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MIKA @ Latitude Festival


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Has this been posted already? If so, I'll delete this post:




Arriving on stage at 4.20pm today (Saturday July 18) in the UNCUT Arena, wearing a bright orange jacket, Mika delivered a 40- minute greatest hits set that delighted the packed tent.


With the audience consisting largely of families, Mika’s set could perhaps be best described as being closer to pantomime, or a kids’ play workshop, than a gig.


Paper planes with “Throw these when you hear the words ‘Scooby Doo’” written on them were handed to throw in the air at the appropriate moment.


Mika also presented many opportunities for crowd participation, which clearly delighted many of the children in the audience.


Mock-complaining about the bass emanating from a nearby tent, Mika said to the crowd: “We will challenge them by being the quietest tent.” Cue much shushing from the children. Later, ahead of “Big Girl”, thunder sound effects resounded round the UNCUT Arena prior to a massive explosion of confetti into the air. As one parent observed, “All you need now is Widow T****ey to turn up, and it’s a full house.”


Although billed as an acoustic gig, Mika was joined on stage by a full band. In keeping with the colourful nature of the set, the backing singers wore tall headpieces covered in silver and glitter.


This was Mika’s first UK festival in almost two years. Clearly thrilled with the audience response, he climbed on to a monitor with a dustbin-like drum and began beating it at the start of “Lollipop”, before telling the crowd to jump up and down.


Balloons were also released.



Thanks Suzy! lovely review! :wub2:



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I don't know if this is the right place to post this, or if it's already common knowledge, but I saw an advert for Dermot O'Leary's BBC Radio 2 show later today and it said the show would feature artists from the Latitude festival, including an acoustic set from Mika. Probably not his whole set of course, but maybe playing a song or two from it?


That's BBC Radio 2, from 3pm.


Sorry if this has already been posted...I can't see any obvious mention but haven't had time to search properly.


Excuse my ignorance (I just woke up), but did anyone record this?

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Just listened to the recording. As soon as he sang the first few notes of Toy Boy I was well impressed. He sounded so amazing :wub2:


Agreed. I love it so much better live. Well at least the live version he did in LA (i.e. just the piano). It shows off his lovely voice :fangurl:

And I love the part about Martin having an affair with Lily Allen :roftl:

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Report back from Latitude

Ok, so - got there easily enough but then spent about 2 hours queuing to get into the park, they kept changing the gates we were supposed to go in by so literally drove twice round the area which was enormous. Got in and parked and walked long way to the arenas through the forest - must be a lovely park to just ramble in. Everything very smooth getting in there, and it was a good atmosphere with all ages, and SUNSHINE! Thank God he wasn't on yesterday! No mud, hmmm, almost disappointed (festival virgin you see!).

Went to the Uncut Arena about 3pm and as it was filling up decided to stay there and see the act before. It was Paloma Faith, who I'd never heard of and she was brilliant, and so appropriate to have before Mika. The perfect warm up act for him actually although of course she wasn't there for that. Balloons, glitter, confetti, a good voice and presence, yup, she was like Mika-fun on a smaller scale.

After she went everyone moved forward and got crushed up a bit. Lots of people around age 15, 16. In came the piano, John, Cherisse wheeled in already in place at her drums (they were moving the gear in in a way that looked like it was gliding on an escalator, dunno how) and looking anxious about said drums. She fixed something and left. Then the orchestra came in with tall silver pointed glittery hats on (spec there's pictures here anyway so won't say much about the look of things). Couldn't see all the instruments they had but there were quite a few. Then all the others came in together including Mika in electric orange jacket.

After a quiet Hello Latitude, he started straight in on GK, then Blue Eyes. Then he went to the what's it called, (small instrument, is it a celeste???) and said would sing Toy Boy and that he'd just sung it on the radio and really confused Dermot O'Leary as it was about a 'homosexual toy' (His words). Of course it was great and went down well where I was I think. (I was about 10 rows back).

Small moment of much amusement afterwards for me I have to confess, as, when it finished a girl in front turned round to her friend behind and said in utter incredulity 'Is Mika gay??' Probably the last person in England not to have heard the speculation!!

Then he went back to the piano and sang Billy Brown, so that was quite an interesting pairing of songs. He said something about the big tent being noisy and couldn't they turn it down and that we would challenge them by being the quietest. You could hear the bass coming from there but it wasn't loud enough to interfere and spoil anything (for me anyway).

Next was 'Over My Shoulder'. (I really hope I'm getting this in the right order and not leaving anything out - v sorry if so). That was the highlight for me, it sounded absolutely heavenly and it hit me again what an amazingly beautiful voice he has and what a skilled singer he is! I didn't actually like that track on the single it was on, but live both here and Amsterdam it was incredible. And I really didn't expect it to be spectacular in this environment as you haven't got the perfect acoustics of the Concertgebouw. I've just got to say it again, he is a seriously, seriously talented artist, in a different league to most. But y'all know that...!

Mmmmm...where was I? OK in terms of the crowd, and despite the beauty of the song and his voice, I'd say that - and I can only speak for the section I was in -he lost them a bit with Over My Shoulder. Some started checking texts or talking a bit and one started looking at the programme. It wasn't a lot, and there was plenty of applause at the end, but I could sense a change in the vibe.

And brilliantly, he then grabbed their attention right back with a snowstorm of white confetti and 'Big Girl'. It was all pretty lively and upbeat then with the LICM hits and Blame it on the Girls. Can't remember the order I'm afraid but we had a great SITM, LT and Lollipop (at the end I think). He danced quite a bit and ended on the piano like in Amsterdam. I dunno if anyone else would agree but I think there was a bit of a deliberately sexier edge to the dancing than before - maybe that's part of the move- from-childhood-to-adolescence theme?? Or maybe it's my imagination, but I don't recall it so much from Hammersmith or Brixton in 08... He'd never struck me as a particularly effective dancer before, but I thought he was good today.

Ended with telling us the first new single was out on Monday.


Other observations - he didn't seem as excited and happy at first as he was in Amsterdam (but then that was really special). To me I thought he looked a bit preoccupied at first. Then he got into it more. Either way he gave 100% and had the usual skill and charisma and professionalism we expect.

I did enjoy it a lot, but it would have been nice to have had more of the new songs or 'Songs for Sorrow'. I assume he focussed on the upbeat items because of it being a festival environment which was really sensible actually.

Oh yeah - and can anyone tell me - is there an age limit on appreciating good music? Or attending a festival?? I'd just like to say a personal f**k you to the drunk, red-faced idiot behind me who said 'you're even older than I am, what are you doing here?' I think its safe to say not a member of this club...

Not going to end on that note though, I had a great time, loved the festival environment, the food, the sunshine, Paloma Faith - and most of all, our man who definitely made it worth going.

Off to wash the festival dust off now....bye for now xx

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Thanks for the report Ellie.


I always find Mika to take awhile to warm up in these situations. Guess because he hasn't done a festival in a long time. Sounds like a good show though.


Are you staying near the park?

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He forgot to wear his socks... was he in a hurry? :rolls_eyes:


If he had to rush there wearing the "jeans he fell asleep in last night" then I doubt he remembered to pack socks!!! :roftl::roftl::roftl:

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