don't usually remember either :lol3:


My answer is not to go to any old threads!! That way I can believe

I am a sensible, mature adult!!! :mf_rosetinted::roftl::roftl:

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My answer is not to go to any old threads!! That way I can believe

I am a sensible, mature adult!!! :mf_rosetinted::roftl::roftl:


Yes,one realizes that in hindsight :lol3:


Tho I have to say,it's nice to have smth like this forum,you can check your brain levels back then and see if anything changed :naughty:



You are a sensible,mature adult :mf_rosetinted: Repeat that in the mirror in the morning and you're set

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great visual that first one


we all realize we need gloves only when the hands get red

I never wear them,but for some reason,after getting real cold,they go warm,so I'm good


:roftl: Would that be when they start burning? I hate that feeling




Now, quoting:



I also ended up in one of the gig report threads from germany ,can't believe it was more than a year ago.


And how much difference a year makes...I'm ashamed of so many idiotic posts of mine from back then


We live,learn and lose the fangurl status.


It does...if you look back it's always like that.It was great tho,first Mika gig... I can remember myself being a complete idiot

But I enjoyed it , it's great to have such an energy boost because of music


I don't regret it,I'm just fascinated of what came out of my fingers,in the "how could I!!!" way

And that only happens when I end up in a thread with old posts of mine,I don't usually remember either



I have the same feeling about some of my 'early' ones :naughty:. I kinda cringe when I re-read them, just because I sound so 'infatuated' in a way...or maybe not exactly infatuated, as I didn't really see him as a god or anything of the sorts, but certainly in a far more 'omg he's so amaaazing' sort of way.


Mind you, not that I don't think he's brilliant anymore, but it's a bit like when you start going out with someone: At first everything is rosy, you can't see their defects and they are just totally amazing (in your eyes), but later on when the relationship settles (if it doesn't just fizzle out, that is) you start seeing the 'warts and all' picture.


I guess that, what I'm trying to say, is that I'm past the 'honeymoon stage' when it comes to my relationship with Mika :roftl:.

It's a better place to be though, IMO, because it lets you see the 'reality' of it all a bit more.


Maybe that is why a good number of 'older' fans are more critical with Mika than newer ones? I guess that it's because they've gotten past that initial 'OMG he's sooooo amaaazing' thing and have slightly more realistic views and feedback about his actions...


I still remember the first time that I met Mika, after the iTunes Festival at the ICA (010707), and I CRINGE!!! I just smiled at him and told him how amazing he was. How pathetic is that!!!


My hubby (then boyfriend) was shocked to see me like that, because I can safely say that before Mika I'd never been in 'fangurl' mode (well, since I was a teenager anyway, which I guess doesn't count) so he was astonished to see the :mf_lustslow: and 'amazed' little me showing up.


Anyway, this is a longwinded way of saying that I totally understand what you mean. When I read posts that I made at that time, I find that I was a lot more 'fan-ish' and less critical and realistic than I am now, and to be frank, I think that it's a far better position to be realistic.


At the end of the day, these people are just normal, like all of us, and elevating them to the status of 'gods' or 'perfect' won't do any of the sides any favours :original:


For the record as well, and touching on what Ioana said about not remembering old posts, that has also happened to me.


Once, I was really proud when I posted in an old thread (that I didn't remember posting in), and then when I trawled back through the old thread posts I found my previous post, which was identical to my new one, so I was glad to see that my principles still stood :naughty:.



Anyway, this is now such a looong post that I don't even know if anyone will read, so I'll stop the rambling .

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I read it! With pleasure, as always!:wink2:


And I can't but agree about the old posts comment...


Sometimes I even reach for the delete button, but then I use to think... ah what the **** it is what it is...then was then and now is now and we all go through different phases…:biggrin2:

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I read it! With pleasure, as always!:wink2:


And I can't but agree about the old posts comment...


Sometimes I even reach for the delete button, but then I use to think... ah what the **** it is what it is...then was then and now is now and we all go through different phases…:biggrin2:



:wub2: Ah Sienna, thank you for reading :blush-anim-cl:.

And yes, I totally agree about the phases. It's also funny to read old things now....in fact, I may go and quote people's (embarrassing) old posts just for the fun of it, hahaha!! :roftl:

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:wub2: Ah Sienna, thank you for reading :blush-anim-cl:.

And yes, I totally agree about the phases. It's also funny to read old things now....in fact, I may go and quote people's (embarrassing) old posts just for the fun of it, hahaha!! :roftl:





*fearfully awaiting on what you can dig up*:blush-anim-cl:

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Thanks for that,it's good to know others have the same reaction.


Thinking back,I too amaze myself how I was all loveydovey about Mika :lol3: It just hapened because I read some of my gig reports and my choice of words...oh dear Lord :lmao:



I still apreciate his music as I always did,I'm never gona argue with that.He does his job great,but really,my reactions back then were so fangurl ish


Btw Sara,going through those review threads and you saing you'd wanna quote people for the sake of it,I had quite the nice grin qhen I read one of your posts going


"He's so adorable! :wub2: This made my heart all mush"




I think I never made a fool of myself,as I never told Mika he's amazing,nor had anything to sign the first time I met him. But still,I had that fangirly excitement I'm laughing about now.


It was a good lesson to learn.I mean now,even when I meet someone who'se music I love and who I appreciate a lot ,I don't go fangirl anymore.

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Btw Sara,going through those review threads and you saing you'd wanna quote people for the sake of it,I had quite the nice grin qhen I read one of your posts going


"He's so adorable! :wub2: This made my heart all mush"

:crybaby:I can't believe I wrote that, I sound so retarded :lmao:




I think I never made a fool of myself,as I never told Mika he's amazing,nor had anything to sign the first time I met him. But still,I had that fangirly excitement I'm laughing about now.


It was a good lesson to learn.I mean now,even when I meet someone who'se music I love and who I appreciate a lot ,I don't go fangirl anymore.


:sneaky2: Excuse me: are you saying that I made a fool of myself, missy? At least I didn't ask him on a date, or tell him that I wanted his babies, or ask for his hand in marriage....You know, that sort of thing. I only told him a little compliment to massage his ego :blush-anim-cl::naughty:


Edited by sariflor
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:crybaby: I can't believe I wrote that, I sound so retarded :lmao:



Welcome to my happy quote world :roftl:



:sneaky2: Excuse me: are you saying that I made a fool of myself, missy? At least I didn't ask him on a date, or tell him that I wanted his babies, or ask for his hand in marriage....You know, that sort of thing. I only told him a little thing :blush-anim-cl::naughty:


I would never :mf_rosetinted: The furthest I went with my appreciation showing was to thank him for what he does

I never even commented on his myspace,or blog,or whatever. I hate being labeled or thrown in some category with the "i wanna ur babeh!I love youuu! I wanna touch your curls! " lot

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I hate being labeled or thrown in some category with the "i wanna ur babeh!I love youuu! I wanna touch your curls! " lot


hey, it's not just black and white - i wanna touch his curls but don't want his baby! :bleh: but then, i don't wanna touch his curls cause he's mika but because i'm a wuschel fanatic. :naughty:

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hey, it's not just black and white - i wanna touch his curls but don't want his baby! :bleh: but then, i don't wanna touch his curls cause he's mika but because i'm a wuschel fanatic. :naughty:


Of course not,I was giving those examples to point out the obsessive side of things. Those statements aren't the rule :thumb_yello:


Maybe someone just wants his left sock :mf_rosetinted:


curlz rulz :kaf:




what? I'm bumpin da thread :meow:


u haz curlz,of courz they rulz :naughty:

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I guess that, what I'm trying to say, is that I'm past the 'honeymoon stage' when it comes to my relationship with Mika :roftl:.


That's kind of where I am too. I'm not crazy obsessed like I was back in the day. But you know what? While the obsession has calmed down, it's always there under the surface.


That pic two or three pages ago? It made me feel all fangurly all over again. And getting the PDP DVD in December made me a fangul all over again, too - the bouncing up and down, the squeaking, the swooning. :wub2:


And you know what? I'm cool with being a fangurl. Life is short. Life can be stressful. There are few things in life as pointlessly delicious as that mental rush when Mika comes on stage. I'ma bask in that as long as I can. :biggrin2:

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When it comes to music,I'm probably a fangurl too (even if I still don't have the PDP DVD,and got the first one a year after :lol3: ) ,just not for the person. I mean,you won't catch me in mikagasmic threads or things of the sort.

You will find me jumping and singing like mad at a gig tho (Sariflor can testify to that,she prolly hates me a little for it :lmao: But I feel the music man! :glasses2: )

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For some reason the name 'Butch White' was remembered today,and for some creepy reason,in the attempt to remeber what Butch's origins were,we found out that Butch was first mentioned exactly a year ago,almost to the hour...


What's the connection with this thread? Look : http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9938&highlight=butch+white&page=143

Starts at the 4th post and goes on to the other page( that's where it gets great :lmao: )

Gotta say tho,High 5 matey,we are good at this :lol3:

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