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Mika: J'habite seul avec mon piano (Jan 21 2010)


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Are you two being serious or are you yanking our chain or are you just a "tad" over protective????:shocked::shocked::roftl::roftl:


I have to agree with you, Kodes. I can't see anything wrong in how he looks.


I'm not being over protective when I say he DID look seriously TOO thin in that video!

Yes he had some nicely defined tone there, but in a couple of shots you could see his ribs, for heavens sake! And his obsession with how he looks is really starting to wind me up!


:blink: Which video? WAG? We must be totally out of synch because I find that he looked absolutely fine in it :roftl:

If even, he had nice muscles, and looked fit and toned.

Anyway, now this is my general comment (so not directed at you anymore, Rose, after my quote of your post)- I really think that this whole "he's too skinny" business is starting to get out of hand.

All my life I had people tell me that I was too skinny (this was before I gained around 20kg due to some medication a few years ago;Yeah, I don't hear that anymore :lmfao: ), but that was with me eating A LOT and not doing any real exercise- It was just the way I was naturally.

And yes, I also thought that there were things wrong with my body, even though when I look at pics now I see that I was thin as a rake. Everyone will always find problems with their own physique, whether they are there in reality or not. But it does get very tiresome to have people "worry" about your weight and tell you all the time that you're too thin, that you need to eat more, etc...

Eespecially when you are eating more than anyone else you know, and still you are not putting on the weight that people would expect, or you are not gaining weight like others would. That's just how things go, and it's something that can't be changed.

What I ask is: if it's generally considered socially unacceptable to tell somebody that they are too fat, why is it ok to tell them (or speak about them) saying that they are too thin? I just don't get it.

I'm sure that Mika is not an anorexic, or has any unhealthy issues with his weight. He eats and drinks normally, he's ok. He's just a normal 26 yo.

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It's time he got a statue in Madame Tousauds in London!!

If he likes doing the dishes, he can come and do mine any time! I'll even buy him an apron to wear!!

And just in case any of you are wondering... I mean, to wear OVER his clothes, not INSTEAD of his clothes!




You naughty woman! :lmfao:


Thank God someone agrees with me for once! :aah:


Kodes, I saw him at the beginning of November: he had no butt and no thighs left. At Deejay Radio the radio presenter even asked him: "Are you always so skinny? :shocked: " And that radio presenter is famous for being skinny! :sneaky2:

He can't be that thin, he works a lot, he's always travelling. His immune system can't cope with infections and then his voice starts doing weird things. :sad:


Easy to solve, Laurita!:thumb_yello:


Next time in he's in Milano, you just have to abduct him, lock him on your dungeons and feed him pasta every two hours for 2 weeks!:mf_rosetinted:


We'll have to change lyrics to Big Boy you are beautiful, then, though...:naughty:

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Easy to solve, Laurita!:thumb_yello:


Next time in he's in Milano, you just have to abduct him, lock him on your dungeons and feed him pasta every two hours for 2 weeks!:mf_rosetinted:


We'll have to change lyrics to Big Boy you are beautiful, then, though...:naughty:


My mum will be extremely happy, Wonkita!!! :fangurl:

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I have to agree with you, Kodes. I can't see anything wrong in how he looks.




:blink: Which video? WAG? We must be totally out of synch because I find that he looked absolutely fine in it :roftl:

If even, he had nice muscles, and looked fit and toned.



Anyway, now this is my general comment (so not directed at you anymore, Rose, after my quote of your post)- I really think that this whole "he's too skinny" business is starting to get out of hand.


All my life I had people tell me that I was too skinny (this was before I gained around 20kg due to some medication a few years ago;Yeah, I don't hear that anymore :lmfao: ), but that was with me eating A LOT and not doing any real exercise- It was just the way I was naturally.


And yes, I also thought that there were things wrong with my body, even though when I look at pics now I see that I was thin as a rake. Everyone will always find problems with their own physique, whether they are there in reality or not. But it does get very tiresome to have people "worry" about your weight and tell you all the time that you're too thin, that you need to eat more, etc...

Eespecially when you are eating more than anyone else you know, and still you are not putting on the weight that people would expect, or you are not gaining weight like others would. That's just how things go, and it's something that can't be changed.


What I ask is: if it's generally considered socially unacceptable to tell somebody that they are too fat, why is it ok to tell them (or speak about them) saying that they are too thin? I just don't get it.


I'm sure that Mika is not an anorexic, or has any unhealthy issues with his weight. He eats and drinks normally, he's ok. He's just a normal 26 yo.





If it were the opposite way around, and someone was fat to the point of being obese or worse, morbidly obese, then yes, I would say something, because that would worry me just as much as someone who was way too skinny!

I'm not saying that Mika is at the point of being anorexic, or anything like that. And I'm sure it is psychological, that he feels he is putting on weight, even though it looks to everyone else he isn't.

But I'm concerned that if he keeps thinking that, and acts accordingly, it may turn out bad for him in the long run.

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If it were the opposite way around, and someone was fat to the point of being obese or worse, morbidly obese, then yes, I would say something, because that would worry me just as much as someone who was way too skinny!

I'm not saying that Mika is at the point of being anorexic, or anything like that. And I'm sure it is psychological, that he feels he is putting on weight, even though it looks to everyone else he isn't.

But I'm concerned that if he keeps thinking that, and acts accordingly, it may turn out bad for him in the long run.


Ok,yes,if someone was fat to the point of it affecting their health then saying something is alright, and likewise if they were dangerously underweight....But those are extreme cases, and Mika is by far not in that range. He is very thin, but he often does put on weight in the form of love handles. We've all seen that at gigs where he took his shirt off, so I don't think that he's being paranoid when he says that he has love handles, etc...Cause sometimes he does have them.

I'm also certain that him thinking that he has love handles doesn't put him off eating certain fatty foods, or drinking for example a can of sugary Coke. He's just saying that he would like to not have that, end of. Not that he will starve himself to death in order to lose those 5 kg's that he thinks he needs to lose :roftl:.

Also, I'm not sure how well received this comment will be, but as Mika himself has already said that he doesn't want to label himself or limit who he sleeps with, ie be it a boy or a girl, I will say this. Young gay guys are known for being VERY image conscious, and that's just the way the scene is. If you want to get the hot guys, you need to be hot yourself. The proportion of fit guys is way higher amongst gay guys than it is amongst straight guys.

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If it were the opposite way around, and someone was fat to the point of being obese or worse, morbidly obese, then yes, I would say something, because that would worry me just as much as someone who was way too skinny!

I'm not saying that Mika is at the point of being anorexic, or anything like that. And I'm sure it is psychological, that he feels he is putting on weight, even though it looks to everyone else he isn't.

But I'm concerned that if he keeps thinking that, and acts accordingly, it may turn out bad for him in the long run.


I don't recall you saying anything to me, Rose. :naughty: But then, you probably don't care enough about me. :tears:

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I can easily believe Mika is lonely, or feels lonely from time to time no matter how many people is around and how many fans love him. I closely knew a man, who turned out to be extremely lonely after I got to know him better, in spite of being a public person, playing guitar on stage and sometimes acting a funny clown. And I really afraid that Mika is lonely, because I don't want it to be so! Now I realize how much I want him to be happy, to find someone who will love him personally (not only this public Mika, but hidden Mica with all his positive and negative sides).

I think he believes that someone will get closer and see his kilogrammes (Mika, you are perfect NOW with your kilos), his wrinkles, and will be dissappointed to find a real guy beside the stardomness.

I so much wish he believed that he is beautiful and not ugly (how on earth he could use such word about himself?!!!!)

I want him to know that we, despite of idealizing Mika, see his unperfectness in some cases (e.g. in odd pictures thread), we understand thet he can be tired, forget song words, make mistakes.

But, Mika, we love you, really love you! My fav pics, as I realized right now, are of unchaved Mika, or with a mess of a hair, or other not glamorous.

Guys, I love him so much ...

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Yeah, we've all met people who eat a lot and stay skinny- though most are younger than 26 and an awful lot more people are skinny cos they don't eat much- but Mika's not one of them, he used to be heavier, and his sudden thinness "coincided" with his album release- and he's always talking about dieting and looking good etc.

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Do we really have to hash and rehash this?


It's an article. One of many.

We don't even know if it's true.

We have no idea what he really thinks or feels.

Why go on about it?



Even if YOU think he's too thin, nothing to say HE thinks that. Or cares what you think. Or even if he did care, it won't make him fatter.


Oh - it's the MFC!

Carry on. :thumb_yello:

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Finally, he also says he is particularly honored to soon have his statue at the the Grévin museum and comments about his future double in wax: "I hope he'll will be prettier than me, 5 kilos less, with more muscles, no bags under the eyes .... The guy I'd want to be. "


This breaks my heart to pieces :tears:

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Yeah, we've all met people who eat a lot and stay skinny- though most are younger than 26 and an awful lot more people are skinny cos they don't eat much- but Mika's not one of them, he used to be heavier, and his sudden thinness "coincided" with his album release- and he's always talking about dieting and looking good etc.


Ok, back to my own example again: it was that way until I turned 32, and then again if it hadn't been for the meds and the sudden weight gain en masse, who knows, I may have still been that way now, so I'm sure that I wasn't one out of a million and that there are plenty of cases like those out there :naughty:. Mika is still very young and he's probably just naturally thin. He's small boned, you can see that.

About him being heavier before: that was only for a short while. For most of his time in the public eye he's been very skinny, and he just suddenly gained a bit of weight and muscle at one point, which he then seemed to lose. He is not looking any skinnier now than he did back in 2007.

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I don't recall you saying anything to me, Rose. :naughty: But then, you probably don't care enough about me. :tears:




i want to take the chance to comment on this whole

mika: "i'm too fat"

fans: "you're too thin"

thing with...






shut up guys, he's just perfect! :wub2::bleh:


Well, he is yummy. But very thin :naughty:


Do we really have to hash and rehash this?


It's an article. One of many.

We don't even know if it's true.

We have no idea what he really thinks or feels.

Why go on about it?



Even if YOU think he's too thin, nothing to say HE thinks that. Or cares what you think. Or even if he did care, it won't make him fatter.


Oh - it's the MFC!

Carry on. :thumb_yello:


We do don't we? Re-hash and carry on .....


I think that he thinks he's carrying excess weight and I think that's an unhealthy attitude. He should relax....

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I think that he thinks he's carrying excess weight and I think that's an unhealthy attitude. He should relax....


But he HAS carried excess weight at some point (when we could see bits of love handles poking out of the trousers) so he's just being realistic, that's what I am saying :roftl:.

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Droopsy, thanks for posting and the translation ... thanks Marina for the upload :thumb_yello:


He can always do my dishes it he wants :naughty:


i want to take the chance to comment on this whole

mika: "i'm too fat"

fans: "you're too thin"

thing with...






shut up guys, he's just perfect! :wub2::bleh:


Well put :wub2:


(I just can't get enough of this picture)

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i want to take the chance to comment on this whole

mika: "i'm too fat"

fans: "you're too thin"

thing with...






shut up guys, he's just perfect! :wub2::bleh:


LOL! I like your "evidence". :roftl:


I guess the mother hen in me cringes at the thought of Mika feeling anything negative - be it insecurities about his appearance, or feeling lonely, etc.


The thought of him looking in the mirror and picking out flaws, or feeling lonely and dreaming of finding his perfect partner makes me wish I could wave some sort of magic wand and take away any sad thoughts of his.


Which of course would be rather unhealthy, since occasional bouts of sadness, loneliness, insecurity, etc are healthy states of mind and are part of being human. It's a very good thing I'm not his mother. :naughty:


I don't think he's on the anorexic train to Starvation Town, though. He looks better than he did in early 2007. There are pics of him from back then that make me want to feed him a sandwich. :aah:


Finally, I don't get his whole comment about being 5 kilos lighter and yet more muscular. Muscle has weight to it, Mika, and if your recent boxer-clad appearances are considered, you don't really have much in the way of excess flab to lose. :naughty:

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LOL! I like your "evidence". :roftl:


I guess the mother hen in me cringes at the thought of Mika feeling anything negative - be it insecurities about his appearance, or feeling lonely, etc.


The thought of him looking in the mirror and picking out flaws, or feeling lonely and dreaming of finding his perfect partner makes me wish I could wave some sort of magic wand and take away any sad thoughts of his.


Which of course would be rather unhealthy, since occasional bouts of sadness, loneliness, insecurity, etc are healthy states of mind and are part of being human. It's a very good thing I'm not his mother. :naughty:


I don't think he's on the anorexic train to Starvation Town, though. He looks better than he did in early 2007. There are pics of him from back then that make me want to feed him a sandwich. :aah:


Finally, I don't get his whole comment about being 5 kilos lighter and yet more muscular. Muscle has weight to it, Mika, and if your recent boxer-clad appearances are considered, you don't really have much in the way of excess flab to lose. :naughty:


I totally agree with the bold part ... it's normal that you don't feel happy and secure all the time. I think it's a good thing that he can show it ... to me it's makes him more human and more 'real' to me.


I also agree with what someone (sorry don't know who anymore :blush-anim-cl:) said before that Mika is only 26 and not 'finished'. At that age it's normal you are in search of who you are and of who you want to be. That can make you feel lonely sometimes ... although you aren't alone. I'm 26 and definitely not 'finished' myself :teehee:


I hope I make sense. It's hard for me to explain stuff like this in English.

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I have experienced that feeling many times and sometimes it can be unbearable. I remember Mika has said something about beeng lonely among people at the parties...


that's me all over. But i prefer to sit on my own and watch other people have fun. but i like that, i wouldn't know if he does...

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But he HAS carried excess weight at some point (when we could see bits of love handles poking out of the trousers) so he's just being realistic, that's what I am saying :roftl:.


I think your idea - of how much pokes over the trousers to be called love handles - and mine are somewhat disimilar!



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