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Twiglets and English Food

Big Girlie

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Now I'm eating Twiglets...the first time! A friend of mine who was in England, baught them for me, because, I wanted to know how they taste xD I have to admit: It's undescribeable xD but Mika said something about that, too in everyday objects! :dance_man:

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Scones with cream and jam ... got to be one of the best english foods:wink2:






I love British candy:mf_lustslow:

I don't remember the name of it, but they were small balls that tasted like apple and sugar.....does that ring a bell? :naughty:

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Yeh! I know exactly what you mean ... sour apples I do believe :wink2:


Yup, those are them! :punk:



And then there were these other ones....it was half yellow and half red. Yummy, though I have no idea what it actually was :lol3:

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I know them tooo .. damn cant think of the name of those :blink:


You can get scones over there? reallyyy????


Oh, well at least you know what I mean :naughty:




Yes, but they're "Americanized". They're not even circular! They're triangles :lol3:


I like them though and I wish they served them with jam and cream.:thumbdown:

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Make sure you share :naughty:


I might if you're nice :fisch:


haha this smiley :poke: reminds me of my twiglets xD I like the scene in wich Mr Bean prepares twiglets for his Sylvester party :roftl:


I love that one...:naughty:


Phew!! thanks .. saved me going insane


Did it?? 'Cause I thought you were beyond the point of no return as far as sanity is concerned...

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